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Legendary: Caraval Book 2
Legendary: Caraval Book 2
Stephanie Garber | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.4 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great second book (0 more)
This picks off right where the first ends no weird time jumps and yes guesses that I made in the first book came to be in this book.eek so happy I love the twist from the first book to this even with the magic this book felt so real I didn't want it to end and now to wait for book three
Obsidian Son
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Almost Everything :) (0 more)
Can not tell you. It's a spoiler. (0 more)
The start of the Templeverse
I read this on a whim because I liked the front cover. This introduced me to one of the most entertaining characters I have ever had the pleasure to meet and enjoy reading. The characters within this book kinda make you wish they were your friends - full of laughter. And Magic.
 The Guinevere Deception (Camelot Rising #1)
The Guinevere Deception (Camelot Rising #1)
Kiersten White | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Authors own spin Shocking twists Revisiting camelot (0 more)
Waiting for the next book Might not be for everyone (0 more)
Camelot retelling
Guinevere is meeting king Arthur for the first time so they can be wed. Camelot has banned all magic, which Guinevere is skilled in.
I loved the authors twists on the classic arthurian ledgends. The big plot twist has me desperate for the next book.

Paul Tyrrell (139 KP) rated The New Avengers in TV

Apr 23, 2020 (Updated Apr 23, 2020)  
The New Avengers
The New Avengers
1976 | Adventure, Sci-Fi, Thriller
6.7 (29 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Streed's Jaguar (0 more)
The fashion and hair (0 more)
Quite fun but badly dated
Seeing Joanna Lumley kicking ass as Purdey was great but Gareth Hunt as Mike Gambit was supposed to offer some eye candy for the ladies didn't really suit. He was better in those coffee adverts from the late 80s lol.
Still a bit tongue in cheek like the originals but didn't quite have the same magic
    Sloth Emoji

    Sloth Emoji

    Entertainment, Utilities and Stickers

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    Send cute Sloth Stickers to all your sloth-loving friends! Sloths are medium-sized mammals...

    The Mana Pool

    The Mana Pool

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    Join Brian, Mike, Dirk and Chewie as they discuss all things Magic: The Gathering. Since there are...

    Gifts of the Wyrd

    Gifts of the Wyrd

    (0 Ratings) Rate It


    Gifts of the Wyrd is a podcast discussing topics related to Heathen practices related to Northern...