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IA: B.O.S.S (IA #2)
IA: B.O.S.S (IA #2)
John Darryl Winston | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first book in this series, IA: Initiate, introduced us to Naz, a teenage boy living in a ghetto with his little sister after both their parents have died. Naz, who has no memories from before he came to live in the Exclave, find he has unusual abilities. He is able to play chess to an impressive level and perform physical feats with ease. He is also very intelligent but chooses to live the easy life, doing just as well as he needs to at school to avoid attention. He just wants to be left alone.

In this second book he finds he can no longer hide; his chess playing prowess has been spotted and he finds himself trying out for the school basketball team. Although this exposes him more than he would like he also goes from something of a loner to a member of a close-knit team.

The first book showed a glimpse of the depth of Naz's abilities and history, with hints that something larger is going on. This novel continues that, answering a lot of the questions arising from the first book, but again it is clear that there is a lot more going on than Naz is aware of. Where the first book was focussed tightly on Naz and his sister, this book moves back a bit to include more of his school mates and teachers.

As before the characterisation is really effective and the interactions feel real and genuine. Coach Fears, introduced as a bit-part in the first book is now a main character as are the members of the basketball team.

The plot takes several left turns which took me by surprise and there is a palpable undercurrent of menace as the climax builds. Winston put his hero through the emotional wringer and doesn't spare the readers from the full impact of this. Everything progresses to a stunning conclusion which just opens up the possibilities for the next in the series.

This is pure science fiction but with such a powerful human dimension and intelligence that I simply cannot fault it. Although this is aimed at a Young Adult audience it will appeal to anyone who appreciates a carefully plotted and finely written book. Recommended to anyone
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)
2019 | Drama
The film starts with a perfect homage to Mr Rogers and his show, the miniature city and the gentleness of everything, even without the first hand nostalgic feeling it's a very calm and tranquil moment.

After we get our introduction to Lloyd and find out he works for a magazine we're shown a video about how people make a magazine... I love these videos. I'm amazed that you still see the old 60s/70s ones making the rounds these days.

Our first proper introduction to Mr Rogers comes on set when Lloyd arrives for the interview and find him on set with a child and his parents who have come to visit. It's a charming encapsulation of his character and how he was able to reach out to people who were in need.

Hanks was an amazing choice for this, the calm confident manner is something he seems perfect for. His attention to detail when you see footage side by side is just incredible. I don't know that anyone else in Hollywood would have been good for this role, I'm really glad it was Hanks.

Matthew Rhys playing Lloyd Vogel gets to be a powerful thing in this, for this point I'm not talking about as Lloyd but what he represents to the viewer. A lot of us will get to take the same journey Lloyd goes through in the film, it allows you to fall to Mr Rogers' personality in the same way he does. Rhys makes Lloyd the perfect contrast for Hanks' Rogers, the cynicism, the constant surprise that comes across his face, a great combination.

There are so many touching scenes in A Beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood and I genuinely smiled a lot and felt like I was staring wide-eyed at the screen. If I was younger, and more limber I think I'd have ended up sitting crosslegged, elbows on knees, resting my head on my hands as I watched.

In a world full of troubles this film is a moment of peace and tranquility. There's no real way to explain how I felt after seeing this. I was definitely moved by it, there was a sense of peace... I can only hope that everyone gets this same sad yet somehow uplifting feeling from it.

Full review originally posted on:
The Rembrandt Secret
The Rembrandt Secret
Alex Connor | 2011 | Art, Photography & Fashion, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Rembrandt Secret is a thriller set in the closed and secretive art world. Set during a recession when many dealers and galleries are struggling, the gruesome murder of respected gallery owner Owen Ziegler threatens to reveal a secret that could rock the art world to its foundations.

As a thriller this book works really well; the secret itself (unsurprisingly involving the Dutch Old Master Rembrandt) is revealed fairly early on which means the book can concentrate on what it does best - instilling a sense of paranoia in both the hero (Owen's son Marshall) and the reader trying to work out who the murderer is.

The world of art is also a good choice for this kind of taut thriller; since everyone is trying to find that one previously unacknowledged masterpiece worth millions before their neighbour does nobody trusts anyone else. Marshill did not follow his father into the world of art and so is viewed with even more distrust.

A whole cast of eccentric characters appear, some of which could have a motive, most of them hiding some sort of underhand connection to the victim. As Marshal tries to make sense not only of his father's death but of the strange circles he moved in the secrets come to light one by one - and the body count rises. Someone is eliminating everyone who knows the Rembrandt Secret, including Marshall.

Although I know next to nothing about how the art world works (and I am assuming the portrayal is broadly accurate) it didn't lessen my enjoyment of the book. The plot is not filled with action by any means but instead is driven by the characters, every conversation feeling like the participants are carefully navigating their way thought it trying to gain advantage from the other. I did guess the 'who' in the whodunnit around half way through but it was more of an educated guess than anything concrete so was still fairly suprised when I was proved correct.

There is a lot of conversation about art which didn't interest me much but did add flavour and texture to the book, but it did get a little frustrating sometimes when it didn't have any bearing on moving the plot forward.

Overall I enjoyed this a lot and if I see another of Connor's books I will pick it up and no doubt enjoy reading that too.
The Walking Dead  - Season 7
The Walking Dead - Season 7
2016 | Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
Season 7 of The Walking Dead opens with a hard to watch bang, and one of the most infamous scenes from the comic series.
The introduction of Negan is suitably bleak, gory and unexpected, delivering a throat punch of two main character executions.
It is made clear that Rick could very well be out if his depth. It's a strong and terrifying opener, but it unfortunately does not set the tone for the rest of the season.

As I've mentioned before, TWD settled into a formula - a season would tend to consist of a couple of outstanding episodes, a handful a good ones, and then passed out with a lot of filler.
The main problem with season 7 is that after the opening episode, the remaining episodes all feel like filler. For the first time since it's beginning to, I found myself bored with TWD.
The plot remains very samey for the most part, with Rick and co. gathering supplies for Negan to avoid anymore culling of the cast.
Meanwhile we're introduced to new communities in the shape of The Kingdom and Oceanside, and it becomes clear early one that the four communities (including Alexandria and Hilltop) will unite to take on The Saviours, but it takes an excruciatingly long time to get there.
The side plot of Daryl's capture is dragged out for way too long and becomes testing.
The side plot of Eugene's reluctant turn to The Savior's is dragged out for way too long (it doesn't actually get resolved until the end of season 8!)
It all just feels like a bit of a slog.
We're also introduced to a group of survivors lead by a woman called Jadis, who are so f*cking pretentious, that they made me want to stop TWD altogether.

Its not all bad. My personal highlight of the season is probably Negan himself, a character that a lot of people didn't like. His jokey demeanor works well against all the seriousness, and to be honest, I'm just a fan of Jeffrey Dean Morgan in general.

Overall though, season 7 is thoroughly average, and unfortunately, it's not quite the low point of TWD. The main positive here is that it reminded me just how good the first few seasons were.
The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines, #3)
The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines, #3)
Richelle Mead | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original Review posted at <a title="The Indigo Spell" href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Original Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Owls

<i><b>Note:</b> Formatting is lost due to copy and paste</i>

     I'm developing a "bad" habit with making lists as reviews now... and have no clue why. Maybe it's the fact that it's usually concise and straight on? O_o

      I'll let you guys be the judge. Oh, and this won't be a listyish review.

      Well, I can't take us down memory lane, because unfortunately, despite the fact I recently did a skim-a-refresh-a-thon with both Vampire Academy and Bloodlines series, I still don't remember half the things that happened in the prior books.

      The really unfortunate part is the fact I can't go do another one because I'm pretty much piled high on books. And this isn't the ever so famous TBR.

      But keep the tomatoes to yourself, fandom peeps. Really. I'm probably asking for mercy from my friend on a daily basis already (oh, and if the anonymous friend is reading this... well. Hi. Forgive me? :D?).

      That friend might also murder me for forgetting, which is why I'm asking for a spare of life... O_o

      So basically throughout the entire course of the book, I was practically wondering how in the world I didn't remember the little details for some books... but I do for others. And I was making a lot of ">_<." (I have Booknesia?! :o)

      The thing is, I'm extremely glad Sydney's taken some advice from a fifteen-year-old. And if my tiny fragments of memory will allow me to remember, Sydney's also changed quite a lot from the prior two books throughout the course of The Indigo Spell.

      I may have also been warned of a major cliffhanger. I was bracing myself for the last words.
      Pillow? Check. Music? Check. Book? Check-ity-check. And then I basically tucked myself in and braced for the "worst" that might get thrown at me.

      This might get a nice tomato thrown at me, but...

      It wasn't so major. I am totally eh about it.

      But do I still want to read the fourth book when it comes out?

      Why yes. Yes, I am.

      And I would love to have a callistana. I picture it as cute and adorable...
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<b><i>‘’I was born to destroy everything you ever loved before me.’’</i></b>

It is very hard for me to judge this work and write a book review. It's hard to tell you what I think because I don't feel like I'm an expert in poetry.  I love reading poetry, but I don't read it as much. I love poetry, but maybe I don't understand it.

<b><i>Bright Pink Ink: New and Selected Poems</i></b> has a jolly vibe to it, a lot of love & happiness, emotions of loss, missing loved ones and love, as well as a feminist vibe that is refreshing. It was an enjoyable read. 

However, it also holds a little bit if monotony with it, very short poems or poems that are written as prose. I encountered a few repetitive sentences on a few occasions and while I know that repeating a line is common in poetry to straighten the meaning and add rhythm - in this occasion it wasn't pleasurable to read. 

<b><i>"Maybe I should tell them about my husband's laugh. A sound that erupts as suns inside me till I float - free as dust." </i></b>

I loved <b><i>‘’A poem from 4/14/2015 read on 6/21/2017’’.</i></b> It is written quite well, with two parallel stories happening while you read, in a different timeline. I really enjoyed it, despite the great annoyance that is the date. The only logical date format I know of is day - month - year. 

There were a lot of feminist vibes through the poems, which was pleasantly enjoyable. On this topic, <b><i>"Mortal Gods Demand a Sacrifice"</i></b> was my favourite one. 

<b><i>"The moon must've thought you were the sun." </i></b>

Thank you to the author Laura Dinovis Berry for sending me a copy of Bright Pink Ink in exchange for an honest review. 

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The Kingmaker (All the King&#039;s Men Duet, #1)
The Kingmaker (All the King's Men Duet, #1)
Kennedy Ryan | 2019 | Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one starts on the last day of Lennix's four day coming of age ceremony when she's thirteen. Her mum kisses her goodbye as she goes off to protest in one of America's big cities against something the government has planned, only she never comes home again. Fast forward four years and Lennix is loudly protesting the demolition of the sacred Native American ground where she had her ceremony and where elders are buried, so they can build an oil pipe that will also pollute the local water.
Maxim Cade is the son of the millionaire/billionaire laying the pipeline but is against the use of fossil fuels and his fathers companies use of violence against those protesting the pipelines build. He puts himself between a dog's jaw and Lennix and as they are carted off to jail they bond with each other and a connection is formed that lasts years, though they don't see each other again for another four.

This book spans a lot of years. 14 from that meeting when Lennix is 17. They are now both successful in their own right. Maxim with his green energy business and Lennix with her, erm...I don't know the title for what she does. She helps political figures get into office, fighting for those who are helping the minorities.

I get that both are going after important issues that are happening in America, and the world, but I did feel like at times it was a bit repetitive and very in-depth with the information we're told - which I'll admit, I found a bit boring. Also, politics is not for me and it began to take up a fair part of this book towards the end.

Some of the secondary characters were cool. The guy - can't remember his name, some sort of surname - who was with Maxim on the Antarctic boat? I liked him. He talked sense a lot and ended up really close with Maxim. I also liked Wallace. That bit at the party around the 70% mark when he's being - in Lennix's words - her beard, trying to keep Maxim at arms length after not seeing each other for ten years, was fun.

The connection between Lennix and Maxim was great when they were together but in the end it wasn't that much of the book. They seemed to be apart more than they were together.

I don't think I'll be reading its counterpart.

Dale Lawson (13 KP) rated The Stranger in TV

Mar 1, 2020 (Updated Mar 1, 2020)  
The Stranger
The Stranger
2020 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Cliffhanger endings (1 more)
Mysterious plot twists
Shocking acting (2 more)
Incomplete plot
Character motivations
What started as an addictive watch, left me deflated...
This show has recently been released on Netflix and has a lot of buzz surrounding it. I was recommended it by three different people in the space of a few days. Even when I started to watch the series, I was quick to suggest it to friends. However, having finished the series and reflecting on the show, I wondered how I enjoyed it so much. It was full of plot holes, lost character motivations and had a selection of poor actors.

The premise of the show is that a stranger visits Richard Armitage’s character and unveils some unexpected and life changing news. As the series develops various crimes, including murder, end up being committed and they fuel a lot of the ‘twists’ or cliffhangers that end each episode.

These endings are what make the show enjoyable to watch, I think. They keep you wanting more. We watched three episodes in one evening because of the desire to ‘find out more’. Whilst the writers have done an excellent job in this regard and for the sub-plots, the content of each episode is often rushed, to progress the plot or just simply poorly written.

But it is the actors that let this show down the most; regularly, they are even laughable. The cast that play the children are extremely rough around the edges and provide much of the unintended humour. This said, the blame is not solely down to them. Many of the other supporting adult cast come across flat and dry, which is partly down to the poor writing.

Richard Armitage does the best he can with the script he has, yet it was good to see him on screen again after a large hiatus. The two main police officers also provide quality performances, and thankfully are on screen for much of the time to hold this show together. Stephen Rhea’s character is also very likeable for the first half of the story. It’s a shame to see a cast of strong actors struggling to provide quality performances.

With an ending that felt wrong and depressing, to the poorly acted episodes, The Stranger proves to be an addictive watch that leaves you feeling a little underwhelmed and deflated upon its conclusion.
I&#039;m Still Here (2010)
I'm Still Here (2010)
2010 | Comedy, Drama, Music
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This film, is it, was it real, or was it in effect a massive hoax concocted by Phoenix and Affleck? Well, it has been revealed that it was the latter, and to be fair after watching it you’d have to be a total fool to actually believe that one of Hollywood’s brightest talents would jack it all in to become a rapper.

As far as performances go this is one of Joaquin’s best, and all he had to do was grow a grizzly beard, smoke a lot and write some of the most ridiculous rap lyrics ever! But if this is genuine satire then he put his heart and sole into it!

When he was interviewed by David Letterman (who had no idea the whole thing was a hoax) Phoenix looked like a shadow of his former self

Chewing gum, and slopped in his chair he was totally unresponsive to the abuse he was getting, and back stage vented his anger. The more outrageous scenes are the ones that create the most hilarious and deliver the shocking impacts, such as sniffing coke from the bosom of a prostitute, to having his face shat on by a so called friend.

What is the most cringe-worthy to watch is Phoenix’s pitiful attempts at rapping, the bloke has about as much musical talent as Jedward and he gets his fair share of heckles, in each venue that he some how manages to get a gig for.

“I’ve got a million dollars in the bank, what have you got!?” comes Pheonix’s response, and then he proceeds to hurl himself into the crowd fists swinging, followed by violent vomiting.

To think that a man of P Diddy’s calibre would even consider letting some disheveled tramp off the street play him tracks from his demo is unbelievable in itself. Diddy’s eyes say it all as he asks Phoenix to skip on to the next one, continually starring down the camera in sheer disbelief!

There is not a lot to suggest that an actor such as this would just suddenly melt down, of course we don’t deny the pressures in Hollywood might cause few to sink to a lowest ebb, but Affleck succeeds in making this a shocking and truly hilarious stunt.
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Final Fantasy VII Remake
2020 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Like many of you, Final Fantasy VII is my favourite game, ever. It was the first FF title I played all the way back in 1997, and have since played it through a silly amount of times in the years since.
The prospect of a remake was cautiously exciting to me, but any doubts I may have had were completely blown away withkn the first hour or two of play.

Final Fantasy VII Remake looks absolutely stunning. It plays on nostalgia in all the right ways as it brings characters and locations from the original straight into the modern times, and a few texture issues aside, it's one of the best looking games available.
The combat mechanics are superb as well. Fairly similar to FFXV in style, with some elements taken from XIII, make for an easily addictive play style, and one that has buckets of replayability.

There has been a lot of concerns raised about the decision to release the remakes in parts - this game is based on the first 5-6 hours of the original. Remake however, is a fully fledged gaming experience in its own right. After finishing the main story, my play time had clocked in at a respectable 42 hours, and this isn't taking into consideration endgame content, and new game plus mode. It's hefty for sure.
Nobuo Uematsu's beloved score from the original has had and incredibly crafted upgrade as well. The music score is just phenomenal, and elevates the whole thing to bigger and better heights.

This isn't to say that Remake is flawless, because it's not. The main issue that people have taken seems to be with the story (no spoilers, don't worry). A lot of the new stuff added to pad out the game is genuinely great, however, there are some big changes made to the original, which is bound to piss off die hard fans. Personally, I'm ok with it at the moment, but I do have some concerns about how it will effect future installments.
Some of the exploration is very linear, but honestly, it's something that didn't impact my enjoyment too much, especially with the likely hood of part 2 being more open.

All things considered, Remake is above and beyond what I thought we would get. It's a fantastic reimagining of a stone cold classic, and part 2 can't come soon enough. My heart is full.

Sarah (7798 KP) Apr 28, 2020

So looking forward to playing this!


LeftSideCut (3778 KP) Apr 28, 2020

I genuinely loved it. Genuinely got quite emotional a few times 😂