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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
2022 | Action
5.3 (7 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Tatiana maslany (0 more)
I know i shouldn't like this I know it's cheesey and silly but how many shows break the 4th wall like she hulk does its the kinda show that doesn't take it self seriously and it shows for marvel to go down that route is risky in itself but I don't care if it doesn't get enough love on smashbomb I will still praise it
Black Panther (2018)
Black Panther (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Different to other Marvel films (1 more)
Strong female characters
CGI (2 more)
Some under developed characters
Weak villain
Good but a little overrated
Considering the general praise for this film, I had been expecting great things and although for a Marvel origins film it's pretty good, I still found it a bit disappointing.

I like T'Challa as a main character and I love some of the strong female characters in this film. His sister especially is fantastic and brings some welcome humour too. This isn't your typical Marvel film, and feels like it has more meaning and depth, although this means the humour side is a little lacking. Its also good not to have this bogged down with other characters from the universe.

My problems were that it felt like it dragged a bit and I was almost getting bored. The CGI is very patchy in places to the point it gets distracting and despite some good characters, I feel a lot of others are very under developed, like Forest Whitaker and Daniel Kaluuya. Martin Freeman's character could have been removed from the film entirely with no impact. Also I felt Erik was a bit of a weak villain and Andy Serkis was much more better placed and would have brought a bit more character.

All in all its a good and different origin story, but not one of my favourites.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jun 23, 2018

Spot on review Sarah. Just watched for the first time tonight.

The Ultimates, Volume 1: Super-Human
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I only picked this up recently out of curiosity when Marvel started doing a hard-backed comic-book collection, to see what it would be like.

Now I've read it, I have to say: I wasn't really that impressed by this. Written pre Joss-Whedon's Avengers movie (and even pre the Marvel Cinematic Universe), I found pretty much all of the characters within to be unlikeable and uninteresting: while you can get away with the former, the latter, however, is a major flaw (IMO) in any story.

I don't know whether that's because I associate the characters more with their big-screen counter-parts than with how they are presented here (both of which, incidentally, are designed to show how the team comes together), with Hank Pym, in particular, coming across as a bit of a jerk while Betty Ross (Bruce Banner's girlfriend) also comes across as, well, just not that pleasant at all.

On the plus side, I did like the (somewhat meta) panels where they were all discussing who would play themselves in the Hollywood adaptation ...

I also noticed that, unlike their movie counterparts, they are able to use the term 'mutants': a term which, I believe, Marvel are unable to use on the big (or small) screen as it is licensed to Fox instead .
5-Minute Marvel
5-Minute Marvel
2018 | Card Game, Fighting, Real-time
I’m a sucker for Marvel. Not necessarily the comic books, though the ones I have read have been pretty good. But I’m a sucker for Marvel games, movies, shows, gear, etc. I saw this on sale at my FLGS and had to have it. I finally was able to get it played on International Table Top Day 2019 and was happy with the result. It’s easy to understand, plays quickly (ahem, reference the title), and is Marvel-related. I have to LOVE it, right?

Ok so here’s the quick rundown. Setup is almost as long as the entire game, but needs to be reset with every subsequent play. You have the individual hero decks for each player, a LARGE resource deck, and a mission deck to divvy up and shuffle each time. It’s not difficult to keep it all straight, but you are given a LOT of cards to handle. Once the decks are all setup you are ready to play. I downloaded the 5-Minute Marvel timer app to accompany my game plays, but that’s completely unnecessary (I do like it though). Start the timer, and then flip over the first card of the mission deck on the boss’s mat. Each card will have several resource icons that the heroes will need to discard from their hands to overcome the card. There are no “turns,” as all heroes are attempting to gather the necessary resources at all times. Each hero has a special ability they can use that is printed at the bottom of their play mat, and they are very powerful, so use them often! If you can get through the entire mission deck and defeat the boss within the 5 minute time limit, you win! Since the game lasts only 5 minutes you should probably play it several times in a row using different bosses of the six that come with this base box.

Components. This game is a combination of thick cardboard play mats for heroes and bosses and linen-finish cards for everything else. The quality of the cardboard and the cards are both pretty good, so I have no issues here. The art on the game is really spectacular. I have not really seen Marvel art like this and it is very refreshing. It is somewhat cartoony and not very gritty at all (which seems to be the comic book trend). Definitely a positive for me.

Do I love this game? Um, no. Maybe with more and more plays with different playmates it will grow on me, but the several times we played it we had a great time and it was very stressful to acquire the needed cards, or to decide to use your special ability, but we never once failed. I know we can increase the difficulty and use higher-ranked bosses. AND WE WILL, but the first few bosses are pretty much chumps and we had no problems dispatching them. I do believe this game would benefit from lots of expansions, but I do not know how successful the base has been for the publisher, so that may never come to fruition.

I do recommend you try out this game, as the frenzied rush to beat the clock is something I very much enjoy in games (a la FUSE, Escape: The Curse of the Temple, et al). Also: it’s Marvel. The game unfortunately does not come with Dr. Strange nor Iron Fist like I would have preferred, but it DOES come with a couple of my other favorites: Ms. Marvel and Squirrel Girl. They are so so fun! Purple Phoenix Games is pretty consistent with this one (even my wife agrees!) and we give this a frantic 12 / 18. Go get ’em Cap!
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
An action-packed mix of super powers, solidarity and cats
Ever since Captain Marvel was announced, it dominated social media for a number of reasons. People were either hyped, or couldn’t wait to slag it off. As a casual superhero fan I was interested to see what all the fuss was about, and how Brie Larson would perform in the titular role. Ever since I saw her in Room, I’ve been so impressed by her talent and hoped she would deliver in this project too.

This film follows pilot Carol Danvers, as her world is turned upside down and she has to discover the truth about herself whilst caught slap bang in the middle of a galactic war. Captain Marvel is an origin story, and for a large portion of the film Danvers is struggling with amnesia and frequent nightmares. I really sympathised with her throughout the entirety of the film, and most of this is a testament to Brie. Once again she knew exactly how to bring a character to life.

The film does have some flaws, and for me, most of them came in the first act. The pacing felt a bit off here, but thankfully by the time the second act rolls around, it settles down. It’s a shame that the first act didn’t do much for me, especially as it felt like a completely different film in terms of its tone and narrative. Once the film got going I had a great time with it, with the scenes on Earth being my personal favourites. From the moment she arrived on Earth, I became hooked.

By the time Carol meets Nick Fury, the film changed for me and I absolutely loved the dynamic between the two characters. It provided plenty of light relief when it was needed, and let’s face it, who doesn’t love Samuel L. Jackson? The rest of the cast is fun too. Special shout out to Goose the Cat who, as expected, completely stole the show. Scenes involving him and Nick Fury were particularly delightful, and I think I could’ve watched just that for hours. Jude Law and Gemma Chan take to their respective, badass roles effortlessly, and I enjoyed what they brought to the table despite not being on screen as much as I’d expected.

Overall, I thought it had the right mix of comedy and serious moments, in classic Marvel style. I’ve come to expect silly jokes and cringe worthy dialogue in between the action; it’s all part of the fun. I loved Danvers’ sarcastic personality, and how brilliantly it clashed with those around her to make the audience laugh out loud. Her level of sass is something that I can’t wait to see more of.

Like most Marvel films, this is best experienced on the big screen due to its impressive visual style. The scenes in space particularly stood out to me, and seeing that in the cinema was a real treat. There’s something about a good space setting that’s so hypnotic, and Captain Marvel was no exception. It is action packed, aesthetically appealing, and features a strong cast against this backdrop. There’s some genuinely heart-warming moments here, especially featuring significant people from Carol’s life on Earth. In an effort to keep this as spoiler free as possible, I won’t mention them, but I guarantee it’ll make you smile.

I’m excited to see where Captain Marvel goes next, particularly her appearance in Avengers: Endgame which is already generating a lot of excitement. Brie Larson is a welcome addition to the Marvel universe, and I see her as a strong, powerful woman who I’d love my future children to look up to.
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
The witt.. the comedy... the violence the dark side of the marvel world with a twist of Attitude. (0 more)
Didnt really have anything bad to say on it to be totaly honest. (0 more)
Loved it
I loved the film and its good to see some1 picking up the marvel slack an goin totaly darkside with this character and just shoving it in the piblic eye for all to see how good an darkside it can go.

Good cast with all good parts. Absolutely funny as Fu*k in my eyes.

Without goin to much into the movie as im sure you know its hard to dodge movie trailers now days so im sure u knkw what the films based about so id def say if u aint seen this film yet an want nice easy to watch a comedy violence fantasy action movie then this is 1 for you.