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Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
2016 | Sci-Fi
The original Independence Day is a beloved sci-fi classic for a lot of people, so I can understand why this arguably unnecessary sequel takes on a lot of disdain and criticism. "Legacy sequels", a term I've heard thrown around a fair bit lately, can be very hit and miss, and Resurgence lands smack bang in the middle. It's not bad, it's not good, it's not Emmerich's best, but it's far from being his worst. It's just kind of there.
On the one hand, it's brimming with corny dialogue, bloated exposition, ridiculous set ups for sequels that will probably never happen, characters that are difficult to care about, and loads of plot points that don't make sense (the alien ship is so big, it has its own gravitational pull, causing mass destruction to Earth upon arrival, but then just fucks off at the end without any further damage)
On the other hand, I was surprised by how commited Jeff Goldblum is to his returning role, and is quite simply a pleasure for the entirety of his screentime, the ultra-destruction that's we're all here to see is visually pleasing and satisfying, there are some genuinely fun set pieces (the alien queen running around the desert fucking shit up is a blast), and it's all self aware enough to not disappear up its own arse.

I personally feel that Resurgence gets an unjustified bad rap. It doesn't need to exist, and is far from perfect, but there's enough here to enjoy. Just be sure to leave your brain at the door.
The Shadow Keepers
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
220 of 230
The Shadow Keeper
By Marisa Noelle

Sixteen-year-old Georgia Boone has seen the shadow creatures in mirrors and other reflective surfaces since she was six-years-old. But no one--not even her
brother, the person she’s closest to in the entire world--believes her. She is all alone in the hellish world where crow-like creatures hunt her everywhere she goes

When an afternoon of shopping ends in violence and blood, Georgia is sent to the UK’s most prestigious mental health hospital: Brookwood Hospital.
There, she’s forced to face her fears and answer the question:

Are the shadows real, or is this all in her head?

At Brookwood, the shadow creatures are more present than ever. Each day they grow stronger. With the help of a mysterious boy who lives inside the mirror world, she might be able to prove that she’s not hallucinating and stop the shadows from destroying the human world.

I’ve seen a lot from this author on social media and was really looking forward to reading her work. I was not disappointed this is a great YA with some sensitive issues that in my opinion were dealt with very very well. I could relate to a lot in this book from my teenage years to now. It was such an interesting concept and I’m glad it went the way it did it’s nice to see that people with mental health issues can face our demons and win sometimes whether they are real or not!

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Great Expectations in Books

Oct 10, 2017 (Updated Oct 11, 2017)  
Great Expectations
Great Expectations
6.6 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not as classic as some of Dickens' other tales
As much as I love Dickens' left-wing plots, his novels are depressing, and this is no different.

From orphans, to children living in danger, protagonist Pip falls in love with a young girl named Estella while visiting the home of the wealthy dowager Miss Havisham. Pip attempts to win her love by attempting to become a gentleman, but instead is made a common labourer in the Havisham household. After many trials and tribulations, he returns to the house and to Estella.

There are a lot of deaths, and it is a melancholic novel. However, I do prefer some of his other works because I find the unrequited love story rather tedious.

Ashleigh (9 KP) rated Red Nexus in Books

May 25, 2017  
Red Nexus
Red Nexus
Benoit Chartier | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You have to stick with it
Red Nexus is a magnificent book, but it did take me a while to read it as I kept putting it off again and again. Sammy and Andrei were my favourite characters from the beginning, right until the end. When Wen's heart broke, mine followed right after. Joe always surprised me. The way technology was used in this book really made me think about it some more. Is this where we are headed? Could this be our future? It actually caused me to ask a lot of questions. The last couple of chapters made me feel like getting up and doing something more with my life. It made me empowered. When they cheered, I cheered.
The Guest (2014)
The Guest (2014)
2014 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Great story (7 more)
Thriller aspects are amazing
Creepy in a good way
Dan Stevens is fantastic
Directing is great
Action is very good
Supporting cast great as well
Nothing (0 more)
Awesome movie
The guest is an extremely underrated movie in my opinion because it delivers everything you want from a thriller/horror and then more added on. It's a really great movie with a lot of mystery going on and throughout the movie more is learned in a clever way, it is a very clever and well made movie with nothing really wrong with it.
I thoroughly enjoyed everything about it and think that most people will too but it just needs more recognition from everyone so go and watch it !
The Last Hour of Gann
The Last Hour of Gann
R. Lee smith | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Realistic characters and character development (2 more)
Unique and fearless writing
Ruined me for other authors (0 more)
Keep your mind open and you'll question everything.
This book was my introduction to this author and this story made me believe that there are still authors out there that can do whatever the hell they want without sacrificing a story for shock value. This story has plenty of shock. This book tends to get classified into genres that it doesn't quite fit. It sort of needs it's own. I recommend this book to any adult that like a little (a lot of) naughty darkness in their cup of tea. I would not recommend this to anyone with sensitivities to sex, religion, horror and abuse.
The House on Cold Hill
The House on Cold Hill
Peter James | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Actually creepy, had to switch on lights
It takes a lot to usually scare me, but I am rather impressed by Peter James' first venture into the spine-chilling horror genre. There were actual moments where I had to turn on lights and look over my shoulder.

There are several moments in particular that makes your heart leap as the suspense builds, one near the beginning with Jade and her friend on Facetime, two near Chapter 42 and the vicar, and three with a scene containing a sledgehammer.

And while I feel there is little resolve, not really understanding what happened to the male protagonist in the end, it's helpful to remember all classic horrors end with a sense of unease.

Ellie Haughey (3 KP) rated Netflix in Apps

Jan 13, 2018  
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
A list of old and fairly new movies (1 more)
Have more than one profile
Price seems to keep rising (0 more)
With Netflix I use it quiet a lot. The good points are that there are old classic films on there to fairly new films. There are even foreign films there that I’m quiet fond of.
The bad points I will note is that there is hardly any updates of the site to do with films or box sets and if there is it’s only 1 or 2. The other bad side to it is the price isn’t seem to be sticking to what I agreed the price seems to be rising even though nothing is changing.
Fairly overall it is a good app.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Child 44 in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Child 44
Child 44
Tom Rob Smith | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was conflicted between giving this book 3 or 4 stars, but decided on 4. This book was very hard to get into. The beginning tells a story that seems to go nowhere. There are a lot of characters introduced right off the bat & it starts off a bit hard to follow. However, if you stick with it this runs out to be a seriously interesting & highly umpredictable read. I had no idea what was going to happen. The 2 main charaters Leo & Raissa are mysterious & intriguing. They seem to be hard to relate to at first, but as the story unfolds they seem almost too human.
If you can stick out the first 100 pages, you will be rewarded with a great read!

Dean (6925 KP) rated Triangle (2009) in Movies

Jan 15, 2018  
Triangle (2009)
Triangle (2009)
2009 | Mystery
7.6 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Amazing twist (0 more)
Very original thriller
A very good thriller that uses a time loop to good effect. It's not particularly gory or scary, but the deserted ship does make a creepy location for this type of film. Quite a few seem to find it hard to follow, I thought it was a lot easier than say Memento to understand first time round. True it can be a bit open for you to draw your own conclusion by the end of what and why it's happening, but the clues are there. They maybe one or two plot holes by the end, but nothing major that spoils the effect of the film. Overall a good thriller, different to the norm, that most will enjoy figuring out.

Lee (2222 KP) Nov 5, 2019

One of my favourite movies. Melissa George is amazing.