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Movie Star by Lizzie Pepper
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lizzie Pepper became a famous actress as a teen -- growing up before America's eyes on her TV show. Eventually Lizzie meets America's most famous movie star, Rob Mars -- and quickly their courtship and marriage becomes tabloid fodder and her life changes forever. At first, Lizzie is head over heels in love with Rob and all that he brings: romance, lavish trips, and instant stardom. But soon, her life is taken over by Rob's wealth and fame -- his constant absences, a complete lack of privacy, and a world overshadowed by Rob's total commitment to One Cell Studio, a form of study and practice that nears cult status. Once they have children, Lizzie begins to doubt everything about their relationship -- and what her husband stands for.

This was a fun book. Written by Hilary Liftin, a celebrity ghostwriter, Lizzie is a really enjoyable and insightful character. The book is clearly supposed to be based on Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. I kept imagining Rob Mars as a creepy twist between Tom Cruise and Rob Lowe, which was a little frightening. The One Cell piece is oddly disconcerting, as it's supposed to be, and made me want to delve more into the weirdness that is Scientology. Lizzie's evolution was fun to read about (I enjoyed, on a personal level, that she had twins) and she remained a realistic and relatable character, despite being elevated to movie star status. It truly makes you think about some of the insanity that movie stars have to go through, especially those that have children. It also gets you thinking about various religious cults and the power they have over people. In the end, probably a 3.5 star book, as it's a quick, fun read, but with a surprising depth behind it in places. After all, in the end, a marriage crumbling is a marriage crumbling, even in Hollywood.
Mr. Kiss and Tell (Veronica Mars #2)
Mr. Kiss and Tell (Veronica Mars #2)
Rob Thomas | 2015 | Mystery
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Veronica Track Down an Attacker?
This book finds Veronica Mars hired by the Neptune Grand to clear them of responsibility for an attack that left a young woman almost dead several miles away. Before she was found, she was last in the hotel. At first, she claims she can't remember what happened in the attack, but then she names someone on the hotel's staff. With a client who wants Veronica to prove them innocent and a victim who thinks Veronica's only motive is to discredit her, can she find the truth? Meanwhile, Weevil's trial is winding down. Will the jury reach the correct verdict? And will Veronica's father ever be able to use the stories he's found of the Sherriff department's evidence planting?

Having been a fan of the Veronica Mars TV show since the pilot aired, I'm a bit surprised it took me so long to read this second book. I'm glad I finally did because I loved it. The mystery introduced here was great, and it gave us a good excuse to check in with many of our favorite characters. We even saw some minor characters again. The characters are all fantastic. I was most surprised by how much I grew to appreciate Veronica and Logan's relationship, something I'd never been a fan of in the TV series. Like with the first book, I wish this had been told in Veronica's first-person narration – I missed her snarky narration from the series. But that's a minor complaint. Fans of the series will definitely love it. Those new to the franchise might have trouble appreciating everything that happens here, but the obvious solution is to go back and watch the show. You'll find it is well worth your time.
Fonda Lee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>Zeroboxer</i> is obviously a book <i>farrrr</i> from my range. In fact, it's literally out of bounds.</b> A sports-themed book is the last thing I'll ever read – I'll read contemporary romance any day over that.

But <b>Fonda Lee's book is something different.</b> Something completely different and out of bounds from what I usually read, and <b>I didn't think I would actually enjoy her novel as much as I did.</b> It's about boxing in zero gravity! On the moon! And Mars! Happy dance ensues – I'm a space nut.

<b><i>Zeroboxer</i> focuses on Carr Luka, a zeroboxer from Earth who is slowly rising the charts in the zeroboxing world and has dreams of becoming the Lowmass Champion of the Universe.</b> But as Carr becomes more famous on Earth for zeroboxing and his career grows, he finds out something that could ruin not only his career, but his life as well.

Lee's debut novel is <b>very fast-paced, which isn't surprising</b> from a book based on boxing out in space. The book <b>mainly focuses on Carr's career as a zeroboxer and how he grows career-wise in the span of two years</b>. Putting all of that in a 350 page made everything – Carr's career, his relationship with his brandhelm – seem to go by a lot faster than it actually would. In all honesty, it's been a long time since I've last read a book that has a span of more than a year in one book instead of several.

The world Lee builds is <b>an entirely different world and it takes a while to get used to all of the slang and abbreviations that are used</b> throughout the book. It's clear from early on that <i>Zeroboxer</i> is <b>set really far away in the future</b> – Earth isn't exactly a dominant planet anymore compared to those who found a home on Mars and the moon, and some of the places have definitely changed (New Shanghai, Asialantis, etc). The technological advances were really interesting and I would love to see an actual version of how the colonies on the moon and Mars really look like as civilizations with cities, towns, etc. Oh, and I would actually like to see a zeroboxing match one day.

<b><i>Zeroboxer</i> may be completely out of bounds from what I'm usually drawn to, but I highly enjoyed the entire journey. It's fast-paced and something different. I might feel a little biased here, but I can't ask for anything more from a debut novelist.</b>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>

Lee (2222 KP) rated Ad Astra (2019) in Movies

Sep 21, 2019  
Ad Astra (2019)
Ad Astra (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama, Mystery
It’s the near future. Humans are trying to reach out to extraterrestrial life. Veteran astronaut Roy McBride (Brad Pitt) is working high up on an antenna built with the sole purpose of trying to communicate with aliens. And when I mean high up, Roy is literally in full astronaut gear, as this thing reaches from the Earths surface, all the way up into space! Suddenly, a mysterious power surge hits the antenna, triggering a series of explosions and sending other astronaut workers tumbling. Roy manages to leap between a few levels in order to shut off the power, but he eventually has no choice other than abandon the structure and tumble down to Earth. Obviously, he makes it, but it’s an impressive, intense opening – beautifully staged and shot and indicative of the kind of quality to come for the rest of the movie.

Fully recovered, and ready for debriefing, Roy learns that the power surge is one of many which are now hitting the Earth and threatening the stability of the solar system. Furthermore, it is believed that Roy’s father, Clifford McBride (Tommy Lee Jones), who embarked on a deep space mission some 30 years ago, is responsible for the surges. All contact was lost with that ship and it’s crew 16 years into their mission, known as The Lima Project, and the source of these surges is the region surrounding Neptune. Roy has been selected to send a message to his father in the hopes that he might respond and help to prevent further catastrophic surges.

Roy is a loner, committed to his work above all else. In an early scene we see his wife (Liv Tyler) walking out on him while he carries out a psych evaluation for work. He comes across as cold, distant and uncaring, and his pessimistic narration throughout the movie gives us a real insight into his character and history. He’s proved that he can keep his cool under pressure, always maintaining a low blood pressure, but suddenly losing his father 30 years ago has obviously resulted in some serious daddy issues for Roy. Issues which these latest events now bring to the forefront.

The message Roy must send to his father needs to be transmitted by laser from Mars to Neptune, so Roy must first travel to the moon and then onward to Mars. This being the near future, space travel has now been commercialised, so fairly easy to just hop on a flight, and the moon is now a hive of human activity – there’s even a Subway restaurant there for hungry travellers arriving from Earth! As Roy makes his way across the moon, to the rocket which will take him to Mars, we learn about it’s colonisation and the disputes that occur there involving the countries of Earth. Consequently, Roy’s journey is not without peril.

What is so incredible about the time we spend on the moon, and then Mars, is just how plausible and realistic it all feels. For the most part, I was totally mesmerised by it all – fully engrossed in what is an epic space adventure into the unknown, desperate to find out how it was all going to end. After emerging as one of the highlights of an otherwise disappointing movie recently in ‘Once Upon a Time in Hollywood’, Brad Pitt once again shows us just what a real star he is. Outstanding.

Despite the beautiful cinematography, the engrossing storyline and the occasional bursts of action though, Ad Astra is a real slow burn of a movie, which won’t be for everyone. What let the movie down for me was the last 20 minutes or so, which proved to be something of an anticlimax in my opinion. However, this is still an incredible movie, held together by an amazing actor and some beautiful visual storytelling.
The Martian (2015)
The Martian (2015)
2015 | Sci-Fi
Stuck on Mars
The story of a botanist named Mark Watney who during an evacuation of the landing site he and his team are on are hit by catastrophic storms but in the evacuation he gets knocked off his feet and his signal goes off line. His crew know they have a matter of time to evac or be stuck there forever. The choose to leave and do so safely. We soon find out that Watney is alive and now has to find a way to communicate home to let them know he is alive, figure out a way to create food on a planet you can grow anything, and figure out how to just plain survive on basically nothing. However he is a botanist and this story shows a mans will to survive is stronger than anything. Does he get home, you have to watch and find out.
The Martian (2015)
The Martian (2015)
2015 | Sci-Fi
Ridley Scott's adaptation of Andy Weir's book of the same name, following the trials and tribulation of botanist astronaut Mark Watney (Matt Damon) after the rest of his crew take off and abandon him on Mars, believing he is dead.

While - of necessity - a large part of the screen time is devoted to Watney and his time alone on the planet, the film (and book) also cuts between his colleagues on the spacecraft home (and how they react once they find out he is alive), and various NASA personnel, most of whom are only given the broad strokes of characterisations

As a Ridley Scott film, you know you're going to get impressive visuals and world building (it's one of the things he excels at), while Damon actually proves surprisingly well cast as Watney. I don't remember the final section of the film being in the book though ...
Moon Justice (Aurelia Fridell #2)
Moon Justice (Aurelia Fridell #2)
Ryanne Hawk, E.R. Pierce | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story picks up where Fractured Moon finished. Ceithin and Aurelia travel to Alaska for some much-needed time alone, where Aurelia can spend time learning about her wolf. Things are never that easy though and their time in Alaska is interrupted in the form of a Kodiak shapeshifter. They are also pressed to return home where they find that things have changed in their absence, and not always for the better.

There is a lot that goes on in this book and it will keep your interest as you turn the pages. However, I will say that there were a couple of things that 'niggled' at me once I had finished it. Firstly, the whole 'thing' in Alaska - I'm really hoping that it will lead to a more developed story with Garrett and Mars as I felt that it ended rather abruptly and without actually going anywhere. Then there was the whole 'madman raising an army' situation. It seemed like a lot of hot air about nothing. Now, don't get me wrong. The storyline itself was fast-paced and well-written. It's just that I felt parts of it could have been 'more', bigger somehow. It felt like a big build-up, with a good action scene before and then... poof, it was all over.

Don't get me wrong though, this story isn't rushed and does come to a satisfactory close. On the whole, I thoroughly enjoyed it which is why it gets four stars. I felt the story ended nicely for Ceithin and Aurelia and would love to know more about this family and their friends, hopefully starting with Garrett and Mars as they go to Alaska.

Recommended for fans of the paranormal and shapeshifters.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 5, 2016

Ross (3282 KP) rated Static Age by Misfits in Music

Nov 9, 2017  
Static Age by Misfits
Static Age by Misfits
1995 | Rock
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Quintessential Misfits (0 more)
This is the Misfits album in my view, despite not having been issued when it was recorded in 1978 (failing to find a label it was shelved and while a number of the songs were released on various compilations and collections over the years they all had guitar and bass re-dubbed. The original recordings weren't released until 1996) . All but a few of my favourite Misfits songs are here (She, Hollywood Babylon, Teenagers from Mars etc) and there isn't really anything on it that I don't like.
There is a good number of classic punk songs (Last Caress, Hybrid Moments, Attitude) but also a number of more brooding (likely more Danzig-driven) songs that show another side (She, Theme for a Jackal).
This is a band at its peak - the songwriting is on point, Danzig's voice was never better and they seem to have put so much into it, only for it to be shelved and not released for some time after.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Devil Girl from Mars (1955) in Movies

Mar 30, 2019 (Updated Mar 30, 2019)  
Devil Girl from Mars (1955)
Devil Girl from Mars (1955)
1955 | Sci-Fi
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Notorious cheapo British SF film objectively deserves about a 2 or 3, but it's worth at least an 8 for connoisseurs of duff B-movies, so I've split the difference. Title character Nyah (Laffan) swishes about in a shower curtain, occasionally hypnotising men she wants to take home to Mars, and devastating the countryside with her pet robot (which looks like a fridge with legs). Everyone else tries to get on with some very soapy subplots.

Absolutely a horrendous collision between a homespun UK programme filler and a spangly American flying saucer B-movie, but the weirdest thing about this very odd film is that there are individual bits of it that are actually pretty good: just not the acting, script, or sci-fi props. Shameless in its economy and genuinely very funny (just not intentionally), the result is sort of like an episode of The Twilight Zone performed as amateur theatre. Awful, but a fun kind of awful.
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

There's a military base on Mars, and Earth has lost all contact with it. A rag-tag squad of hooligan Marines has been tasked with figuring out what happened, and they figure it's going to be just another in-and-out before they can get back to what they do best. However, this is going to be anything but an ordinary mission...

This story reminded me of bits and parts of several other sci-fi interests of mine, such as "Prometheus" and "Event Horizon," just to name a couple. It's certainly a very intriguing one, and it definitely doesn't lack for mystery and action. I don't want to say too much for risk of giving away any of the plot, but suffice it to say I would be greatly interested in reading more along this storyline, as I found it truly fascinating, especially within the last 30 pages or so.

4 stars