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Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Characters and acting (0 more)
Unconvincing social commentary (0 more)
A very different movie from the Marvel universe, Spiderman: Home coming, made perhaps the most overdone movie superhero fresh and exciting again. And how did they do that? Going back to the basics of who and what the character is: A high school kid, who looks like, acts like, and think like a high school kid.

Well acted on both sides of the good and evil, Tom Holland gives us an endearing Spiderman and follows up on his introduction in Captain America: Civil War. The Vulture, Spiderman's villain this go around, played by Micheal Keaton, has the one thing most superhero villains lack: a believable motive.

That's the one place where I think there was a little room to grow in this movie. There are hints of trying to make a social commentary on the military industrial complex and it's effect on the average citizen, but a lot of that gets lost in a visual action story. A small gripe, but, I think, a fair critique.

All in all, one of the stronger and more fun and enjoyable Marvel films to date.

Merissa (11765 KP) rated The Fear in Books

Mar 22, 2018  
The Fear
The Fear
C.L. Taylor | 2018 | Contemporary, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Fear by C.L. Taylor
The Fear tells the story of Louise, a schoolgirl who ran away to France with her karate teacher, thinking it was just for the weekend. Instead it turns into something a whole lot more, which leads to him going to prison for five years. Through a series of flashbacks you learn what happened, and also why Louise never testified against him in court. Told from three different perspectives, you are thrown into this story, and watch as the twists and turns unfold. Nothing is what it seems in this book, and you will question just what is going on - just like Louise does.

Very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, this was a thrilling read that captured my interest from the very start. The way the story unfolds keeps your interest, and I adored the ending - although I won't say anything else about that!

Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Dana (24 KP) rated Shards and Ashes in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Shards and Ashes
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am keeping this review short because I was not a fan of the book, so I don't want to spend a lot of time on it.

I did not really like this book, but I have read most of these authors and I have loved their books before, so I think it may have been the subject matter or something, because this was not my cup of tea.

For starters, all the stories were grossly depressing. I can take sad stories, we all know that, but this was to another level of sad. It was like there was no hope in most of these and I just couldn't get behind it.

I understand if people like these stories, I won't hold it against you if you do, but I am not a fan.

Even the worlds of these stories were under-developed. The rules of the worlds were not explained, so there was no reasoning for why these characters did what they did. It was disappointing to say the least.

I am not giving up on these authors, especially since I like quite a few of them.
This book is split in half. The first half is written entirely in Spanish while the second half is in English. As a person who speaks no Spanish, it was cool to go back and forth from the two halves to get an understanding to what the words meant.

This book gave a very interesting view into the migrant workers of the United States. Not only are there the testimonials from the people themselves, there are also little vignettes into each person's life.

There are small aspects of dark humor throughout the novel. Some instances, like when the child is trying to evoke the devil by cursing at him, made me laugh while I was reading it.

I really enjoyed how true the characters were to themselves in their stories. Even though we weren't following a single character the entire way through, all of the stories were connected in some way. Even still, we got great glimpses into their lives and the lives of a lot of immigrants in the United States.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book. It was quick and didn't seem very drawn out.
The Kind Worth Killing
The Kind Worth Killing
Peter Swanson | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
It would be hard to describe this book without giving too many of its surprises away, so I am just going to summarize the very beginning. A man meets a woman in an airport lounge in England, on the flight home, the 2 wind up discussing the possibility of killing his unfaithful wife and her lover. By the time the plane lands, they have the beginnings of an actual plan worked out. Where things go from there I cannot say, but do be prepared for a chain of events that are a lot less straightforward than that description might suggest. Twists and surprises are scattered liberally throughout this tale of revenge, which pulls the reader in pretty much from the first page. The characters, while understandably a bit hard to like, are never less than interesting, which only helps to add to the suspense when they find themselves in potentially dangerous situations. My only real complaint would be that the ending felt a bit flat. It's not to say that it's bad, rather that it didn't feel climactic enough considering all that had transpired before it. Still, that shouldn't stop you from reading this otherwise excellent and suspenseful novel.
The Passenger
Lisa Lutz | 2016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Firstly I'd like to thanks Netgalley and Simon & Schuster for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

The Passenger is thrilling and exhilarating! With twists and turns around every corner, I can assure you, you will not be bored.

While this books plot is overused, Lutz did really well to add her own spark to it, making it unique and fast paced, exactly what I love in a book. Each character presented had their own story to tell and I'm happy to say I found none of them annoying or boring (maybe apart from Domenic's use of the word 'sweetheart' a lot).

Tanya/Nora/Debra's/whatever you want to call her's story is heartbreaking and challenging throughout. I tend to find women found in these predicaments (in books) do all the wrong things and only make their life more difficult, but Tanya does everything expertly and wonderfully. She's such a likeable character that you are backing her the whole way through, even at the times where her actions are questionable.

I will definitely recommend this to friends and family when it is published as I believe it's a fabulous fast paced thriller that thousands will enjoy.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Godzilla (2014) in Movies

Mar 24, 2018 (Updated Mar 24, 2018)  
Godzilla (2014)
Godzilla (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Second American attempt at a Godzilla movie avoids some of the old pitfalls which scuppered the Roland Emmerich version, but discovers some brand ones and promptly stumbles into those instead. A slightly oblique take on the Godzilla mythology - Godzilla is not the result of nuclear testing but a survivor from an earlier epoch - and the fact the film often seems more interested in the Muto monsters (Godzilla's opponents this time around) result in a film with a rather odd feel, for all that on paper it looks like a more 'classic' Godzilla story.

They get a lot right - Godzilla is a properly imposing beast, and there are monster battles at the centre of the film - but it's much more po-faced than the Emmerich version, apparently worried that if it cracks a smile for a second or acknowledges its own absurdity everyone will instantly lose interest. Gareth Edwards' habit of cutting away to another sequence every time the monsters start fighting rapidly becomes very annoying, too. A better Godzilla movie than the 1998 version, certainly; but less assured and capable as a piece of entertainment.
Counterpart - Season 1
Counterpart - Season 1
2018 | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
JK Simmons (0 more)
Hard to hear, need to turn up the volume (0 more)
I love this show.... JK simmons is amazing
I watch this sho with my wife and my inlaws. It's great, and always has me considering possibilities. It reminds me a lot of the time I read Time Traveler's wife. The best moments in this show are when the 2 sides interact on a human level. The little moments between people when the mixing and matching of the sides takes place. I don't want to list them due to spoilers, but in the premise for the show imagine there was another version of you on the other side, and the differences could be minor, or they could be vast. imagine meeting that person, or imagine meeting your wife's other? how wild would that be? There is espionage too, but truthfully that doesn't hold a candle to the human moments. Worth watching and I believe when I watch it again I'm going to see plenty I missed the first time. The only complaint I have is that it's sometimes hard to hear, we have to turn the sound way up. But it's worth it.

Awix (3310 KP) rated She (1965) in Movies

Feb 24, 2018  
She (1965)
She (1965)
1965 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Blue Flame Blues
Well-remembered Hammer fantasy has lavish production values, thoughtful script, terrific cast. World-weary explorers find themselves drawn to lost city in the mountains of North Africa, where they find a living legend and a blue flame with the power to grant immortality.

Obviously, you have to overlook the fact that the ancient Egyptian queen looks and sounds so Swiss, but apart from that there is a lot to enjoy here, although it is probably all a bit unreconstructed by modern standards (the whiter and blonder you are, the more important and beautiful). Peter Cushing does the business, as usual; Christopher Lee doesn't get enough to do. The main problem is that the film's central relationship (between Richardson and Andress) is just terribly tepid and not dramatic enough to power the second half of the film; as a result this is one of those movies that starts very strongly but discovers that the lost city is worth seeing, but not really worth the trouble of going to see. Probably still worth a look, overall, if 60s fantasy films are your cup of tea.
The Obsidian Chamber
The Obsidian Chamber
Douglas Preston | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
While some of the Pendergast books can be read as standalone thrillers, whether or not you’ve read the rest of the series, you really do need to have read a lot (if not all) of the previous books to appreciate this one. While it’s very hard to say much about it without using spoilers, I can say that this story is very much character driven, and you need to understand the relationships and motivations of the characters in question for the story to make sense. While there is more action than usual for Proctor in this installment, overall the style of the story makes it move along a little more slowly than most books in the series. While I did like the book, I can’t say that I was completely happy with the way things were wrapped up, or with the amount of page-time Pendergast actually gets in this novel. It left me wanting more, but I guess that in itself is a good thing!

Longtime fans of the Pendergast series should enjoy this one, but I’d recommend starting back with Relic if Pendergast is new to you!