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Losing Normal
Losing Normal
Francis Moss | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Appropriate for those as young as middle school but adults would enjoy too. (0 more)
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Losing Normal by Francis Moss is relatively short, less than 300 pages, but do not let the length fool you into thinking it does not have a lot to say. There is a lot of action in this short book.

Alex, a highly-functioning autistic boy, likes things to stay the same. He knows how many steps it is from school to home and, to him, that is normal. He knows all the answers in math. That is normal. The strange giant television screens that are being put up all over are making him forget and that is not normal. Only the "defective" kids, those that are immune to the televisions, like Alex can save the world from becoming television watching zombies. What ensues is an interesting novel that shows how quickly technology could take over.

Losing Normal is not a post-apocalyptic novel. It shows the collapse of society by our rapidly advancing technology getting out of hand and beginning to think for itself.

This novel would be appropriate for those as young as middle school to read but it is an interesting story adults would enjoy too. I found it to be a quick, easy, enjoyable, and thought provoking read.

Review published on, Smashbomb, Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble on 3/14/19.
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review. The opinions are entirely my own, and any quotes are taken from the ARC and may be different in the final published copy.

I enjoy brain teasers, mysteries, and puzzles. I enjoy the satisfaction you get when figuring something out that made you have to think. Too often, we just Google an answer and do not have to figure it out for ourselves. 60-Second Brain Teasers Pencil-Free Puzzles: Short Head-Scratchers from the Easy to Near Impossible by Nathan Haselbauer makes you think and is not a book to read in one sitting. Your brain would hurt too much if you did.

Haselbauer includes an array of puzzles that involves logic and some thought to figure out the puzzles. Some of them stumped me. None were too easy.

The puzzles varied in difficulty and process to solve them. Some are logic-based; others involve math. Either way, they are a fun way to use your brain and pass the time.

This book is reminiscent of the Dell Pencil Puzzles and Word Games I enjoyed so much while growing up. It would be perfect for a road trip or a family gathering.

Several reviewers suggested it helped their children start using their brains again to get ready for back to school.

It is part of a series of 60-Second Brain Teasers published by Fair Winds Press.

This 200-word review was published on on 9/15/20.
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
.....Fuckin comedians
Michael Myers is back.... And this is supposed to be what actually happened... 40 years later???
I'm sorry if any of you disagree with me... But this movie blew....
Don't get le wrong. I love the fact that Jamie Lee is back and more of a badass than i wpuld have ever expected.
But come on...
Denying the fact that almost 40 years worth of mythology happened... Thats a hard sell. Let's do some math as well.
You expect me to believe that Michael is wandering around at 61 years old, after being locked up for 40 years... And he's picking up 200 pound men one handed and crushing their windpipes???
I love the Halloween series of films. Even the Rov Zombie offerings... I love the fact that Rob gave us a back story. You found out why Michael was the way he was...
But this??? This was nothing more than two morons... And yes, I think Danny McBride is an idiot. And he should stick to Vice Principals and Eastbound and Down. And stay the fuck away from horror films.
He should've taken a hint from his lackluster and shitty preformance in Alien Covenant... And leave horror to the pros.
I'm sorry but the only person who should've carried on this franchise was John Carpenter himself... But even he knows that you shouldn't dip your pen in the company ink too many times.
Ignoring the mythology of the films and expecting die hard fans to believe that characters like Jamie Lloyd and Tommy Doyle didn't exist in the history is ludicrous.
Some people enjoyed the sequels and some people didnt. But expecting us to forget forty years of horror history???
Not on your life, comedian.
Mythology (Mythology #1)
Mythology (Mythology #1)
Helen Boswell | 2012 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The world of Hope Gentry has always been a little strange but it's about to become surreal.

Hope is a girl with a gift and a history, not all of it good. She is just trying to make it through High School as easily as possible without freaking everyone out. Then along comes Micah. A guy with his own problems who blows Hope away (in a good sense). Let the story commence!

This story is fantastic! At 418 pages long, it is big enough for you to sink your teeth into and completely immerse yourself in their world. Speaking of which, the premise of this book is extraordinarily well thought out and the abundance of characters, with their individual quirks and wittiness, is a pleasure to read. There are some amazing one-liners in this book including one which resonated with me - "Give me Dante's Inferno or Homer's The Odyssey over a math problem any day"!!! I completely get that!

The characters interact with each other brilliantly and I loved Micah. That boy is something else! As wrong as this will sound (unless you've read the book) I loved the interaction with Jonathon. You could almost see the sparks that flew between those two. Jonathon's wit and ability are just two of the things that make him shine. And Hope is a breath of fresh air. She is blunt, sometimes at the expense of tact, and is not some cowering wallflower.

I was gutted when I finished the book as I needed more but I am happy to say that Book 2 is to be released this month (according to GoodReads) and it's already on my to-be-read list.

Highly recommended!!!

* Verified Purchase on Amazon *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Sep 14, 2013
Shatter Me
Shatter Me
Tahereh Mafi | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lupe and I made a random, out of the blue deal where I read <i>Shatter Me</i> (the entire series), and she finally gets her act together to read the amazingness called <i>Harry Potter</i> (the entire series). <b>She's trekking her way merrily - I've made a fan out of her yet. #SophiaIsProud</b>

<b>Let’s be honest here: she gets the better deal.</b> This trilogy and I will have a strong love/hate relationship that knows no bounds because all I wanted to do was:
  <li>Throw my iPad at Lupe if she shows herself (not literally)</li>
  <li>Hug the book</li>
  <li>Die of laughter</li>
  <li>Stop torturing myself</li>
<i>Shatter Me</i> is straight up the alley of everything I will read because a character who kills anything they touch is a golden novel. It’s like King Midas’s curse gone completely wrong.

But unfortunately, it’s my cup of tea with way too much sugar and other weird flavors.
</b> <b>There is a massive amount of numbers.</b> The first 5-6 chapters had my eyes crying because 1) I really hate numbers, 2) numbers just remind me of math, 3) I don’t like math, 4) it reminds me of Calculus, which went POORLY (AKA failed the final with a giant fish flop) and 5) I think I’m allergic to numbers.
</b> <b>There is also a lot of strikeouts.</b> Honestly, I can’t complain, because I use strikeouts on my own blog and if I say I hated them I would be contradicting myself. I’ve basically learned that strikeouts take up space and are sometimes unnecessary, which is the case with <i>Shatter Me</i>.

There are fewer numbers and strikeouts as the book progresses, but they remain. My eyes cry less, and I <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">whine</span> complain less about the massive use of numbers to Lupe. Poor Anelise had to witness this (as it is the tragedy of being a coblogger and dealing with two beans who actually know each other personally and outside blogging).
</b> <b>I don’t care about Adam or Warner.</b> I think Adam is a shallow cheese ball (it might be his romance with Juliette because I cringed every time they’re doing romance things) and Warner is a creepy pervert, so I don’t understand why Lupe swoons over Warner. If he’s still a creepy pervert by book three, I might have to <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">interrogate</span> question Lupe on her fictional boy choices.
</b> <b>But thanks to Adam, I know about Juliette as a person, so that’s a plus.</b> <b>Does this mean I care about Juliette? No...</b>

If there’s one thing I’ll agree with Lupe on this series, it’s Kenji. He is a precious little bean who deserves so much more page time than he got.

There are a lot of birds. So many birds and no explanation (not even a little). I like metaphors and all, but I still don’t get the concept of a million birds mentioned throughout the book, and Lupe isn’t too helpful. I have to go wallow in misery and torture myself some more.

I’ll be reading the rest of the series for the following reasons:
  <li>It’s Lupe’s fault</li>
  <li>Kenji the precious bean</li>
  <li>Why are there so many birds</li>
  <li>Mainly it’s just for the sake of Lupe</li>
  <li>It brought my reviewing soul back I think</li>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Corridor (The Corridor Duology, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
It seems, that <b>books relating to parallel universes are like mermaid books and contemporary books</b>: I either get along with them, or I don't get along with them.

It's no brainer that <b>a book involving parallel universes as <i><a title="A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">A Thousand Pieces of You</a></i> and <i>The Corridor</i> have would be extremely scientific in its explanation</b>. An information dump is (or maybe just a dumbing down of information) bound to happen if the authors want me to make sense of their parallel universes.

But somehow, <b>I enjoyed a story concocted by A.N. Willis far more than a story concocted by Claudia Gray</b> (parallel universes related – I DO like Claudia Gray's other works), even if my first thoughts reading the first chapter was, "Oh, no. Parallel universes. Please don't disappoint me, A.N. Willis."

I find that I'm actually not disappointed – I really enjoyed the first book in the <i>Corridor</i> series, and <b>I was pretty engrossed with Willis' writing. I wanted to know more than what the author actually wrote</b> – Estele's power, Dr. Taber's betrayal years ago. <b>I even found myself interested in the science of the universes that the scientists were seeing and the different "Earths" Estele visits using her power.</b> And I am not generally a science person, regardless of the fact I think Chemistry is easy and passed it with a fabulous A-.

(Maybe I'm a chemistry kid rather than a physical science or biology kid. I guess I can't run away from math after all. What if I'm an accountant one day?!?!?! I won't complain, of course, since it's baby math...)

<b>There were moments that I found myself confused on which Earth the characters were talking about – each world has different names for each of the other Earth</b>. The original Earth simply went with First Earth, Second Earth, and possibly so and so forth if they found any more. Estele went with calling First Earth and Second Earth whatever the scientists called them, and came up with names that were significant to that Earth when she first visits. Another version of Earth was further advanced and found more twelve Earths in total, and went with the zodiac in naming each of them. I found that <b>while the more advanced Earth was far more complicated, Estele's version seemed to make things a lot more clearer in matching up the Earths.</b>

Possibly <b>the biggest difference between <i>A Thousand Pieces of You</i> and <i>The Corridor</i> was how Marguerite actually uses a device while Estele somehow has a power to travel across worlds.</b> I personally found that really cool and interesting, and as mentioned earlier, I wanted to know more about that power as much as Estele did.

By the time I actually got to the end of the book, I was pretty disappointed... in a good way. I suppose Willis did disappoint me after all. <b>I honestly have no clue where the author is going with the series</b>, but I'm hoping the sequel will be just as good as the first one is.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
White Squall (1996)
White Squall (1996)
1996 | Action, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Fantastic camaraderie story, intense visuals. (0 more)
Sometimes comes off as sappy instead of sad. (0 more)
Skipper Kills All The Waves
The fantastic telling of the true story of the ill-fated Albatross. Sometimes you watch a movie at a young age, and the power of it sticks with you well into adulthood. White Squall is such a movie for me, and I imagine, many others. A sailor once, and a sailor someday to be, my father and I first watched this movie together when I was a youngster. Those silvered memories can be tarnished if a movie doesn't age well. Not the case with White Squall. Jeff Bridges is a powerhouse as the indomitable Skipper. You will instantly become caught up in the story of these young men learning what it means to indeed be called a man, especially on the sea. Some of the tropes are clunky, but merely a product of the time. You still buy in to the plot with little to no eye rolling. The archetypes of the characters run from Oscar level to 2D flat, but with a main cast of over a dozen, that is to be expected. Again, Jeff Bridges is amazing and more than carries the slack, performance wise. Parents be warned, this is based on a tragedy at sea. Do the math on that one, and adjust accordingly for the kids. The plot is fairly tame for the first half of the movie. The reason this movie gets high marks from me is the incredible direction from Ridley Scott, and the powerhouse sea visuals. The effects department really went to town on this one. You can feel the fury of the ocean, for she is a fickle mistress. They even used a full-scale mock-up of the ship in a horizon tank. Google that. It's awesome. With an amazing story, cast, score, all the above, this movie will always be the perfect with side of popcorn and a comfy recliner.
On a Clear Day
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've never been so confused with an audiobook. I don't really know why, either.

<b>There's not much of a plot going on – just a group of teenagers from random parts of the world (I think) banding together to take down a major company while figuring out how a terrorist fits in with it all.</b> If you want a shorter version, it's a group of teenagers coming together to take down a monopolizer.

<i>On a Clear Day</i> is probably <b>better to listen to than actually reading the book</b>. There are some parts that are read rapid fast, but Rebecca Soler is an amazing narrator. Like Amanda Dolan in <i>Red Queen</i>, <b>the story is narrated realistically and it was just far more enjoyable to listen to.</b> I felt like I was listening to a recording of a conversation (that might actually be very accurate).

The narration might have been why I even completed the book. Maybe the heat is getting to me (not likely), but I feel like <b>I'm just chugging along and nodding without interpreting anything going on. I don't feel like I know much about any of the group of teenagers aside from what they're well-known for</b> – chess prodigy, math/computer whiz, athlete, musician, etc.

<b>I feel like I'm reading the middle of a stand alone series</b> where I'm supposed to know all the major characters really well and Myers can just focus on developing the plot. The points to the point disappeared somewhere. <b>The end feels like a pause that Myers will never get around to. It's a happily ever after with loose ends and an unknown future.</b>
<blockquote>C-8 had backed off from acquiring another company. For now.</blockquote>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Vrooom Vrooom by King Crimson
Vrooom Vrooom by King Crimson
2001 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When I was about ten, I was given The Compact King Crimson on cassette tape and that’s what led me to “21st Century Schizoid Man.” This song is from In the Court of the Crimson King, which has the screaming face on the cover, and the face is inspired by the Arthur Janov book The Primal Scream. Primal Therapy: The Cure for Neurosis. “My Dad told me that at the time of the book and album there was a real fad for going out into nature and screaming guttural sounds. It became this zeitgeist self-help technique and I believe that’s what influenced the book, but essentially, it’s a guy having an existential meltdown and the song taps into that. “I think because I was young when I heard it, I didn’t appreciate this more complex meaning, and at the time I just appreciated the sheer aggression of the music. It was also the first time I’d ever heard those complicated time signatures and polyrhythms, as well as the combination of distorted guitar and saxophone. ""I hadn’t grown up on jazz, so I sort of thought it was for nerds, but when I heard this and heard the sax on the time signatures I was like ‘This is like jazz rock’. In the Court of the Crimson King is hailed by lots of people - like Shellac - as the first Math Rock or Post Rock record. They also invented heavy metal if you think about it, because they were doing riffs before Black Sabbath. “Our first album, Making Dens, is heavily indebted to King Crimson. We very much wore our influences on our sleeve in the beginning, and we had this approach of throwing everything including the kitchen sink at our songwriting. Whenever I listen to Making Dens, I hear the chaos of a band trying to sound like King Crimson. They’ve been a big influence for Mystery Jets."

Max Einstein: the Genius Experiment
Max Einstein: the Genius Experiment
James Patterson, Chris Grabenstein | 2018 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
fast-paced (2 more)
adventure packed
great lessons for young and old
Everybody should read this!
You can also find this review on my blog:
TRIGGER WARNINGS: a bit of violence, anger issues, absent parent(s), manipulation, attempted kidnapping

Okay, I don’t typically read middle grade novels but this series seriously makes me want to start! I loved and devoured every second of Max Einstein’s story. When I finished, I craved more. I really hope this is longer than a two (2) book series as I really love Max Einstein’s kick ass heroine character.

I’ve not read much, if anything (?), by James Patterson and his writing really drew me into the story. I was not disappointed one bit! One thing I really loved about this series, is that Max Einstein was portrayed in a way that she could be a role model to not only those younger than her but to the elder crowd as well. James Patterson wrote Max in a way that empowers the reader to think and act on their actions and in the world in a positive way.

The main character, Max, was portrayed to be open-minded, confident, ambitious, observant, thoughtful, and a genius child. She’s not used to having friends and working on a team is something new she works through. But the way the team put their differences behind them and came together to save the world was pure bliss!

Another thing I enjoyed was all the Albert Einstein quotes and the math/science lessons that were taught throughout. There were also villains added to the story, to give it the thriller vibe. IT WORKED! The Genius Experiment was fast-paced, a page turner, humorous, extremely easy to read, and promoted teamwork.

I highly recommend to everyone to read this crazy novel!

“The world is more threatened by those who tolerate evil or support it than by the evildoers themselves.”