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Leonard Cohen recommended Collected Poems in Books (curated)

Collected Poems
Collected Poems
Federico Garcia Lorca | 2002 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I was fifteen when I began to read Federico Garcia Lorca. His poems perhaps have had the greatest influence on my texts. He summoned up a world where I felt at home. His images were sensual and mysterious: ‘throw a fist full of ants to the sun.’ I wanted to be able to write something like that as well. A few years ago I wrote a musical adaptation of Lorca’s ‘Little Viennese Waltz.’ Then I noticed what a complex writer he was: it took me more than a hundred hours just to translate the poem. Lorca is one of those rare poets with whom you can stay in love for life."

Alice in Wonderland has got to be my favourite story. I just love everything about it! Hence why I got this book for Christmas; it's a really gorgeous book.

I don't think I need to go into much detail regarding the story; everyone knows Alice in Wonderland! What I will say is that the extra bits are lovely; there are letters from Carroll himself, details about how the story was written and printed, and other notes.

As for the illustrations... I love them! The original Tenniel illustrations are all in full colour, displayed wonderfully throughout the book. It just all looks so gorgeous!

So as I said, I won't want to go into too much detail. The story is obviously fantastic, and it's nice to see it all together - even with the "deleted scene" from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There. The poems and songs and riddles... Fantastic!

Everything about this book is lovely. The cover, the layout, the red shine around the edge of the pages. Love it! A huge favourite of mine. 5 stars for definite.
The Poet X
The Poet X
Elizabeth Acevedo | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another much-hyped book - and oh man, did it stand up to the hype. Told entirely through poetry, this novel was extraordinarily powerful, and had me sobbing near the end. Xiomara is an amazing character, and her poetry shows us her emotions more than prose ever could.

I've always loved poetry for that reason; especially poetry that plays with formatting - spacing and line breaks and size of stanzas. It's so much more evocative than simple paragraphs of prose. (My favorite poet is probably e.e. cummings, who is rather infamous for unusual formatting.)

Acavedo does similar things, making Xiomara's poetry explode across the page when necessary, and ordering it into simpler stanzas in calmer moments. It's not rhyming, even poetry; this is written slam poetry. And I love it.

Xiomara is Dominican, living in Harlem, with a very strict, religious mother. Her twin brother is gay but not out to their parents; Xiomara is fine with this but knows their mother won't be. Her poems cover her need to protect her brother and herself, both from their parents and from the outside world. She writes about street harassment and questioning God and falling in love with a boy, which is also against her mother's rules. Her poems are at turns heartbreaking and joyous, but always beautiful.

This is an amazing book, and is the second book on my Best of the Year list. I am blown away.You can find all my reviews at
The Afterlife of Walter Augustus
The Afterlife of Walter Augustus
Hannah Lynn | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Theory of afterlife (4 more)
Ghosts, love and cake
Walter is stick in limbo in the interim, a period of afterlife where you remain until everyone who knew him dies. All his loved ones have moved to yhe final stage of afterlife and he wants to go with them but a book of poems he wrote has been found by a stranger. Now she knows his name he is stuck for longer.

The story follows him and the women who found the book, Letty. She is a sad character who you want things to turn out good for.

The theory of the afterlife is fabulous and made me question whether I would want to stay there forever and be remembered or if I would want to risk moving into the final afterlife.

The characters made me want to shake them into being braver at times but are endearing. The plot is a bit crazy but there are lots of laughs and it is very creative.
Modern Calligraphy and Hand Lettering by Lisa Engelbrecht
Genre: Calligraphy and craft
ISBN: 9781592536443
Published: September 1st 2010 by Quarry Books
Rating: 5

This book was absolutely amazing. I have loved calligraphy since I was eleven.

This book had everything: information on supplies and tools and instructions on how to build your own tools. There are chapters on different calligraphy styles, like classic calligraphy, vintage styled alphabets, raw dry-brush techniques, funky fun letters, calligraphy on fabric, urban-styled graffiti, flourishes, gothic, and mixed media pieces. Every chapter is exciting and inspiring, and each chapter will speak to a different person and hit on their personal style. I have to say the fabric section really made me want to dance and get out my sewing machine. There were example pieces, full alphabets, photographs, stroke-by-stroke instructions on certain alphabets, and ideas beyond belief. This book is enough to keep me busy for at least the next two decades…

I recommend this book to anyone interested in calligraphy, collage, mixed media, or anyone who loves hand-writing pieces of art (Yes there are still some of us who love hand-writing letters and love poems and posters. We're awesome.).
Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Versions of cities flattened under the equalizing night.
The summer demands and takes away too much,
But night, the reserved, reticent, gives more than it takes."
 - As One Put Drunk into the Packet Boat

There are so many emotions in this collection: loneliness, grief, sadness, hope, longing, fear--they are all so strong but not overpowering.

I love whenever he talks about stillness and silence. Those moments are so peaceful and full of possibility. It almost makes you ache to be in one of those moments.

His thoughts on writing and what it takes to be a writer and writes are so perfectly beautiful.

There seems to be a theme of forgotten moments and trying to recapture those moments.

Any time he mentioned the night or any water, I just loved. Mainly because I love both of those things, but also because there was so much care in those details that they become so realistic.

My Favorite Poems from the Collection:
As One Put Drunk into the Packet Boat
A Man of Words
Grand Galop
The One Thing that Can Save America
Ode to Bill
The Crow
The Crow
James O'Barr | 1998 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Emotionally written (2 more)
Brilliantly drawn
My All Time Favourite
This graphic novel is my all time favourite. I have read it countless times, sometimes in a row. This is where it all began, and the author's tragic backstory, really helps bring forth the emotion from the pages.

This is a story of love and loss, but mostly of vengeance and a sense of mental torment that no one, dead or alive, should suffer.

There's a belief that when someone dies, their soul is carried to heaven, hell or some form of afterlife, and then there's this graphic novel that suggests that if the soul was wronged in their life, they may return as an avenging angel, to seek vengeance on those who wronged them.

Eric and his Fiancé where murdered for no good reason, and so his soul is brought back from the dead, with some additional abilities, such as a healing factor, meaning that he cannot be killed (again) by mortals.

This book also contains poetry among its pages. Beautiful poems that really add to the emotion of the book and the story. I love comics, graphic novels etc. Anything Marvel or DC, and of course indie comics, but The Crow will forever remain my favourite one among them all, because it is poetic justice written beautifully and emotionally, unlike anything I have ever read before or after it.
The Blessings of Friendship is book on friendship. There a poems about friendship. It fun the read. There are bible verses in the book as well. Your children may have heard of some of them. This is good book for children. The author makes it easy for children to read and enjoy. The pictures are wonderful and joyful. Children will love the pictures and want to have it read to them again.

The children will learn so good in learning to help others and for friends. They will also would learn kindness. This great book in return for it show what friendship is. The author did a wonderful job in the book. My rating is a 5 out 5 stars. I would recommend this for parents if they would like it for your children. If you like poetry this book great for it. It also great for children and parents a like. Though it for children mostly, it best for them to read though parents can read it to them as well.

Alex Kapranos recommended Dandruff by Ivor Cutler in Music (curated)

Dandruff by Ivor Cutler
Dandruff by Ivor Cutler
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"There’s no performer like Ivor Cutler. This record is a mixture of songs and poetry and stories and the lines between them all aren’t particularly distinct. There’s also a lady who I think was his girlfriend or lover at the time, but she has a couple of short poems on it. The only thing I can think that would be similar would be if you had Philip Larkin and Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band on a record together. It manages to capture those two extremes. It’s also a misleading record because when you first listen to it you think its daft nonsense, and it’s not, it’s extremely astute observation that is succinctly delivered. There’s one piece that talks about sex: "I used to lie in bed with women I loved and have sex. With this woman, I lie in bed and have love, whatever we do is love. Even sex." You have that next to a song about a ludicrous fantasy story about someone saving a sparrow from a taxi driver’s boots. The imagery is wonderful and it’s truly absurd but the absurdity can distract you from how observant it really is. It also has a distinct melancholy running through it as well. Even a song like 'I Believe In Bugs' and the last line "I will feel the bugs wriggle as they eat me away" – it’s funny and it’s absurd but he’s talking about mortality and the absurdity of existence. And very Scottish as well!"

10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>.)

This is my first time reviewing a poetry book, so hopefully my review will do this book justice as it's a wonderful and well written book of poetry.

god-chaser by Sari Krosinsky is a short book of mainly poetry and some prose. The main subject of this book are gods although there are a few prose and poetry from the author's memories.

I think the title of this book suits it. Most of the prose and poetry contained in this book deal with all sorts of gods, so the title "god-chaser" works perfectly. It's even mentioned in one of the poems.

I like the simplistic design of the cover. I assume the photo of the woman on the cover is the author. I love the tree in the background as well. The cover, to me, symbolises the whole "what you see is what you get with this book." Yes, the cover could've been more decorated with pictures of gods and goddesses but this cover works for this book.

The pacing of each poem and story is perfect. I found myself devouring each story and poem as I read them. Not once did I grow bored with this little book of prose and poetry.

When it comes to dialogue, most of it is easy to understand. There are a few words that I didn't know what they meant, but over all, the prose and poetry is easy to understand. I must mention here that the poems and stories spoke to my soul!! There are a few swear words in it, but not many.

My favourite piece in this book is a prose piece entitled "Election Day Memorial, 1984." I can't pinpoint why it's my favourite but I just love the way it's written. I also like the dry humour used in it.

This is definitely a great book for fans of prose and poetry as well as those that are into mythology. When I heard this book dealt with mythological gods and goddesses, I had to read it! The author does a fantastic job with the wording. It is beautifully written.

I'd recommend this book mostly to fans of prose and poetry aged 16+, but I think mostly everyone could benefit from reading it as it's a lovely read!