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Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
A lighter more hopeful tone than Batman Vs. Superman (0 more)
Would have preferred character development/introductions to be in their own solo movies (0 more)
A light begins to shine on the darkness of the DC Extended Universe
After the dark brooding mess that was Batman Vs. Superman and the hot mess that was Suicide Squad, I was quite pleasantly surprised with Justice League.

With no offense intended towards Zack Snyder, who is good at what he does, I found his gritty take on the DC universe to be too dark. Whether the original intent had always been to start off dark and depressing and lead into a more light and hopeful tone with Justice League, or if it was Joss Whedon's influence once he stepped in when Snyder had to leave, or just WB/DC trying to keep up with Marvel, the shift in tone was the right choice.

While they are clearly still trying to play catch up with the MCU in setting up their cinematic universe, the build up in this movie did not feel quite as rushed as Dawn of Justice. Personally, I would have liked to see the other characters getting their own movies in order to set this up, but they're introductions in this movie seemed to have been done well. Also, while DC is certainly trying to match Marvel by using their big baddie Darkseid (the Thanos of the DC Universe), they didn't throw him into this movie in an attempt to jump into their own Infinity War type movie; rather, they used another character, tied to Darkseid, to build up to the massive enemy that Darkseid will be.

It is my hope that after the amazing film that Wonder Woman was and the great change in tone of Justice League, the DCEU will continue with this current trend of hopefulness and quippy Super Heroes.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Technically well-made (1 more)
Plot (0 more)
What a disappointment.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Spoilers below!!!

I'll say this: Sam Raimi used to be one of my favorite directors, but with this movie he has officially turned me off the Marvel universe. It is nonsense.

Example A: dreams are actually real events happening in alternate universes, so if you dream about showing up naked to work, a version of you really did that.

Example B: reading the book of evil allows a witch or sorcerer to "dream walk" and inhabit the body of an alternate version of themselves. It never explains how this works, but apparently you can "aim" your dream-self because Doctor Strange is able to intentionally dream walk into a dead body and use it. He can't move between universes, but somehow he can do this.

Example C: the city of Kamar-Taj is destroyed and everyone killed except for Wong and Strange. Yet in the last scene the city is full of warriors practicing. Where did they come from?

Example D: Cool cameos! Mr. Fantastic! Professor X! But they all die. Every single one.

Example E: Wanda's whole motivation is to go to a different universe to be with her kids. But why not go to a universe where Vision is still alive? Wouldn't that be her goal? NEVER EXPLAINED.

It doesn't stop there, but that's a good sampling of how nonsensical the plot is. Nothing is explained, nothing make sense, and rules are made up out of whole cloth. Doctor Strange as a zombie? Sure. How? We don't know.

I'll never watch this again and might not watch future Marvel movies, especially considering you have to watch WandaVision on Disney+ to fully understand this movie.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Captain Marvel (2019) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Midnight screening... what was I thinking? Somehow I managed to stay awake in the cinema (others didn't fare so well), but I went in pretty pumped up. Not so much for the film but the overall atmosphere of a Marvel first screening. There were over 100 tickets pre-booked, and the cinema was certainly very busy. There's something about the buzz of an audience that big. I did try and hold a couple of conversations while I was there, they were not successful due to my brain's impaired state.


Let me just get this out now... I enjoyed this movie, but I also didn't like it. I know, what does that even mean? I'm going to waffle a bit and hopefully it'll become clear.

I don't have a lot of pre-knowledge about Captain Marvel, in fact, until the trailers started coming out I'd probably have asked if you meant Ms Marvel or Shazam. As always the similarities between characters and brand is a complete mess.

Brie Larson had some pretty big boots to fill as the MCU's first headlining female character. I feel a bit sorry for Black Widow to be honest, but this is probably a bit lighter than her offering would have been considering her background.

Watching the trailers for this I wasn't left wowed. Vers comes across as rather cocky and after seeing the film I don't think she needed to be that way. Part of me thinks that a difference actress would have played it better, but mainly I'm just happy that they didn't ruin it.

Samuel L. Jackson was a treat, but then when isn't he?! It was nice seeing this more light-hearted side of his character. It leaves us with a little gap in his history that makes me wonder what happened to him. As ever he's a great presence and shows us just a glimpse of what's to come (or rather what we've already seen) while still being funny.

Ben Mendelsohn has made a rather large splash over the last few years in big-ticket movies. Rogue One, Ready Player One, Robin Hood and now Captain Marvel. His character of Talos is comical and warm but I found it slightly strange hearing him with his normal accent. That seems even weirder when I write it down, I guess I'm just hardwired to expect most aliens to sound American! He's definitely my stand out actor in this, he handles the twists and turns of the story wonderfully and made for an incredible surprise. There was one moment with a terrible bit of script that made me cringe at the screen but everything else made up for it.

I probably need to say something about Jude Law, that something is going to be "meh". I'm not sure that I'm fuzzed by any of his roles historically, and this isn't really any different. He also suffered from a dubious bit of script near the end of the film that feels out of place, but I'll leave that one for you to contemplate on.

I know I've been a bit of a mix so far about Captain Marvel but there are a lot of things to like about this movie. In particular, Marvel have really nailed music on the head recently, Guardians Of The Galaxy (1 not 2) and Thor: Ragnarok being two of my favourites. There's that moment of joy when you hear those old tunes, a smile crept across my face for every one of them. It was a great selection and they fitted into place amongst the story so well.

Nostalgia value is high in this one. Ahh, Blockbuster, I do miss you. There are plenty of things to spot, I'm sure that someone has already created a bingo game to go along with it... or a drinking game, "cry into your drink uncontrollably when you see Stan Lee". We obviously knew he'd filmed some cameos before he moved on into his big ol' galaxy, it was lovely to see him smiling out at us. Not only was it a fun little cameo but Marvel also did something magical with those opening titles and it made me cry... don't judge me!! I didn't cry as much as I did during the credit tribute in Once Upon A Deadpool though.

I could keep waffling, I'm fully aware that I've gone on a lot longer than normal about this one. I'll try not to keep you too much longer.

Obviously they've used some artistic license with the characters from the comics, as they do. The Skrull minions are so close to the comics, I was a little dubious about them when they popped up but they're carbon copies. The main thing that I know they changed was Nick Fury's eye, this version is better than the comics. I'd be interested to know how SLJ felt about finally being able to play Fury with both his eyes.

De-aging was used again but with much heavier usage than we've seen before. It was a bold choice doing it on one of the main characters when he's got so much screen time but I'm glad they chose this over recasting him. There weren't any of the minor oddities that were visible during Ant-Man & The Wasp's use of it, it all looked quite natural. There's no denying that Coulson might be a little overdone but *squeeeeee* little Coulson is so adorable that I don't care!

I mentioned my issues with Vers in the trailers, that wasn't the only misgiving I had. There weren't as many as the "I'm never going to see this movie" crowd (you know you're going to see it, get ahold of yourselves) but there were a few.

We've been with this series for over 10 years, this film leads into the last film in the sequence... and now they're giving us a new character? That's what I have an issue with. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea that they're bringing in a female character to clear up the mess created by the (mainly) boy's club, it's art imitating life... I'm joking, partly... but I can't help feeling like this is more of a last minute add-on. Previous new additions have appeared in other films, they've been able to interact with characters. The whole way through we've been shown teamwork and camaraderie, and throwing Captain Marvel in at the last minute flies in the face of that. But if we'd had her around before this then we probably wouldn't have needed Endgame because there would have been no distractions from what needed to be done. (Before you start on me we see that for a fact, none of Thor and Starlord's nonsense.)

For all of my waffling about it feeling separate they have clearly tried to connect her to the existing MCU. There are links in there on multiple fronts which give you hints at other films, it's quite impressive that they managed to make this without it being filled with series continuity errors.

As my last parting comment I want to say that Goose was amazing. Sadly not so hot on the CGI, I did wonder at one point if he was going to jump up and dance Garfield-style at one point. Annoyingly I already knew some details about this fluffy character before seeing the film but it just left me with anticipation. I didn't think that Fury would be a cat person though.

What you should do

If you're a Marvel fan you're going to have to see it before Endgame, but quite frankly you should want to see it. You could skip it if you really want to... but do you want to risk it? No, I didn't think so.

REMEMBER: There are two credit scenes, one in the middle and one at the end.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Of all the things I'd have to say Goose, that cute little floof would brighten my day as well as coming in handy for several reasons.
Oh my goodness! What an amazing book & knowing that it is all true just makes it that much more fascinating. This family is amazing & their story could inspire anyone to want to give it all they've got.
 As a teacher who is continually put under more & more pressure to get my students to pass a test, this book was heart warming. It speaks to the true heart of teaching & learning. The theme of the book is to set a high ceiling for anyone & let their passions direct them. If & when this is done, you will marvel at the results. This is sooooo true!! I've been privileged enough to see this within in my own classroom. It just leaves me wondering what kind of "genius" all this emphasis on "high stakes" testing is stifling within our society at this very moment... What a shame!
The Matrix (1999)
The Matrix (1999)
1999 | Action, Sci-Fi
Do you remember the first time you saw this?
I think for a lot of people, The Matrix was one of their very first DVD purchases as it was once of the first major releases that sold extremely well.

Having recently upgraded my original DVD to a Matrix trilogy Blu Ray collection, I was anxious to give the film another viewing. Boy was I not disappointed.

Citing the obvious breakthrough visual effects as a marvel at the time for their truly unique vision, the story and ideas presented in the film are still really what stands out. The riveting thought-provoking vision and cinematic experience of watching the original Matrix film are still a unique experience and one which is tough to beat.

Say what you want about the sequels, the original film is still a masterpiece.

Lee Ann (116 KP) May 25, 2018

There is no spoon!


Kyle King (18 KP) Feb 16, 2019

Everybody wanted a "matrix phone"

Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
Jeremy Barlow | 2014 | Film & TV
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Often cited as the best thing to come out of 'The Phantom Menace', the athletic Darth Maul has developed quite a bit of a fan following since his debut.

Which Lucasfilm (as was) and Disney/Marvel obviously recognised, with - in the expanded universe - Maul surviving his encounter with and bisection by Kenobi, even - SPOILER ALERT - cameoing in the recent Han Solo prequel movie.

This collection of stories, apparently (or so I've heard) is developed from unused Clone Wars scripts, which might explain how - I felt - it assumed familiarity with events that aren't covered/shown in the movies.

For me, that was a bit of a put-off: since I had no previous connection with most of the characters (apart from the obvious, like Maul himself or The Emperor or Sidious), it's kind of hard to care what happens to them!
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
The CG in this movie looks really good for the most part. There are a few parts where it looks really fake but the de-aging CGI was extremely well done. (0 more)
Brie Larson felt a bit flat in this movie when she was with the more dull parts of the cast. When she was with the more major parts of the cast tho she was fantastic. (0 more)
Not my favorite marvel movie but not my least favorite.
I went into this movie with lowered expectations because of the critic reviews. And I was plesently suprised by it. It's a fun movie with a strong female lead. The CGI is grwat and about 90% of the acting is fantastic. The beginning of the movie before they get to earth is a bit slow and boring, but after that it picks up and is very enjoyable.
The Tick  - Season 1
The Tick - Season 1
2016 | Comedy
Good silly fun, an antidote to the heavy duty Netflix Marvel shows
The Tick is good fun, and a good alternative to all the super serious or cheesy superhero shows on Netflix etc. Arthur is the reclusive geek whose father was killed accidentally by superheroes when he was a child and he is now trying to prove the evil superhero is still alive and active. he meets up with the Tick and ends up reluctantly as his sidekick (though is the bigger contributor of the two).
The whole series could probably have been boiled down to one feature rather than 12 half hour episodes but it doesn't feel drawn out or padded.
Peter Serafinowicz as the Tick is somewhat underused I would say, with the bulk of the focus being on Arthur, given his comedic abilities but I think that suited the story.

Awix (3310 KP) rated X-Men (2000) in Movies

Feb 28, 2018  
X-Men (2000)
X-Men (2000)
2000 | Action, Sci-Fi
Landmark Marvel adaptation isn't quite the movie you might expect, but still competently assembled. Main plus is that it's extremely well-cast, with Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen giving it some heft and Hugh Jackman and Anna Paquin a bit of glamour. Main minus is that the film was saddled with only a modest budget (Fox had recently taken a bath on Fight Club, amongst others).

Following the Batman and Robin debacle the received wisdom at the time was that comic book movies shouldn't be all that comic booky and this certainly follows that principle. Ultra-purists may also object to the way Cyclops is sidelined as hero in favour of Wolverine (but that's what the fans wanted). But, on the whole, very solidly written and performed, decent effects, takes the characters and the story seriously. From such acorns do mighty franchises sprout...