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Leah Rothwell (170 KP) rated Netflix in Apps

Oct 10, 2018 (Updated Oct 10, 2018)  
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
Some are unique to Netflix (0 more)
No new dubbed content that’s worthwhile (0 more)
Not enough new good content
There is a lot of new content but most of it is subtitled, I not completely opposed to subtitled but it’s a Netflix original, I would have thought they’d provide dubbed as well.

I think the content has gone downhill as well, not as much new content being released and I often find Now TV or other platforms to have newer content quicker.

It buffers more often, none of my other apps buffer and their quality is higher.

I’ve rated it 6/10 because I still like some of its original content but it could improve.

Becs (244 KP) rated Sea of Strangers in Books

Oct 29, 2018  
Sea of Strangers
Sea of Strangers
Lang Leav | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the cutest and most aesthetically pleasing novel
"But you're not the kind of girl who builds her house from sticks; you are a fortress, stubborn and strong. Do not give away the keys to the kingdom to anyone less than a king."

I can not get over how much I love this little poetry collection. It wasn't your typical poetry collection and had a lot of underlying feminism within the context. I will definitely be holding this novel close to my heart and will be rereading it again. Everybody should be watching Lang Leav and should be grabbing her novels like they will be going out of style because she is an amazing author.
Come Out Tonight
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found it difficult to choose between 3 stars or 4 stars so I thought I'd be generous. I did enjoy this book but parts of it were a bit frustrating, mainly the lack of intelligence of some of the characters. I believe the story could have been a lot shorter as it was quite drawn out, I did lose interest at one point but as I got back into the story I didn't lose interest a second time. I decided to give this book 4 stars mostly because of the ending. In my opinion the ending was the best part of the book which was packed with action. I highly recommend this book.
I love to try my baby with different kinds of books, I would be over the moon if she were to grow up as a book lover like her mummy. She is almost 3 months old and she loves this book, it's filled with really nice patterns, pictures and also a few words for you to read. It's a really nice sturdy hard back and you can tell that a lot of thought and hard work went into this book. I would definitely be interested in looking for the rest of the set to show my bubba. To be honest, the patterns are so busy and fascinating even I enjoy looking at them hehe ^.^
In This Ground
In This Ground
Beth Castrodale | 2018 | Contemporary
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting Book
This book follows the story of Ben. In his younger days he wrote songs for a small band that gained some popularity. The story shows the reader how Ben got to where he is, and why he views music the way he does.
While the main plot is about Ben and his music a lot of other stuff is going on. My favorite thing about this book is that it takes what would normally be considered obscure or random, such mushroom hunting, grave digging, and yarn bombing, and makes them really interesting parts of the story. If you're looking for a good story that is a little different this is a book for you.

Ivana A. | Diary of Difference (1171 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Rocket League in Video Games

Dec 6, 2018  
Rocket League
Rocket League
2017 | Massively Multiplayer, Racing, Sports
cars and football (0 more)
new update with almost no loot :( (0 more)
I love this game a lot.

A car and football, blended together. I play it on PC with my X-Box Controller and I am so happy.
The most exciting moments for me were when each game would end, I would receive a certain loot.

And now, they implemented a new update - with Tiers, same as hmmm... FORTNITE!
If you can buy it, you'll get loot. If not - you have to wait until you level up.

Now I am not so eager to play anymore. My rating was 9/10. Now it's dropped down to a 4/10.

P.S - when choosing platform, you can't choose PC :(

Akward (448 KP) rated Marvel's Spider-Man in Video Games

Jan 5, 2019 (Updated Jan 5, 2019)  
Marvel's Spider-Man
Marvel's Spider-Man
2018 | Action/Adventure
One of the best open worlds of any game (3 more)
Combat feels fluid
Plenty of things to do
Enjoyable platinum trophy
Combat can get old after a while (0 more)
If you enjoyed playing Spiderman 2 for the PS2/Gamecube, you will enjoy this game. It is the successor in every way. But most importantly, it maintains the exception playground of Manhattan.

Overall, the story is good (not great) and will engage most people for long enough to justify the price of the game. I do not see a lot of replayability, as the combat can get old after a little while. But I think most people will spend long enough swinging around the city to be more than happy.
Replicas (2019)
Replicas (2019)
2019 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
This movie will not be for everyone, but I really liked it. I'll watch anything with Keanu Reeves in it, which was the main selling point. The movie was slightly silly, and maybe unintentionally hilarious? It did get a lot of laughs, mainly when Keanu's character was a bit of a mad scientist and acting a little loony.
It was immensely entertaining.I kept waiting for something horrible to go wrong, and was afraid that it may go the way of horror/sci-fi. Luckily it didn't, I have enough nightmare fuel.
I don't expect this film to be in theaters long, and I imagine it'll maybe fair better in a different market.
The Visit (2015)
The Visit (2015)
2015 | Horror, Mystery
This was an "ok" movie. The acting was a little weak. The cinematography was mediocre. The story was interesting, though. Shot in a "home video" style, which isn't unique, but the story itself was. A couple of teens go visit their grandparents they've never met and a lot of weird stuff happens during that week. There's a good twist to the movie you get about 2/3 into it. Not bad. The ending though, was... off. Like it went from being a "serious" creepy movie to being comedic just for the very last scene. Not sure what they were doing there, but whatever. If you're bored and you have nothing better to do, this one could entertain.

Christine A. (965 KP) Jan 13, 2019

I agree. It isn't one I'd rewatch. My son and I usually have great conversations about movies. For this, all he said was "Meh".


Chloe (514 KP) rated Runner in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Patrick Lee | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good idea and start (0 more)
Failure to implement idea (0 more)
Honestly with the plot of the book they could have took it so much further. for one the characters just seemed so 2D and so I couldn't emphasise with them at all.
Thestart was promising but even then to much of what was happening was given away. Yes I know that a lot of authors use the technique of letting the reader know before the characters do but in this book it was just overused.
 It is a shame because the idea of the book was good and you can tell the author has the right imagination for it but they fail in implementing it at least in this case.