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Bird Box (2018)
Bird Box (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Manipulation of viewers anxiety (0 more)
No substance, wastes valuable plot opportunities, poor story telling (0 more)
So much hype so little substance
I was reluctant to watch this as it didn't immediately strike me as something I'd enjoy, however I read so much hype and praise for it, I simply had to.

When it started I was hopeful that actually this might just provide a pleasant surprise for me but by the end I was disappointed and left wanting more.

Let's face it, we've seen this film before in several different guises, 'The Mist' 'The Crazies' they all have one thing in common that makes me sigh every time, lack of depth. There's no imagination and explanation, in concept this could have been so much more but it remains a creature-less, face-less disappointment.

The whole premise relies on exploiting the viewers anxiety over the care of the children and the need to protect. I may be missing the point and I know this is a commentary on mental health but it's tenuous at best and I felt cheated by something that could have been so much more.


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