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Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas
Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas
Adam Kay | 2019 | Biography, Health & Fitness, Humor & Comedy, Medical & Veterinary
7.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Short but sweet
I loved This is Going to Hurt, so I was hugely excited to see Adam Kay had written another book. And this one follows on in the same enjoyable format as the first.

This book easily balances witty and rather funny anecdotes with heartwarming and sometimes even heartbreaking stories. I laughed out loud quite a lot reading this. It also in parts tells the honest truth about the state of the NHS and what the staff have to endure, which makes for rather grim reading. The main problem with this book is not the quality of the writing and anecdotes, it's the quantity. This is so short a book that I struggled to drag it out past an hour or so, and whilst I know we should take quanlity over quantity, these stories make you want more and there just isn't enough in this to even call it a book. I can understand focusing on Christmas but if there wasn't enough Christmas anecdotes, why release it at all? It's a shame as otherwise this would be a hugely enjoyable book.
Stranger from Venus (1954)
Stranger from Venus (1954)
1954 | Sci-Fi
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Yet another low-budget British knock-off of The Day the Earth Stood Still, distinguished (sort of) by the fact it's managed to secure the services of one of the stars of the original film, Patricia Neal (the movie never got an American release as it might have drawn a plagiarism suit from Fox). Bloke from Venus arrives in the home counties to deliver a grave message about the dangers of atomic weapons, engages in chaste sort-of romance with a woman who lives locally (Neal), is messed about by the government.

At least it's a little easier to take seriously than Devil Girl from Mars, but the production is even more primitive and it's a lot less fun. Helmut Dantine does the best he can, dispensing cosmic wisdom in a gravelly Austrian monotone, but the punishingly low budget really shows. The purest kind of rip-off - there's nothing here that isn't in the original movie, and everything that is here is less accomplished and less interesting. Not awful, though, nor is it without a certain historical curiosity value for SF aficionados.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Rabid (1979) in Movies

Sep 4, 2020 (Updated Sep 4, 2020)  
Rabid (1979)
Rabid (1979)
1979 | International, Drama, Horror
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Thirst For Human Blood
David Cronenberg is becoming on of my all time favorite horror directors. First Shivers and now Rabid. Whats next oh yea The Brood, Scanners, Videodrome, The Dead Zone, The Fly and Dead Ringers. Its a horrorfying disturing film.

The plot: Surgery leaves a Montreal motorcyclist with a bloodsucking appendage in her armpit. Soon she has an insatiable thirst for human blood.

Marilyn Chambers does a excellent job in this film.

Cronenberg stated that he wanted to cast Sissy Spacek in the film lead, but the studio vetoed his choice because of her accent. Spacek's film Carrie was released during this film's production and proved to be a massive hit (and a movie poster for Carrie appears in Rabid when the main character walks by a movie theater).

Cronenberg stated that Chambers put in a lot of hard work on the film and that he was impressed with her. Cronenberg further states he had not seen Chambers' most well-known film, Behind the Green Door, prior to casting her.

Its a disurbing film, but a excellent film.
Tootsie (1982)
Tootsie (1982)
1982 | Comedy, Drama
I have heard raves about this film for what feels like most of my life. I'm not sure why I waited so long to watch it, but I'm damn glad I did. I LOVED this film. Dustin Hoffman is a powerhouse and I love seeing Bill Murray and his quick quips - they never fail to make me laugh. I think this film says a lot about society in the deeper layers. Dustin's character Michael creates a character, Dorothy, to audition for parts because he's been somewhat blackballed by the industry. In his mind, being a woman is the way to work again. The irony is that it seems women are far more competitive in industries like entertainment because of the way we are ridiculed and broken down, piece by piece. I find it interesting the being Dorothy was the way Michael was able to work. It doesn't seem that plausible these days.

Overall, I think this is a must-see, just for the laughs and the rollercoaster ride Dustin Hoffman takes you on. He's brilliant and it shows.
Queen & Slim (2019)
Queen & Slim (2019)
2019 | Drama, Romance
Very slow
Finally got the chance to see this after missing it at the cinema and to be honest I’m kind of glad I didn’t get a chance to see it on the big screen, as I probably would’ve gotten rather bored.

The story behind this about racial injustice and the issues that are being faced in real life, especially in America, is important and I’d never deny that. I think the problem with this film is that it’s very slow. It starts off well and fairly fast paced, but within the first hour it starts to drag, lose it’s momentum and point, and could easily have had a lot of the filler cut out without detriment to the story. I’m also not entirely sure the two main characters are particularly likeable, especially Queen, and their actions and choices are often rather bizarre and don’t make sense. It’s a shame, because this film is actually well made with a great soundtrack and feel. I just wish they’d cut it down to make a much more fast paced story.
The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)
The Hellstrom Chronicle (1971)
1971 | Documentary
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Playful, technically impressive and possibly very influential wildlife documentary. Scientist Nils Hellstrom, PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), MS (Master of Science), and WF (Wholly Fictitious), expresses his fears for the future of the human race, believing we are likely to be outcompeted by insects in every respect. Startling and occasionally grisly clips showing the lives of insects and other arthropods illustrate his thesis in great detail.

Well, Hellstrom (or more accurately writer David Seltzer, who went on to script The Omen twice) isn't a great biologist (he refers to insects as a species rather than a class), but the photography in the film is great and Lawrence Pressman's well-judged performance adds a lot to the impression the film makes: it's tongue in cheek, but still thought-provoking. As a gimmick to make people watch a wildlife documentary, it's an interesting one; you can sense echoes of this film's innovative use of music and narrative to add drama in many much more respectable nature documentaries (most of David Attenborough's blockbuster series, for instance). An oddity, but a good one.
Enter the Dragon (1973)
Enter the Dragon (1973)
1973 | Action
Irresistible slice of 70s schlock. Bruce Lee goes off to the island of the drug dealing white slaver who's a renegade from his temple and whose men killed his sister (he's certainly not short of motivation) to take part in a martial arts tournament and bring the bad guy to justice. The plot is as rudimentary as that: there's a good guy, a bad guy, and a hell of a lot of fighting.

You do sense the American producers didn't quite understand what they were dealing with in Lee, for it's obvious he had a range and charisma far beyond what's required here. He's also partnered with John Saxon, who's an able leading man but really supernumerary (Saxon may have been a black belt in real life but his fight scenes have a whiff of dressage about them). Sleazy to the point of tackiness in places, and not much more than a live-action comic book, but tremendous action and some iconic sequences (the fight in the mirror-maze, for instance). Terrific entertainment if you're in the right mood.
For Your Own Good
For Your Own Good
Samantha Downing | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fun and Over The Top!
I read a lot of thrillers and I am getting harder to please but I'm happy to say that For Your Own Good pleased me!

This book had me hooked and I read it in super quick time. It is full of thoroughly unlikeable characters where few had any redeeming qualities and I have to admit that I actually smiled when at least one of them came to their sticky end!

The story is written from various points of view and whilst this puts you right into the heads of the characters, it does take away some of the tension and thrills but it was fun being in the heads of people who had clearly lost the plot!

This was a fun and over the top read that I would recommend to those who are able to put reality and plausibility aside for a few hours and just hop on and enjoy the ride.

My thanks go to Penguin Michael Joseph UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
A Fairy Godmother's Redemption (The Magicals #4)
A Fairy Godmother's Redemption (The Magicals #4)
Maya Tyler | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A pleasure to read from start to finish.

For a young adult plus audience as there are sexual scenes.

Faye is relatable, she's sensitive, has a need to help others and like the rest of us, feels she could/should have done better. I think she more than redeems herself with the help she's able to give to Drew.
    Eighteen year old Drew hasn't had the easiest of lives and it's about to get a whole lot more complicated. He's a lovely character that I found quite endearing, I had my fingers crossed for a happy ending for him.

Enter Seraphina, eighteen year old pop princess with her own troubles. Beautiful, talented and a sweetheart, with her own Fairy Godmother lending a helping bibbity bobbity boo.

A Fairy Godmother's Redemption is fun, cheeky and has its sad moments. I'm thrilled to say it's part of a series though it could easily be read as a standalone.....but you wouldn't want to miss out!!

Scarlet Nexus
Scarlet Nexus
2020 | Action
The game starts with an interesting premise in the distant future and everyone has brain powers and advanced technology. People have abilities like electrokinesis the ability to control electricity. They can also send messages directly to each other's brains. The story has really cool sci-fi elements in it and you can play as either Kasane or Yuito, the two main protagonists. I went with Kasane and got to see how her story played out. You can do a new game plus playthrough with the other character and you get to see loose ends tied up from their perspective. Combat is fun and the story and characters are great. There's a lot of wild twists and reveals that add to the elements of the storytelling. There are references to global warming and time travel. Scarlet Nexus is really good overall and because it's done so well, it kept me playing until the end. You can see the full review here: