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Beware the Wild is a beautifully crafted novel that takes the Magical Realism realm to a new height. I loved how inhabited the world of this book is.

Not only does the swamp become a character in and of itself, it also sets the tone to the creepy and haunting vibe Parker is striving for.

I think what I like most about it is how the magic is wholly ingrained into this society by their obstinate to acknowledge that it is real. Each time it is brought up, especially to people who are able to understand the consequences of what is going on, there is such a fear about the truth that they refuse to talk about it. There's also the fact that, while they know there is something bad and probably magic about this swamp, these people do not know exactly what that magical thing is. SO instead of dealing with it, they build a fence and hope for the best.

The magic itself was something that is both beautiful and corrupting which was very intriguing and well thought out. Props to you, Ms Parker.

The characters in this book were all well drawn out. I was hoping for more of a backstory of what happened to the twins in the swamp to make them how they are. Yes, we do get a small amount of the reason, but I wished it was fleshed out a bit more.

Sterling and her brother had an odd dynamic, but it was a good one. I wish we would get more into Sterling and her motivations to why she makes certain choices, but she is still a strong character.

And Heath. Poor guy just wants to be able to live a little, right? Nope. He is my tragic hero in this book and I hope we get to see more of him in Behold the Bones because I loved him in this one.

I have been wanting to read this book for so long and I am so pleased with it! I was lucky enough to be able to meet the author at Yallwest this year and she was so incredibly sweet.

I am so excited to read the next book! I can't wait to get it!

Ross (3284 KP) rated The Traitor God in Books

Jun 19, 2019  
The Traitor God
The Traitor God
Cameron Johnston | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic gritty dark magical fantasy
The Traitor God is a book set in a world which has seen its fair share of turmoil. The once powerful Escharric empire crumbled centuries ago and their achievements and discoveries are still sought after. Magic plays a large part in this world, with some people born with a Gift (an affinity for a certain strain of magic), able to work their way up through the ranks (assuming they survive their tests) and hope for a place in leadership of Setharis, the most civilised of the remaining cities.
The magic used here feels similar to that in Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series, with some people able to increase their strength or size, manipulate fire, water or air, or in Edrin Walker's case - control people's minds.
Walker starts off the story in a far flung city on the run from magical bounty hunter beasts and savage invaders. There is a "bad thing" in his past that he has only a vague memory of (like anyone who has woken up fully clothed with a dreadful hangover), and though he knows he cannot return to Setharis, he finds himself compelled to.
The book follows Walker's investigation to identify his friend's killer, and he gradually reveals a plot to destroy the city. As his power would normally see him imprisoned as a tyrant, he has to keep his abilities under wraps as much as possible. I have seen a few fantasy tales recently try to have more of a mystery angle, almost being a crime novel in a fantasy setting. This is the first time I have seen it delivered so well that it manages to cover both genres without compromise.
The story and writing here are truly fantastic. It has been quite some time since I have been able to rattle through a book with an amazing narrative tone, excellent gritty dialogue and a thrilling story. You are never more than a few pages away from a major revelation or exciting conflict.
I have the follow-up book to read and will delve into that with relish very soon.