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Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Stan Lee cameo (1 more)
Marvel / Disney Princess moments
Dragged (1 more)
Clumsy Product Placement
None of the charm of the original
I loved Wreck It Ralph, two misfits finding and helping each other to overcome their issues and find themselves. Full of charm, flawed but pure of heart characters looking out for each other, nice little video game references and clever world building.
Here so much of that is lost. There is far too much effort on trying to shoe-horn internet references in for comedy effect, which doesn't work. When Ralph and Venellope arrive in the internet we are treated to a full three minutes of staring at website logos. While this has an overall feel of Inside Out, with a make-believe world being put over something we can't really understand, at the time it was quite nauseating.
I enjoyed the moments interacting with the Marvel and Star Wars worlds (most notably when Vanellope bumps in to the avatar of certain old, moustachioed gentleman known for making cameos) and the Disney Princess moments were enjoyable.
Ralph and Vanellope are looking to buy a replacement part for Sugar Rush to avoid it being unplugged forever, and end up needing to raise a lot of money to buy it on eBay. The issue I have with this, is it gives kids the idea they can make a lot of money online in a short amount of time (either gaming or buy uploading videos in the hope of going viral), therefore why bother learning anything or going to school/work?! In this day and age where every child thinks "YouTuber" is a valid career to aspire to, I found this unnecessarily poor form from Disney.
The film eventually finds its feet and through Ralph and Vanellope's strained friendship it finds a plot with a bit more peril than simply needing some money.
The world of the arcade was completely left behind as soon as we entered the internet, I would have liked to see more of Fix-it Felix and Calhoun's time with the brats from Sugar Rush, if only as brief respite from website logos.
All in all I was massively disappointed in the film and feel a lot of the charm was case aside at the expense of advertising revenue.
The Walking Dead  - Season 6
The Walking Dead - Season 6
2015 | Drama
Rinse and Repeat
Contains spoilers, click to show
Season 6 of The Walking Dead is really not too dissimilar from season 5, once again presenting us with a couple of amazing episodes, a handful of good ones, and then a whole lot of filler.

Once again a season of two halves - the first half of season 6 is mostly about a stupidly massive hoarse of zombies moving towards the Alexandria safe zone, and the groups efforts to herd them away.
For the most part, it's pretty good and where the strength of season 6 mainly lies.
An early highlight comes 2 episodes in, where Alexandria is attacked by a group called The Wolves. It's a sucker punch to the face, and the action is tense and the stakes feels high, proving that TWD can still pack a punch when it wants to.
Another highlight is the mid season finale 'No Way Out', another tense episode with some shocking and unexpected moments. The amount of work that's clearly gone into the huge zombie horde is impressive for sure.
However this episode also marks an important negative point for me - the relative ease in which the horde is dispatched is the moment where the walkers no longer felt like a threat, and from here on out, they've seem like more of an inconvenience.

The second half of the season slowly introduces us to The Saviours and teases their leader throughout, the now infamous Negan - a much loved villain straight from the comics.
This second half is once again, fairly boring, as the characters slog from one place to the next.
TWDs insistence on character focused episodes rarely push the right buttons. (There's an episode fairly near the beginning that focuses on Morgan that just switched me right off).

Negan arrives properly in the closing moments of the season, and leaves an immediate impression, although the finale ends on a cliffhanger (a lot of fans were pissed), giving us no time at all to see much of him (but don't worry, the show completely over compensates for this during seasons 7 and 8...)
Season 6 is also where the infamous 'Glenn fake out death' happens, which also rubbed a lot of viewers up the wrong way.

Overall, my thoughts on season 6 are mostly positive, but maybe that's because TWD is about to enter it's most testing seasons...

Veronica Pena (690 KP) rated Thirteen Reasons Why in Books

Jan 6, 2020 (Updated Jan 31, 2020)  
Thirteen Reasons Why
Thirteen Reasons Why
Jay Asher | 2009 | Children
8.4 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first read this novel almost 7 years ago, I think. Maybe 8. Either way, it's been a decent amount of time since I last read this book and to be honest, I've been really nervous to revisit it. I know that there is a lot of controversy about it, and even more when it comes to the show, and ever since I first read the book, I've always been very protective of this story, these characters, this novel, all of it.

I find it incredibly amusing to read reviews of the show and the book of people that hate it and don't understand Hannah and think she just blamed everyone else and never took responsibility for her actions, and I partially understand. I can see why they think that but I think what makes this book so special and this story so special is how relatable it is. I think that unless you've been in Hannah's shoes, in her mindset, in that place than you can't understand. I think what people are most afraid to admit is that when someone dies by suicide, they do it for a culmination of reasons, and a lot of them are because of people - what they said, what they did or didn't do, what they say behind another person's back, etc. You hear stories in the news all the time about kids dying by suicide because they were bullied or because a bunch of people told them too, over and over and over again. People are mean and cruel and they do things that affect other people and it resonates. Each of the 13 people on her tapes all played a part. You can say she was blaming them or whatever you so please, but each of their actions created the circumstances for her to feel like she had nowhere else to go.

Again, I love this book. I love these characters, I love this plot, I love how real it is. I love the show, I love everything about it. I'm sure there are people who disagree with me. I'm sure there are people who vehemently protest this novel and its corresponding series, but I think this is a book that I will forever love, reread, and protect.

In a lot of ways, I am Hannah Baker. I think everyone is a little bit.

Ian Broudie recommended track In My Life by The Beatles in Rubber Soul by The Beatles in Music (curated)

Rubber Soul by The Beatles
Rubber Soul by The Beatles
1965 | Folk, Pop, Rock
9.1 (15 Ratings)
Album Favorite

In My Life by The Beatles

(0 Ratings)


"There’s so many Beatles songs that I could have chosen, my entire list could have been made from them and they’ve all meant quite a lot to me. I picked “In My Life” because everyone relates to that one in a way, everyone has experienced that feeling of when they go back to their hometown and the little odd things that spark off a memory. “I think it was John who wrote this one and he was quite young when he wrote it. I grew up in a place called Menlove Gardens and he grew up on Menlove Avenue, so I felt the connection. I was born in Penny Lane in 1958, so it was the ‘60s when I was growing up and a lot of the landmarks were the same. I remember reading a magazine that had a page of the original lyrics, and it was talking about getting the 72 bus at Penny Lane into town. I recognised all of the roads and it was very close to home for me. Even if I hadn’t recognised all of that though, I still think that this song has the power to do that. “It does bring me back, to places that I’ll remember all my life. I go back to Liverpool now and a lot of places have changed. The town is great and always very vibrant, but there’s a park called Calderstones Park and it’s very beautiful and very green and places like Princes Avenue and Menlove, they’re all full of trees and very green and quite lovely really, which people often don’t associate with Liverpool. My memories are mixed with these beautiful parks, greenery and trees, but at the same time the city centre was quite stark, but very vibrant in the ‘60s, it was a bustling city. “I think if you live on planet earth then The Beatles are an influence, even if you don’t know it. Even if you’re Jay Z, The Beatles are an influence. The Beatles, Bob Dylan and a couple of other people changed music into an art form, rather than a commodity. At a certain point in the ‘60s, all of a sudden you had people making artistically fantastic records, breaking the boundaries technologically and emotionally. It turned into something else and although it feels like it’s turning back into what it was right now, I feel like The Beatles and Bob Dylan were responsible for that change"


Neil Hannon recommended Man-Machine by Kraftwerk in Music (curated)

Man-Machine by Kraftwerk
Man-Machine by Kraftwerk
1978 | Dance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I think I was definitely one of the people who saw an excerpt on Tomorrow's World on Kraftwerk in 1975, and they were saying this is the mental, extreme edge of music, where they're doing it all with electronics and Kraftwerk were just about the only band who did this. Before The Human League, you would have heard 'Autobahn' on the radio occasionally, and maybe 'The Model', but that's about it, if you were lucky. And it was looked upon as really out there. It's more naturally linked with classical music, synth-pop, whereas rock & roll came from a different branch of music. I don't think I actually bought The Man Machine until I was 14 or 15, probably six or seven years after it was released. There's an awful lot of records that I love that I didn't really give a proper listen to until I was in my early twenties. I think there's a lot of fear in music, and listening to music, and a lot of people not wanting to go outside of their comfort zone. I remember when I was 12 or 13, my elder brother listening to some very strange music that he would have heard off John Peel or something, and I would half listen out of the corner of my ear and then run away, because it was so alien to me! It's only with time and with age and experience that you let yourself listen to things that would've sent you running in the old days. I've seen them live twice. The first time, I think I almost wet myself, it was at Tribal Gathering in 1997. It was the first time they'd performed in years and it was like a whole generation had come through absolutely worshipping Kraftwerk and suddenly they were back on the scene. The five minutes in that steaming tent were just the most exciting moments - the whole crowd was just feeling and waiting that this is finally going to happen after years and years. Then the curtains finally opened with the vocoder'ed voice and everybody just completely wet themselves - brilliant! They really give it some on stage, don't they - show men! It's all pretty static, but you wouldn't want it any other way."

Extinction: Jurassic Predators (2014)
Extinction: Jurassic Predators (2014)
2014 |
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Michelle is the presenter of the documentary and we barely see her do any presenting, we have a small moment early on but otherwise the camera spends a lot of time to following her ass on screen. Professor Howson is the expect in the field and meant to be the star alongside Michelle in the documentary, he must lead them to safety through the rainforest. Rob is the second in command being a lot more laid back when dealing with any danger believing in his own abilities. James is the cameraman that at one moment states the obvious, another moment does all the stupid things and somewhere along the lines becomes the bravest member of the crew.

Performance – The performances from the whole cast are fine, where the cast are not big-name actors which brings us into the found footage idea perfectly and nobody seems to overact through the film.

Story – Documentary crew heads into the rainforest to look for new species and they find some, but they are deadly, this is all we need from the film as a story, there are no major twists but it does take a while to get going as we must watch, walking, collecting moss, running and rocks for a lot of the time.

Adventure/Thriller – The adventure comes from the idea that we could be finding new species in the deepest darkest corners of the world and we are kept guess just who will make it out of the rainforest alive.

Settings – The rainforest is filled with species we might not have discovered yet, so this works for the settings needed for the film to take places.

Special Effects – The effects are a mixed bag, some parts of them are good while others feel like someone just stuck a dinosaur into the shot with CGI.

Scene of the Movie – Can’t sense us if we don’t move.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Camera crew inside the tent ‘there is something out there, I can’t see anything’ this dialogue is why films get a bad name.

Final Thoughts – This does feel like a long-found footage film that could have been cut down by a good 20 minutes to fit the idea of a found footage concept that works, short sweat and plenty of fun.


Overall: Watchable found footage.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Puzzle (2018) in Movies

Sep 13, 2019  
Puzzle (2018)
Puzzle (2018)
2018 | Drama
Characters – Michelle is the presenter of the documentary and we barely see her do any presenting, we have a small moment early on but otherwise the camera spends a lot of time to following her ass on screen. Professor Howson is the expect in the field and meant to be the star alongside Michelle in the documentary, he must lead them to safety through the rainforest. Rob is the second in command being a lot more laid back when dealing with any danger believing in his own abilities. James is the cameraman that at one moment states the obvious, another moment does all the stupid things and somewhere along the lines becomes the bravest member of the crew.

Performance – The performances from the whole cast are fine, where the cast are not big-name actors which brings us into the found footage idea perfectly and nobody seems to overact through the film.

Story – Documentary crew heads into the rainforest to look for new species and they find some, but they are deadly, this is all we need from the film as a story, there are no major twists but it does take a while to get going as we must watch, walking, collecting moss, running and rocks for a lot of the time.

Adventure/Thriller – The adventure comes from the idea that we could be finding new species in the deepest darkest corners of the world and we are kept guess just who will make it out of the rainforest alive.

Settings – The rainforest is filled with species we might not have discovered yet, so this works for the settings needed for the film to take places.

Special Effects – The effects are a mixed bag, some parts of them are good while others feel like someone just stuck a dinosaur into the shot with CGI.

Scene of the Movie – Can’t sense us if we don’t move.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Camera crew inside the tent ‘there is something out there, I can’t see anything’ this dialogue is why films get a bad name.

Final Thoughts – This does feel like a long-found footage film that could have been cut down by a good 20 minutes to fit the idea of a found footage concept that works, short sweat and plenty of fun.


Overall: Watchable found footage.
The Other Mrs Miller
The Other Mrs Miller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Other Mrs Miller is a great mystery to help you out on a boring day. But if you are looking for the dark and twisty masterpiece to blow your mind, I’m afraid this is not it…

Phoebe Miller is married to a man she doesn’t love. He is a psychotherapist and Phoebe feels he constantly analyses her. She doesn’t work because her father was rich. And when he died, women started to tell their stories of all the terrible things he did. All Phoebe wants to do is hide in her house. But she feels constantly watched and notices a car parked on her street almost every day. And then there are these new neighbours that are clearly hiding something. Should she be worried?

There were a lot of relationships in this book that I had an issue with:
- the husband that treats his wife as a study subject
- the wife that treats her husband as garbage
- the new relationship between a man with the IQ of a three-year-old and a woman that has no clue of what she wants
- the unknown sister who would rather threaten you or kill you, than come and tell you she is your sister
- the overprotective mother who doesn’t let her child speak

A very different, and at times, confusing plot. Interesting beginning and introduction, followed by a boring section in the book. A bit of tiny action, and then a slow paced stage again. And finally, an epilogue with a lot of pressure, many characters and a lot of mystery. Very satisfying, until the very last chapter, where the author turns everything around with another small twist, and here I am, sitting on my sofa, with the Kindle in my hand, thinking: THIS IS NOT RIGHT.

A final twist, without any buildup, or any hints, without making any sense or adding to the story in any way. I wish the author or their editor just deleted that last bit. Disappointing.

I did enjoy the whole book, but the very end left me with a bad after-taste and I can’t give it more than these three stars. Amazing mystery, but ahh, if I could just forget about that last chapter.

If you love mysteries, I am still recommending this. You might enjoy it more than I did.
    Cake Recipes for You!

    Cake Recipes for You!

    Food & Drink

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    We offer to you a lot of tasty cake recipes: chocolate cake recipes, fruit cake recipes, sweet milk...

For the Murder (The Murder #1)
For the Murder (The Murder #1)
Gabrielle Ash | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
different but very good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Diana needs a murder; a lone crow is a dead one. But to be accepted back into the murder that banished her, she needs to steal a very powerful blade. But others want it too, and Diana isn't too sure what's going on with her magic. Sasha isn't sure what these feelings are he has for Diana, but he also needs that blade to free himself from the demon who bound him. One of them will not be happy with the outcome.

This is different, and I do like me some different!

Diana is a crow shifter, with 3 legs (who knew?) but she isn't in a murder because her father is a bit of a con man (a LOT, really, by the time we get all the gory details!) and Diana, her mother and father were banished from the murder, but not her younger sister whose magic had been accepted by the murder. Dad wants Diana to steal this blade to get them back into the murder's good graces.

But, seriously, things are NOT as they seem. And Sasha wants that blade to free him from the demon who bound him to a lifetime of servitude. Something though, goes ping in both Diana and Sasha and instead Nobu, a cat shifter who really isn't, and they end up fighting together, rather than against each other.

I liked this, a lot. Like I said different. Humans with angel blood who are bound to demons. Shifters of all manner of being. There was a LOT going on, and at times I did struggle to keep up.

And I think this is the only reason I can't stretch to 5 stars, cos I did feel a little bit overwhelmed at points. Oh don't get me wrong, its a bloody good book, it really was, especially as this appears to be only the third book written by this author, and it is not short book, some 350 pages.

It's violent, some graphic scenes but I think they really are needed. Not explicit in any way, but there is romance, of a fashion, between Diana and Sasha, as their magic combines.

I really hope there are more books about the people in this book, a follow up for Diana and Sasha would be great!

4 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere