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Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure
Great Combination of Character, Humor, Action and Nostalgia
The newest Spiderman film, NO WAY HOME, is pretty much review proof in that there is such a strong, built-in audience for it, that it would do well even if it is a bad movie.

Fortunately for everyone, it is a really, really GOOD film.

Dipping deeply into nostalgia, but being it’s own movie as well, NWH strikes the balance between nostalgia and sentimentality quite well. This is because the nostalgic portion of this film is a compliment to the story itself - and not the main focus.

Credit for this must go to returning Director Jon Watts (he Directed the previous Spidey outing, FAR FROM HOME) and screenwriters Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers (and the powers to be at Marvel Studios). They balance the action -and a plotline that could be confusing - with ease. They made a basic, but important, decision. They kept things as simple as possible and leaned on the characters - and performances - to be the core of this film (and not the plot intracancies, the nostalgia and the Special Effects).

This is easy to do when you have 3 main characters in Tom Holland, Zendaya and Jacob Batalon as Peter Parker, MJ and Ned that are very charming and endearing performers at the heart of it - characters that the audience wants to spend time with. Add to that the domineering and forceful performance of Benedict Cumberbatch as Dr. Strange, the comic relief of Jon Favreau’s Happy Hogan and the warm and loving performance of Marisa Tomei as Aunt May and this film has a solid foundation to build on.

And, of course, there are the appearances of other characters/performers that the audience will well know from other properties - to mention them would be to spoil this film - but, suffice it to say, each one tops the one before it, building to a fun crescendo of heart, humor, action and nostalgia.

A very winning combination - and well worth checking out. And…if you’re comfortable with doing this - see it with an audience, it adds to the experience.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
These X-Men end not with a Bang but with a Whimper
"This is how it ends,not with a bang, but with a whimper".

Running a successful movie franchise is a tricky thing. For every franchise that ends successfully (the original Harry Potter series, the recent Avengers), there are many, many more that just sort of peter out (The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, every version of Star Trek), and, unfortunately, this run of the X-MEN is finishing up with a look of boredom and disinterest.

And that's too bad for the DARK PHOENIX story line had great, dramatic potential to go with a series of whiz-bang special effect set pieces that should have been spectacular. Telling the tale of erswhile X-Men "hero", Jean Grey, who is turned into a villain and battles her former mates, DARK PHOENIX is filled with missed opportunities.

Let's start with the lackluster Direction and lame script - both by Simon Kinberg - a Producer and sometime writer who is making his Feature Film Directorial debut with this film. He should stay with Producing. His direction is limp and uninspired which fits in well with his uninspiring dialogue and clunky interactions and plot machinations.

At least the top notch actors can save this turkey, right?

Nope. For the most part, they are just as uninspired and mediocre as the direction and writing and that is too bad for they are a strong collection of performers. James McAvoy is just lost as Charles Xavier. I can see the look in his eyes as he is thinking to himself "what is my character trying to do here"? I didn't believe for a second that he believed anything his character was saying and doing. Same goes for the usually reliable Nicholas Hoult as Hank McCoy/Beast. The script has these two at odds with each and they both act these scenes with a "we don't buy this contrived fight either" chagrined look.

The usually reliable Jessica Chastain is wasted as the main villain in this film, a mysterious figure who serves as the anti-Charles Xavier mentor to Jean Grey (Sophie Turner, more on her later). It looks to me that she was given the "George Lucas/Natalie Portman/Star Wars: Episode 1" acting guideline - be one note and monotonous and take out any hint of emotion. Which also takes out any hint of interest.

As for Turner, I'm sorry to say this about an actress that I generally loved in GAME OF THRONES, but she is just plain bad in her role as the conflicted Jean Grey. Her character is torn between the good and the bad, but instead of acting that, she says it over and over again "I don't know what's happening to me", "I feel torn". She (and Director/Writer Kinberg) violate the #1 rule in movies - "Show, don't tell". They "tell" over and over and don't take the time to show. Disappointing wouldn't begin to describe my reaction to Turner's performance.

At least Jennifer Lawrence is there to ground this film and bring some of her star power, right? Nope. She waltzes through the few scenes she has in this film with the look of "I am contractually obligated to be here". about Even Peters who was a bit of a breakout as Quicksilver? Nope...they, inexplicably, sideline his character fairly early on in this film.

The only saving grace in this movie is the great Michael Fassbender as Magneto. He was a welcome, charismatic presence in this film that drew my attention - and interest - the second he appeared on screen. It was great to see him and I found myself rooting for him - no matter what. Doesn't matter that Magneto's presence in this film is shoe-horned in. You could take his character out of this film and the outcomes probably wouldn't change a bit. But...I don't least there was someone interesting to watch.

At least there are decent action scenes, right? Nope. Kinberg chooses to use the quick/cut edit confuse the audience style of action to cover mistakes in both choreography and geography and figures a quick cut and an explosion can cover lack of emotional commitment and interesting fight choreography.

This film closes this Chapter on these X-Men and (besides Fassbender and an "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE" moment that was pretty cool) I say good riddance. With Disney's purchase of Fox and Marvel, the X-Men can now be incorporated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that can only be an improvement on this.

Letter Grade C+ (Fassbender's performance keeps this from being a total failure)

5 stars out of 10 and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)
Black Widow (2021)
Black Widow (2021)
2021 | Action
After the MCU rounded up with Endgame I was having Marvel fatigue, I had my issues with the Spider-man movie, and I haven't been thrilled by the TV series that we've been getting on Disney+. I had managed to avoid most of the Black Widow coverage until getting back to the cinema, but even seeing the trailer on the big screen didn't get me pumped for it.

Natasha Romanoff is on the run... rewind the MCU a bit... Black Widow is on the run after the incident with the Sokovia accords. While she's on the move (and somehow invisible to detection despite being an Avenger... on the run) her past catches up with her, and after an awkward family reunion, they have to work together to rectify the mistakes of the past.

So how did this next outing in the MCU go down?

I wasn't mad about, or at, it. It nicely aligned itself with its position in the universe in a way that didn't feel too forced, and finally getting the history that the previous films alluded to... well, it was about time. I was surprised how well it managed to condense her story down and still manage to give enough to help it flow. I'm not sure it's the story I was expecting, or necessarily hoped for, but it was good. (I had assumed that we would be getting more about the inside of the Red Room, and not the results of it on the older recruits.)

Johansson gave a solid performance as you'd expect, she's perfected the role over the years and this performance sat well within the character she'd already developed. But what about the other cast members?

MVP for me was Florence Pugh as Yelena. A little frustrating for me to say, but I said it. The sisterly bond with Natasha was there in spades and she managed to grasp the emotion of the family moments so well. And her comedic timing with the sharp script was magnificent. I was delighted every time I saw her on the screen.

Playing Natasha and Yelena's parents are David Harbour and Rachel Weisz. An amusing pairing, with a very opposites attract kind of vibe. Alexie (Harbour) seems to change a lot from the historical points, and he also gets the comical treatment too, but in a more over the top way than Yelena. He had his moments, though I'm not sure it all landed. Weisz plays Melina, a straight-laced scientist/spy. Together they make an interesting team, but I'm not convinced that Melina would have stood up without Alexie.

My only problem with the case? Sometimes I found it a little jarring hearing those accents. Sure, it's nice to have a big recognisable cast, but listening to those accents from people you know really well from other things was continually off-putting.

I was thankful when the story started to pick up a bit. The beginning felt like a bit of a slog, and I was starting to lose hope. Looking back on it, 2 hours 13 minutes is a lot for what happened. It could easily have tightened up a bit and come in at around 2 hours. (And on the other end of the film, though completely separate to the run time... why put the credit scene right at the end?!)

The benefit of this film when it came to effects is that there was very little out of the ordinary that needed to be done. That meant that everything looked good on screen. I honestly didn't spot anything that stuck out like a sore thumb... or a Thanos henchman... that seems more appropriate given the film's universe. The studio have got CGI down to a fine art at this point.

As I said above, Black Widow gave a nice story to the character, and I can't help but think that they could have given her this before now, and not kicked her out into the sidelines behind the male superheroes. (Well, apart from Hawkeye, poor bugger.) I'm not bothered about seeing this again, which is odd for me as I will usually try and see a Marvel in 3D too. Even odder, because it's basically all that's on at my cinema right now. But I don't feel like I need to go back to try and spot things to link to other films. It feels very inconsequential at this point and, while I enjoyed it, a bit of a letdown.

Originally posted on:
Extraction (2020)
Extraction (2020)
2020 | Action
Fun, by-the-book, action flick
I'm pretty sure that no matter what, I was going to enjoy the Chris Hemsworth action flick EXTRACTION whether it was good or not. It is, after all, a NEW movie, albeit one that was made "Direct to Netflix", so those can be of lesser quality.

I'm happy to report that in the case of EXTRACTION, that is not the case. This is a good (if by the books) popcorn action flick with a charismatic lead keeping you company throughout.

In EXTRACTION, Chris Hemsworth stars as an Australian Mercenary (who knew there was such a thing), hired to extract the kidnapped son of a drug lord from the hands of his fiercest rival.

This is a pretty "by-the-numbers" action film:

1). The mercenary has "baggage" - will the events (and the subject he is to extract) help him come to terms with his pent-up emotions in order to move past his traumatic "baggage"?

2). Will there be some sort of "double-cross" that screws up the extraction causing our hero to go "on the run" with his "Extraction"?

3). Will there be a buddy that our hero trusts who will, ultimately, double-cross him?

What do you think?

The fun of this film was not the plot machinations (they are pretty basic), but the execution of these machinations - and this execution is pretty fun/enjoyable.

Start with Chris Hemsworth as our mercenary - with the great action flick name of Tyler Rake. Hemsworth knows exactly what kind of film he is in - and he brings the goods. If he chose to, I think Hemsworth could be an action hero staple like Jason Statham or Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson - but I think Hemsworth is not really interested in that. But here, he is steely eyed and calm taking hits and doling out punishment to hoards of "red shirt" bad guys in his way. He has the action hero chops. He also has the acting chops to make the overwrought "emotional" scenes palatable. He makes weak writing enjoyable.

Joining him is Rudhraksh Jaiswal as "the extraction" - and his interactions with Hemsworth are fun. Randeep Hodha and Golshifteh Farahani do a nice job in the roles that they play in the action and the always watchable David Harbour eats a ton of scenery in his limited time on the screen. All are fun to watch.

But it is the telling of the story by first time Director Sam Hargrave that was a (pleasant) surprise for me. After doubling Chris Evans in the first CAPTAIN AMERICA film, Hargrave became the "go to" guy for Marvel action choreography, so (I'm sure) he got to know Hemsworth there. He brings a fast-paced style to this film that works. He doesn't stop to examine much at all (which helps the plot holes in the script) and his action work with his stunt actors is top-notch. If you watch nothing else in this film, check out the chase scene at about the 1/3 mark of the film. Hemsworth and "the extraction" are being chased - and it is filmed in the "shaky cam/cinema veritae/ make it look like one long tracking shot" style that I often criticize in my reviews - but here it worked and worked well. I'll be keeping my eye on what Hargrave does next (word is it that there will be an Extraction 2).

All of this is brought together by Producers Joe and Anthony Russo - the Directors of many Marvel films (including INFINITY WAR and ENDGAME). Not only did they Produce this film, but they wrote the story from where this film came from. It's obvious that they turned the majority of the screenplay writing to others (most notably Ande Parks) and this film is based on a graphic it plays like an over-the-top comic book action flick (think John Wick-lite) where the dialogue is sparse and cliche-ridden. This part of the film was far less interesting than the action parts.

But, the action is fast, fun and furious and Hemsworth is worth watching for the 1 hour 56 minute running time.

All-in-all, a good time was had while watching the first "new" film in over 6 weeks.

Letter Grade: B+

7 1/2 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Colossal (2016)
Colossal (2016)
2016 | Comedy, Drama
A Marvel-ous Indie Movie
Well!! I’ve been really surprised (in a good way) by two films this year, and both have involved monsters (the first being “A Monster Calls” back in January).
It’s really difficult to categorise “Colossal” – imdb classes it as a “Comedy, Action, Drama”. Comedy? Yes, but it’s a very dark comedy indeed. Action? Hmm, not really… if you go to this expecting ‘Godzilla 2’ or some polished Marvel-style film (not that I was!) you will be sorely disappointed. Drama? This is probably the nearest match, since at its heart this is a clever study on the people and relationships at the heart of a bizarre Sci-Fi event.

Anne Hathaway (“Les Miserables”) stars as Gloria, a borderline alcoholic-waster sponging off the good-natured but controlling Tim (Dan Stevens, “Beauty and the Beast”) in his New York apartment. When Tim’s patience finally runs out, Gloria returns to her hometown to an empty house and the attentions of a former school friend, bar owner Oscar (Jason Sudeikis), who clearly holds an unhealthy fascination with her. Borrowing an idea from “A Monster Calls”, at a specific time in the US morning a huge monster appears from thin air in Seoul, South Korea, killing people and smashing buildings in a seemingly uncoordinated and random way. Bizarrely, this only happens when Gloria is standing at a particular spot in a particular kid’s playground. Could the two events possibly be related?

I always like to categorize films in my head as being “like” others, but this one’s really difficult to pin down. It borrows its main premise from a famous scene in “E.T.” (indeed one also involving alcohol) but the film’s fantasy elements and dark undertones have more similarities in style to “Jumanji”. Then again, there are elements of the Kaufman about it in that it is as weird in some places as “Being John Malkovich”.

 The film stays on ‘Whimsical Street’ for the first half of the film, but then takes a sharp left turn into ‘Dark Avenue’ (and for “dark” read “extremely black and sinister”). It then becomes a far more uncomfortable watch for the viewer. The metaphor of the monster for Gloria’s growing addiction is clear, but emerging themes of control, jealousy, violent bullying and small-town social entrapment also emerge.
Here the acting talents of Hathaway and Sudeikis really come to the fore: heavyweight Hollywood talent adding some significant ‘oomph’ to what is a fairly modest indie project. Hathaway is in kooky mode here, gurning to great comic effect, and this adds warmth to a not particularly likeable character. And Sudeikis (more commonly seen in lighter and frothier comedies like “We’re the Millers” and “Horrible Bosses”) is a surprise in the role delivering some real acting grit.

The writer and director is Spaniard Nacho Vigalondo. No, me neither. But he seems to have come from nowhere to deliver this high profile cinema release, and it would not be a surprise for me to see this nominated as an original screenplay come the awards season. His quirky style is refreshing. (Hell, delivering ANY novel new summer movie that is not part of a franchise or TV re-boot is refreshing!)
The film’s not perfect, and its disjointed style can be unsettling. While the lead characters are quite well defined, others are less so. Joel in particular, played by Austin Stowell (“Whiplash“, “Bridge of Spies“), is such an irritating doormat of a character that you just want to thump him yelling “Do Something you wimp” to his face!

I am normally the first to pick scientific holes in a story, but here the story is so “out there” that the details become irrelevant, and – like “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2” – the film revels in its absurdity. (There is however a jumbo jet sized hole in the plot if you think about it!) But some of the moments of revelation (particularly one set in a wood) are brilliantly done and you are never quite sure where the film is going to go next. I was concerned that the ending would not live up to the promise of the film, but I was not disappointed.
Like “A Monster Calls” the film will probably suffer at the box office by its marketing confusing the audience. People will assume it’s possibly a “monster movie” or maybe a piece of comedy fluff (particularly with Sudeikis in the cast), but in reality it’s neither of these. It won’t be to everyone’s tastes for sure, but in the bland desert of mainstream movie releases, here is an oasis of something interesting and novel and in my book definitely worthy of your movie dollar. Recommended.
Star Wars: Vader Down
Star Wars: Vader Down
Kieron Gillen, Mike Deodato, Jason Aaron, Salvador Larroca, Mark Brooks (art) | 2016 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Film & TV, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Vader goes from hunter to hunted in this crossover event from Marvel.

Firstly, "crossover" is a bit of a misnomer, since he's already a character in STAR WARS, but the idea was to broad strokes fill in some of the details of what he was doing when he wasn't on camera. Since these series are set between New Hope and Empire, there's a lot more wiggle room. Secondly, crossover events tend to be gimmicky and difficult for comic readers to track since they span multiple titles. Fortunately, there are only two titles here to deal with, so its a bit easier, but it still took some detective work to figure out the individual issues involved.

* VERY MILD SPOILERS (like the kind on a dust jacket) FOLLOW...

Okay, with the rant over, lets get to the good stuff. This book was good. This is really the first time we've seen the fearsome dark lord of the Sith AS a fearsome dark lord of the Sith, and not a broken down mechanical mystery monster who is really just a shadow of his former legendary self. This feels more like Anakin at the height of his powers, just evil. Alone on a planet with an entire battalion of Rebels on his trail, and Imperial agents who want to usurp him close behind, he's not worried, phased or hell even concerned. They're just dead men to him, and he tells them as much. This Vader is BAD-ASS.

Unfortunately, the counter plot to the Vader story is lighter in tone (and normally when those characters show up in the Vader comic I'm exceedingly happy for their brief forays into comedy to lighten up the proceedings), but here they are over used and quite honestly, detract from the bloodbath the Emperor's Fist finds himself in. While a dose of comedy can be welcome, this feels like the authors were trying too hard, and the result comes out as very uneven. Especially when the subject of the humor is Han. Han should be cool and unintentionally funny when things don't go his way, not bungling Mr. Bean style funny because he's inept.

Bottom line, the plot drove me through the rough spots, and I still think this is a great series, I only hope the luster is not starting to tarnish on this one, but that's what this volume feels like...

Erika (17788 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

Apr 27, 2018 (Updated Apr 28, 2018)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Predictable (1 more)
Some shoddy SFX
Contains spoilers, click to show
So, it's finally here, Happy Infinity War day!
Now, I'm even going to enter down. Seriously, don't read any further if you want the movie unspoiled.

Yes, I'm calling the film predictable, because it was. It's not necessarily a bad thing, there just wasn't anything that honestly surprised me.

For one, I completely guessed the first two people to bite the dust, based solely on the end credit scene in Ragnarok. Heimdall dies first, but not before conveniently getting Hulk out of there.
Loki dies next, but not before you think they're completely going to reverse the story arc from Ragnarok. Whew, but they didn't. Hiddles did a really fantastic job in the whole 5-10 min he was in the film.
Thanos looked pretty good, they seemed to have fixed the color on him from the whack neon purple in that first trailer. His minions were a bit weak, and overall I don't even know what their names were, however, I don't think I was supposed to care.
I think the Guardians of the Galaxy were given way too much screentime. I'm so over them. I also got a Gamora backstory that I didn't want nor need. I'm hoping she's one of the for sure dead.
I was so happy they finally addressed Red Skull, of course he was alive! My only question is, yall couldn't shell out enough money to get Hugo Weaving back in the makeup? Come on Disney.
The only characters I for sure believe are dead and gone, are Vision, Loki, and Heimdall. Gamora is up for debate. Everyone else...come on, it's a comic book movie. I do wish they'd have had the balls to let Tony Stark die.
So, at the end, we're left with the OG Avengers. Hawkeye and Ant Man are with their fams, and Thanos got what he wanted. There's also the Captain Marvel paging scene after the credits. Of course it needed to be in there.
ALSO, set up for Venom?? That was such a good idea! At least, I believe it was supposed to be a set up...
Ah right, the shoddy SFX... there are a few scenes towards the end, especially with Thor that looked so cheap. It was strange.
Anyway, I can't give it a 10 because of those shoddy graphics, and there was too much GotG.

Ross (3282 KP) Apr 30, 2018

I didn't previously think "too much GotG" could be a thing, but I totally agree now. Given all the uber-powerful supes in the film, and the amount of plot to cram in, giving so much screentime to a group of wisecracking knuckleheads seems bizarre.


Erika (17788 KP) Apr 30, 2018

It was almost a GotG featuring the Avengers movie. Quill was also a dummy who messed up twice. It was really strange to me, I'm guessing it was that way because GotG are the group kids love the most? Regardless, I was completely irritated. Maybe my mind will change when I go see it again today. But, prob not.