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Transformist of the Heart and Soul
Transformist of the Heart and Soul
Melinda George | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unique design and compact. (0 more)
Needs more/better prompts (0 more)
Wonderful Self-help poetry journa
Transformist of the Heart and Soul by Melinda George is a self help journal mixed with a poetry book.

 Follow one woman, possibly yourself through a discovery of self-love. Find acceptance and move on from damaging relationships with the aid of twelve heartfelt poems from someone who appears to have felt the same pain.

 Once you feel ready the journal side of the book asks readers to write their thoughts in the form of poetry and to create daily mantras. For those wanting more you can create a 24 day gratitude list and write love letters to yourself. For the final aspect of the journal readers (or should I say writers) can glue or tape in images or since the squares are black use a white colored pencil to draw in ideas.

 The poems are touching and probably relatable for a large number of people, as sad as that is. I also enjoyed how compact the book is, it is small enough to fin in a purse, backpack, or suitcase without taking up too much room. This book is more of a journal than an actual book. Only twelve poems are found in the 79 page book. The back of the book dose say it is a self-empowerment journal inspired by poem, but I wish there were more poems in it. It also would have been nice if the journal had some more specific writing prompts in it.

 This book is directed mostly towards women. Specifically it seems to focus on someone leaving or recovering from a bad relationship. Readers should be prepared to or have a need to expose their hear and soul at least to themselves, which can be a painful process. I rate this book 3 out of 4. Over all the book/journal is very nice. I just with it had more poems and better/more specific writing prompts. The size of the book is nice for people on the go so they can write whenever they feel the inspiration.

Transformist of the Heart and Soul | Book| Austin Macauley Publishers USA
Poetry can be a very personal thing, or it can be a thing of great beauty transcending a generation or a county and becoming part of your very being. Alternatively, poetry can be throw away, a collection of sounds meant to inspire thought or simply to entertain, but in my experience, this latter form is often difficult to capture on the page and even harder to recreate in the minds and hearts of a reader. I would love the hear these poems performed, read out, expressed and felt, perhaps then their inner rhythm would show itself and make sense. Sadly, as these poems are written I am robbed of that experience, and as such find little to draw me back to their tale. If you like written performance style poetry this will be for you, I hope I get the chance to hear them one day.
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very interesting read. Well written and very informative. I absolutely love fairies which is what drew me to request this book......and I was not disappointed. This book has definitions, poems and a serious look at the folkloreand mythology of fairies. Some of the things covered in this book are Fairyland, Basic Facts about Fairies, The Courts and Divisions in Fairy, Fairies in Tradition, Mortal Interactions and Fairies in the Modern World. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from Netgalley.

Kathy Najimy recommended My Life on the Road in Books (curated)

My Life on the Road
My Life on the Road
Gloria Steinem | 2016 | Biography
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I discovered this book of poetry in 1978 and carried it in my purse (pages dogeared) for over ten years. It hasn’t been easy to find the 40 copies I’ve gifted to just about every young woman I’ve met. It includes pieces and poems of race, love, loneliness and violence against women, and the very being of women, written from Ntozakes’ very heart-filled and heartbreaking clear view of her body, her life and the world. The entries “No Gust of Wind” and “Every 3 Minutes” = Bible."


Kathy Najimy recommended Nappy Edges in Books (curated)

Nappy Edges
Nappy Edges
Ntozake Shange | 1978 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I discovered this book of poetry in 1978 and carried it in my purse (pages dogeared) for over ten years. It hasn’t been easy to find the 40 copies I’ve gifted to just about every young woman I’ve met. It includes pieces and poems of race, love, loneliness and violence against women, and the very being of women, written from Ntozakes’ very heart-filled and heartbreaking clear view of her body, her life and the world. The entries “No Gust of Wind” and “Every 3 Minutes” = Bible."

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<b><i>‘’I was born to destroy everything you ever loved before me.’’</i></b>

It is very hard for me to judge this work and write a book review. It's hard to tell you what I think because I don't feel like I'm an expert in poetry.  I love reading poetry, but I don't read it as much. I love poetry, but maybe I don't understand it.

<b><i>Bright Pink Ink: New and Selected Poems</i></b> has a jolly vibe to it, a lot of love & happiness, emotions of loss, missing loved ones and love, as well as a feminist vibe that is refreshing. It was an enjoyable read. 

However, it also holds a little bit if monotony with it, very short poems or poems that are written as prose. I encountered a few repetitive sentences on a few occasions and while I know that repeating a line is common in poetry to straighten the meaning and add rhythm - in this occasion it wasn't pleasurable to read. 

<b><i>"Maybe I should tell them about my husband's laugh. A sound that erupts as suns inside me till I float - free as dust." </i></b>

I loved <b><i>‘’A poem from 4/14/2015 read on 6/21/2017’’.</i></b> It is written quite well, with two parallel stories happening while you read, in a different timeline. I really enjoyed it, despite the great annoyance that is the date. The only logical date format I know of is day - month - year. 

There were a lot of feminist vibes through the poems, which was pleasantly enjoyable. On this topic, <b><i>"Mortal Gods Demand a Sacrifice"</i></b> was my favourite one. 

<b><i>"The moon must've thought you were the sun." </i></b>

Thank you to the author Laura Dinovis Berry for sending me a copy of Bright Pink Ink in exchange for an honest review. 

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Wonderland: Alice in Poetry
Wonderland: Alice in Poetry
Michaela Morgan | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can anybody truly say,
Had you never come our way,
Alice, where we'd be today?

If you love Alice and Wonderland then this is the book for you. Some poems you will know, such as the iconic 'The Walrus and the Carpenter' but there are also some new pieces, inspired by the classic tale, waiting to be discovered.

This collections comprises of 53 poems which was much larger than I was expecting. Obviously, OBVIOUSLY a lot of these are penned by Lewis Carroll: it would be sacrilegious otherwise. However, I was impressed by the inclusion of modern poets in order to appeal to the younger reader: even Facebook gets a mention!

The illustrations by Sir John Tenniel are perfect and I loved the italic additions throughout the book which educate the reader as to the inspiration behind the verses.

An anthology of fantasy; this collection is perfect for our busy lives when we need a quick five minutes of escapism.
Poems: The Centenary Edition
Poems: The Centenary Edition
Elizabeth Bishop | 2011 | Essays
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"A life’s work may occupy shelf upon shelf, or all the genius may be distilled down to a concentrate of wisdom, and I would love to think that I’ve ever thought anything as clearly as Bishop has thought each of her poems. My favorite lines forever: It is like what we imagine knowledge to be: dark, salt, clear, moving, utterly free, drawn from the cold hard mouth of the world, derived from the rocky breasts forever, flowing and drawn, and since our knowledge is historical, flowing, and flown."

Love on the Edge (Mindful Writers Retreat Series #3)
Love on the Edge (Mindful Writers Retreat Series #3)
Kathleen Shoop | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
You may be looking for a book that has some stories of love. This book has a few different tiers of redemption of love. It got stories about the loss of love and a few others; there are even poems about love.

The stories are all sweet and enjoyable. Some occur around the Pittsburgh area. I know the names of the rivers around my neighborhood, and they signify mentioned in this book. They are featured in some of the stories as well.

Here seems like an excellent book to have around for Valentine's day. You can read this book anytime; You can pick and choose a story here or there. There is no reason to read the whole book at one time. They are all sweet.

There are various authors, and they all write differently. Primarily the stories are focused on love or a form of love. This one is not as a promise to me as the second book in the series. But it is decent and enjoyable to read.

The short stories focused on the writer's love stories or their meaning of love to them. I enjoyed each story, though. There was not one the stuck out from the rest. This book is rated four and a half stars (Moons) for me. This book can be for anyone who might have lost a loved one or loves to read some romance.
Love Her Wild
Love Her Wild
Atticus | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"She was afraid of heights
But she was
much more afraid
Of never flying."
So I went into this book with no idea of who the author is or where they started. For background, I have been on a major poetry kick this year. I have been devouring books of poetry faster than I can find new authors. This book had some amazing moments for me, and some eh moments. It was a super quick and light read. I spent less than an hour to go through the entire thing. I loved the pictures as I thought they were beautiful, but I didn't love that there were so many of them in between poems as I felt like they were almost using it as filler. About 90 % of the poems were incredibly short, averaging about one sentence in length. However, the ones I liked really stuck with me. I think it was an overall really great collection, just maybe not my cup of tea. I think I would have to say part 3 is my favorite section.