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Twisted Luck
Twisted Luck
Mia Downing | 2017 | Contemporary, Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twisted Luck was one of them reads where I'm slightly on the fence in regards to its characters It did keep my interest but there were just a few niggles that dragged it down a star for me.
This for me is more of an individual preference than a black mark for the book and this no way takes away from the flow of the writing as Twisted Luck was expertly written, It is just a personal opinion and might not be an issue for anyone else reading this.
So here we go, Olivia has had a string of bad luck, enter Leo WELL WELL!!! upon first meeting Leo as Oliva is drowning herself in tequila at a local bar I thought, here we go, real bad boy, won't take no crap from no one yay my type of anti-hero this is going to be epic and here lies my problem, apart from the fact that Leo is an honest to god Demon and not just in the sack I found him just a bit, well, wussy. I wanted him to stand up to his kind of a dad Sam and stop wimping out, grow a pair you're a demon for god's sake.
 I also didn't think our Leo would have forgotten how to have a pee even if it has been years this is just something that you don't forget and finally the use of the word the magic, it was the magic this, the magic that, it got a bit irritating after a bit, would have liked to see a different word occasionally maybe my powers or I would have even settled for Va Va Voom for a change rather than the magic.
now I have that out of the way I'm going to explain why you should read this. Twisted luck was apart from my above points a page turner. I may be slightly biased in regard to Leo as I prefer a slightly darker hero or in my case anti-hero to drool over, but if you like a more human hero this book is for you.
I really do get what Mia was trying to convey Our Demon Leo transforming into a more human version of himself in a way un-demonising Leo and showing a warmer more flawed version of him as he slowly learned what it was like to love and be loved by Olivia and also reside without the use of here we go lol THE MAGIC!!!!.
And this was accomplished and pulled off with finesse and humour so if you like stories where the girl redeems the guy and they live HEA then this is the book for you I passed a very enjoyable few hours immersed in this and that's what Twisted Luck is Enjoyable and not too hard, an easy warm read that you can snuggle up with when you just want some R & R and some downtime.
I received an e-copy of this book free from NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
Camelot Burning (Metal & Lace, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't know much about Arthurian Lore – it's probably one of the only story I've never read in it's original form aside from the original Grimm Brothers' Fairy Tales (but those are horrifying, so I'm not even going to bother). I somehow doubt that Magic Tree House – who made Morgan LeFay a harmless fly – or Wizard101's Avalonian world even counts, except for maybe the latter being used as visual aid. :p

But personally that's sort of the thrill in reading a retelling without reading the original one: no judging or comparing – it's a mostly complete blank slate.

Camelot Burning follows Vivienne, a lady-in-waiting and Merlin's Apprentice, who wants a way out of Camelot's way of life. She even has a plan hatched – at least until Morgan Le Fay enters the picture and she has to stay to build a weapon that could ultimately save Camelot.

Merlin is actually a fun character – am I weird to say that I found him drunk yet wise? It's not an easy combo since most drunk people act... well, not wise at all. While I'm not exactly warm and fuzzy with the other characters yet, Merlin is a winner.

There's a very interesting way with magic Rose introduces. Usually when it comes to magic, the price is something minor or huge, depending on whatever is asked – very similar to karma (or fate or etc.). Here though... it's the ultimate price if you use magic too much: *cues ominous music* your soul. That's like selling your soul to the devil! Unless you're a creepy villain who wants to take over the world, that's not usually the ultimate price. Minor = minor payback. Major = major payback. No ifs buts or – wait, what's after that? o_O
<img border="0" src=""; height="143" width="200">
Behind the Blog Tidbit: Camelot Burning was one of those novels who got a neutral rating (rawly speaking). I would have rounded up to a 4.5 rather than a 4, but I chose not to for a few reasons:

~ Too predictable – It could just be me, but I guessed that <spoiler>Vivienne was the coordinates to Avalon and Morgan Le Fay was acting innocent as a distraction.</spoiler>
~ Too much technicalities – I felt like I was reading a foreign language, and that was not the words used in magic. It all felt really confusing.
~ It said The End.
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That last bullet didn't play a major impact. It's just a minor peeve, especially when it's the first novel in the series.

I fully enjoyed reading Kathryn Rose's debut novel. Camelot Burning takes a refreshing and unique spin on Arthurian lore, or more accurately Arthurian + Fantasy + Steampunk.
Advance Review Copy provided by Flux for review
Original Review posted at <a href="">Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
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Hazel (1853 KP) rated The Relic Guild in Books

May 30, 2017  
The Relic Guild
The Relic Guild
Edward Cox | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Illegal Magic
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Edward Cox invents a new magical world in his epic fantasy novel The Relic Guild. Magic is a thing of the past. Since a great war forty years previously, magic has been banned. Back in the day the Relic Guild was made up of people with various magical abilities – empaths, illusionists, changelings – but a great war got rid of all those with magic, all but three that is. Marney, Samuel and Van Bam are the only surviving agents of the Relic Guild. In their old age they have not needed to use their abilities that much until evidence that a particular infamous Genii, Fabian Moor, did not perish as he was thought to have done. Moor kidnaps Marney leaving Old Man Sam and Van Bam to hunt him down with the help of a young changeling, Peppercorn Clara, who, until now, had been hiding her illegal magical gift.

It took a long time to get into the novel and understand what was going on. It was confusing as to who was good and who was bad at the very beginning, which did not help in understanding the events occurring. Approximately half way through the pace picked up and became a lot more exciting and easier to engage with. It helped that the narrative alternated between the present and forty years earlier. By providing an insight into history of the Relic Guild the current situation began to make more sense.

Oddly the book begins with an epilogue. Initially I wondered whether that was intentional – maybe parts of the story were to be told backwards – however, on finishing the final chapter it appears that, perhaps, it was an error. There were also a few other mistakes that were obviously missed during the proof readings.

The ending of the story strongly implies that there is more to come. This felt a little annoying as there was no conclusion to, what felt like, an extremely long and slow starting book. I am undecided whether I would want to read a sequel; whilst it would be nice to find out how the situation is resolved, it was not the easiest of books to read. It was also difficult to visualize the setting, particularly the constant reference to a labyrinth.

Overall it was a bit of a disappointment. The blurb set it up to be a really gripping storyline but in reality it was confusing and hard going.
Pan (2015)
Pan (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
Where's the magic? Where's the sparkle?
The mesmerising story of Peter Pan has been told by numerous directors, playwrights and novelists over the years with Disney’s brilliant animation being one of the highlights in a series of standout moments.

Now, the story receives a very 21st-century makeover in Pan, but does director Joe Wright’s brooding reimagining sink or swim?

Unfortunately, this occasionally beautifully shot film ends up causing more of a headache than Michael Bay’s much-maligned Transformers series in a movie that lacks the magic and sparkle of the traditional tale, instead focusing too much on special effects and noise – my god this is a loud film.

Stars like Hugh Jackman, Rooney Mara, Garrett Hedlund and Amanda Seyfriend take their places amongst a cast of forgettable characters that never seem to make any sort of impression, despite Pan’s 111 minute running time.

Following the story of Peter, played by a particularly wooden Levi Miller, Pan takes place many years before the events of the famous story, following a similar path to the recent Alice in Wonderland remake and Oz the Great and the Powerful.

Unfortunately, including a previously unmentioned backstory to the character brings about the same problems as it did for the aforementioned films. Pan has no charm and is completely void of originality with the production team borrowing many elements from movies like Avatar, the Harry Potter series and even the Indiana Jones franchise.

Hugh Jackman’s Blackbeard is the only character to make any sort of impact and the Wolverine star is a delight to watch in a role that requires masses of cheese and just a little malice. The rest of the cast are as wooden as the galleons in which they are transported and this is a real shame, given the talent on offer.

Elsewhere, the cinematography is exceptional with some amazing sequences shot with flair and supreme confidence but the poor CGI detracts from the spectacle. For a film with a budget of $150million, it has some of the worst special effects I have ever come across.

Nevertheless, there is much for younger children to enjoy. The bright colours and constant shifts in tone ensure Pan never settles into a rut, despite its bland characters and lacklustre special effects.

Overall, Pan is a crushing disappointment. The special effects are poor, the promising cast never gels together and the story is a hybrid of other, better films that results in a movie that will leave you with a headache, rather than a sense of magic and sparkle.