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Faris Badwan recommended The Elusive Bob Lind by Bob Lind in Music (curated)

The Elusive Bob Lind by Bob Lind
The Elusive Bob Lind by Bob Lind
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Again, a pretty disgusting cover. That wasn't my intention with this collection - I wasn't trying to pick the worst or most ironic sleeves I could. But I suppose a couple I did end up choosing after realising how disgusting they were. This one is horrible. Again, the record has such a magic about it... I think it's best to listen with your eyes shut. The album is really great folk. I first heard the song called 'Summer' on that Jarvis Cocker compilation The Trip. I heard it and thought there's no way the whole album is going to be as good, and it was."
