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Justin Hawkins recommended track Black Dog by Led Zeppelin in Four Symbols by Led Zeppelin in Music (curated)

Four Symbols by Led Zeppelin
Four Symbols by Led Zeppelin
1971 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Black Dog by Led Zeppelin

(0 Ratings)


"This album was mixed by Kevin Shirley and I think he did an awesome job because you can hear John Bonham doing more than he did on recordings. I think that’s probably because of the way the songs were written, because after being on the road they’d developed the songs a bit and a lot of the things you listen out for, like the subtleties on the record, they exaggerate them and that goes from the drums right up to the singing. This is just one of those recordings where you can hear them exaggerating the things that people love about these songs and how they grew on the night into some kind of monster and the material went with it."

Beats EP On-Ear Headphones
Beats EP On-Ear Headphones

"Sometimes when the AirPods don't block everything out, or your on a plane, you really just want to shut the world off, I go with the Beats they keep it a little bit quiter. I got them without the cord, so I can just put them on, either just knock out on the plane, or just completely chill and relax. I actually do sometimes look forward to it, when I can just check out, you kinda live a life with a lot of craziness sometimes and those moments when you get to just relax and be in your own world are becoming more few and far between, so you learn to value that time, and these are a big part of that."


Jemaine Clement recommended Rushmore (1998) in Movies (curated)

Rushmore (1998)
Rushmore (1998)
1998 | Comedy

"Rushmore. That must come up a lot. But it’s funny, and I know that the movie Harold and Maude is probably a big influence on that; but I hadn’t seen that when I saw Rushmore. I hadn’t seen anything like it. It’s really funny. I think Wes Anderson is really hilarious and most people don’t notice, because of the style of the film. Grand Budapest Hotel, to me, was the funniest film of the year, but people saw it as an art film. I think I related to Max as well, because I grew up poor like he did, and when I went to University I did feel like I was kind of pretending of fitting in this world. I related to Max."


Sam Claflin recommended Notting Hill (1999) in Movies (curated)

Notting Hill (1999)
Notting Hill (1999)
1999 | Comedy, Romance
6.5 (6 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"One off the top of my head — I think a film that I have watched time and time again — and every time I watch it I feel that I kind of see something new. I love Notting Hill. It’s by Roger Michell. There’s sort of an English charm — [and] I’m English. There’s sort of that slight insight into the kind of acting world Julia Roberts is playing. The kind of celebrity — I suppose especially me being an actor — there’s a lot of relatable qualities about it. I have a huge entourage of people who are really far away from this industry. So, there’s a sort of connecting dots between myself and them — always sort of very similar to the the world Notting Hill is based in."

The Informationist (Vanessa Michael Munroe, #1)
The Informationist (Vanessa Michael Munroe, #1)
Taylor Stevens | 2011 | Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is an introduction to this marvellous character. I admire her power and amazingly kind heart. When I was reading the book I actually felt like I was in Africa, following the character through her journey. Author made every page breath of African spirit. It is very interesting to watch Monroe interact with other characters. The book is intriguing and fast paced, in every chapter there is something happening, it is hard to put it down. There are a lot of twists and turns. It is really easy and interesting to read it. I loved the ending, its well thought through and unexpected. I recommend everyone to give it a go on this great book if you love suspense and adventures.
Ayesha At Last
Ayesha At Last
Uzma Jalaluddin | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonists of this story are Ayesha and Khalid, and the story is told from their perspectives. Ayesha is a modern Muslim girl, who believes that women have rights in this society, and her wishes are very different from what is expected of her. Khalid is a very conservative Muslim young man, who is proud of who he is. Both of these characters are absolute opposites, but even without realizing it, they share so much in common. I had a lot of joy while reading the story about their personal lives, and watching how they grew throughout this book. This novel has a huge variety of supporting characters, who play very important parts and are absolutely hilarious, just like in real life.
Archive (2020)
Archive (2020)
2020 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
People who state that this is a rip off of either Transcendence or Replicas have missed something. I even saw one reference to the movie Her in a critique. Really? Other than AI presence there is no similarity. At least with the other two (Replicas and Transcendence) there's a similar idea of a life living on through the use of an AI shell. Alas, I digress.

This movie was actually a lot better than I expected. I think that if it had gotten a proper theater release it might have done pretty well and found a wider audience. No spoilers here, but I will say that my jaw literally dropped during this movie, which isn't something that happens often at all.
Worth It (Forbidden Men, #6)
Worth It (Forbidden Men, #6)
Linda Kage | 2015
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not as good as some of the others

This series is a must buy for me. I've loved all of them so far, some more than others, admittedly, but none less than four stars.

This one didn't hook me as much as the others but I still felt a lot of emotion when it came to Knox. The poor guy. I wanted to equally hug him and slap him through out the present parts of the story.

I really like how the stories are inter twining. Cousins, brothers, best friends, school friends...its a little complicated at times but I like it.

My favourite Forbidden man has got to be Ten, still, but they're all really great. I can't wait to read Asher's story next!
Stop (Cold Mark Saga #3)
Stop (Cold Mark Saga #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is definitely a series that is better read one after the other--unless you have a really good memory for books.

I read book 2 around Christmas and had forgotten a lot of what had happened previously when I bought this a couple of hours ago and decided to read it straight away.

I remembered the east and west and the two members that ruled each side, that she had belonged to one but seen something that shocked/hurt her and she had run off to the other...and that was about it.

Sci-fi is not one of my favourite genres and because of that I think I'm going to end my reading of this series here at book 3.
Perfect Opposite
Perfect Opposite
Zoya Tessi | 2014
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I liked the idea for the story--bad-arse rocker looking bodyguard and his "Princess" charge fall in love. Opposites attracting.

I liked Alex--the above said bad-arse rocker looking bodyguard; Mohawk, tattoo's and all. I really don't know how he put up with her at times.

I just wasn't so fond of Sasha--she really was the brat that she was dubbed as for most of the story. The way she acted at times I wanted to smack her or strangle her.

As for the rest...I wasn't expecting that little twist near the end and then I found the ending a little "Ugh".

But if I ignore a lot of what Sasha got up to I liked it.