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*Copy received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

4.5 stars

I love the cover of this; it’s very eye catching. I’ll admit that covers attract me to books and this drew my attention straight away. Then I saw the name and I said to myself, “I have to read this.” But then there’s the fact that I’m rather picky with my fantasy books (loving the Throne of Glass series but not liking Daughter of Smoke and Bone). Nevertheless I jumped straight into the book.

This is only my second ever troll book but considering the other was just a short story, I was looking forward to learning more about them. And I wasn’t disappointed. They sound equally enchanting and terrifying depending on who you meet. And I like the thought of there being handsome troll princes very much :D

Cécile is quite a tough girl. She doesn’t mind giving as good as she gets verbally which I like about her. As for Prince Tristan, I liked his sarcasm at the start, even if it was directed at Cécile. And then I just sort of grew to like him. Some of the secondary characters were just as likeable, such as Marc and the twins.

There was an interesting storyline to this; almost a good versus evil plot but much more complicated. It was all very political and about who should rule Trollus and how. I wish I could go into detail but that would ruin the plot.

Then comes the romance aspect. I loved the progression of Cécile and Tristan’s relationship. They might not have liked each other in the beginning but as they got to know each other better it was very sweet reading and I was cheering them on from fairly early in the book.

To go back to my pickiness with fantasy. I have to say I loved a lot of what this book had going for it. The lights that are created by magic (especially Cécile’s own) are genius and the Glass Garden sounded amazing. I bet it looks lovely lit up!

I laughed, I ranted, I cried twice. It was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster for me but I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to reading the next book in the trilogy.
The Revealed
The Revealed
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars

I received this ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I just love the cover of this! Don’t you agree it just grabs the attention?

I’m a big fan of dystopia stories and this sounded different, so I thought, “Why not?”

The USA has been mostly destroyed with only a few states remaining. Lily is the daughter of a politician running for President, along with another man, Roderick Westerfield, who Lily’s family used to be close to. Roderick has a son, Kai, a year older than Lily and someone she used to be close to until the politics got in the way.

Lily has been marked to be taken by the Revealed–a group of people with abilities–since her 18th birthday and like every other 18 year old in the city is being kept at home until they reach their 19th and are safe from being taken. Truly believing they’ll come for her despite all the precautions she just wants to live life to the fullest until then.

I really liked the concept. It was dystopia but had a very different take on it, it wasn’t all deserted and “every man for themselves” or strict dictatorship, it was…like now, only with billions less people populating the planet and with a need to bring the world back into some semblance of working order.

Now to the characters. Lily is our main character and we see her struggle to do what she wants while being a member of such an influential family and the effect her actions have on them. Then there’s Kai. I wasn’t sure about him to start with but he grew on me a lot. Then Rory, Lily’s best friend, she’s pretty awesome.

The story was pretty much continuous action, there was always something happening–which stops boredom from creeping in–and it kept me reading, and wanting to read it when I was busy. It was politics and supernatural and romance. I can’t really say much else without spoiling the plot but it was right up my street and I really enjoyed it!

If you’re looking for something dystopian and a little different then you should try this. If you’re looking for a new name to read, then this is a good story.

I’d definitely recommend this book/series! It’s a great start.

JT (287 KP) rated Skyfall (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Skyfall (2012)
Skyfall (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery
I wondered recently who my favourite Bond is? Do I enjoy the comical quips of Roger Moore or the smooth suave debonair approach of Sean Connery. But everytime I think about it, I keep coming full circle to Daniel Craig, in particularly Skyfall.

After the somewhat disappointment of Quantum of Solace Oscar winning director Sam Mendes has taken Bond 23 and given it a grittier more emotional look while paying homage to some of the past Bond classics. The opening credits are an explosive introduction as we see Bond give chase through a Turkish bazaar which includes an impressive motor bike pursuit and a brilliantly choreographed fist fight on top of a moving train.

After being shot Bond is seen falling to his certain death and the film explodes into its trademark opening credits, complete with Adele’s powerful voice, a song that really evokes everything Bond. When 007 finally returns from the grave having spent time away partaking in scorpion drinking games, post shag Heineken’s and ultimately ’enjoying death’ he comes back to find that MI6 has moved deep into subterranean London after an attack on MI6.

He’s unshaven, disheveled and is a shadow of the former agent, not even able to shoot straight or do a succession of chin-ups without collapsing. Skyfall scratches deep beneath the emotional undertones of both Bond and M as their pasts are dragged up for all to see. Judi Dench in her seventh Bond outing gets a much bigger slice of the action, she is without question the main Bond girl here. Joined by Naomie Harris and Bérénice Marlohe who both take a relative back seat.

The Bond franchise has always had a rich tradition of producing menacing and iconic villains, Bloefeld, Scaramanga and Goldfinger to name a few, but the introduction of Javier Bardem will now have a place in Bond folk-law as one of the best modern day baddies.

His entrance was perfect, with Bond tied to a chair Bardem’s Silva (himself a former agent) entered from an elevator at the far side of the room, and in one take slowly walked forward as he produced a monologue about rats in a barrel, proceeding to taunt 007 about his own past and the connections that they both have with M.

The last few films have also lacked any real gadgetry in terms of Q branch, something which after being around for so long was definitely missing. Ben Wishaw’s appearance as a much younger Q, “you’ve still got spots” points out 007, was a much needed injection as he hands out Bond his new Walter PPK and radio transmitter (they don’t go in for exploding pens anymore).

It’s simple stuff but it was great to see that character back where he belongs.

There is subtle humour throughout and light hearted moments, Bond himself throwing a few winks here and there as Roger Moore used to do so well back in the day. The action of course is another high point, believable or not it’s stunning but then this is what we have come to expect from one of the longest running franchises in film history.

The locations and cinematography were sublime, from the depths of the London underground to the Scottish highlands in the film’s pulsating climax; Skyfall brought Bond back to Britain. The scenes set in Shanghai where also exceptional, the highlight for me, the neon lit skyscraper fight in which Bond fails to hang onto the information he needs, quite literally.

Ralph Fiennes bureaucratic Mallory is another casting masterstroke, Albert Finney ads some touching moments of his own, while MI6 agent Eve who after shooting 007 by mistake and takes a back seat from active duty will no doubt please many fans with her new role.

Skyfall, of which I was not sure what on earth the title meant at the time is all the more clear in the third act. Bond chooses to revisit his child hood home and use that against Silva in a make shift home defense that even MacAulay Culkin would be proud of. It is fantastically shot and is the perfect ending to a film that has been top draw all the way through.

Some comparisons have been drawn to this and The Dark Knight in that the main characters are lost and then re-born in some way, both have a past that haunts them as well as dead parents. Mendes and the writers have taken this film down a darker route but an emotive one as well and that is credit to them, it all made sense and the story flowed well.

Skyfall is nothing short of a triumph and has given Bond fans everything they could have asked for and so much more.
In The Silence
In The Silence
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In The Silence has a blurb so enticing, I just had to read it, and author M. R. Mackenzie did not disappoint.

Anna Scovalini has finally come home; a place she avoided for several years only to find herself involved in a murder case, up close and personal. At first she doesn’t mean to get involved, but when she feels the police aren’t taking things seriously enough curiosity gets the better of her and once she has a poke around for answers she uncovers much more than she bargained for, and inadvertently puts herself into trouble, too.

Throughout this story I found myself intrigued by some of the serious issues discussed, from femicide, rape to gang mentality, and this was all played out by some great characterisation and an exciting plot, where the more I read the quicker the pace sped up until it reached the final reveal of who the killer actually was!

I found the unravelling of the secret surrounding the reason why people were getting killed really enjoyable. Mix this with those paragraphs where there’s a hooded figure tracking people down that literally sent shivers down my spine and made my blood run cold. Is that corny? Maybe. But true!

A word on the dialect. For an East Anglian, born and bred, I thought the Scottish dialect was actually quite fun to read. When I tried the words out loud I actually could do a very good impression of a Glaswegian! On one hand I always find this a little distracting as it does take you out of the story as you’re experimenting with how the words sound on your tongue, but on the other hand it was not full-on throughout the book, and I quickly got used to it.

Returning to characterisation, I loved how Anna (now a criminology lecturer living in Rome) and her best friend Zoe, (who like me has never left her home county) seem to have lives which are worlds apart, and when they get back together they’re instantly best pals again. But under the stress of the investigation even Anna has to think twice about Zoe.

What happened back in the past, that caused so many people in one town to have so many secrets? For me, uncovering the truth made this story for me. For a debut book, I’m exited to see what this author writes next!

An intriguing, fast read that had me guessing who the killer was throughout, with a satisfying, final conclusion.

Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated Lullaby in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
Chuck Palahniuk | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve never read a Palahniuk books before but I actually really enjoyed this one. I can understand why some people find his writing annoying, but personally I like it’s wit, brutality and shockingness.

Palahniuk is always trying to make a point in his writing… I know this from reading other people’s reviews… but if it’s not right there in front of me, and instead hidden behind cryptic messages, I usually miss the whole point. Which is what I feel happened with this book. I mean I got it thanks to self explanatory lines like “Power, money, food, sex, love. Can we ever get enough, or will getting some make us crave even more?” but I also feel like a lot of it went over my head, so excuse my bland review!

This book is definitely difficult reading at some points, with it’s grotesque descriptions and imagery, but for the most part it’s quite a quick read. I found the story easy enough to follow, although at moments there are whole chapters that appear out of nowhere and make no sense until the end, which threw me off a little! I wasn’t expecting this novel to have a kind of twisty-turny outcome, but it does and I loved that about it! How the story joins up and concludes is very clever. It exceeded my expectations in that aspect.

I really enjoyed getting to know the characters in this story. There are 4 main characters, and it’s been a long time since I’ve read a book where we get to know each one of them really well. Palahniuk has done well to make them all their own individual beings with completely different personalities that are both fun and annoying. Carl is our main, main character and he’s a strange individual to follow around. We learn so much about him, including a shocking secret that makes us look at him in a different light. Helen Hoover Boyle is a fun character to accompany Carl and it’s interesting to see how their relationship grows as each chapter passes.

Overall, I really liked this book. It’s been a while since I’ve read a book that’s been both disturbing and funny at the same time. I have always been hesitant to read Palahniuk because everyone says his stuff is so like Marmite, but just like I am with the controversial spread, I’m on the love it side – at least for now!
David Carnoy | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was lucky enough to be part of a Partners in Crime blog tour for this novel. Please go check out my post for extra info about the book, an excerpt and the chance to with an Amazon gift card!


<b><i>Do whatever you do with conviction. Always.</b></i>

This is my first Carnoy novel but I’m definitely going to check out his others. <i>Lucidity</i> did not give up all its secrets at once! It was incredible at leaving you guessing what was going to happen next and being able to come up with your own theories on what was going on. That being said, it was still fast paced and exciting enough to keep you hooked. I only say this when I really mean it, but this was <i>unputdownable!</i> I liked the mix of morbidity, mystery and wit in this novel. It had a good mix of all three that made for some excellent, fast paced reading.

To begin with, I wasn’t so sure how the two stories connected. When, at 50%, the stories still hadn’t really crossed I was a bit unsure if I was going to understand how the separate plots worked together. However, be patient! It’s well worth the wait! Even though there are parts that can be predicted, this doesn’t take away from the excitement of reading about it.

The characters in this novel are really well executed. Even though I hadn’t read any of the other books featuring Madden, I didn’t feel like I didn’t know him. When you go into a series midway, even when they’re standalone books but with the same characters, you often find yourself a little bit lost on the mc as you don’t have their history. This wasn’t the case here. Madden was well introduced and maintained throughout the read.

Fremmer was a fun character to get to know. It’s not often that you get a character like him in a novel. He was intelligent and quick witted, but he was also arrogant and a little bit self absorbed, so it’s amazing how likable he still was.

The only negative thing I have to say is that the ending got a little cheesy which felt out of place when compared to tone the book kept throughout, but it wasn’t that much of an issue.

<i>Thanks to Partners in Crime book tours for giving me a free copy of the book to read, review & promote!</i>
The Fourth Monkey (4MK Thriller, #1)
The Fourth Monkey (4MK Thriller, #1)
J.D. Barker | 2017 | Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
<img src=""; width="430" height="430" alt="win the book!"/>

<a href="">WIN A HARDBACK COPY OF THE BOOK HERE!</a> (UK only)


I had so many opinions running through my head when I was reading this. At first I was excited and intrigued to find out more, then I was slightly reluctant to read it towards the middle (though I think factors outside of the book were influencing my opinion at that point) and then by the end I was super eager to finish it (in a good way) and see where it went.

This is a fast paced thriller that’s going to keep you rooted to your seat. I, unfortunately, had so much to do while reading this book (work and personal life) that I wasn’t able to sit and read huge chunks of it and I think that’s why I got a little slow to reading it towards the middle. If you’re going to read this book, my advice is to free up some of your time so you can bulk read it, otherwise some of the more shocking revelations and continuous fast paced action won’t have it’s desired effect.

The first thing I loved about this novel is the fact that our protagonist is an older man, not some sprightly new thing coming straight out of police school. It was nice to have that less popular character as our “hero”. The second thing I loved was the Diary entries. I (mainly) love books that jump back and forth between past and present so when these skin crawlingly creepy diary entries started, I was pumped! They never let me down, through the entire thing they were disturbing and really added something to the novel.

My only complaint? Well, this was a buddy read with my pal Annie @ The Misstery, and we knew who 4MK was the moment we met them. Kind of a bummer but at the same time it was quite fun to see if we were actually going to be right or not (we were). It was still good fun to find out how everything came together in the end.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel and I’m already excited to see another book in the series will be out next year. The ending lines of the novel are chilling and I can’t wait for them to be followed up!

<i>Thanks to HQ for sending me a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review!</i>
Desperation Road
Desperation Road
Michael Farris Smith | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my review here:

<b><i>Now they loved different lives, different from what any of them probably imagined. How could you imagine the complexities of what might come?</b></i>

One night, eleven years ago, Russell did something stupid, made a terrible mistake - he drank and drove and ended up killing someone. Now he’s done his time in prison and he just wants to settle down into a normal life. On the same day as Russell’s release, troubled Maben, and her daughter, are trudging through the grass along the interstate. That night they end up in a motel with no money left and Maben decides there’s something she’s got to do to get them some cash. The night ends, instead, with a dead deputy and Maben pulling her daughter off running. The next day, Russell and Maben cross paths and Russell has to decide if it's his life, or theirs, that he’s going to save.

This is a story about revenge, redemption and acceptance. Quite a different novel to what I’m used to but I do like to step outside my comfort zone every once in awhile. I ended up really enjoying this book, even though, as the title suggests, it’s a little bit dark and depressing at times.

What I loved the most about this book was how realistic it was. There are millions of mystery thrillers out there, that I read on the daily, that are based around “normal” people;s lives but we know, could never be real. This story, on the other hand, is perfectly plausible to imagine in a bit of a down-and-out town. With inherently flawed but morally conscious people and others who are driven to madness and evil by their deep rooted emotions, this is the kind of novel that can really hit home.

Russell, although flawed in many ways, is one of the most likeable characters I’ve ever come across. He means no harm to anyone and does everything out of the good of his heart.

My only issue with this novel was the ending, that I felt could have been grown upon. It felt a bit dead-ended and cut off, but other than that, this was a beautiful story.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Little, Brown and Company for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>
It takes Two is the first book I’ve read by Erin Nicholas. It was also the first I read in the Counting on Love series, and I hate when I read a series out of order. The good news is that these books can stand on their own with minimal carrying over and lots of explanation to previous happenings.

Isabelle Dixon thought she could have a wild and crazy night before she has to settle herself into a new lifestyle because of a medical issue. She thinks Shane Kelley is the perfect candidate for the job. 6 months later she can’t believe she is still seeking him out and can’t seem to let go.

Shane Kelley has fallen fast and hard for Isabelle Dixon. He has asked her to move in with him multiple times and won’t take no for an answer. He thought their biggest obstacle was her brother Connor but it seems like they can’t get past something bigger. He won’t give up even when she seems to be keeping something really big from him.

Isabelle and Shane take a humorous road trip to find out if they can truly make it work between them. Each stop, on their way to a vacation house, has humor, angst, trials and truths. There may also be a little fun game included in their adventure, not known to all the parties involved.
I love the dynamic between the Dixon sisters, each with their own strengths and issues. Isabelle seems like a good mix of a party girl with a stay at home girl. She has to make some big choices with an unexpected health issue that hits her. She wants to hide herself away from the world but also loves being with Shane. Can she have it both ways and have them both happy?

Shane is the over the top, romantic boyfriend we all crave in life. Well maybe. He does go a little over the top sometimes but hey props for creativity. He loves Isabelle and wants to be with her all day every day. He knows she is hiding something from him but can he overcome the issues to make her happy for forever?

If you haven’t read anything by Erin Nicholas, what are you thinking? The Counting on Love series, which apparently is a semi continuation of the Bradfords series with brief appearances by some Bradford characters, is the perfect place to start. I haven’t read the Bradford series yet but I’m anxious to now since completing the Counting on Love series.
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Deluxe Edition
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam Deluxe Edition
The trend in war based shooters of late is to literally take a blast from the past. Battlefield 1 looked at WW1 and Call of Duty returned to its WWII roots for the most recent game in the series. As such when Rising Storm 2: Vietnam was announced, it seemed like a good progression and one that holds a lot of potential for gamers. The previous game in the series focused on the Pacific Rim conflicts and focused on the conflict with Japan.

This time out the focus is Vietnam and players can opt to fight for either the Vietnamese or U.S. forces and they will also be able to select a class and loadout unique to each side before entering the fray.

The matches I took part in showed off the large and detailed maps which provided plenty of options to flank and enemy or attack from cover. Fields, towns, temples, and more were all an option and I had intense battles in a multi-level building, trenches, fields, and in a town. The weapons were varied but I opted mainly for an M-16 or AK-47 depending on which side I was assigned to. I did have a great opportunity early in the match to ride on a Helicopter and took my position manning one of the machine guns, which allowed us to strafe enemy targets as we traveled.

Our focus was a mix of taking and securing an objective and of course eliminating as many enemies as I could. Using a mix of grenades and rifle shots I was able to dispatch a few enemies but you could tell that there were some seasoned players online who used to the map to their advantage and were masters at striking without being seen.

I also experienced some people who were more than happy to call in a Napalm strike without any concern to the number of friendly troops in the target area. Naturally as you progress you will rank up and have more options for your character and loadouts.

The graphics of the game were solid but did seem a bit dated compared to other shooters. But this does a great job of giving a rough and battle-worn look to the game and not trying to make a blasted and remote area looked like an over-polished presentation.

If you are a fan of team-based online shooters and want some great action in the Vietnam setting; then Rising Storm 2: Vietnam just might be the game for you.