Get into Medical School - Write the Perfect Personal Statement: Effective Techniques & Over 100 Examples of Real Successful Personal Statements
Olivier Picard and Dominique Pizzingrilli
Written by experts in communication and medical recruitment, this book explains what medical school...

MRS Diploma Unit 1: Revision Kit
BPP Learning Media is currently the only accredited provider of distance learning for the MRS...

AIA 10 Business Management: Study Text
BPP Learning Media is the AIA s official publisher and our Study Texts are endorsed by AIA...

AIA 14 Financial Management: Study Text
BPP Learning Media is the AIA s official publisher and our Study Texts are endorsed by AIA...

AIA 2 Business Economics: Study Text
BPP Learning Media is the AIA s official publisher and our Study Texts are endorsed by AIA...

AIA 6 Information Processing: Study Text
BPP Learning Media is the AIA s official publisher and our Study Texts are endorsed by AIA...

AIA 8 Company Law: Study Text
BPP Learning Media is the AIA s official publisher and our Study Texts are endorsed by AIA...

Medizinische Abkürzungen - über 200.000 Abkürzungen
Medical and Reference
Jetzt gibt es das umfangreichste Abkürzungslexikon für Mediziner auch als App. Über 200.000...

Dr. John Moore, 1729-1802: A Life in Medicine, Travel, and Revolution
This book is the first biography of Scottish-born physician John Moore. Here, Henry L. Fulton...