Fatigue Solution: My Astonishing Journey from Medical Write-Off to Mountains and Marathons
More than 20 years ago, Health Educator and veterinary surgeon Max Tuck approached collapse with...
Medical Leadership: A Toolkit for Service Development and Systems Transformation
Today's health care systems need doctors and consultants to act as leaders, in addition to carrying...

Medical Laboratory Science Flash Cards for Examinations and Certification Review
317 flashcards prepare you for a successful career as a medical laboratory technician Valuable to...

The Hippocrates Code: Unraveling the Ancient Mysteries of Modern Medical Terminology
In this book lies a key for decoding modern medical terminology, a living language that, despite...

Your Patient Safety Survival Guide: How to Protect Yourself and Others from Medical Errors
Gretchen Lefever Watson and Leah Binder
It takes a village to combat preventable errors and omissions that cause millions of deaths and...
Ain't Got Time to Bleed: Realistic Medical Reports on Hollywood's Greatest Action Heroes
Andrew Shaffer and Steven Lefcourt
Discover how some of the silver screen's most iconic action heroes would really fare after being...

Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through Student Feedback in Medical and Health Sciences
Chenicheri Sid Nair and Patricie Mertova
Student feedback has appeared in the forefront of higher education quality, in particular the issues...
Reading the Psychosomatic in Medical and Popular Culture: Something. Nothing. Everything
Pain. Chronic digestive symptoms. Poor sleep. Neuropathy. Sensory disturbances. Fatigue. Panic....

Purchasing Medical Innovation: The Right Technology, for the Right Patient, at the Right Price
Innovation in medical technology generates a remarkable supply of new drugs, devices, and...
The Medicalization of Incest and Abuse: Biomedical and Indigenous Perceptions in Rural Bolivia
Combining biomedical, psychological, and anthropological approaches to intergenerational incestuous...