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Lee (2222 KP) rated Aquaman (2018) in Movies

Dec 14, 2018  
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Outstanding action (0 more)
The usual CGI overload at the end (0 more)
A very enjoyable DCEU movie!
Before I begin, I just wanted to describe my feelings on the state of the DCEU up until now and hopefully this will be a good indication as to whether or not you're going to agree with me when it comes to Aquaman. So, as I'm sure most people will agree, so far the whole thing has been a bit of a disaster. A rush to try and bottle what Marvel have spent the last 10 years crafting and achieving, with just a handful of below average and inconsistently toned movies. I liked Man of Steel, and I didn't mind Batman V Superman, although I do understand why many people were disappointed. I really enjoyed Wonder Woman, and I found a lot to like within Justice League too. But as for Suicide Squad, well that one was just a ridiculous mess. And with all the uncertainty around the future of Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck in their roles as Superman and Batman, it seems DC still have a long way to go in terms of laying solid foundations for some decent universe building to rival Marvel.

So that brings us to Aquaman, probably the only other character of interest from Justice League who has yet to get his own origin/standalone movie. We got glimpses in Justice League, tastes of the underwater water world, and brief appearances from Amber Heards character Mera, so it's good to be able to expand on what has the potential to be a really strong, interesting character. And under the direction of James Wan, hopefully another welcome deviation from the dark, dull earlier DC movies that received so much criticism.

As far as origin stories go, things get off to a strong start. Lighthouse keeper Thomas Curry finds Atlantean queen Atlanna (Nicole Kidman) washed up on the rocks one day and takes her in to care for her. They fall in love, eventually giving birth to Arthur. A few years later and it's clear that Atlanna cannot stay. She returns to Atlantis, promising that she'll return to him one day, leaving Thomas to raise Arthur. When we join Arthur again, it's one year following the events of the Justice League and the defeat of Steppenwolf. Taking care of a bunch of hi-tech pirates who have boarded a submarine, but still finding time to return home to dad for a few beers and a laugh with the locals. He's left the world of Atlantis behind him, having been banished for being a half breed, and feeling anger at the treatment his mother received for giving birth to him. It's not long though before things all start kicking off and he had to return to life under the sea. Half brother Orm (Patrick Wilson) is looking to wage war on the surface world in retaliation for all the destruction and pollution within the seas, and begins trying to gain support from the seven kingdoms. Meanwhile, one of the pirates Aquaman encountered earlier has got his hands on some Atlantean technology, becoming Black Manta and vowing to get his revenge. During an undersea meeting with Vulko, aid to Atlanna and the man responsible for training Arthur as a child, Arthur is urged to find the lost Trident of Atlan, a magic artifact that once belonged to Atlantis’ first ruler. By wielding the trident, Arthur can reclaim his rightful place as king, hopefully uniting the worlds of land and sea.

There is a LOT going on here, and luckily for the most part, it all works relatively well. The quest for the trident is a bit like an Indiana Jones quest - Arthur and Mera have to undertake a trek across, and below, the Sahara desert, a trip to Sicily, a perilous boat trip and a journey to a hidden world deep within the ocean. The Black Manta storyline seems a bit unnecessary and annoying at times, although does provide some great action (and a setup for a sequel). The underwater scenes involving Atlantis and the other kingdoms are absolutely beautiful to look at, very detailed and imaginative, but these are the areas that unfortunately begin to let the movie down. Culminating in an epic underwater battle involving thousands of different creatures and weapons, the movie ends up as just another DCEU CGI overload.

Despite that, I actually had a lot of fun with this movie, and I particularly loved the action. Fluid, balletic fight scenes, with the viewpoint flowing above and around those involved, we follow a character as he powers through walls and roofs, pulling out to reveal and follow other characters in action, the direction of these scenes is extremely effective. Overall, this is definitely a strong step up for the DCEU and a worthy standalone movie. I just hope they can now keep this momentum going.
Show all 3 comments.

Rache (174 KP) Dec 15, 2018

I can hardly wait to go see this. Their choice of lead actor was inspired. Even when he looks serious, he has that little tilt to one eyebrow that shows you he's not taking himself too seriously. Oh, and there should be a law against that man wearing too many clothes ?


Lee (2222 KP) Dec 15, 2018

Don't worry, he doesn't wear many clothes throughout ?. I actually thought he was great in this though, even though most of my attention was directed towards Amber Heard ?


Ryan Hill (152 KP) rated Spider-Man 3 (2007) in Movies

Jul 1, 2019 (Updated Jul 3, 2019)  
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
2007 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Tobey maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-man James franco as Harry osborne Kirsten dunst as MJ Jk simmons as J.Jonah jameson The action sequences Harry's arc and redemption The final battle (0 more)
Too many villains (0 more)
"None of that matters now, you're my friend"
After the worldwide success of the first two "Spider-Man" films, director Sam Raimi and the cast decided to take a break. The first two had been shot almost back-to-back, with very little "down time" in between. So, in late 2005, about 18 months after the release of "Spider-Man 2", Raimi began fleshing out ideas for a third storyline. For this chapter, the director wanted to teach Peter Parker about forgiveness; to do so, he'd need a villain with personal ties. The problem was that, besides the Osborn family and Otto Octavius, no villains in the comics had such a huge connection. Raimi didn't want to contradict a well-established character, so he sought one out whose backstory had never been fully realized: the Sandman, whose literary incarnation was little more than a random thief. Connecting the character to the death of Ben Parker gave Peter a huge obstacle that needed facing. Wrapping up Harry Osborn's story was also necessary, since Marvel wasn't sure if James Franco would agree to more chapters in the franchise. The addition of Gwen Stacy (who in the comics, was Peter's first love) was done mainly for the fans, and to create a conflicted love triangle with Peter & Mary Jane. Satisfied with his concept, Raimi told his plans to Marvel Comics; the result was less than expected.

Therein lies my biggest problem with "Spider-Man 3". I liked the Venom character as a kid, but in all honesty having 4 villains in the same film (Harry, Marko, the black symbiote itself, and eventually Venom) was just too much at once. From the standpoint of a fan, I'd have preferred that Venom be saved for a future entry, so he could have taken center stage. By having him alongside both Marko and Harry Osborn, the story became rather confusing for many fans, and the film's box office suffered as a direct result. Overall, this film made less money across the board than its predecessor...all because of corporate greed.

That being said, I still enjoy the film on many levels, but knowing what caused the multi-arc story makes some moments bittersweet. The actors clearly enjoyed this ride, but something in general seemed a bit lacking. Looking back, I realize it was the Venom character. The fact of it essentially being forced into the narrative only made the tale confusing and hard to follow. It became one of those films many people have to watch more than once, just to understand it...and these days, audiences don't have a lot of patience for films with too many angles. Rightfully so, in my opinion.

Tobey Maguire, slipping into the spandex suit for a third try, really shows his acting range here, even more so than his diverse performance in "Spider-Man 2". From intense love to seething hatred (and everything in between), he really brings his game up to a whole new level. Kirsten Dunst shines again as Parker's star-crossed love, Mary Jane Watson. I liked her performance very much, and her singing in the film is beautiful. She's less helpless than in either prior entry, and far more confident. Bryce Dallas Howard (daughter of acclaimed director Ron) makes her first apearance in the franchise as the bubbling, exuberant, and gorgeous Gwen Stacy. I liked her character, but felt she didn't have much to do in the long run.

James Franco does an equally-remarkable turn, finally completing the journey that began at the end of the original film. He gives Harry a blend of jealousy, mystique, and severe determination. He also revisits the lighter tones of his role, for the scenes where Harry has amnesia. And in the finale, he shows that in his heart, Harry was truly a hero. Thomas Haden Church gave Marko both sentiment and menace, and turned what was originally a two-bit thug into a far more interesting character. Topher Grace played the "creepy" card as Venom, and gave Eddie Brock a know-it-all arrogance that makes you almost feel disgusted.

Aside from the criticisms surrounding Venom, I honestly didn't have a lot for this entry. Mary Jane is no longer in a water-drenched position (thank God!), so I was very relieved. I guess my main concern was that there were too many villians should of just stuck with Harry and Venom or Harry and sandman. And for anyone who asks why i haven't put the dancing scenes as a negative. I get a kick out of them what can i say?

Kirk Bage (1775 KP) rated Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019) in Movies

Oct 11, 2020 (Updated Jan 22, 2021)  
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
I’m sure I wasn’t alone in the Summer of 2019 when Spider-Man: Far From Home was released in just needing a minute or two, maybe a couple of months, longer to catch my breath after Avengers: Engame, and what very much felt like an ending to the MCU plan that had been in motion since 2008. That climax was so satisfying and complete that the thought of any of them donning the costume and fighting bad guys again so soon felt wrong.

I wasn’t against the survivors having continued adventures, of course not. It was more a question of where do we go from here? And how? Well, perhaps Tom Holland as the youngest and most emotionally resilient of the bunch was the right choice to continue the universe, if any at all. Knowing that Jake Gyllenhaal had been brought onboard certainly added to the appeal, being one of my very favourite actors of the last decade (together with Ryan Gosling and Joaquin Phoenix), but I had made up my mind to skip this one at the cinema.

And so, before any of us knew where we were, it was Spring 2020 and we were all in a different place. Needing films, any films, to fill out the days of lockdown and isolation became a case of make a list and tick them off. This was one of those that made the shortlist around June when I began the trial month of Now TV and discovered that this was where all the big films of the last year I had missed were hiding.

I liked Spider-Man: Homecoming very much, after some initial trepidation over who the heck Jon Watts was, and why he had been trusted with such a big job out of seemingly nowhere? I also really like Tom Holland in the role. I think the idea of making him seem like a naive teenager again is a masterstroke, and he fast became The real Spider-Man in my head. His relationship with Robert Downey Jnr across the last handful of MCU films was rich, genuine and fully rounded, and Holland has managed to pitch the balance between nervy teen and likeable hero quite deftly.

The charm of the first film from Watts was how much it felt like a teen film, full of teens that were actual teens, not adults pretending to be teens. And in this second instalment that element is even more to the fore. It is a travelling road movie that keeps everything fresh and energetic, not giving a moment to dwell despondently on previous events, but looking forward to a bright, hopeful world, full of romance and adventure and discovery.

Other than Holland himself, who grows in stature and maturity as an actor every minute, the rising star of Zendaya as MJ fills the screen very pleasantly, she has a great aura about her for one so young. I am expecting great things from her, especially in the upcoming yet delayed Dune, directed by Denis Villeneuve. She doesn’t have a lot to do here, but steals enough scenes to hint at a serious talent. In fact, most of his classmates seem beyond their years ability-wise, or do they seem that way because of the skilled direction and bottomless production?

It’s also nice to get more time with Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury and Marisa Tomei as Aunt May in this one. You always do wonder what the lesser characters have been up to while everyone else was saving the world. But the backbone of the film as a spectacle is the Peter Parker / Quentin Beck face off. Every moment of Holland and Gyllenhaal together feels like a huge movie treat. And knowing nothing about who Quentin Beck was going in from comic book lore, I got a real thrill out of how it all develops.

I came away from my small screen experience of this movie thinking that I had really enjoyed it, but in a very disposable way, that I was happy to leave behind almost instantly. Nothing about it is especially deep or meaningful, just fun! And that was 100% what Marvel needed at this junction in the pantheon. These guys are pretty smart at knowing when and why and how much with these movies, and I’m pleased to say they did it again!

There is some serious work to be done to ever reach the heights of interest generated by the final pairing of Avengers films, and a lot has changed, as it must, as some actors age, some even pass away (RIP CB) and some call it a day. But if nothing else, there feels like there is plenty of mileage left in this incarnation of the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, and a lot of new fans to be hauled in by the onscreen romance between Tom Holland and Zendaya’s MJ. Older fans, like me, could maybe care less, but I believe that is the hook to ensure a future generation of fans stay loyal to Marvel. Every hero needs someone to save, after all. I’m still watching.

Ryan Hill (152 KP) rated Iron Man 3 (2013) in Movies

May 10, 2019 (Updated May 10, 2019)  
Iron Man 3 (2013)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
RDJ as Tony Stark/Iron man Don Cheadle as Rhodey Tony's ptsd storyline The final battle Tony and Rhodey's bromance Harley keener (0 more)
Humour and drama is off balance Mandarin twist isn't well executed Female characters are underused (0 more)
"i am iron man 2.0"
Marking the commencement of the second phase of Marvel Cinematic Universe after the first one culminated with The Avengers, Iron Man 3 presents a definite improvement over its insufferably insipid predecessor but it still falls short of the magical experience that was the first Iron Man film. However, it does carry a new energy & has a refreshing vibe to it, thanks to the new director at helm.

Iron Man 3 continues the story of Tony Stark who's recovering from post-traumatic stress caused by the events of The Avengers. Unable to sleep & genuinely afraid of losing what he loves, Stark's life is turned upside down after he issues a threat to a radical terrorist who retaliates by destroying his personal world, leaving him far more vulnerable than ever before & forcing him to rebuild from the scratch.

Co-written & directed by Shane Black, Iron Man 3 really benefits from a fresh perspective & is an enjoyable ride for the most part but is also marred by its attempt to try out way too many things at once, out of which only a few work out in a convincing manner. Technical aspects are finely executed for its Cinematography favours a slightly darker tone, Editing steadily paces its narrative while Brian Tyler's score adds more vibrancy to its plot.

Coming to the performances, Guy Pearce, Ben Kingsley & Rebecca Hall join the reprising cast & ably fill up their given roles while Robert Downey Jr. once again manages to impress the most. The best thing about this sequel is the position it puts Tony Stark in & Downey Jr. does a terrific job in bringing that vulnerability on the screen. Also, while I was a bit furious at what they did with Iron Man's arch-nemesis, I did later warm up to what their intent was here.

On an overall scale, Iron Man 3 is a solid follow up to Iron Man & you don't even have to go through the crap that was Iron Man 2 to get to this one. The film's intent to cover the darker issues at hand while keeping itself light-hearted & plenty of fun is a combination that doesn't gel so well, is at friction on many occasions & is bound to divide its viewers, but its improvement over everything that was so wrong with its predecessor nevertheless makes it a welcome chapter, if not a worthy one.
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
A poor end to a great series.
With the much-publicised sale of the Fox-owned Marvel properties to Disney, we knew going into this film it would be the last of its series. The three entries that came before breathed life into a tired franchise, and were all must-see blockbusters.

Sadly, Dark Phoenix doesn't live up to the quality of its predecessors.

It reminded me in a lot of ways of Christopher Nolan's "Dark Knight Rises". It was the end of something special... we had been promised stakes that had never been higher... we expected sadness... we expected fireworks. We expected a big finish.

Unfortunately, Dark Phoenix failed where Dark Knight Rises succeeded, and that was the payoff. The film seemed to be over just as it was getting started. A strong beginning with tension and danger promised more of the same, but it never quite got there. Visually, yes, you could see the build-up, see what was at stake... but you couldn't feel it. I found myself not caring what happened to the characters, which was a real shame.

The film just didn't feel... big enough for what it was trying to do.

We know from the trailers that an early mission into space ends with Jean Grey absorbing a cosmic energy known in the comics as the Phoenix Force. This whole thing felt very watered down compared to the source material, probably because for the entire time, none of the X-Men actually knew what they were dealing with. Just that Jean was angry and, well, you wouldn't like her when she's angry.

The bulk of the story revolves around the heroes trying to save their friend, but even they don't know from what they're trying to save her from. The CGI is well done, and isn't over-used. Some of the character arcs are intriguing to a point, although they lack the depth they needed to really make you care.

Without spoilers, the ending is satisfactory. It's very Dark Knight Rises in some ways, actually. A fitting end to the film, but only because the film itself was below par. The X-Men series that began with First Class deserved so much more.

If you've seen the other three, there's an obligation to say goodbye to the current iteration of these characters. But if you're just after a typical popcorn movie, I'm sad to say you could do much, much better than this.

(Oh, and there's no mid- or post-credits scene, so no need to sit through them.)
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Life is not going well for Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie). She has recently
split from the Joker and is wallowing in self-pity and trying to find a
new focus in her life. As a further complication; the protection she
enjoyed under the Joker has vanished and now everyone with a grudge is
gunning for her.

Fate has Harley cross paths with a young Pickpocket named Cassandra (Ella
Jay Basco), who comes into possession of a diamond that happens to hold a
very valuable secret. Before Harley knows what has hit her; she is on the
run not only from all manner of thugs but the very dangerous Roman Siona
(Ewan Mc Gregor) has upped the stakes for their heads and will stop at nothing to get it.

Throw in a disgruntled Detective (Rose Perez) a jaded singer (Jurnee
Smollett-Bell), and a mysterious assassin (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and
you have a very interesting and dangerous mix.

Sadly the film becomes jumbled at the start as the film will go down certain paths only to abruptly stop, rewind, go down another path, and resume.

This comes off as a disjointed mess at times and while I took it to help symbolize the mental state of Harley; it made connecting with the character and stories difficult.


This combined with the over the top
characters and routine story underminded the potential of the film.

While it entertained in parts, I do have to wonder if Director Cathy Yan
was in over her head. Yan had previously done four shorts and an Art Film
and seemed to be unsure of the pacing, action, and visual effects at times
as it certainally showed.

It is rumored that the head of the John Wick
stunt team was brought in to oversee reshoots for the film but Yan has
claimed this was simply for Second Unit work.

The film does have a strong theme of empowerment and I liked how it
emphasized that a woman does not need anyone to be strong and that they
have limitless potential. This is a very strong message that worked
wiell. Sadly the story offered no real variation from what we have seen
many times before in action and comic films and underscores how DC and
Warner Bros constantly come up lacking in this genrre where Marvel soars
time and again.

There isome entertainment in the film and Robbie is the perfect embodiyment of the character, sadly this Bird never really takes

2.5 out of 5
Iron Man 2 (2010)
Iron Man 2 (2010)
2010 | Action, Sci-Fi
Ever since Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Marvel Studios have pretty much been on a hot streak. It's easy to forget that this titan of a movie house still had to finds its feet once upon a time, and unfortunately they do have a handful of underwhelming titles in their arsenal.

Iron Man 2 is in of these titles, and whilst bit a far cry from a bad movie, the formula wasn't quite there yet.
It's main issues comes from the writing I think. The plot dates to tackle issues such as Tony Stark's trouble with alcohol, a result of slowly being poisoned by the very mechanism that's keeping him alive. He hits rock bottom, pisses off everyone he loves, creates a new element (in probably the most ridiculously convoluted and stupid scene in the MCU) and somewhere amongst all this, there's some big dumb superhero action.
As much as I admire this route, the balance is off, and a big chunk of the movie gets bigger down by these issues.
The side plot that involves a B list villain Whiplash is a nice touch, but it's ultimately wasted in yet another ending brawl that features the hero against an evil version of himself, the second Iron Man film to be released and the second Iron Man film to feature a final boss in a bigger Iron Man suit. It just doesn't feel over imaginative.

It's not all bad though - Iron Man 2 boasts an incredible cast of talent. Robert Downey Jr. and Gwyneth Paltrow of course return from the first movie. Mickey Rourke is the aforementioned Whiplash (I find it hard to dislike Mickey Rourke in general), Don Cheadle takes over the mantle of War Machine, and of course we get the first appearance for Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow.
And a big reason why Iron Man 2 is better than it should be is down to the always fantastic Sam Rockwell. He plays secondary villain Justin Hammer and he oozes charisma, and fits in effortlessly opposite Downey Jr.

Other than that, the effects still hold up for the most part, and the set pieces are fun - the racing track scene is a particular highlight, and its always a treat to see the wider MCU being established as the main plot chugs along.

Iron Man 2 isn't as good as it's predecessor, and is at the lower and of the MCU quality spectrum, but there's still a lot to enjoy if you switch off a bit.
Justice League International, Vol. 1
Justice League International, Vol. 1
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am a 50 year old comic reader. In this life, you should pick one hobby, stick with it, and make it your own. It's hard to do that when you have been reading "the funny pages" for pretty much most of your life. However, I am adapting, learning to leave the current Marvel and DC reboots and events be, as I am not the market they are aimed at. Instead, I have been content to re-read the old TPBs digitally, remembering what kept me interested in the comics.

I started re-reading JLI, as it was, and still is, one of my best memories of the late 80s-early 90s. The series was always sure to inspire me to laugh out loud, while reading what sort of crap Blue Beetle and Booster Gold would get themselves into. My strongest memories are of when then-unknown Adam Hughes took over the art, replacing Kevin Maguire. But, talking of that takes away from this particular Volume, where the magic, as it were, was to begin.

Let's jump into the art, since we were talking about that just a moment ago. Here, it is reminiscent of the 80s. Bright colors, fun attitude, new costumes. All of that was here, drawn perfectly by Kevin Maguire, with inks by Terry Austin (for issue 1) and Al Gordon thereafter. Everything about the series' art was a testament to the new direction the team was going, and it definitely worked!

The writing was okay. I remember the series as being funnier, but the first volume was necessary, as it was needed for the setting up, introducing the members and what their dynamic would be. The stories are not required reading, as I am just starting the third volume, and I feel you could skip this volume. Most notable, this was the first time we see Batman layout that misogynist of a GL, Guy Gardner. That alone is worth the price of admission indeed!

Look, there is nothing wrong with this Volume, other than the inside material overall was good, but not as great as I wanted to remember. Sure, the team was written in a fun way (something missing in the books today), but overall, I wanted to get to the bigger "Bwa-hahaha" that lay ahead.

So, final conclusion? It's up to you. I would say "Sure, give it a shot". There's a helluva lot worse graphic novels/TPBs you could be spending your hard earned cash on!
X-Force, Vol. 2: Old Ghosts
X-Force, Vol. 2: Old Ghosts
Christopher Yost | 2009 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow, I can't believe I stopped reading this incarnation of X-FORCE around Issue 3! Mind you, I was going through personal issues, and a darker, edgier comic was more angst than I could handle at the time. However, now that I have it all in digital and I am in a better state - mentally, physically, spiritually - I couldn't have picked a better opportunity to dive back in from the beginning.

Volume Two is as good as, if not better than, the first Volume. The continuity throughout is seamless, not missing a beat, carefully tapping into old "big bads", with end-result being a high-tension, white-knuckle thrill-ride that manages to inject some humorous dialogue (Oh, Domino, you always says some snarkiest remarks sometimes, but ah, that timing! *grin*) every so often but never enough to break the mood.

Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost were the perfect choice for the writers of the series revision. They get in the characters' heads when the write, presenting us with the ones we knew rather than badly-plotted inconsistent shadows of their former selves.

Especially good, I remarked on this review of Volume One, is their treatment of X-23/Laura Kinney. She wants to be part of something, a "family" of sorts. It shows as her involvement in the team progresses. She watches out for them, tapping into techniques learned during her time in the Weapon X Project, working to ensure that everyone should remain alive, thus remaining a "family" of sorts.

Logan is still watching over from a distance, but close enough that if things get really bad, I imagine he's pull her. The way Yost and Kyle write it, I took it that Logan was still not comfortable with Cry-clops' decision for to be on the team, but as befits a father, he wants to give her the room to find herself

The only thing I didn't like about Laura/X-23 was the art. Facially? Nailed it, you seemed to be late 16, early-ish 17. However, her body was leaning towards objectification. From the noticeable breast enhancement to the bared mid-riff (Domino was not drawn as such) to the super-tight, two sizes too small uniform, I was, to say the least, disappointed that was how Marvel (and artist Mike Choi) chose to present her! X-23 illustration quibbles aside, the art overall was solid!

Again, I can't say enough good about the overall story, art, etc. If you are looking for a good X-read, look no further, for you have one right here! Enjoy.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
And so to the latest incarnation in Spider-man Homecoming. After seeing Tom Holland in Civil War, well, let's just say that I was not convinced. Then the adverts where he's making the home movie of everything... yeah that began to grate a bit.

There's no origin story with this one, or with his appearance in Civil War. I'm not sure how I feel about no Uncle Ben, or that they're regressing Aunt May every time she appears. But I do love Marisa Tomei, and she does get a fantastic last line.

Somewhere before this film went into production I reckon someone thought "We need something that's not quite a bad a Spider-man, but not quite as serious as The Amazing Spider-man." Someone else was walking by and overheard. "You should zhush it up with the Avengers treatment."... and so Homecoming was born.

The effects are of course way better than 2002, and everything is pretty bright and shiny since it was properly Marvelised. As much as I initially didn't like Tom Holland, I have to admit that he makes a good film. My only major issue is that it seems more concerned about bringing him into the Marvel Universe than leaving him out there developing his own film.

For a nerd, Peter has got game. We're on the third incarnation of films this side of 2000, and we're on the third (and potential fourth) love interest. I like that they're jumping that around a little, it does help make each lot feel slightly different, but it does get confusing... and obviously you can keep an eye out for other love interests who make appearances.

It seems unfair to compare all three films (which is a bit tricky as that was partly the idea of this whole post) because each of them have their own bit of the movie spectrum. The daft, the heart-wrenching and the blockbuster, all have their place in the collection. Gun against my head I'd probably still pick Andrew Garfield as my favourite, but Holland is right there too.

That being said, I still don't like Spider-man as a superhero...

*ducks under the table to avoid the barrage of abuse*

He's too chaotic, he's just too young (in this one) to really understand the full implications of what he's doing. I personally don't understand why he would be worthy of movie fame over other characters. It has been pointed out to me that as he's just a "regular Joe", that people can identify with him more over the other options of Gods or mutants... but hell... I'm mutant and proud!