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Skulduggery Pleasant
Skulduggery Pleasant
Derek Landy | 2007 | Children
8.9 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first in Derek Landy's 'Skulduggery Pleasant' series, which I decided to borrow recently from Kindle Unlimited.

I read (or heard) somewhere that this was attempting to be the heir to the Harry potter crown, and I can definitely see the similarities: a secret world alongside our own full of magic, where a dark sorcerer wants to gain control over the mortal world, and where a young pre-teen is introduced to the world and has (to them) unknown connections to it already, and some unpleasant relatives...

However, unlike the Harry Potter series, this is primarily set in and around Dublin (rather than London) - and so, to me, is closer to home - while the home life of the protagonist is far more settled: she's not an orphan, and lives with her family.

I also found Skulduggery Pleasant to be more of an interesting character than Dumbledore, as well as playing a far larger role in the proceedings.

Finally, I may yet read more of these.
Fire Study (Study, #3)
Maria V. Snyder | 2008 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I strongly recommend reading <i>Poison Study</i>, <i>Assassin Study</i>, <i>Magic Study</i>, and <i>Power Study</i> all at a go. The two novellas are optional, but canonical and fun.

Snyder's world seems to be made up of just two countries: Ixia and Sitia. Ixia has been ruled by Commander Ambrose and his generals for about a decade when <i>Poison Study</i> starts, after a military coup overthrew the old monarchy. There are no beggars, every child is entitled to an education, nobody has to go hungry or homeless, and promotions are based solely on skill, with no gender or racial discrimination&mdash;but every citizen also has to wear a uniform declaring his or her proper location and job function, government approval is required for marrying, moving to a new home, or changing jobs, and anybody identified as having magic talent is killed immediately. Everyone is subject to the Code of Behavior, and there are no exceptions for any kind of extenuating circumstances. If you kill someone, you are sentenced to death, even if you were defending yourself or another.

Yelena has been in the Commander's dungeon for most of a year after killing the son of General Brazell. Valek, Ambrose's spymaster, gives her a choice: go to the gallows, or become the Commander's food taster. The job doesn't have a long life expectancy, as poisoning attempts are fairly common, but Yelena sees a chance at life better than immediate death, and takes the job.

Yelena manages to survive several attempts to murder her. The fact that Brazell wants her dead is understandable, but the other attempts are mysterious. Why would a Sitian master magician try to kill her? Who would slip poison into her wine?

<i>Magic Study</i> finds Yelena in Sitia, learning to cope with a very different way of life. Magic is almost taken for granted, and a strong family/clan structure forms the backbone of the government. But why are there beggars in the streets, and why is it that only those who can afford it are educated? Everyone in Sitia believes that life in Ixia must be horrific, but looking around her, Yelena sees that Ambrose's rule does have its benefits.

<i>Fire Study</i> moves between Sitia and Ixia, involving the leaders of both nations and intriguers who want to bring both of them down by pitching them against each other. Yelena and her friends are trying to prevent a war and reveal the traitors, but they've been declared outlaw and have to sneak around trying to figure out what's going on.

Another reviewer found Yelena too talented for belief, but I found her fairly realistic. She certainly isn't good at everything&mdash;she could use a lot of help in terms of social skills!&mdash;and the skills that she begins with and gains over the course of the trilogy do make sense. She trained as an acrobat when she was a child, so it does make sense that she is able to learn some types of self-defense without too much trouble. Some of her aptitudes make more sense after she learns more about her family background. She does find that she has magical abilities, but she isn't good at everything, and indeed, cannot seem to master some tasks that other magicians consider rudimentary.

I did find some of the betrayals to be difficult to comprehend, as some of the traitors would have no defense against mental scans. There's a Sitian Ethical Code of Conduct that prohibits non-consensual scans, but it doesn't apply to criminals, and in a war situation, I found it hard to believe that nobody ever did a little telepathic peeking at the people around them.

These were fun books, and they could be useful in looking at the pros and cons of different types of governments with teens. There's some sex in the books, but nothing terribly explicit. The violence is more troublesome, but the author never dwells on it.
Onward (2020)
Onward (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
I had very mixed feelings about Onward after seeing the trailer, it didn't feel like Pixar and if you'd shown it to me out of context I'd never have guessed it was them.

It's Ian's 16th birthday and things aren't exactly going to plan. To cheer him up his mum gives him and his brother a present left for them by their late father. In a world that has forgotten magic, their father had still believed, and he's leaving them a way that will allow them to see him again. When the only way to complete the spell means finding something long forgotten the brothers must embark on a quest, one that older brother Barley has been preparing for his whole life.

Onward starts with a great potted history of magic in their world and how it's been replaced by modern amenities. It feels like they made a very quick change but I liked it over the sped-up timeline over many years, it actually summed up a more modern way of abandoning things that aren't convenient. It also allows you to have fun little moments of thinking about how things changed when you see flashes of their past during the film.

With Pixar you know that you're going to get that sentiment and deeper meaning that induces bucketloads of tears and in Onward it's a strong message about family and how the past weighs down on what's actually happening in the present. None of that meaning really feels like it's there until very late in the film though, the beginning is more like some generic off-brand fantasy adventure, and though the two ends fit together they don't seem like they belong together.

The mix of characters is fun but we don't get a proper introduction to who, or what, many of them are. It's a shame that with such a varied selection of creatures that most are just relegated to being quirky looking with no real function. There were at least things to appreciate from some of them, Colt counting I thought was a fun touch, and I loved Corey the Manticore, her whole transition through the film was funny and very entertaining.

Chris Pratt as Barley was the only spot on bit of casting for me, his happy-go-lucky demeanour fits the character and we're treated to some of that Starlord adventure. (My favourite Barley scene was definitely the bridge). Everyone else kind of felt a little... meh? I wasn't wowed, I wasn't hooked in trying to work out who the voices were, it all felt a little bland. Partly I think that's because I never felt like I learned anything about them. Sure, some bits were fun, but through most of the film I wasn't really bothered what happened to any of them.

The journey that brothers Ian and Barley go on is full of twists and turns, they're amusing but nothing we haven't really seen before. As I mentioned, the emotional payoff doesn't appear until very late, and it did reduce me to tears, but it could have been so much more. The build-up to it had no real substance, especially when you consider how meaningful it's conclusion is.

In fact, the build-up could have offered up so many different things. For a fantasy story with magic and mythical creatures it holds little to no magical feeling. There's no real spectacle or pizzazz to anything. When I think of magic in other films I get wonder and joy, but in Onward it's done more for jokes. Even at the climax of the film it takes on so much humour that it detracts from the emotions.

Dan Scalon's story is partly based on his own experiences (I'm assuming with less mythical creature though)... and that story is peak Pixar... but the world created around it isn't strong enough for the sentiment it portrays. Taking such a powerful message about family and bundling it up in something that doesn't have the usual Pixar strength and heart feels like a travesty to me.

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At Grave&#039;s End (Night Huntress, #3)
At Grave's End (Night Huntress, #3)
8.6 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I find it funny that with all of the vampire books I have read over the years, I still have not tired of the theme. In this third book in the Night Huntress series, Jeaniene Frost continues to make life interesting for Cat and Bones and friends by adding a little magic to the mix, specifically from the legendary Cleopatra's daughter-turned-vampire, Patra, who also happens to be Bones's grandsire-turned-partner, Mancheres's wife. Life as a vampire only becomes more convoluted for Cat as Bones gains a few new abilities, and Cat learns why vamps are not allowed to practice magic. When they learn that Patra has sent "the grave" after Bones, I had visions of horror movies dancing in my head - and I was not that far off in my guesses. Since I am not a fan of this particular fad in fantasy fiction, I was glad that Frost depicted these paranormal creatures so horrifically.
One of the elements that I also like about this series is the humor - which Frost delivers in the form of Cat's mother, who embraces the circumstances of Cat and friends' protection with surprising relish. Without spoiling this juicy tidbit, I will say I laughed out loud when I read about the change in Cat's mother.
On the flip side, when anguish hits Cat hard, I felt her pain more than I expected to, even though I harbored doubts about what had really occurred. The emotion that Frost conveys in this section of the plot feels as real as if I felt the same loss as Cat.
There are many other interesting tidbits in the book, such as what almost occurs with Tate - and the result, Juan's decision, as well as the truce that develops between Annette and Cat. This is why I love series - side characters get more plot time, subplots can continue to mature, and I don't have to leave the imagined world behind just because I closed the book! I can't wait for the next book, Destined for an Early Grave (Night Huntress, Book 4).
Magic Study (Study, #2)
Maria V. Snyder | 2006 | Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
I greatly enjoyed this book and seeing all these hateful, negative reviews honestly puts a bad taste in my mouth. I can understand if it’s not someone’s cup of tea but some of the things people are complaining about are just nonsensical. I feel that they have never been in the situations these characters have and therefore judge them in ways that are ignorant and unfair.

I didn’t feel like Yelena was a Mary-sue. In fact, she had her butt handed to her on more than one occasion. Most of the skills that Yelana has, she developed herself through hard work and practice. I also feel people misinterpreted her relationship with her brother and her brother’s behavior. It clearly states why she was upset with him, and I agree with her. I also understand why her brother acts the way he does and it is not unrealistic considering the circumstances.

And heaven forbid people have faults. Any time a character has a negative trait or does something wrong, etc. people down them for it. I feel it made the characters more human and realistic. People have faults and mess up sometimes. That’s life!

I would also like to point out that this series is about Yelena. Not Yelena and Valek. It is not about them or their romance. Therefore, it didn’t bother me that Valek was only present for the last fourth of the book. If you go into this book hoping for more than that, then yes you are going to be disappointed. But you should have expected it from the way Poison Study ended and the synopsis.

I will agree, however, that there are a lot of similarities between Magic Study and Poison Study in terms of villains and their actions, but I don’t think the author was lazy about it. It didn’t detract from enjoying Magic Study whatsoever.

I understand there are a lot of bad reviews for the book, but I honestly think that this is one book you need to ignore the reviews and just read for yourself and come to your own conclusions.
The Raven King
The Raven King
Maggie Stiefvater | 2016 | LGBTQ+, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
The fourth and final book in Stiefvater's "Raven Cycle" series picks up shortly after the third. Obviously, if you haven't read the three previous books, you should, and you shouldn't continue reading this review, as there will be spoilers. Gansey, of course, is still after the elusive Glendower, a buried king whom he believes will change his life. Blue, daughter of a psychic, is not-psychic, but still an amplifier of those who are, and still destined to kill her true love upon their first kiss. The pair--now in love--are joined by their usual gang: Ronan Lynch, dreamer of all things magical; Adam, a survivor, who is tied to the magical forest of Cabeswater in mysterious ways; Noah, who is dead; Maura, Blue's mother; and many more. In fact, we gain several more characters in this final installment, namely far more involvement from fellow Aglionby Academy student, Henry. Together, this group is focusing on the frenzied search to find Gansey's beloved king.

I'm not really even sure what I can say about this book. This whole series is amazing and crazy. I need to re-read all four books at some point, now that all are released. This novel actually started out a bit slow for me. It was, as weird as it sounds, almost a bit too fantastical, filled with almost too bizarre magic and plot. However, as things continued to unfold, pieces fell into place, and I was consumed by the story and its characters, per usual. Overall, I found this a fitting end to a beloved series. I will insert a caveat that it doesn't tie up loose ends for some of the ancillary characters and some pieces may leave you a bit befuddled. But some of the magic of these books is that everything doesn't make sense to the characters, so I give it a pass when it doesn't all make sense to us as well. I'd recommend the series-- it's an amazing trip to another world, and I certainly have grown to love the characters. I'll miss them!
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The magic continues in Charlie N. Holmberg’s latest novel <i>The Glass Magician</i>. It is three months since the ending of <i>The Paper Magician</i> and Ceony is still apprenticing under Magician Thane – now mostly referred to as Emery. Despite the near death experiences of both the characters in the previous book, Ceony is well on her way to become a Folder – a magician that uses paper.

When an explosion occurs at a paper mill that Ceony is visiting, she realizes that not all her problems have been solved. Her defeat of an evil Excisioner has resulted in two more wanted criminals on her tail. Mistakenly, Ceony believes she can tackle this problem by herself, putting those she loves in danger.

As well as the characters from the first book, <i>The Glass Magician</i> contains a few new names including Delilah, an apprentice of a glass magician, who is a similar age to Ceony. Through Delilah the reader is introduced to another form of magic using glass or more precisely, in the case of this novel, mirrors.

In comparison to <i>The Paper Magician</i> there is a more romantic theme running throughout the book. Events of the past have brought Ceony and Emery closer together causing Ceony to fall in love with him, however she is uncertain whether Emery feels the same way. Even so, fantasy or steampunk remained the key genre.

A criticism I had of the first book was that the characters felt far too modern for the time period it was set in. The case was the same in <i>The Glass Magician</i>, although this may be more to do with the author’s writing style and therefore was unlike to differ. On the other hand the events in this book were more plausible and therefore less confusing which ultimately makes this a slightly better story.

Readers need to have read <i>The Paper Magician</i> before starting this book, as it requires knowledge of previous events, which are vital to the story line. If you loved the first book it is almost guaranteed that you will love the second.