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About a Girl (Metamorphoses, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book tells the story of Tally, who at age 18, seems confident that her life will turn out just as she had planned - summer spent with her best friend, Shane; head to college; become an astronomer... But when Tally starts wondering about her past, she finds herself on a quest to learn more about mother and father, and her neatly ordered life is quickly turned upside down.

This is third book in the Metamorphoses trilogy - Tally, we learn, is the daughter of Aurora, whom Aurora left on her best friend's (now termed "Aunt Beast") doorstep to raise, along with Aunt Beast's best friend, Raoul and his husband, Henri. (All characters easily recognizable if you've read the first two books.)

Needless to say, this is an interesting book. I actually really liked Tally. She's different from Aurora and Maia and even Cass. Tally finds relief in the order of planets and stars. She is a good kid, overall, with a pretty common upbringing, despite the fact it was by her "Aunt" and her friends.

However, when Tally is shown a picture of Jack (and Aurora) and sent off to the West Coast by the shadowy Mr. M - whom she just knows as her friendly neighbor - everything changes. She finds herself sucked into the strangeness of the town where Jack lives, where she can't remember things and time just slips away. As always, the "weirdness" in McCarry's writing comes out, and I'm always not 100% sure I'm following things correctly. I won't spoil the book, but I can point out that Tally meets Maddy there, for whom she falls for deeply.

I probably liked this book the best of the three - I rooted for Tally, and I loved that this book featured a transgender character (Tally's friend Shane) and a lesbian relationship (between Tally and Maddy). Great to see that thrown into a YA book without it truly being the focus of anything. As always, the mystical side of McCarry's novel threw me a bit, but I found it less disconcerting in this one than the previous two, for some reason. While I would have loved more resolution to the story of everyone, this book did seem a fairly fitting bookend to the tales McCarry has woven for these characters.

(Note: I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)
The Good People
The Good People
Hannah Kent | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read this novel as my BookBum Club book for February! Check out <a href="">this page</a> to find out more about my very own Book Club!

This is my first Hannah Kent novel, and I absolutely loved it! As far as Historical Fiction goes, it’s not the best I’ve ever read, but I always have a soft spot for it, so it always gets a good rating from me!

I really enjoyed this story, even though it honestly doesn’t feel like an awful lots happens until right at the end. Kent is so good at transporting you into her story that you feel as though you are living with the characters.

This novel is set in Ireland in 1825, filled with small village life, religion, and superstitions. Kent is really good at weaving a beautiful story that sucks you right into the early 1800’s. You’re instantly immersed in the villagers lives, and especially Nora’s misfortune and troubles.

Characters in this one are stunningly done. There are three main characters we follow closely throughout, Nora, Mary, and Nance. It’s amazing how easy it was to get to know them, and how easily you can feel so many different emotions with and for them.

In terms of story, I did think this one was going to be that little bit more fast paced and have more elements of a mystery, but even without those two things, this is still a terrific read! I do really love a slow paced historical fiction, even ones like these where it doesn’t feel like much is actually happening in the book. This is definitely more of a character study kind of book, rather than plot driven book.

Overall, I really liked this one! I’m sorry the review is short but I honestly don’t really know how to review this other than saying it’s beautiful, fantastically well written, and pretty emotional (I cried at the end)! Definitely pick this up if you’re looking for a slow drama.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Little, Brown and Company for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.</I>
Rescued By The Alpha (Alaskan Wolf Alliance #1)
Rescued By The Alpha (Alaskan Wolf Alliance #1)
MM Wilde | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
thoroughly enjoyable read!
*purchased copy 25th Aug 2018*

MM Wilde is a pen name for Morticia Knight, and I LOVE Ms Knight's work. So when I came across this one, I had to buy it and see what the difference was.

There is a HUGE amount of difference it this book and some of Ms Knight's other work and I do not mean that negatively.

Elam manages to whack his head and pass out in a storm. Nic finds him and Nic's wolf is all for the younger man to be in Nic's space. Nic the man, at first, not so much. But Fate has a different idea for Nic and Elam, bringing some of the Old World tales back to life.

I LOVED this! I have a soft spot for m-preg books, and I loved that this one delivered on every level.

Nic, the man, wants no part of a human mate, but Nic, the wolf is all for the idea. Elam is supposed to be off men, but Nic pushes all the buttons he never knew he had. When Nic reveals his true form, and explains just what he is to Nic, Elam is all for it. When they realises just what the mating meant, I loved that they are BOTH totally surprised by it! The Healer for the pack is too. And I love being surprised as much as they were!

It's not overly explicit for a shifter male/male book, but I really enjoyed that it wasn't. Both men have a voice, so we get all of Nic's reluctance to have a human mate, with all of Elam's williness, once they decide to. All of Elam acceptance of Nic and his pack. Of what the mating really meant, and each man's reaction to the news of their impending arrival. And we get all of Nic and Elam's worry when things start to unravel with a rival pack.

I bought this yesterday, went to bed to read a few pages, 2 hours later, I'm done. Sign of a great book, that, to keep me fully engaged and engrossed til you run out of book and didn't realise you were that close to the end.


5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Spectre (2015)
Spectre (2015)
2015 | Action
In the latest cinematic outing for James Bond (Daniel Craig), Director Sam Mendes has crafted a thrilling and deep film which deftly combines the threads of the three previous Craig outings and sets the stage very well for future outings for the series.

In “Spectre” Bond finds himself operating alone when the 007 division is in danger of being shut down due to his latest unsanctioned actions and a change in the political landscape back home.
With the powers that be convinced that surveillance is the way of the future not agents with a license to kill, Bond is racing against time to get the truth behind a mysterious figure named Franz Oberhausen (Christoph Waltz), who is the head of a very mysterious, large, and deadly organization.
From locales ranging from Mexico City, London, Rome, Austria, and North Africa, Bond stalks his target in a deadly game of cat and mouse as his every move seems to have been anticipated by the deadly organization.

Further complicating matters is that Bond is not able to call upon his resources as M (Ralph Fiennes), is unable to do little more than watch due to the pending end of the division and his new superior.

In the trademark style that the series is known for, we have exotic locale, beautiful women, gadgets, fast cars, and thrilling and intense action sequences that combine for a winning formula.
I had been a bit disappointed with Craig’s earlier films as I found them to be a bit muddled and did not find his take on Bond to mesh with the suave agent I had grown up following. That being said, “Skyfall” helped turn things around and with the plot elements of “Spectre” in place; it clearly shows a connection between the earlier films and sets the stage very well for future outings in the series.
Waltz is fantastic as the lead villain as his less than imposing stature is highly deceptive to the danger the man empowers. Audience learn more about the backstory of Bond and how he became the man that his is and Dave Bautista makes a fantastic henchman echoing shades of Odd job and a train sequence from “From Russia With Love”.
In all, thanks to the intense action, great characters and compelling story, “Spectre” is the best of the Craig Bond films and I cannot wait to see what they do next.

Midge (525 KP) rated Wedding Wipeout in Books

Dec 10, 2018  
Wedding Wipeout
Wedding Wipeout
Jacob Appel | 2018 | Humor & Comedy, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A very enjoyable, humorous and refreshing mystery. (0 more)
Need a high level of concentration at the start as you are introduced to many of the characters very quickly. (0 more)
A Brilliant and Witty Mystery!
I really enjoyed Wedding Wipeout far more than I was expecting to. The story-line is brilliant and the mystery is so good that you want to keep on reading.

Rabbi Kappelmacher is planning to retire and is training his assistant, Rabbi Steinmetz, to follow in his footsteps, however, things get interesting when a visitor arrives. Former assistant Rabbi, Marshall Green, is now a lawyer with a case to solve.

One of his firm’s clients has died under suspicious circumstances. An elderly woman, Florence Eisenstein had just married the man she had been dating for the last several months, Alfred Shingle. The morning after her wedding, she is found dead in her bed.

She and her sister, Lorraine, were to be the heirs to their father’s egg cream fortune. Their father’s will, however, stipulated that if either of them married her allowance would cease and the proceeds would immediately pass to the other sister. So why, after so many years of unmarried contentment, did Florence decide to marry and also announce to her family that she had found a way to break the will? A will that, as far as Green was aware, was unbreakable. And why did she say that she was disinheriting her nephew, with whom she was on good terms?

Though Wedding Wipeout appears to be a typical mystery novel and is rather reminiscent of Agatha Christies's Poirot, it's actually quite a refreshing take on the mystery genre. Rabbi Kappelmacher and his sidekick, Rabbi Steinmetz have a very entertaining partnership whilst visiting with suspects and eyewitnesses. I particularly liked the wit and dry humour that was evident throughout the book, although I think that some of the humour and certainly some of the references, may have been lost on me, not being Jewish.

Green believes Florence may have been murdered, even though her own doctor ruled it an accidental death. Using his wit and rabbinic reasoning, Kappelmacher unravels all of the misleading information, red herrings and lies to reveal the truth, whilst Steinmetz tries to keep pace with him.

Wedding Wipeout was a wonderful read. I greatly look forward to reading more books by Jacob M Appel.

Thanks to LibraryThing and the author for a copy of Wedding Wipeout, via Members Giveaway.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Glass (2019) in Movies

Aug 10, 2019  
Glass (2019)
Glass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Thriller
The Anti-Avengers!
Funny how director M. Night Shyamalan's career has gone. His first major hit blows everyone's minds with one of the most mind-bending plot twists ever captured on film (do you remember being mad at yourself you didn't figure it out).

Then he makes Unbreakable, a thinking man's superhero film which is just as good as The Sixth Sense, but does only modest box office. Then Sign and The Village (both decent, but a step down for sure) and then over 10 years of crap including Lady in the Water and The Happening.

In a strange move, he decides to write and direct a "sequel"? or another film in the same universe with Split which dos well with critics and audiences enough to warrant the 3rd film in the trilogy, Glass.

Train wreck survivor David Dunn is still the one man vigilante "Dark Knight" who lends a hand to the unfortunate when he comes across "The Horde". The two men end up being captured and incarcerated in a mental institution with Elijah Price, another man and David's former nemesis who is currently catatonic. The doctor in change says she has been given only 3 days to diagnose and treat the men before they are sentenced to life in an institution.

One of the men has an agenda which involves all three of them he wants to see played out and will go to any length to ensure its success. The lives of the men are intertwined in certain ways they themselves may not even be aware of.

I was worried when I started watching since I thought the first hour was VERY SLOW to develop with mostly just talking and plotting. Once thing finally get going and the men start interacting with each other it becomes way more interesting.

Good to see Bruce Willis back in a film which actually ran theatrically. He is showing signs of age, but still gives a great performance along with Samuel L. Jackson and James McAvoy.

The ending may not sit well with everyone since it may be considered atypical, but I thought it was fitting and didn't see it coming.

Here's to hoping a revitalized career for the film's interesting and entertaining filmmaker.

Girl Last Seen
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
I really thought I had written a review for this one during winter break, but since it has been sitting on my Kindle App shelf since I read it and there are no signs of its existence on the blog, Goodreads, or Netgalley…. I mean, that says something, right?
<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: center;"><img src=""; width="320" height="180" border="0" /></div>
I remember almost nothing from the book (this is the saddest thing ever, because I’m still in that stupid thing called reviewing slump and all I want to do is write creative posts consisting of GIFs) aside from two girls, Kadence and Lauren, who make videos and got famous on YouTube for it. One of them can’t really speak, so she primarily focuses on writing music while the other does the singing. Kadence ends up missing and no one actually knows where she’s at, if she’s even alive, etc.

(I hope my notes are somewhat helpful…)

<i>Girl Last Seen</i>, despite the fact the story is primarily focused on the characters trying to find Kadence, isn’t just about looking for a YouTube sensation. Kadence I couldn’t care less about (I know that sounds really insensitive) - she’s a spoiled brat who likes to get what she wants and doesn’t let anything stop her, but she also likes to use people like little puppets on a string.

I cared far more about the other characters: Lauren, Mason, Jude, and how they all related to each other or to Kadence. Their relationships with each other and Kadence were complex, and I really liked how they all connected. <i>Girl Last Seen</i> feels much more along the lines of relationships and finding oneself without constantly looking towards someone else as support than a mystery (though that is certainly a bonus).

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Blade Runner Soundtrack by Vangelis
Blade Runner Soundtrack by Vangelis
1994 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I went to see Blade Runner when it came out in the cinema; for me it was the perfect melding of sound and vision and a kind of dystopian future that seemed quite compelling. Almost a place you'd like to live in, because of the idea of replicants and who is human, and WHAT is human? Also, the beauty of Harrison Ford. Him and - whatsername - Sean Young, she was styled to perfection. Ridley Scott, although he reckoned it was a torturous film to make - the budget got cut and all kinds of jiggery pokery went on backstage - the one enduring thing, for me, is the soundtrack. Bizarrely, the soundtrack album didn't come out until years and years and years afterwards [1994], but you could get the film on VHS and everything. In 1990, I got summoned to work with Vangelis in Paris, and we wrote the title track on my album. One of the first things I asked was, ""Can I have a copy of the soundtrack?"" We recorded 'Europa' in Studio Omega on the edge of the Bois de Boulogne, which was originally earmarked for Hitler's occupation should things go pear-shaped during the Second World War. The Bois de Boulogne is where all the transvestites and transsexuals would come out at night. It was quite an atmospheric place to work. At the end of the weekend they gave me a tape of the track we'd recorded, and a metal cassette of the Blade Runner soundtrack that I've still got today. It's a real treasured item. I remember reading And Suddenly There Came A Bang!, where it talks about Blade Runner, Harrison Ford and also Mel Gibson in Mad Max 2, and I remember seeing it soon after and thinking, ""Oooh. Yes."" That was mindblowing. It was kind of a blueprint for the early look of Frankie for me. That whole cyberpunk and S&M... The baddies were more attractive than the goodies, obviously, and Max himself was somewhere in between the both, neither good nor bad - just out for himself. Another soundtrack I think needs mentioning is Midnight Express by Giorgio Moroder. which is also on a par, I think. Although it's more disco - especially 'Chase' - Vangelis and Moroder to me were icons of electronic music in the '70s and '80s. Although I think Vangelis had the edge with atmosphere."

Get Out (2017)
Get Out (2017)
2017 | Horror, Thriller
ritten and directed by Jordan Peele, “Get Out” is not so much an actual horror film but more of a dark comedy. The plot is filled with political undertones, spotlighting awkward racial interactions that are shadowed by systemic inequality.
Chris Washington (Daniel Kaluuya) and Rose Armitage (Allison Williams) are a vibrant young couple living in the city. He’s a photographer. Not sure what she does. He’s black. She’s white. After dating for four months, Rose convinces Chris to go on a trip to meet her parents. Chris is apprehensive at first and skeptical about how her parents will react to meeting their daughter’s black boyfriend. Rose laughs that off and everything seems fine as they head to the country.
From this point forward the film starts to build in creepiness. It almost has the feel of an M. Night Shayamalan movie like “The Village.” As the plot develops, the audience knows they are supposed to be suspecting something creepy and sinister hiding behind images of normalcy. So everything begins to take on this feel. Rose’s family lives in a creepily perfect mansion in the country. They have a creepily quiet black groundskeeper and a creepily happy black maid.
Fortunately, two things save this film from becoming a hokey Shyamalan style disappointment. The plot is executed in a comedic fashion and it isn’t completely predictable.
The entire film balances a creepy-funny style. Moments of white people awkwardly trying to appear not-racist also build a suspenseful feeling that something darker is behind the surface.
Rose’s mom Missy (Catherine Keener) specializes in hypnosis. It quickly becomes clear that Missy is using mind control tactics to basically enslave black people. Under her spell, her victims take a psychological fall into a dark abyss and are left in a robotic state. It would have been nice if this aspect of the plot was given more screen time.
The film picks up pace when Rose’s parents host a “family” get together that actually turns out to be essentially a “slave” auction. It almost takes too much time to get to this point in the plot. A few more moments, and it would begin to feel like trudging through a repetitious build up. From here forward, it becomes pretty fast paced as Chris desperately tries to escape a horrific fate.
“Get Out” probably won’t actually scare anyone, but it is highly entertaining in a very dark way.
Talented (Talented Saga, #1)
Talented (Talented Saga, #1)
Sophie Davis | 2012 | Dystopia, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

*I received this copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*
Yet again I was drawn to the cover. Then I checked out the synopsis and I thought, &ldquo;This should be good!&rdquo; So I requested to read it and got the go ahead several days ago.
I&rsquo;ll admit it took me a good 20%-25% to really get into it, mainly because of all the description and back story that was thrown in, but once that was out of the way I got quite into it.
Character wise, I have to admit that for the first 40% or so that Talia annoyed me. She seemed rather whiney and didn&rsquo;t like it when Donovan or others didn&rsquo;t go along with what she wanted to happen. At the same time Donovan seemed off, himself, though the reason behind that soon came to light. One person I did like was Erik,&nbsp;one third&nbsp;of Talia&rsquo;s Hunter team. I liked him from the start but there was one scene; one lovely scene involving him and Talia after a mission that made me almost fall for him. It was so sweet. Then there&rsquo;s Henri, the last member, and leader of their team. He seemed like a pretty great guy, taking care of them on missions and making sure they were up to scratch with their mental and physical abilities.
The world building was pretty good, with lots of detail to help you picture it in your head.
I was waiting for&nbsp;Natalia&rsquo;s showdown with Ian Crane for most of the book, since that was what the synopsis mentioned, and it&nbsp;was mentioned in the last 30%, though the mission itself actually started with about 15% of the book to go.
As usual, I choose books for the romance aspect and I wasn&rsquo;t disappointed. The thing between Talia and Erik was really good when it got going.
Overall, I liked this but the information overload at the beginning and the annoying character traits knocked it down half a star for me. A good first book into the series, though. I&rsquo;m not in any hurry to continue the series but I may read the second book at some point.