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Hereditary (2018)
Hereditary (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
Terribly dull
After having finally seen this, I really cannot believe the hype surrounding this film. I don't know what film some people had been watching, but for me I didn't see anything particularly shocking or scary.

For the first 90 minutes, with the exception of one scene (anyone who's seen this will surely know which scene I'm talking about), nothing particularly interesting happened and it was all very dull and boring. A lot of talking and a lot of silliness and over the top music.

Sadly this film does pick up a little in the last half an hour, and there is a hint of the creepy sharpness that I was expecting. However this is just so crazy and bonkers that it doesn't make up for the previous 90 minutes of dreary monotony. I just found it laughably bad, which is a shame because if dealt with in a different manner, the plot itself could have had some potential.

No 2 hour film should take 3/4 of its run time to get interesting. I'm just very glad I didn't bother seeing this at the cinema as I actually don't think I could have sat through this.

Kaylin (39 KP) rated Don't Breathe (2016) in Movies

Feb 17, 2019 (Updated Feb 17, 2019)  
Don't Breathe (2016)
Don't Breathe (2016)
2016 | Crime, Horror, Thriller
Stephen Lang is excellent as the old man (2 more)
Pretty decent acting throughout
Has a genuinely tense atmosphere
Some parts are definitely unbelievable (0 more)
When's it's good, it's good...
Don't Breathe is an interesting case of a horror movie. It's a home invasion movie, but our main character is not the home owner, it's the people who have broken into the house.
Our main character's, Rocky, Alex, and Money, have made a living breaking into houses. They are able to accomplish this due to Alex's father having the codes to all the alarm systems. Rocky is trying to get her sister out of their abusive home and Money promises her a big payout from this blind old man's house. Rocky agrees to one last job but things do not go as planned.
Don't Breathe has a pretty solid premise and delivers on a lot of it's scares. My main problem would be the twist which I'm not going to spoil for you here, but I'll say it's pretty unbelievable and took a lot of enjoyment out of the movie for me. All and All I'd say give it a view.

Sapphire Jane Sawkins (3 KP) rated Goodreads: Book Reviews in Apps

Jan 28, 2018 (Updated Jan 28, 2018)  
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Helps keep track of books you have read (3 more)
Inspires you to read more
Allows you to see what friends are reading
Shows you books you might like, according to what you have already read
I have had this app for a while, and would advise anybody who reads a lot to get it. Without this app I would never have any idea where I was up to and what books I have or haven't read.
I enjoy that you can add people and see what they are reading, as this always inspires me to try out different genres of books. Annoyingly makes my never ending list of books to read even longer. Haha.
 I do like that you can set a target of how many books you want to read over the year. Last year this massively encouraged me to have a bit of me time and just sit and read a little bit each day as I was desperate to reach my target.
I imagine this app can do a lot more than I know about and look forward to continuing to use it and finding out what other wonders it holds.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Knack in Video Games

Mar 17, 2018  
2013 | Action/Adventure
Promising yet very irritating
This game has a lot of promise, it has very good graphics for the time it came out and the storyline and characters are all pretty interesting and fun (to a point) to play. Knack's abilities too are pretty fun. It's a very long game too so gives lots of game play.

The main issue is that there are a lot irritating features that really start to get you down the longer you play. Regardless of what size Knack is, one or two hits from an enemy will kill you which pushes you back to a prior point within a level. Considering it is very difficult to avoid getting hit sometimes, this is a massive area of frustration for me. There's also no manual checkpoints and picking up health is really quite rare, especially when you need it. There's also very cheesy dialogue which can become a bit cringey after a while.

If it wasn't for the health and checkpoint issues, this would actually be a really good game. But at the moment it often makes me want to throw my controller at the screen...

Dana (24 KP) rated The Eleventh Plague in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Eleventh Plague
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I got this book in high school about six years ago and decided to finally give it a read. It was just starting at me from my shelf with it's sad eyes, so I had to give in.

This was a pretty interesting dystopia. I liked the world building and the idea of the eleven plagues to wipe out humanity. It was pretty well written and even though it was short, there was a lot of story involved in the pages. It felt like it was rushed. A lot of stuff happens in such a short amount of time that does not allow for the characters to really flourish in the book for me. I think that is the main problem I had with this book

It's been a while since I read it, so I don't remember much of the plot which is kind of a problem for me. I think I will look into more of what Jeff Hirsch has written because I want to try out another book of his to get a feel for the writing style.

Overall, not too bad of a book. I just wish I remembered more of it.
Ian Cook | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book for free through the Goodreads First Reads program.

Oh wow, where do I start? I loved, loved, loved this book! When I first read about it, I was a bit skeptical as it's not normally something I would read, but it's about redheads and my son is a redhead. Plus, I have a lot of family members with red hair, so I thought I'd give it a go.

I am so happy that I decided to read it. It is fast paced and has a very interesting story line. In fact, I would say it's one of the most original story lines I have ever read. There is a lot of mythology in the book about redheads which I also found very interesting.

I loved Rebecca's character and hated Neferatu which shows how good the characters are written. I did find the characters of Jim and Syreeta a bit annoying though.

However, this is definitely a book that deserves 5 out of 5 stars. If there were to be a sequel, I'd definitely buy it and read it as soon as.

A really fantastic read =D

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Triangle (2009) in Movies

Jun 21, 2018  
Triangle (2009)
Triangle (2009)
2009 | Mystery
7.6 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Intriguing, disturbing & original
I watched this entirely based on the review from @Lee and I'm pretty glad I did.

I probably wouldn't class this as a horror as it's not nearly gory or scary enough, but its a very thought provoking and disturbing thriller. It's one of those films that has you wondering "WTF" right from the start - may not appeal to everyone but I love films like this. I love the confusion and the intrigue, but there is a lot of pressure on films like this to get the ending and explanation just right otherwise you wind up unsatisfied and confused. Triangle does very well as the twist ending wraps up a lot of the earlier queries, but it does still leave a slightly ambiguous ending.

If I'm being honest, maybe slightly too ambiguous an ending as I had to look up fan theories online afterwards. And my only disappointment is that halfway through the film i said "this is going to turn out like Lost isn't it?" and on reading the online theories, I wasn't far off!

Slightly dodgy cgi aside, this is a pretty good film and definitely worth the watch. Thanks for the recommendation @Lee

Dean (6925 KP) Jun 22, 2018

I think the biggest clue, if I remember right, is the picture of a boat named after a character in Greek mythology. Love the film.


Connor Sheffield (293 KP) created a post in Fantasy Friends

Aug 16, 2018  
So this is a new place to talk all things Fantasy. I noticed there was an orb for books specifically but I think a place to explore all mediums regarding fantasy is much better as it will open up so many new world's to those who have not yet explored other mediums or at least not as much as some have. For instance I play a lot of videogames and watch a lot of films but I don't read as many books because it takes me a while to read one book due to a learning disability (quite odd for someone who wants to be a writer I know) but I've been making my way through some books such as The Never Ending Story, and H.P. Lovecraft best weird tales in the Necronomicon and I would love to hear and discuss what others read and find.

Just a few simple rules:

- Be Kind (naturally)
- Debate, don't argue! These will be people's opinions. If you don't agree, either say so in a kind way that puts your point across or don't comment at all. Simple as that.
- Have fun :)

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Hot Fuzz (2007) in Movies

Aug 24, 2018  
Hot Fuzz (2007)
Hot Fuzz (2007)
2007 | Action, Comedy
8.2 (54 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I've re-watched this again recently and it's just as funny now as it was when I first saw it in the cinema.

It's hilarious, full of wit and British humour. Not only is it a brilliant comedy, it's a great action and mystery flick too. The pairing of Simon Pegg and Nick Frost works as well here as it did in Shaun of the Dead, and there's a great supporting cast in Jim Broadbent, Paddy Considine and the rest, including those blink and you'll miss it cameos.

Whilst I work for a large urban police force, there are a lot of areas of policing I recognise in this film, which for me makes it even funnier watching it back. From having to bring cake (bribes) in for colleagues, to the old school Vauxhall cars, office banter and the more onerous side of policing, they really have done their research. Although I can safely say I've never met an officer quite as dedicated as Angel! But I do reckon a lot of our new recruits have the same view of policing as Danny does...

Such an entertaining film that doesn't get old.
The Wife Between Us
The Wife Between Us
Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
8.1 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
So disappointing
THE WIFE BETWEEN US is crafted to be clear that whatever you are thinking, expect the opposite. When you think you know who is who, you don’t. This is a suspense about marriage, first wives, fiancées, ex-wives, controlling husbands and a smattering of friends and family.

I’m honestly kind of disappointed having heard a lot of hype for this book. I heard it was twisty and it is, but in a predictable way. There was only one twist I didn’t see coming and that honestly was underwhelming. It’s defintely a book of two halves with a much stronger first half and a fizzled-out second half.

Not one of the characters, including the three main characters were likeable. However, Richard was vile, a sneaky and manipulative kind of vile. He was incredibly well-written but I didn’t feel the female characters were as strongly written.

Clearly there is a lot of love for this book, but it just didn’t work for me. I want less predictable suspense when I chose to read in the genre.

I voluntarily read an early copy of this book.