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Songs & More Songs By Tom Lehrer by Tom Lehrer
Songs & More Songs By Tom Lehrer by Tom Lehrer
1997 | Comedy, Pop
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I love Tom Lehrer, I love a lot of writers of funny songs. I like NoΓ«l Coward, I like Flanders and Swann and Tom Lehrer is probably the best and funniest. Incredibly intelligent man and he's well aware of the idiocy of what he's doing. Each song lasts for about 1 minute 45 seconds, because it's like, "Here's the joke, go!", it's really good. I think I was about 26 or 27 when I first heard him. I think it might have been 'The Elements', when he set the list of elements to the Gilbert and Sullivan tune, 'I Am The Very Model Of A Modern Major-General' is the original from The Pirates Of Penzance - I like Gilbert and Sullivan as well! I think I also liked the idea of one man and a piano, being a bit of an entertainer. I finally got up the nerve to do that myself, five or six years ago, and it's been jolly good fun. I was nervous about it, but knew it was a good time to do it. I had a few songs off that album (Bang Goes The Knighthood) that were suited to it. I did have to do an awful lot of practice to get up to standard on the piano, because I did grade one piano, and then gave up - I'm really completely untutored. So I have a bizarre technique, but it gets me through."

Interview with the Vampire (1994)
Interview with the Vampire (1994)
1994 | Fantasy, Horror
How can a movie that does practically everything wrong still be so thoroughly enchanting? A fundamentally baffling, scalding hot trainwreck of epic proportions that hasn't held up to the passage of time really at all - a miscalculated weirdo relic of pop culture history. I think a lot of this film's appeal has to do with the fact that it's complete lightning in a bottle - for better or for worse we will never see another movie like this again: mopey, homoerotic rococo vampires stumble around through a flounderingly-paced pre-π˜›π˜Έπ˜ͺ𝘭π˜ͺ𝘨𝘩𝘡 template for lectures on moral dilemmas and a gallery of some of the most lush period visuals of the 90s (from the sweltering plantations of the 1700s south to the decadence of gothic European high-life, it's all orgasmically displayed). Also this is maybe the best use of "Sympathy For The Devil" in a film, even if it is an inferior cover. The fact that Brad Pitt wanted to die the entire time while filming for this woefully underconstructed character actually makes it the only thing that works with it, considering his only defining feature is... that he wants to die. A totally birdbrained brothel of jagged writing and wicked scenery-chewing from a glorious cast (you know you're in for a treat when Christian Slater gives the most restrained performance lol), actually pretty great even though it disembowels a lot of the original text's depth. Full-tilt camp.
Molly's Game (2017)
Molly's Game (2017)
2017 | Drama
Objectively horrendous but a ton of fun, pretty much what one of those later MCU entries *should* feel like. A lot of fast-talking verbiage and flashiness which every single one of these stylish, ADHD biopics (which, for the record I enjoy incomparably more than the unbearable, cursory ones that get nominated for Oscars) stole from π˜›π˜©π˜¦ 𝘞𝘰𝘭𝘧 𝘰𝘧 𝘞𝘒𝘭𝘭 𝘚𝘡𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘡 - which I was convinced I'd never get tired of but I confess is actually starting to get pretty rote here. Like okay do we really need to halt the already legendarily messy and borderline unfollowable plotline so you can describe what the sticker on the fucking cheese platter says? It's also one of those movies where the acting is nice but nobody actually plays a real human (for better [Chastain, Cera, Strong, Costner] or worse [poor Elba]). The dialogue is, as you can imagine, unadulterated Sorkin which leads to some very amusing cringe without the filter this time around. I like it, pretty much a collection of rousing scenes that look and play nice but don't fit together too well (at all) on the whole. Best part is easily those iconic Chastain outfits. A much better poker movie than it is a true story movie, and a lot of the banter is stilted - but worth it entirely for the title character calling Michael Cera (playing a power-hungry real life Tobey Maguire) a "green-screened little shit".

Awix (3310 KP) rated My Octopus Teacher (2020) in Movies

Oct 4, 2020 (Updated Oct 4, 2020)  
My Octopus Teacher (2020)
My Octopus Teacher (2020)
2020 | Documentary
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Netflix sea-life doc that sets out to be moving and inspiring and just ended up making me shout at my laptop a lot. A bloke going through some sort of mid-life crisis does the usual thing and gets involved with a younger female: the twist is that she's an invertebrate. Never mind 'My Octopus Teacher', based on what he says - 'I was overwhelmed by my feelings for her,' etc - 'My Darling Octopus' might have been a better title. Same old story: Man meets octopus, they swim around together for a bit, octopus loses arm in shark attack, he nurses her back to health, she has several hundred thousand children behind his back, etc.

Quite apart from the weirdness of the subject matter - what did the bloke's wife think of all this? what, for the matter, did the octopus think was going on? - there's something very dodgy about the way the film is presented. The story is presented as something that's already happened, so are we watching reconstructions of the events? Is it all a staged or confected narrative? Has someone told the octopus actually appearing in the film it's basically in the role of Kim Novak at the end of Vertigo? Stunning photography and images of sealife, naturally, but rather than informing the viewer about octopuses - which are fascinating creatures - it just unloads a lot of sentimental, anthropomorphised cobblers on them. Best watched with the sound turned down and appropriate sea-life noises playing.
Circle Of Lies (Morecambe Bay Trilogy #2)
Circle Of Lies (Morecambe Bay Trilogy #2)
Paul J. Teague | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Shame you have to purchase 3rd book to see what happens (0 more)
This was the second book in the Morecambe Bay trilogy. There were all the character's from the last book and some new ones. Although the story was a continuation of the initial story of Bruce there was also another story but it did include him. In this story Charlotte is a lot more involved and she helps push the story forward. The book went back to the past again which was needed as again it gave the full picture on the current story. Sometimes, again, Charlotte annoyed me as she put herself and others in danger but I understand why she did this. Although there were 2 main stories running it didn't confuse the overall story.
I got into this book a lot quicker than the last one. This may of been because I was in the story as I had gone from one book straight onto the next one so it didn't feel so much like starting a new book.
The book ended on a cliff hanger and it wasn't resolved at all. Therefore I had to buy the second book to get the end of the story. This was slightly frustrating as I prefer to have the choice as to whether I want to purchase the next book. I didn't want to leave the story unfinished and if I had not purchased the third book I would have.
Devil May Care (The Veil, #2)
Devil May Care (The Veil, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlie is now working for the Institute, a group who defend against demons who cross the veil, but only doing it in an effort to regain her demon so she can go and hunt Stefan in the demon world. Unfortunately, though, it seems that her old master, Damien, didn't die years ago like she thought and is torturing enforcers of the Institute in a bid to get her attention.

Charlie/Muse suffered terribly at his hands as we see in flashbacks and even her demon is afraid of the sick demon so it's a terrible struggle for Muse to know he's back and hunting for her. Eventually, though, they come face to face and she's transported back to the Netherworld. Bad news in the fact she's in Damien's clutches but good news in the fact she can now find Stefan.

Things don't always go to plan, though, and we have a lot of struggles in the demon realm as they try to figure out how to get themselves back across the Veil and stop Damien

It was action packed but I missed Stefan for a lot of the book. Gone was the protective, fun guy we met in the first one. His demon has taken over and he's not as carefree as he used to be. It's definitely a bit of a rollercoaster this one.

Off to start book three to see if Stefan can control his demon half once more.
Stephen Laws Spectre
Stephen Laws Spectre
Stephen Laws | 2013 | Horror, Mystery, Paranormal
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great storyline (2 more)
Lots of twists & turns
Supernatural theme
It ended a bit too suddenly (0 more)
Twists & turns galore! I couldn't put this book down!!
Contains spoilers, click to show
Blurb:The inseparable Byker Chapter: six boys, one girl, growing up together in the back streets of Newcastle. Now memories are all that Richard Eden has left and one treasured photograph. But suddenly, inexplicably, the images of his companions start to fade, and as they vanish, so his friends are found dead and mutilated. Something is stalking the Chapter, picking them off one by one, something connected with their past, and with the girl they used to know.


So I got this book after going to a Sci-Fi convention, I met the author who was wonderful!

This book is divided into different parts, which I think helps as it is a lot to take in and can be quite heavy going. When I started to read this, I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not. The first part is pretty heavy going (the build-up) and there is a lot of information to take in and remember but once you get past this part, it then blossoms into a fabulous book with so many supernaturally frightening twists and turns, you never know which direction it is going to go in next!

Overall, I thoroughly loved this book and if you fancy something different to read then definitely read this!!
Lost Girls and Love Hotels (2020)
Lost Girls and Love Hotels (2020)
2020 | Drama, Thriller
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rather pointless (0 more)
Lost its way
Not heard of this before it popped up on Sky cinema based on a successful novel of the same title. A different direction for Alexandra Daddario who seems to have churned out lots of low budget Rom Coms most recently.
This is an odd bleak character study which feels a bit like Lost in Translation crossed with 9 1/2 weeks but falling way short of either of them. Her character is a bit of drifter in Tokyo, always drunk and meeting random men for meaningless sex in the love hotels. Until she meets by chance a Yakuza gangster who she begins an affair with.
There was a lot more potential in this, it tries to be quite art house but most of the film is filled with shots of her drunk in a bar with friends, staggering around Tokyo at night or with random men. The Yakuza angle is barely explored with Kazu and they spend very little time together as well. Apparently a good 45mins has been cut and the film has been on the shelf a while after being filmed late 2017.
The end result is a brief character study of someone at rock bottom of life. Unfortunately it's quite dull for the most part, not erotic either. It's a shame as it could have been a lot better with a few plot angles explored more.