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I have mixed feelings about this book. I can't say it's bad, because I've taught 95% of the projects before. they're great projects! But as an artist and art instructor, I've seen kids do more than what is in this book (for some of the projects). Some of the projects are very simple things you could find over the internet. Some are things you do in elementary school. It's got a broad mix of really cool projects with a lot of potential, and really dull projects that I know kids don't really respond to very well.

However, I did find three or four projects that are pretty cool, that I'm definitely implementing aspects of in my extended camp this summer!

That being said, this book is great for students who want to do art but don't have any kind of local art class institution, teachers who are looking for a good collection to fit a wide age range, and maybe homeschool parents who want their kids to have art but don't know where to start.

Kids art class teacher? not so much. You probably already know them.
Maya's Notebook
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maya Vidal may only be 20 years old, but she has been through a lot in that short time. Sent to live in a remote village in Chile after battling great challenges in her life, Maya uses her notebook to write about and learn from those challenges. The mistakes from her past will help her to hopefully lead a more productive and promising future.

Told from Maya's point of view, we are transported all over the world. Most of the book takes place in Chiloe, Chile, but you will also spend time in Berkeley, California, in Oregon, in Las Vegas and other countries throughout the world. Taken back and forth in time from Maya's present to the events of her past that brought her to Chile in the first place. This book is full of strong family ties that help Maya to keep her head on somewhat straight.

Overall this was a great story, but it took way too long to read. Full of great details it makes you feel as though you are in the setting of the book.

Favorite quote from the book: "...there's no fuel for the bonfires of despair."
72 Hour Hold
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Your daughter has just turned 18 and recently diagnosed with bi-polar disorder. After being placed on a 72-hour hold she is released from the hospital. When you go to pick her up, she is gone and there is nothing you can do about it. She's technically an adult, so she is free to go about her business. Meanwhile, you worry, where is she, what is she doing, is someone hurting her, is she hurting herself. What measures would you go through to protect your child, even though she is an "adult". How can you help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Would you take drastic measures to insure that your daughter gets all the help she needs. Her father is in denial and the support group just says, "Hang in there!" After the 3rd or 4th 72-hour hold for her daughter, Trina, Keri tries some extreme measures to help her daughter with her mental illness. Going through her own struggles in trying to help her daughter, Keri finds out a lot about her lie and the life of her daughter, and exactly how to help them both.
Uncommon Type: Some Stories
Uncommon Type: Some Stories
Tom Hanks | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Such a multi-talented man
Tom Hanks is probably my favourite actor. I don't think he's ever been in a film that I haven't liked. So for me this book of short stories was a bit of a worry as id hate for it not to be as good as his acting.

Fortunately however, these stories prove that Hanks can write as well as he can act. The stories are very short, but detailed and witty and for the most part very interesting. Not a lot tends to happen in these stories, they seem to be more of a "day in the life of" but this isn't a bad thing because they're so well written that you still find the stories to be very entertaining. The only parts of this book I didn't like were the short columns from Hank Fiset, which to me seemed a little out of place and not as well written as the rest of the books.

This really proves Hanks is a good author and I'd love for him to write a full novel. Something like the story about regression would make a great novel.

Jessica Cashen (1 KP) rated Tarnished in Books

May 16, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic read. Well written, with a great plot and characters. It is a bit slow going at first, then a lot of action starts happening and you can't put it down. I was engrossed from start to finish. Tarnished starts were Pefected left off. Ella spends about one week in a Canadian safe house before watching Penn’s suffering on the news and cannot just sit by. Ella plans an escape and the last person she ever expected help from shows up as Ella is escaping. Thank goodness for her unlikely companion (Missy) she helps Ella navigate the darker black market where pets can be bought, sold, or paid very little for jobs. The more Ella discovers about the inhumane conditions these human pets are made to live in, and mutilated, dead bodies of pets are turning up. Which is kept quiet by bribed police departments, the more determined Ella becomes to do something about it.
Don’t miss the trilogy’s conclusion, ‘Unraveled’ available on April 3rd! I know i can't wait to read it! I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from Netgalley.

Jessica Cashen (1 KP) rated Unraveled in Books

May 16, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic read. Well written, with a great plot and characters. This book is fast paced, with a lot of twists and turns. I was engrossed from start to finish. Unraveled is the conclusion of the Perfected series, which picks up a shortly after the conclusion of the second book. Ella and Penn are now a part of the resistance, Missy is in the hands of Penn's father, the Congressman. Ella is determined not only to save Missy, but also to shut down NuPet for good. The resistance has a traitor among them, foiling them at every turn. Ella and Penn are being framed for bombings. Things are not as easy for Ella and her friends in this book, and they will really have to fight for their freedom and what is right. Ella is even more courageous and ballsy in this book, as she dedicates herself to her mission. Ella still makes some very foolish decisions, but she is able to work her way through them towards her goals. The storylines from earlier books are wrapped up well in this conclusion. If you enjoyed the first two books, you will definitely want to read this finale.

Akward (448 KP) rated Coup in Tabletop Games

May 25, 2018  
2012 | Bluff, Card Game, Deduction, Party Game, Political
Inexpensive (2 more)
Easy to teach new players
You'll figure out who in your group of friends is good at lieing. (0 more)
Fun, Quick, Easy to Learn
Coup is one of my favorite games to teach non-boardgamers. It is quick to learn, and people can beat veteran players within their first few games. Not to mention that a game can be played in less than 15 minutes, so even if players get a bad set of cards, they can start over quickly.

The classes are balanced incredibly well. The only class that is a little weak (the Ambassador), gets fixed by the expansion (Reformation).

Overall, this game has a lot of replayability, and I would highly recommend it for players both new and experienced in social deduction. You will not find a better game for the price (since it usually runs less than $10).

I would also highly recommend purchasing the expansion, Coup: Reformation, which can also be picked up for less than $10. It improves upon the base game in every way, allows for 10 players (up from 6), and allows for teams, which are very fun.
Dead Man's Shoes (2006)
Dead Man's Shoes (2006)
2006 | Drama, Mystery
Brilliantly savage
Finally managed to get a hold of this after borrowing it on DVD from my brother, I’ve been wanting to watch it again for a long time and it’s still a fantastic hard hitting film.

This is a darkly savage and fairly brutal story of revenge that makes for a powerful watch. The plot is straight forward and simple, but it just goes to show that you don’t need a massive budget or fancy Hollywood effects to make an outstanding film. From the effective story telling (colour current day scenes vs black and white flashbacks), to a clever script, bleak, creepy and almost gruesome scenes and some great performances. Paddy Considine is a fantastic actor, and probably deserves a lot more accolades, and Toby Kebbell has an outstanding yet fairly small and moving breakthrough performance as Anthony. The final twist at the end too is one of the few film endings that has always stuck with me. And I will admit to having a bit of a soft spot for films that are set in or around my local area, and Derbyshire isn’t too far away....
Queen Kong (1976)
Queen Kong (1976)
1976 | Comedy, Fantasy
3.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Low-budget cash-in spoof of de Laurentiis's King Kong remake; there's a lot of uneven comedy and some dreadful monster suits, so you can see why Dino felt impinged upon. Tough female film-maker (Lenska) despairs of finding a man with the guts to star in her new movie; she kidnaps petty thief Ray Fay (Asquith) and takes him off to a remote African country with a large gorilla population (only one gorilla, but it is very large). You can probably guess the rest.

You turn up to a film like Queen Kong with subterraneanly low expectations, but there are actually some not-bad jokes here, along with other bits which are so weird they are actually entertaining (title song includes the lyric 'When I'm feeling kinda spunky I want to do it with my funky monkey', which I didn't anticipate). There's also a rather peculiar feminist subtext and it's not entirely clear whether the movie is taking the mick out of Woman's Lib or if it's sincerely intended. A definite oddity; the production is primitive, but it has just enough ideas to be interesting.
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3)
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, #3)
Patricia Briggs | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Iron Kissed was just as good as the previous books in the Mercy Thompson series, if not better. Since I've been reading a lot of urban fantasy-type books lately, I have to admit to a bit of confusion at the beginning in remembering this world and the characters. Luckily most of it came back and I was able clear everything up. I was worried going into Iron Kissed, with the love triangle and was so happy when Mercy finally chose someone, as opposed to dilly-dallying for the next few books. I don't mind the romance angle, but I can get sick of everyone falling in love/lust/or whatever with the main character (even if Mercy kicks-major-youknowwhat!) in this genre of book(s). If only I could be so lucky. LoL Only in fiction. Anyways, the ending did disturb me and turn my stomach, which is a credit to the author, but it really added an element of realism to the book and especially to Mercy's character. I hope to see Mercy stronger than ever in the next book. Can't wait for it!