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Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Tom Holland. He was made for this reboot (0 more)
Pales compared to homecoming. (0 more)
Was great just not as good as the last
Homecoming was so much fun that, in a way, "Far From Home" had an almost impossible task. In the 10000000th reboot of the comic hero favourite, Marvel got it spot on, having this Spiderman be a geeky kid on a journey of self discovery, awkward in his neediness and unsure of his capabilities. Its created a vulnerable Spiderman that everyone can relate to and love and most importantly root for.

Far From Home is post 'Endgame' and sees Spidey thrown into the unwanted position of being one of the few Avengers around. Now he has to take on a ew threat where things are not all they seem to be but no spoilers here.

What lets this film down compared to its predecessor is there is a lack of surprises and character growth for Tom Holland to play with. However its still a lot of fun as we see him become night monkey and fight the forces of darkness once again, this time through various locations in Europe (I'm sure the writer just put some European cities on their wish list and wrote a movie around it just so they could stay).

Its still a lot of fun and loveable. I just want a little more but there is no way this franchise is stopping yet.
Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Fun modern sleuthing
I've been wanting to see this since I first saw the trailer, with such a stellar cast and Rian Johnson behind the helm I had high hopes and this did a fairly decent job of living up to my expectations.

The cast are brilliant. There are some great names in this and they all do well and for the most part they're all fairly equally featured. Nobody really stands out above the others, except for maybe Daniel Craig's southern accent. The film itself looks great and the way the story unfolds is interesting, it's very much like a modern day take on an Agatha Christie story - but a hell of a lot better than the bore that was 2017's Murder on the Orient Express. I do think it seemed to flag a little during the middle (after the midway twist but before the big reveal at the end), but it picked up at the end. I don't want to say the ending was predictable, but more like it wasn't entirely surprising. Still a good ending though and let's face it, with the amount of twist endings in books and crime/thriller films, it takes a lot to come up with a truly unpredictable and shocking denoument so this gives it a good go.

Overall a pretty entertaining and fun sleuthing caper, definitely worth a watch if you're into your murder mysteries. Maybe a little more Chris Evans next time...? 😉

Emma (519 KP) Dec 4, 2019

I loved this, and maybe I'm just totally naive, but I didn't guess the ending lol. Definitely more Chris Evans needed

High Strung (2016)
High Strung (2016)
2016 | Drama, Musical, Romance
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great dancing and violin playing (1 more)
Decent storyline - I particularly liked Ruby's character arc
Everything seems rushed into the last 30-40 minutes (2 more)
Most of the movie is dancing - it kind of overshadowed the storyline?
Some things don't feel wrapped up or were vague - intentional?
High Strung has a really good concept, but it kind of fell short in the execution.

Ruby's story seemed to be the only one I felt had a full arc - or maybe this is because I enjoyed her story more. Either way, it was 1am when I was watching and the others didn't seem to have a lot of background other than vague details. Ruby just stuck out to me. They weren't wrapped up either, and I'm not sure if it was intentional (especially Johnnie, the male lead - we know he's from England and he plays the violin but I don't recall the why in some details that I feel are important).

Everything also seems rushed into the last 30-40 minutes; much of the beginning features a lot of dancing. While yes, the movie IS focused on dancing and playing the violin as there is a String and Dance competition, it feels... a little too much? Personally I enjoyed it (I can't dance for the life of me and my violin skills sure aren't competition worthy, so it was fascinating), but it kind of overshadowed the story.
Lady Midnight
Lady Midnight
Cassandra Clare | 2016 | Children
9.0 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I was lucky enough to be approached by LoveReading to review and join the blog tour for The Dark Artifices series by Cassandra Clare. Starting today, and posting every Wednesday, you will get to see what I thought about this series.

<b><i>Series: The Dark Artifices</i></b>

#1 <a href="">Lady Midnight</a> - ★★★★
#2 <a href="">Lord of Shadows</a> - ★★★★★
#3 <a href="">Queen of Air and Darkness</a> - ★★★★★

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Welcome back to a whole new series about the Shadowhunter world. If you haven’t read the Mortal Instruments, you will find this book full of spoilers on what happened before. You could still read it, though, but you will miss a lot of hidden gems throughout the book. I will try not to spoil a lot, but please proceed at your own risk
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Another Star Wars Movie, And It's Great!
The Good:
The saga is over and we finally know where Rey comes from! Would have preferred not to have known but who cares!
A lot of people dislike this movie, almost more than Last Jedi I feel but I take it for what it is: a Star Wars movie. If they didn't make it people would be mad but they did and you can dislike the movie but it's the facetious reviews I can't stand.
We see a lot of older characters return and it really felt like a reunion of old and new.

The Bad:
The editing felt really wonky in places, the first 30mins alone was too much to handle in one sitting (had to see it twice).
I did feel like they suffered slightly by getting a different director in for Last Jedi as they're bound to have a different outlook on Star Wars. That's not discrediting Rian Johnson's directing at all. I'm just a purest and completeist, if you're going to start a trilogy with one director, keep that director for the rest of the movies.

All in all a movie worth watching over and over if you're a star wars fan. I tend to rate a movie 10/10 if it's part of a franchise like star wars that I know I'd watch over and over but as it just came out I'll leave it at 9 for now 😉

Kate (493 KP) rated The Silent Patient in Books

Apr 12, 2020  
The Silent Patient
The Silent Patient
Alex Michaelides | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (39 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great twist (0 more)
Gripping read - kept me guessing
This is one of the best books I have read and I have read a lot. I was gripped from the very start and it was good going back and forward from past to present as the full story starts to come together.
I read a lot of crime books and can usually guess the perpetrator and the motive usually quite quickly but this book had me guessing. When Alicia and Theo's story merge and everything falls into place this was something I could never have guessed. It all made sense and you kind of say 'oh yeah'. When I got to this part of the book I had to finish this. I couldn't put it down all the way through. I finished it in 2 days.
I started to feel for Theo. Alicia's silence was frustrating me and I was just the reader. The things happening in his personal life were awful and I wanted to tell him what do as he was on a bad path. But it is surprising hoe your feelings for a character can change so quickly. This happened with a few characters but mainly Theo.
Anyone who reads and enjoys crime books should definitely give this book a read. It is a different type of crime book.
The book exceeded all expectations based on the blurb.
I would read other books from Alex Michaelides.
Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich
Music for 18 Musicians by Steve Reich
1998 | Classical
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I heard this through a journalist, Michael Azerrad, he's a good guy. We started direct messaging on Facebook or I met him, I don't know what happened, and he said, ""You should listen to this"" and then I got it. He said that you're either going to love it or it'll feel like you're getting punished by having water dripped on your head! And I said, ""Perfect, I'll do that!"" It's incredible; once again, I watched it on YouTube, him performing in Japan, like, ""Fuck, really?! You can do this live?!"" Also, I just like the atonal thing of it and what they get from composing. It's very neutral. I actually used it, it's a total influence, you can totally hear it, on 'Birthday Video', it's on Weeds. I layered a lot of guitars and to my surprise, a lot of these noises start coming through, these sympathetic notes, and I was like, ""Wow-whee! This is cool!"" Totally taken from him, I hear it plain as day. I also got his box set, it's great. He's always got some kind of concept to it. He wrote one for what it would be like on a train ride to the Holocaust [Different Trains], to reach finality. He's got all these studies, drums, all sorts of percussion, but ...18 Musicians, I love it, I listen to it in my bunk in the bus!"


LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Motherless Brooklyn (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2021 (Updated Mar 11, 2021)  
Motherless Brooklyn (2019)
Motherless Brooklyn (2019)
2019 | Drama, Mystery
A swing and a miss, to be sure - but boy do I admire what a wide fuckin' swing it is. Norton clearly loves and understands the mechanisms of film noir but translates them into a boiling hot mess. A baffling Frankenstein's monster of hokey performances, grotesque fakey-looking cinematography, trash editing, formless structure, and corny dialogue - you'd think no one here had ever been involved with the moviemaking process before, it's actually bewildering. The ever-dependable (and criminally underrated) Daniel Pemberton's score as well as some fine production are in direct conflict with its shit TV movie visuals - so there ends up being no actual mood here either. Its noble but muddled attempt at reviving the old-school prestige gumshoe epic make it at least mildly diverting oftentimes - but there's a whole lot of people explaining the plot to each other and not a lot of actual character on display. Nothing really feels lived-in, we're told time and time again how much we're supposed to feel for these relationships despite the fact that everyone just kind of bounces in and out only when they're needed to advance the plot with no further development - and its 50s setting it banks so hard on is mere window dressing to peddle the type of plot you've seen a hundred other times in these. Am I supposed to be shocked that urban renewal leaders are greedy, egotistical, and racist?
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998)
1998 | Horror
After the detritus that was Halloween 5 and 6, H20 is a somewhat refreshing sequel that brings the series back to basics. The return of Jamie Lee Curtis is of course a huge plus point. Revisiting her character 20 years later is a pleasure, and Curtis is brings her A-game, as she always does. The rest of the cast are perfectly likable as well.
Story wise, H20 is a direct sequel to the first two movies, ignoring everything that came in between, a good decision considering how convoluted the overarching story became before. Existing in a post Scream world means that H20 has its fair share of meta moments, as EVERY horror immediately following Wes Craven's classic did. It's all a little on the nose, but any horror fan surely can't help but crack a smile during the hugely unsubtle nod to Psycho.

Unfortunately, there are some downfalls. The script leaves a lot to be desired, flitting between quoting the original Halloween (a lot) and just being plain overdramatic. The pacing is also a little iffy - considering the runtime clocks in at under 90 minutes, H20 flirts with boredom more than once. When Michael Myers is finally in the midst of things, it's hard not to be distracted by his weird looking (and frequently changing) mask.

Overall though, H20 is a good time that doesn't take itself too seriously. A pretty middle of the road slasher, but far from the worst in the series.