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The Ward (2010)
The Ward (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
The ward brings back john caperter but is it too late.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I like the ward, dont get me wrong but its a good movie. It mess with you mind with twist and turns thought the movie. John carpenter comes back into the directors chair after almost 9 years gone after the failure of ghost of mars. John carpenter comes back into the pschological theme. This movie could of been more. Their are good parts in it, good jump scaries and amber heard was good. Other than that it was bad. Like i said it could of been more.

Horror fans should watch it, because in my mind it is a underrated horror film. Directed by a horror icon.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Distortion in Books

Nov 2, 2018  
Victor Dixen | 2018 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An enjoyable YA science fiction novel
Honestly, I wasn't 'wowed' by this book in the same way that I was the first. I feel it would have been much better if it had been about 100 - 150 pages shorter.
I AM enjoying the way the story is going though. The decision to go on to Mars regardless, the insta-love between the contestants shows their youth and sad childhoods, and how much they enjoy their roles. I liked all of that. Serena Bee continues to be a thoroughly foul character - and I love that.
My issue isn't the storyline as such. I think that some descriptions are far too detailed and long-winded (especially the agonising internal dialogue). However, I DID like the descriptions of the advertisements that the 12 competitors made: a true reflection of the money orientated society that they're a part of, and precisely what has driven the predicament that they find themselves in. I DID like the descriptions of the Mars landscape, the living accommodation and the farming area (interesting!). There was A LOT of internal dialogue though. A certain amount is great. Informative, even, but I think that this is where I realised that perhaps I'm not the demographic they're looking for. I'm about 20 years out (I don't care, by the way). BUT I will be reading the next book. I want to see how this goes - and I like the characters and the story being told.
Many thanks to ReadersFirst and the publisher, Hot Key Books/ Bonnier Zaffre for my copy of this book.
The War of the Worlds (1953)
The War of the Worlds (1953)
1953 | Action, Classics, Horror
Classic Gold
This movie is just classic. There is no other way to describe it. The story follows the the plight of mankind having to contend with a more advanced alien invasion force from Mars. The acting was good and the special effects were great for the time. There hasn't been a War of the Worlds movie that can touch this one in terms of a pure invasion movie( yes even the Tom Cruise version which is another story). You feel the danger and hopelessness of the situation. The acting was great and the ending was what you expect if you know the story. Maybe someday someone will do a great WotW movie that is great like this one with the technology of today.

Akward (448 KP) rated Terraforming Mars: Venus Next in Tabletop Games

May 29, 2018 (Updated May 29, 2018)  
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next
2018 | Space, Territory Building
World Government speeds the game up (1 more)
Additional corporations are great
A Worthy First Expansion
Venus Next does exactly what an expansion should do: add more content, without changing the game. The expansion delivers more corporations and cards, and adds a few new mechanics.

The new cards are not over or under powered, but still manage to be different enough from the base cards. The new corporations are also balanced, and aren't terrible, like a few of the base ones.

I do wish terraforming Venus had more of an impact on the game. One of our favorite parts of Terraforming Mars is that you can win with virtually any strategy. Unfortunately, terraforming Venus does not appear to be a very viable strategy.
Doom (2005)
Doom (2005)
2005 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.2 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In a remote section of Mars, something has gone horribly wrong for the scientists of the Union Aerospace Corporation’s research facility. Scientists run screaming for their lives from a deadly threat. Trapped on a barren world against forces unknown, the call goes out for an elite team of specialists to contain the situation, and neutralize the threat at any cost.

In the new game to film adaptation Doom which is based on the phenomenally popular game series of the same name, International Action Star The Rock stars as Sarge, a by the book, no nonsense leader Of a rapid response team who have been tasked with quelling the situation on Mars. His #2 is John (Reaper) Grimm (Karl Urban), the son of two scientists who were killed years earlier in a move that drove John from the Red Planet and into the corps.

Unsure about where his head is Sarge suggests John take leave and skip the mission less he provide an unstable factor. Driven by his concern for his sister on the planet, and his devotion to duty, John accompanies his team to Mars via a teleportation device know as the Arc.
In no time the team has arrived and begun sweeping the affected areas of the base, and working to ensure that nothing can return to Earth without permission. As the team surveys the dark and isolated lab areas, John is also reunited with his sister Sam (Rosamund Pike), which brings up the memories of their dead parents and repressed hostility over his departure and emotional distance.
Of course this is a movie based on monsters and violence, so in no time, there are some strange things lurking in the darkened corridors of the lab and the team finds themselves locked in a series of deadly confrontations against enemies of unimaginable horror.

In short order the team is picked off by the deadly opposition which causes strain amongst the survivors, as it becomes clear that the work being conducted at the base was far from the simple excavations that they had been claiming for years. The truth is far more dangerous and soon has the very safety of Earth in the balance.

The changing dynamic soon divides Sarge and John and they find themselves at odds with not only the creatures but themselves as they battle for survival and the safety of the Earth.

As a fan of the game series I had followed the long development of the film with interest. As production began there were reports that the film would deviate from the game in not being set on Mars and following Zombies more than demons from hell. While the film is set on Mars there is some deviation that may upset fans of the game. Hell does not serve as the source of the enemies; rather it is something that is not present in any of the games. Another deviation is that the film unlike the game is not nonstop action.

Doom moves at a very deliberate pace and when the action comes, it tends to be against a solitary foe. Only for a brief segment near the conclusion of the film do we get a battle against a large mass, and then it is very short. The novel first person perspective shown late in the film was great fun as the audience howled with delight during this segment.

The Rock shows once again that he is a rising Star as his charisma and commanding presence propels the film even though he is a supporting character. No matter the cheese factor, or stiff lines, The Rock is such a compelling presence, he makes the film viewable. Urban is good in the lead role, though he is overshadowed by The Rock, as his strong soft spoken mannerisms seem out of place in a macho action setting.

All of this said, while it is by no means a landmark piece of cinema, Doom is fun, and is easily the best game adaptation to film yet.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) Feb 24, 2020

The new one is definitely closer to the source material and yet is very similar to to the first one?

The Last Mile (Amos Decker #2)
The Last Mile (Amos Decker #2)
David Baldacci | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book 2 in the Amos Decker series by David Baldacci. On this mission, Decker is working with a special FBI task force. The task force has been given a set of cases that they must choose from to work on, but Decker has other plans. Melvin Mars is about to be executed for the murder of his parents. At the 11th hour, someone comes forward and claims he was the one who did the murders. Decker is determined to find out why this person has come forward and what he can tell him about the murder of Mars parents. But everything is not as it seems and Decker and his team will uncover secrets that have been hidden for more than 30 years and will bring down some very powerful people. Will they be able to solve the case before it's too late and more lives are lost?

Amos Decker has hyperthymesia where he has a perfect memory. He inherited this condition after he got pounded on the football field and had to be brought back to life twice. He has used his skills as a police officer and as a detective. After the tragic death of his family, life just wasn't the same. Working on the special task force is a new job for Decker and he hopes to do a good job.

This assignment starts in a small town in West Texas and takes Decker and his team all through the south of the United States. Trying to track down those that really killed Mars's parents and who was the one that saved Melvin right before it was too late.

Marc Riley recommended Hunky Dory by David Bowie in Music (curated)

Hunky Dory by David Bowie
Hunky Dory by David Bowie
1971 | Folk, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.6 (19 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This is a period of transition, which all of those early albums were. If you look at Bowie between 1967 and 1970/1 there was no constant in his life, whether he was a mod, whether he was going through his Dylan period with Space Oddity, God knows what The Man Who Sold The World is… it's like a prog heavy metal album really… He was changing the whole time. But if you look at Hunky Dory, I think he just thought that his future was as a songwriter as well as a performer, because I've also heard that The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars was his last crack at [becoming famous]. And the amazing thing about this album was two weeks after he finished it he was back in the studio doing Ziggy Stardust. There was a two week gap between the studio visits for those two records and they're so radically different from each other. So I think Bowie just thought, 'Right I'm having one last crack at being a pop star and I've written all these great songs.' And they are great songs on this album, 'Bewlay Brothers', 'Quicksand', 'Life On Mars'… When he wrote this song he'd just put in to write the lyrics for 'My Way' for Frank Sinatra and he got rebuffed and was really pissed off about it. So he wrote that song to say, 'This is what I can do.' And it is a great song: one of the greatest songs ever. I think he wrote it genuinely thinking that one day someone like Frank Sinatra would record a version of it."

Scarlett Epstein Hates It Here
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I would like to preface this by saying I only read a SNEAK PEEK, not the full book.

Scarlet was suggested to me as a cross between Veronica Mars (who I love) and Daria (who I know next to nothing about). Scarlet writes and reads fanfic about her favourite television show, Lycanthrope High. It's one of those books where you connect with the main character because they <i>get you</i>. The tv show, movie, book comic or video game character that you fall in love with feels like a real person - and Scarlet understands that. Her straight-laced best friend, Avery, not so much. It's a unique take on the high school experience with an awkward protagonist you want to know more about. I suggest you check it out.
The Martian Chronicles
The Martian Chronicles
1980 | Adventure, Drama, Sci-Fi
Why do I love cheesy 70s and 80s sci-fi so much?
I think I watched this as a kid for the first time and was fascinated and spooked out all at the same time. Since I have been an adult, a purchased the VHS tapes, the original MG DVD release and will probably purchase the new Blu Ray editions some time soon (but haven't yet).

I am not a reader (wish I was), but this story of the first expeditions to Mars, what the humans find there and how they have to learn to set aside differences to peacefully coexist is still very enthralling.

Everything about it is cheese for sure, but I still very much enjoy the characters, stories and situations.

Stowaway (2021)
Stowaway (2021)
2021 | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
5.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Netflix's latest movie, billed as being a tense psychological thriller.

Spoiler alert: it's not.

It follows a manned mission to Mars in which the three person crew find a fourth unwittingly aboard after take-off, and after they have travelled too far to turn back.

Then, to make things worse, they discover that there is only enough oxygen left for 2 survivors, with the three-man limit already dangerously close to the redline, and have to try to find a solution to their dilemma that doesn't involve them all suffocating.

It's pretty obvious from the outset where this is going, along it takes it's time to get there, completely lacking (for me) any sense of atmosphere, or even peril and completely failing to hold my attention at all.