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Machete (2010)
Machete (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
Fun Watch
Machete was a bit of a miss for me. I understood the direction that directors Ethan Maniquis and Robert Rodriguez were heading for. I just didn't quite...get it. As a salesperson, I'm taught to push the "why", not the "how". For me, the "why" of this film left a lot to be desired.

It's not that I didn't like Machete, rather it didn't hook me. Half cheesy action film, half telenovela, it definitely has some shining moments. Danny Trejo (Machete) plays a tough badass as he does in most films. His hardcore attitude makes him instantly lovable and they give him more attitude than ever in this role. Not only does he destroy a lot of tough guys, he manages to find time to slay the ladies as well. Oh yes, the ladies love Machete and Machete loves the ladies.

Props to Robert De Niro as well in his role as The Senator. Hearing his country accent makes you almost forgot this was the same guy that said, "You talkin' to me?" (Taxi Driver is on my list for this October!). You're supposed to hate him as he plays a villain, but you can't help but love him at the same time.

A handful of action sequences left me with raised eyebrows. My favorite in particular was Cheech Marin in the church with the double shotgun action. Talk about money!

Fun movie and worth at least one watch. Seeing Machete seek revenge on The Senator after being double-crossed (the plot) managed to keep me entertained but not quite jumping-for-joy excited. I give it a solid 76.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Planetfall in Books

Jan 31, 2018 (Updated Jan 31, 2018)  
Emma Newman | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I couldn't put this down!
If you like your science fiction with a lot of character development, then you'll like this. Renata Ghali joins a space voyage with best friend lee Suh-Mi, who believes she has been sent a message from God that will lead humanity to him (in person, I assume). So they manage to find a multi-millionaire to finance the voyage, a ship and a ship full of people who want to come on the voyage (all with valuable skills, of course). Of course something goes wrong, and a big secret is covered up. Half of the passengers are lost during Planetfall, and even though they look for them, they can't be found. Until one of them, the last survivor, wanders up to their front door (so to speak).
We learn a lot about the main character, Ren: about the reasons why she has become the person she is (OCD is involved). There's also lots of world building and descriptions of the daily lives of the inhabitants of the colony. I don't know as the main character was particularly likeable - in fact I don't think any of them were really, but they were compelling. I honestly read this every chance I had. I was a little disappointed with the abrupt end, and I'm sure more could have been described and written here, but it seemed really rushed.
I will be looking out for the second in this series though. It isn't a sequel as such - they're separate stories, but I like Newman's style (except for that rushed end bit!).
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy of the book!

Ross (3282 KP) rated Prince of Fools in Books

Mar 6, 2018  
Prince of Fools
Prince of Fools
Mark Lawrence | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's taken me a little while to get my feelings in order about this book. I loved the world-building and the characters and were developed and have clear, strong individual personalities. Prince Jalan and Snorri ver Snagason perfectly complement each other, the former being a spoilt vane coward, the latter being a strong bull-headed warrior, both end up tied to the other through bad luck and magical doings.
While the writing is enjoyable in the moment and in short bursts, I don't tend to find it too engaging and find my attention wandering off quite often and have to reread passages. I also tended to find that I didn't particularly care what was happening to the characters, I just felt I was along for the ride without a clear idea of where I was going or why. I think Lawrence has said this is how he writes, he knows who the characters are and where they are headed but a lot of the plot emerges as he writes. This seems to please a lot of fans, but I don't think I have the discipline for that sort of reading. I'm the same with open-world video games - I don't have the discipline to force myself to focus on one mission, I wander off up a mountain and get mauled by a lion after not saving for an hour. I need a degree of linearity in my life and can't deal with too much chaos. But this is about me and not a criticism of the book.
Overall I enjoyed the read but felt at times the journey was a little bumpy.

Dana (24 KP) rated Saga, Vol. 2 in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Saga, Vol. 2
Saga, Vol. 2
Brian K. Vaughan | 2013 | Comics & Graphic Novels
9.3 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Here's another review that is 4.5 stars.

I love Alana's obsession with that book. I feel like that is me on the page because I do the same thing: push a book at people until they begrudgingly read it and then tell me to piss off. Well, except for Marco, he liked it, but everyone else was so exasperated with her, it was too real. I died laughing at the parts where she got over excited about it! And the backstory of how Marco and Alana met: so freaking cute, but still kinda scary in the fact that it's illegal as hell.

We get Marco's origin story! I loved seeing him as a wee little bab. SO adorable! I enjoyed getting to know Marco's past and his parents. They are very interesting because they show a lot more of the issues that are going on between the races in the war. It gives more insight into why the war is going on itself.

I also love Izabel. She is so sweet and sassy and cares about the trio. It was really cool that she got a lot more page time in this issue, which I appreciated.

I do like reading the other characters' story lines, but I'm not going to lie, I will always be more interested in the main characters, at least in this series. While everyone else is very compelling and have interesting aspects to their story, I felt like I was just trying to rush through their parts to be able to get to Hazel, Alana, and Marco.

I am still really excited to read more of the series!

Dana (24 KP) rated Nightfall in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has a super interesting concept. With the days and nights both lasting fourteen years, you could say that I was intrigued to give this a read.

I actually received this book via a Goodreads giveaway, which was super cool!!

Back to the review. Even though the concept was interesting, I found it difficult to get attached to either the story line or even any of the characters. They did things that may have seemed motivated to certain people, but I didn't really get why.

I wish there was more of an in depth history as to why all of these things were happening. I found myself asking: Why does the day and night last so long? Why did the people come to the island of Bliss? Why is it called Bliss? How does the world even work? Why do the islanders only go to the dessert during the night time? Does the desert have night? Why are there people who stay in the desert, but not everyone?

I feel like a lot of these answers could have been explored more in the story, but were either only slightly glanced on only to have the characters brush it off or were not considered at all.

I have a lot of mixed feelings because even though it was a quick read with an interesting concept, it didn't leave me feeling anything. And though I may remember some of the plot points, they didn't strike me as particularly memorable in any way.

I enjoyed this book as I was reading it, which is good. I just wish we had gotten more of the why of everything that was happening.
A Great Place to Have a War by Joshua Kurlantzick is a book about the history of Laos. The synopsis caught by eye since I lived and worked in Laos for a year as an English teacher. The book is about the conflict which occurred in Laos roughly during the same period of the Vietnam War. This is an interesting and impressive book, yet depressing. Details the rise of the CIA as a war machine during the Vietnam War, which was fought to a great extent in Laos. It looks at some of people involved in building the war to epic proportions, and then withdrawing, leaving the country to collapse into yet more suffering.

This is a fascinating look at the shadow war in Laos, staged by the CIA, during the Vietnam War. It's an extremely interesting history of the how that war came to be, some of the main people involved in that war, and the rise of the CIA as an organization conducting paramilitary operations, not just spy missions. It also relates the political intrigues of the time, and the fate of Hmong who fought for Laos, and with and for America.

I learned a lot about the history of the conflict itself, and the characters on both sides of the war. This war which has been hidden in the shadows, and the author has given the people involved a chance to have their deeds, or misdeeds aired in the light of day. As with most of the little wars that occurred during the Cold War period, there is a lot of political manoeuvring which occurs in the background.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Disjointed Lives in Books

Jul 20, 2018  
Disjointed Lives
Disjointed Lives
Morgan Sheppard | 2018 | Contemporary
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
An unexpected gem
I won a copy of this in a Smashbomb giveaway (thank you @Smashbomb!) and am now giving my entirely honest and unbiased review.

This is the first time ive read any of Morgan Sheppard’s work, and I can safely say that I will be doing again going forwards. I read this in its entirety on a very long and tedious train journey for work, and I can honestly say it really brightened up my commute!

This is only a short story, but it is very well written with a surprisingly simple premise. On the surface the premise seems almost too basic, but it really works. It’s surprising how effective and interesting a story about someone reciting their past can be. The two main characters are likeable and relatable and I’m sure most readers would recognise parts of themselves in this. The situation and story itself has a lot of relevance to relationships and today’s society.

I do have a couple of criticisms but these are pretty minor. One issue is some of the dialogue comes across as a little stilted and awkward and doesn’t flow quite as well as a normal real life conversation would. My other criticism actually has a massive compliment wrapped up in it - this story is far too short! I enjoyed reading this very much and wasn’t happy when it ended as I wanted more and would happily have read more. I feel like this could have been made into a much longer and more detailed story and it still could’ve been just as good. There’s a lot of potential here!
Burned and Broken
Burned and Broken
Mark Hardie | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was provided a copy of this book from the publisher, my opinions are honest and my own.
Mark Hardie’s debut novel is set in Essex following our main protagonists DS Frank Pearson, DC Catherine Russell and young girl called Donna. DI Sean Carragher has been found burned to death in his car and Donna’s best friend Alicia was found dead in an underpass. Could these two deaths be connected? That’s the job for Pearson Russell to find out!
Starting off the book was very slow-paced, difficult to follow and the writing was very descriptive…maybe too much. The timeline of the book felt very jumpy and the POV’s would switch without so much as a warning. The first part of the book was setting the scene and some of the characters I felt unnecessary and were there just to fill a few more pages. The second half of the book was a lot better and Hardie get’s in to the flow of things. The ending was ok, but there wasn’t enough suspense in the book. I wasn’t excited to find out ‘whodunnit’.
This isn’t a bad book, especially for a debut but there is a lot of Police/Crime books out on the market and this doesn’t really stand out.
I believe there is going to be more books that continue following Pearson and Russell on more investigations. I might read them to see how Mark Hardie’s writing develops.
If you are a fan of Crime/Mystery novels..still check this out as though it wasn’t for me.. you may love it.

Dean (6925 KP) rated the Xbox One version of Life is Strange in Video Games

Aug 25, 2018  
Life is Strange
Life is Strange
2015 | Action/Adventure
Great story (3 more)
Very good voice acting
Cool soundtrack
Unique gameplay
Occasionally being stuck searching for something (0 more)
An amazing immersive game
A little late to the party for this game released early in 2015. I had heard good things and all episodes were available for just a few pounds on Xbox Live gold so I gave it a go.
You will be hooked very early on. It's a unique game unlike anything I've played before. You make decisions as you go which can effect the past, present and future! In terms of story it's like a college drama like mean girls, mixed with something like Chronicle and mostly The Butterfly effect. In regards to gameplay it's similar to something like Shenmue or a detective game. You have to explore, find out clues, details and talk to characters for information.
I found it like playing an interactive film as it has a lot of cinematic moments. It's so gripping you'll likely play each of the 5 episodes in one sitting, around 3 hours each. The story is great with some dramatic moments and voice acting of a high standard, I liked a lot of the pop culture references.
The graphics are good although stylised rather than going for a realistic look. The soundtrack is subtle and very cool as well. It also has the replay value of trying it again making different decisions.
I can't praise it enough. I completed it in just a few days because you can't put it down. Everyone should check it out. It would be great if this got made into a film! The sequel is out soon.
Pitch Perfect 3 (2017)
Pitch Perfect 3 (2017)
2017 | Comedy
Singing (0 more)
Ridiculous plot (0 more)
Sometimes there just shouldn’t be a 3rd one
Contains spoilers, click to show
Back with the Bellas after college to find their lives just aren’t all that great in the “real world”. They’re all in jobs that they seem to hate and miss singing together. They’re thrilled when they’re invited to a performance by the current Barton Bellas only to end up disappointed that they’re not performing themselves. Then it just gets crazy. They end up on tour with other artists who are (unsurprisingly) a lot more talented than the Bellas. Some very well done “riff offs” ensue and of course when the Bellas stop taking themselves seriously they get a lot more popular. This storyline was a bit of fun if not completely predictable and as a Pitch Perfect fan I wasn’t really complaining - I’m mostly there for the music at the end of the day. It was after this though that the movie lost me completely. Turning into an espionage movie where they do indeed sing to get out of trouble. The Bellas are luckily rescued by the military and Beca is encouraged to take an offer from DJ Khaled to sing alone. Then in the final seen Beca opens for DJ Khaled alone but invites the Bellas onstage to sing Freedom! ‘90 with her creating a touching scene that Pitch Perfect always manages to do - especially as this seems to be the end of the road for the group. I loved the song choices in the movie and that the competition was higher stakes but between the convoluted plot line and sometimes forced comedic moments this definitely wasn’t my favourite Pitch Perfect installment.