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David McK (3245 KP) rated Civil War in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Civil War
Civil War
Mark Millar | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<edit in 2018: yep, it was subtitled such>

Apparently the next Captain America movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (the MCU) is to be subtitled 'Civil War'.

With that in mind, obviously they're taking this arc as their inspiration.

In this, and following a tragedy brought about by the actions of a group of young super-heroes, the government has decided to introduce the Superhero Registration Act, forcing all Super-heroes to reveal their secret identity or being branded outlaws.

this, of course, has the effect of splitting the Super-hero community down the middle: the 'for' side headed by the likes of Tony Stark (aka Iron Man), with the 'against' side led Steve Rodgers (a.k.a. Captain America). Both sides, also, eventually find themselves working hand-in-hand with the Super-villain community (is that a thing?) as they pursue their relevant agendas.

I have to say, it's an intriguing idea for a story: which side would you come down on? Would you be 'for', or 'against'?

David McK (3245 KP) rated Civil War II in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Civil War II
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The original Civil War storyline - which sees Captain America and Iron Man/Tony Stark come down on different side of the ethical debate over whether Super-powered individuals should be subject to governmental oversight - was adopted for the 2016 Marvel Cinematic Universe film 'Captain America: Civil War'.

I could very easily see this being adopted for a later film, after the as-yet-unfinished 'Infinity War'. Once again, we have a split in the super-hero community, this time brought about by the discovery of a new Inhuman who appears to be able to see the future -on the one hand, we have those who believe that they have to do whatever they can to stop those visions coming true (even if it means arresting the individual before the crime: hello, 'Minority Report'!) whilst on the other we have those that believe these are only potential futures, and that, well, the crime has to come before the punishment!
Star Wars: Darth Vader, Vol 1: Vader
Star Wars: Darth Vader, Vol 1: Vader
Kieron Gillen, Salvador Larocca (art) | 2015 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second of the two canon Marvel Star Wars comics I've read recently, this (I felt) is also somewhat unfortunately less impressive than the first ([b: Star Wars, Vol 1: Skywalker Strikes|24718416|Star Wars, Vol. 1 Skywalker Strikes|Jason Aaron||44342503]).

This time around, we're focusing on the titular 'bad guy' of the franchise, showing how he (begins) to move from being (virtually) a sidekick in 'A New Hope' to being the main menace in 'The Empire Strikes Back', and on how he discovers the identity of Luke Skywalker. As a large part of this is concurrent with that other story, we also get the occasional duplicate panel in this as in the earlier entry.

As before, this starts with the opening crawl before we get a panel shot of space, with (again) - all we're lacking is the ominous tones of the Imperial March playing out!
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Avengers: Endgame (2019)
2019 | Sci-Fi, Thriller
Story, Special effects, fat thor (0 more)
Brie Larson (0 more)
Marvels Magnum Opus
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This is absolutely Marvels masterpiece, brilliantly writen,brilliantly acted all around a great finisher to what has been an epic journey.
From the start when they come up with the plan to reverse the effects of the snap.
To the middle where the execution comes in.
To the end with the epic and I mean epic battle.
We see a new side to a few characters,
Tony Stark is the most human he has ever been.
Captain America commits his first ever selfish act but we can forgive that as everything he's given up in the pursuit of justice, it seems fair recompense.
The way Black Widow sacrifices her life for Hawkeye is so absolutely selfless.
And of course Fat Thor is hilarious.
This will always be in my top ten films of all time and is absolutely the best finisher I have ever seen to a saga.
Marvel wins the world in films.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
My favourite Marvel Universe movie to date...
Contains spoilers, click to show
Now I'm a Thor girl myself and if anyone asked me my favourite superhero it would always be him. However.... I watched this movie a couple days ago and I think it changed my life! It really puts into perspective how loved Iron Man really was and how much Peter looked up to him as a father figure. It's quite emotional and if I could cry I'm sure I would have. It was also nice to see some closure for poor little Peter and he can finally be happy with MJ... but that ending! I hate Jake Gyllenhaal so personally I'm pretty glad he died and about 1/3 into the movie I said he would be the bad guy... called it! I think I actually screamed a little in the cinema when I watched the end scene.... how can they do this to me!?!

Also like to add... very sad there was no Stan Lee cameo...

Rodney Barnes (472 KP) rated Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) in Movies

Nov 15, 2019 (Updated Nov 15, 2019)  
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Mysterio angle (0 more)
Still the smart Flash (0 more)
Better than Homecoming
Contains spoilers, click to show
This was how a Spider-Man movie with Mysterio should be done. As an avid Spider-Man fan I was not disappointed in this movie like I was with Homecoming. The battle sequences were top notch. The struggles of Peter after the death of Tony was great. They did such a great job of making this fit into the MCU. Mysterio was affected by Tony in a way you don't expect. Even the "love story" angle wasn't overbearing. The love of MJ and Peter. They icing on the cake for me was seeing J.K. Simmons as Jameson once again as he accused Spider Man of murder and exposed secret identity. Yes that is how it ended. I know it's beating a dead horse but the "political correctness" still bothers me but I am so glad Sony and Marvel worked something out for the future of the Spider man franchise


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