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Onward (2020)
Onward (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Late 2019, early 2020.

I rsaw a lot of ads in the cinema for this film. Then (in the UK) Covid-19 hit.

As a result, I'm not honestly sure whether this got a big screen release or not: I actually watched it via Disney+, not really knowing what to expect.

I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Set in a mystical realm where magic had all but died out (Unicorns as garbage rats? Genius!) due to the advent of technology, this follows two elf brothers who are able to partially bring their deceased dad briefly back to life, after the younger of the 2 opens his birthday present from said dad of a wizards staff. Only enough magic to 'bring back' his legs, so off they go on a quest for a power source to enable them to bring back the rest of his body.

What really follows is a story about familial bonding, that pulls in the heartstrings as well as made me laugh out loud on a few occasions!