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This book had a lot of meat to it, a lot to digest and think about as the story continues. It flowed well with the transition from the first book, picking up right where it left off at the beginning.
There’s a lot more development of the story, characters, what’s going on - you learn and understand quite a bit more as Everley continues her harrowing journey to reach her goals. Her goals and wishes seem to shift some in this part of the story as well and it brings others goals and stories more to light some.
Things get way more intense here in this book and it left me feeling a lot - so many emotions that I’m not sure what to do with them.
There are so many nods and spins and retellings on fairytale/ folklore stories/ stories I remember from my childhood etc, it’s fun and wild.
Even though this part of the series ended on a happy note, I have conflicting emotions about leaving this part of the story behind and I’m sad about parts of it too. I’m having a slight book hangover here and I’m nervous about what happens next when the end of this series comes out.
If you haven’t read the first in this series, Before the Broken Star then you need to get on that before you read this and get ready for some awesomeness mixed with all the emotions. You don’t want to miss this continuing adventure.
Where do I start with this book?
Misty M. Beller wrote a beautiful story of adventure, love and exploring the great frontier. I believe that this is the first book in a series and let me tell you I will be reading the rest of the books in this series (Can I pre-pre- order it somewhere I wonder?). This book was so good, it is one of those books that feels like you are right there with the characters. Probably something to do with the psychology of the characters that touches something inside of you, and wow did this one work that for me.
The characters in this book were very well developed and had a clear sense of purpose right from the beginning. Misty M. Beller gives us some great father-daughter interactions as well as giving us French, Spanish, Southern and Native Americans all together to make some great moments around the campfire. The main characters in this book have things to work through, some together and separately and Misty M. Beller makes them do it quite believably. One of my favorite things about the book is the way Misty M. Beller shares the gospel throughout this book. She even worked in underlying themes of grace, forgiveness, grief over loss, and perseverance.
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the plotline, the cool adventures the characters go on (I mean who hasn’t imagine going along Lewis & Clark’s trip up the Mississippi river?), and for grabbing hold of my emotions right from the start.
Do you like books? Well, you probably do if you are reading this…..
Misty M. Beller has become one of my favorite authors over the last year as I have kept up with her new books and gone back and read her previous books. In each one she creates this beautiful connection between the reader and her characters that is phenomenal. Faith’s Mountain Home is a bit of a different focus than most of Misty M. Beller’s other books in that the characters do not travel all over the west, they mainly stay in a mining town. But after learning a bit about the main characters of this book in the last one Loves Mountain Quest I was really excited to learn more about Nate and Lauren and Misty M. Beller did not disappoint. Both Lauren and Nate showed great growth as individuals and their faith really showed through. I enjoyed the themes that Misty M. Beller wove into this story as they were realistic and had real life applications. Plus, the storyline hooked my interest with the opening line “Just a little farther. Laura Hannon dared another step on the rock ledge that wrapped around the mountain.” It was a great start and the momentum kept going throughout the book.

Overall, I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great character development, the themes presented, the the great display of faith throughout this book.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
All Soul's Night is a mixed bag of steam and spice! Every story is linked to the others by the Venetian Masked Ball on All Soul's Night, and some characters have cameos in either the story before or after, which gave it a great feeling of continuity.

Most of the stories are M/F but His Vampire Morsel by Lesli Richardson is MM and Once Bitten, Twice Shy by Arial Burnz is M/M/F. All of them are set in the world of the Midnight Doms so expect plenty of BDSM. Some are more 'hardcore' than others but all of them are HOT!

As with all anthologies, there were some I liked more than others but the two I've already mentioned were my favourites of the lot. Some new-to-me authors that I will definitely be seeking out more titles from.

All in all, a great read and absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Taste of Magic (Magic, # 1)
A Taste of Magic (Magic, # 1)
Tracy Madison | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
how do you spell cheesy plot, lame shallow characters, and bad writing? t-a-s-t-e-o-f-m-a-g-i-c.

only got through the third chapter.

although I'll admit... having your ass hang out through the window and having to be pulled into the bathroom while drunk is pretty funny.

Daniel1980 (18 KP) created a post

Apr 11, 2018  
Hi all. I would love you all to visit my movie blog and have a read of my reviews, let me know what you think, thankyou.

*these reviews are all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you. Please visit my advertisers, they help keep the blog going, thankyou :)
Lily of the Valley (Flowering, #1.2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ehh...I have a feeling I should have read the first one before this. I didn't know until half way through this wasn't the first.. This book was good but confusing. I don't understand everything. .. The characters annoyed me in places but overall it was good. I'd recommend the 1st book m first though lol

Daniel1980 (18 KP) created a post

Mar 26, 2018  
So my friend Dominic Jenkinson has made a short movie on You Tube (the link is in my review). Have a read of my review and watch the short film. Enjoy!

*This review is all my own work, please don't reproduce without my permission thank you
Lucifer  - Season 1
Lucifer - Season 1
2016 | Crime, Drama, Fantasy
Love it!
I finally started watching Lucifer on Netflix and I'm wondering why I didn't watch it sooner! Lucifer is a wonderful mix of comedy and drama. Crime with a love hate love story. I m officially addicted to this show and I'll be sad when I run out of episodes. (Currently on S2 E12.)

Merissa (11800 KP) created a post

Nov 3, 2023  
"If the team can't work quickly to solve the case, New York will be devoured by a dark plague the eccentric had been working on prior to his death, a plague which, over time, appears to be developing sentience."

VBT & #Giveaway: Death Tango by M. Lachi - #ScienceFiction, #Horror