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Brett Anderson recommended Homogenic by Bjork in Music (curated)

Homogenic by Bjork
Homogenic by Bjork
1997 | Rock
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I used to love the Sugarcubes, and then her debut album came out and I thought it was alright, I was going for different things and locked into Suede so wasn't really receptive to it. Then she gradually filtered through to me. Homogenic won out over Vespertine because of a few songs, like 'Jóga'. It's so beautiful, so atmospheric. There are few people that I actually listen to and am not a little disappointed by, or think I could do that. With her, it's, 'Woah.' She's one of those people who make music that I actually marvel at, I really do. She's incredibly talented. For me she's one of the few modern artists who are actually up there with the all-time greats. The music industry has to say that all these people are comparable to so and so, but she really is. Something like Biophilia suits her and suits her music. The music is intelligent for a start, but that really suits her sense of vision."

X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Nothing (0 more)
Too much to say (0 more)
The Dark Phoenix??
Contains spoilers, click to show
I have to begin by saying is I am glad Fox is done with the X men. This bad excuse for a Dark Phoenix story was by far the worst of the lot. I thought the Apocalypse movie was bad. They made one worse! I know there is only so much you can do in a movie but to call this The Dark Phoenix was not the right movie title. Maybe it should have been called X Men: The Alien Invasion. That's all this movie was...a story about Jean Grey getting the Phoenix powers and Aliens trying to get her and steal the powers to rebuild their race. That's the storyline. It seems there wasn't even an effort to tell the story half way right. But at the expense of going on a rant, Fox is done so maybe now Marvel can do the X men justice. My recommendation...don'r waste your time on this abomination.
Marvel's Spider-Man
Marvel's Spider-Man
2018 | Action/Adventure
Well, that was thoroughly enjoyable.

Seemingly taking it's cue - especially in combat - from Rocksteady's Arkham series of Batman games, this tells a completely new, completely stand-alone story, with a Peter Parker who has been Spider-Man, now, for 8 years and so is free of any restrictions placed upon it by tying it to a particular movie or graphic novel.

While it can get a bit repetitive in places, the central mechanic of web-swinging around a populated New York - one that even has a scale able The Avengers Tower in it (question: what will happen now that the Sony/Marvel deal has broken down?) - is great fun, while the story and plot itself is actually pretty good. Yes, anyone with even a passing knowledge of the Spider-Man lore may see where parts of it are going, but the fun (in this case) is in the journey, not the destination ...

Looking forward to the inevitable sequel.
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
2011 | Action, Adventure
I love this film so much. I've seen it at least 3 times, I'm pretty sure more. Captain America is one of my favorite avengers and Chris Evans is my dream man. Not only do I love this film and this story, but I love the intricacy of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in general. I love Peggy, I think she's badass and strong and a fabulous woman. I love Bucky and what he means to Steve, I love it all.

More than anything, I love the ball that this film sets rolling when you watch the films in chronological order. I know Iron Man was the first film in the MCU, but Captain America was the first avenger. The best part about watching these films is watching them again and again and catching new things every time.

I genuinely think this is one of the best films ever and I don't think anybody could tell me different.