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Viticulture Essential Edition
Viticulture Essential Edition
2015 | Economic, Farming
Game Design (4 more)
Simple yet with a lot of depth
Great Example of Worker Placement
Wine Making in Tuscany, worker placement mechanics, and so elegantly done, with just enough complexity to make it interesting.
I adore this game, I love wine and this is a nearly perfect game for that theme. You send your workers out to do things, maybe it's planting some vines, upgrading the buildings, picking the grapes, crushing them, or maybe bottling them. But you only have so many of them, unless you hire and train new ones. Also maybe you should give some tours so you can make some money. This is a great game, also good games like this would be Stone Age and Lord of Waterdeep.

Autumn (430 KP) rated Red Queen in Books

Mar 10, 2018 (Updated Mar 10, 2018)  
Red Queen
Red Queen
Victoria Aveyard | 2015 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (64 Ratings)
Book Rating
The abilities (2 more)
The world this takes place in is interesting.
The characters
A bit predictable (0 more)
So, I liked this book. I think the world this takes place in was vivid, you were able to really see and feel what the author wanted to show you. I actually really like the characters, too. However, it was a little predictable. I kept thinking this is going to happen or this character is not who they seem, and then I’d be proved right. There were still twists because I couldn’t predict exactly what was going to happen, but I saw pieces of it before I was supposed to. I give it a solid 8 because it was interesting and there a lot of really likeable things about this book.

Dracoria Malfoy (690 KP) Mar 10, 2018

It’s great that you liked it. Red Queen is one of my favorite series. Definitely keep reading it.


Autumn (430 KP) Mar 10, 2018

I went to Barnes and noble to buy the next two in the series last night! ?

The A-Team (2010)
The A-Team (2010)
2010 | Action
I have to say I expected the worst from this but was pleasantly surprised and pleased by the time the credits rolled. I saw most of the TV series as a young boy and this film does keep a lot true to the original TV series. Just given a modern update and treated like a modern day action film with big stunts and over the top action plans only the A Team could do. At times it felt like a mix of the Bourne Trilogy crossed with Ocean's 11 elaborate missions! There is plenty of humour and it doesn't take itself seriously, pity the critics who just didn't get it, fool's!! A pure popcorn action blast everyone in the right frame of mind should enjoy.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Pretty good adaptation of a phenomenal book!
The book led me to expect great things... And I wasn't disappointed. Granted, I had to convince myself that they were different to enjoy the movie, since Spielberg wanted to leave references to his own works out, which basically changed everything.

I have been waiting for this movie for a long time, and I habe to say I wasn't disappointed. I can see why it took so long... There was a lot of CG work, and much of it was as smooth as an actual video game. I think they chose the right people for each role and it's clear that the alternate story line was considered heavily before it was implemented. Well done!!
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Goodreads: Book Reviews
Book, Social Networking
8.8 (453 Ratings)
App Rating
Easy to keep track of my book lists (2 more)
Easy to navigate
My most used app
I love goodreads, and I honestly believe it is the most used app on both my phone and my tablet. I love to read and this app makes it so easy for me to keep track of my reading lists, reviews, and what my friends are reading. They also do a lot of giveaways, and I've received some awesome stuff from them, like advance readers copies of books. I also find the yearly reading challenge super satisfying to work towards. Overall, I think anyone who frequently reads, needs book suggestions, or wants an information source for their books should use this app. 10/10 for me.

Jcadden76 (64 KP) rated Cujo in Books

Jun 19, 2018  
Stephen King | 1981 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Thriller
7.9 (50 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bad dog!
Cujo taps into a lot of those primal feelings with animals and relationships. Stephen King takes this St Bernard and turns it into a killer but he also makes you understand why the dog is acting the way that it is acting. You get to view the world through the lens of the dog's eyes and the through the dog's thoughts as well.

On the other side of the coin is the family that used to the own the dog and of course the Trentons. Both family are sucked into the horror and neither come out the same. This is a classic work of Stephen King's but it is tough to swallow if you are not ready for it.
Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
1986 | Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Can't get much more 80's than this!
In my experience, few films have had such a different range of reviews by gender than this film. Most women I know utterly hate everything about this goofy 80s campfest starring Kurt Russell at his best while men seem to eat up all the cheesy one liners and mediocre story and visual effects.

I watch this movie a lot when I was a teenager.When revisiting it as an adult, I can see why some people can't get into it as it does look dated now, but it will always be a guilty pleasure for me.

What a perfect blend of comedy, action, romance, sci-fi and fantasy all rolled into one.

A Kiss of Shadows (Merry Gentry, #1)
A Kiss of Shadows (Merry Gentry, #1)
Laurell K. Hamilton | 2000 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was very fast paced, with a good grounding in the weird and wonderful Farie world (0 more)
I was bit disappointed that there was not a lot of investigating and this is sold as a book about a private investigator (0 more)
Great Introduction
I think Laurell K Hamilton is a marmite author you either love her or books or you dont. I am a hughe Anita Blake fan and was worried and this world would not live up to my expectations and it did. There are a number of uncomfortable scenes so if you a squeamish Maybe give it a miss. Overall I fell in love with characters and their world and can’t wait to start the next in the series
Winchester (2018)
Winchester (2018)
2018 | Mystery
6.4 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dull and predictable
I’m surprised that someone as talented as Helen Mirren would stoop to being in this, it’s really well below her abilities. As a scary/horror film, Winchester is sadly nothing new. It’s entirely predictable, pretty boring and the scares are not very scary at all. I can’t really say anything good about it, as even the cast had very little to work with. It reminded me a little of the 13 Ghosts film, but even that was a hell of a lot better than this. I’m intrigued to know more about the actual events that the film is based on, but there are so many better horror films out there, I really wouldn’t bother with this one.
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a really fun read. I have been wanting to read this book for quite some time but I never found the time. I finally decided to buy the audiobook and boy was I impressed. Neil Gaiman reads the book to you and it was quite a lot of fun.

I always worry when I have the author reading the audiobook. It's either going to be amazing or torturous. Neil did a great job at doing the voices and helping you imagine what each character would sound like.

The plot was cute and sweet. I loved the adult fairy tale aspect of it. I loved the characters and I loved the unique aspects in the book.

If you're looking for a fun read, this is it.