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King in Waiting (Lord Edward’s Archer series Book 2)
King in Waiting (Lord Edward’s Archer series Book 2)
Griff Hosker | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
King in Waiting was an enjoyable, action packed, history filled novel, about Gerald War Bow and his part in the battles to free Henry III from Simon de Montfort in 1264.

Gerald is from a poor family, and King Henry is quite clear about his opinions of Archers - they’re disposable and unimportant. Luckily, his son and heir, Lord Edward, is not of the same opinion. He values Gerald War Bow, and sees his worth. Even though he’s young, he has loads of experience and his men are loyal to him.

This book gives the reader a real feel for the time. There’s a lot of historical detail, from how battles are run, to travelling and living in medieval England. I’ve finished the book feeling as though I now know more about this period in history, and how difficult it is to draw back and let fly an arrow from a longbow (serious strength is needed!). How the nobility could have seen so little value in these men is a mystery to me. Their skill is described so well.

So, if you enjoy historical fiction and a lot of action in battle, then this is the book for you - I really enjoyed it.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and the author for reading along with us!
Lady of Valour ( Warrior book 3)
Lady of Valour ( Warrior book 3)
Lara Adrian | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
202 of 250
Lady of Valor ( Warrior Trilogy book 3)
By Lara Adrian

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

In Lady of Valor, Tina St. John spins a dazzling tale of romantic adventure in magnificent medieval England, where battles of love and war are fought with equal passion. . . .

Left a widow by her cruel husband's death, Lady Emmalyn of Fallonmour is determined to control her own destiny, until her hard-won vows of independence are threatened by the mysterious warrior sent by the king to protect her castle. Emmalyn is now at the mercy of Sir Cabal, a feared knight known as Blackheart.

Skilled at war and hiding a tormented past, Cabal swears allegiance to no one but himself and his country. But once he meets Emmalyn, he finds his strength tested by this proud beauty who stirs his blood with desire, tempting him to defy his king and surrender his heart. . .

This was my favourite of the three books in the warrior trilogy. Emmalyn was a kick ass heroine and I love Cabal it’s good sometime to settle in with a good historical romance. Everyone deserves to be loved. I’m looking forward to reading more by Lara I really enjoy her style of writing.
Extropia: Mind Game (Extropia, #1)
Extropia: Mind Game (Extropia, #1)
Robin Bootle | 2017 | Film & TV, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews can be found at

The main character in this book was Edvard, a seventeen-year-old school student. His father and brother created Extropia, an artificial reality game, where players can participate themselves. While testing the game, Edwards father and brother got stuck in the game and only Edward can save them. When he gets into the game, he sees that it is run by a dark, cruel and vicious tyrant. Edward needs to save his brother, but it is not that easy as it looks.

This novel brings an awesome clash between modern and medieval ages, bringing in very unique and interesting characters. While reading this book it feels like you are transported back in time, where sword and shield was a form of weapon, and where the characters still follow prophecies. I really enjoyed the wide variety of characters chosen for this book, and Edward was a very realistic boy, without superpowers and with the weaknesses which he was trying to overcome. That was plus and minus at the same time, he was very realistic and believable, but at the same time very dependable on other people in order to succeed. The whole novel was written from Edward’s perspective and even though I would’ve liked different perspectives, I still enjoyed the story as it was.

The plot of this novel is a combination of a lot of similar books and games, we have the games and their setting modifications to fit the book, we have references to Harry Potter and some parts taken from The Hunger Games. However, it has it’s own unique and interesting narrative filled with action, unexpected twists and turns, which kept me glued to this book.

The writing style of this book was very creative and easy to read, however, it has these names and places which were a bit difficult to pronounce for me. But still, I think it gives the charm and medieval feel to this novel. The chapters have a decent length and it did not drag to me, as there are a lot of things happening in every chapter. I really liked the ending of this novel, but I think it could’ve had more suspense to it. Nevertheless, I am waiting for the next part, because I wanna know what will happen next. So to conclude, if you like computer games and you loved The Maze Runner, you will definitely enjoy this book. It is filled with diverse and complex characters, interesting turns and unexpected twists, which makes it a great read. I do recommend this book and I hope you will enjoy as much as I did. 🙂
Grail Knight: (Outlaw Chronicles, #5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Book number 5 in Angus Donald's 'The Outlaw Chronicles' series, and by now the pattern is well established in that all the stories are split into sections, with each section presented as the elderly Alan Dale recalling his younger days spent with that (now) most-famous of all English outlaws: Robin Hood himself.

At the start of this, Alan is newly married and enjoying life in his new manor with his wife. It's not long, however, before he is thrust back into action when word comes that The Knights Templar are holding himself responsible for gold stolen (by Robin, in a previous novel - possibly [b:King's Man|943289|King's Man (Viking, #3)|Tim Severin||928226]) as it was his promissary note that Robin copied and forged.

Following the burning down of his manor, and with the failing health of his wife who is carrying his unborn child, Alan, Robin and a bunch of assorted misfit companions go off in search of that most medieval of all legends: the Holy Grail itself. In Alan's case, he hopes it can save his wife; in Robin's case: well, he's just after the money!

Another solid entry, even if (to my mind) none have been as strong as [b:Outlaw|17333533|Outlaw|Ted Dekker||24064806].
Stormbird (Wars of the Roses, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have a great interest in late medieval and early modern history, so this one was bought for me as a present, thinking it would be right up my street.

Overall, it wasn't badly written, but I was less than halfway through and couldn't wait for it to be over (I'm far to stubborn to give up part way through!). We lurch from one battle, to a nice bit of torture and a bit of violence and some more blood and another battle..... you get my drift! And no, I don't think I have an unrealistic view of the past and it was bloody and those in power would have been what we might call self serving but they would probably though of as pragmatic, but this seemed to concentrate on the violence to the exclusion of just about everything else.

I'm not sure if Iggulden anticipated the reader feeling sympathy with any of the characters, but I found this difficult as there wasn't a great deal of character development, as it tended to get in the way of the blood letting. Everyone seemed to be self serving and the expression 'smug' was used on a number of occasions - not exactly endearing!

I don't think I'll bother with the rest of the series and just go back to my non-fiction books on the period.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Black Lyon was a nice, fast-paced read with likable main characters. The story moved briskly and had a lot of events happening, but it ended up working. Lyonene was a strong character who had her faults, as was Ranulf, and they were wonderful together. I loved the scenes when they first met and the last half of the book the best. So some of the writing was flowery and maybe a bit dated to when it was written, but I really enjoyed this story and look forward to more in the Montgomery series.

Note: This does contain what today would be considered rape, twice. They're early on, they happen really fast, aren't described in much detail, and the hero doesn't even realize he does it the second time and he does show remorse. Maybe not what 'modern women' would like to see, but I didn't have much of a problem with it, and rape isn't something I take lightly. The heroine doesn't see herself as a victim, but as a wife just doing her duty. Sounds horrible to my 21st Century sensibilities, but somehow it made me not dwell on the rape and move on to the rest of the book. Other authors have done worse in books written in this time period (70s/80s), and having Lyonene react that way added a touch of realism to the Medieval time period.
Warlord (The Outlaw Chronicles, #4)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The fourth book in Angus Donald's <i>Outlaw</i> series, this one is primarily set in and around the last years of Richard I (The Lionheart) reign, leading up to his death on 06/04/1199 after being struck in the shoulder by a crossbow bolt fired from a castle he was besieging in Southern France.

Like the previous three books in the series, this is presented as an elderly Alan Dale recounting the adventures of his youth, with each section (and the epilogue) of the novel as him committing the tale to paper, and his thoughts in so doing.

While the cover of the novel also has "A Robin Hood tale" above the title, I actually found that character to be sidelined more in favour of Alan in this novel than in the previous, where he very much was central to the story but seemingly not so much here. That's not to mean that he's not present, and that he doesn't have a role to play: just that this novel is more about Richard than it is Robin.

The novel also includes elements form that other great Medieval tale/obsession of the Holy Grail, which is worked into the reason why Richard is besieging the castle (at Robin's urgings) at which he receives his fatal wound. That plot strand, however, is also left wide-open for the sequel, already announced as titled <i>Grail Knight</i>, and which I'm already looking forward to!
Boy, was that violent - if this was a movie, it would probably be given an '18' (or 'R'estricted, for those Americans out there) rating, not just for the blood, guts and gore, but also for the - occassional - nudity, and the not-so-occassional language.

Actually a collection of 5 different short stories, I can't say how true to history these are as I'm not a Norse scholar. I also found the vernacular a bit off-putting (were swear-words the same in the early Medieval Period as they are now? Really??), with the art-style (and plot) in some of the stories were better than in others. Talking of stories, this contains the following:

[b]Lindisfarne[/b]: depicting an early Viking raid on the monastery of the same name
[b]The Shield Maidens[/b]: in which three Viking women hold off hordes of the Saxons
[b]Sven the Returned[/b]: in which Sven returns to his homeland to claim his inheritance, having previously run away and joined the Byzantine Varangian Guard
[b]Thor's daughter[/b]: in which a clan leader is murdered and his land sold to a rival leader but his 14 year old daughter takes up his mantle and leads an army against the encroaching Vikings
[b]The Cross & The Hammer[/b]: Set in Ireland, this is more-or-less a murder mystery in which the central character is trying to track down the person(s) responsible for a spate of killings.
Assassin&#039;s Apprentice
Assassin's Apprentice
Robin Hobb | 1995 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is about 20 years in the reading. I first started reading Assassin's Apprentice in 2001 when on holiday with my parents. But for whatever reason I only got a few chapters in. Since then this book, asking with its various sequels has become one of the corner stones of Fantasy. It's just one of those books that any self respecting Fantasy fan has to have read or at least had on their TBR for forever and a day. Obviously it's been on my TBR (to at least try again) for 20 years, and I've finally got around to it!

Am I disappointed? Did the wait diminish my enjoyment? Does it live up to the hype? To the first two of these questions, the answer is an easy, Heck No! To the last one, the answer is a assured Heck Yes!

This book feels like it spans the gap between traditional fantasy and some of the modern fantasy we see published today, while at in your faux-medieval civilization, it brings different things to the table then what you might expect. It doesn't say away from putting your protagonist through hell, and I think its only a shame that the tension is slightly lessened because you know he might survive, as there are at least two future books featuring the character. Whether he keeps all his senses by book three however is highly debatable!

Charlotte (184 KP) rated Orestin's Own in Books

Oct 21, 2020  
Orestin&#039;s Own
Orestin's Own
L. Alyssa Austin | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Knight, a Priestess and a Necromancer set off on a quest......

What could go wrong? Enough to break my heart to be fair. Not bad to say I wasn't sure I'd be able to read Orestin's Own at all. I'm not normally a reader of things written in a medieval time period but I'm so glad I read this.

I love the way the characters grow, how they each become more than you'd expect.
    Caelesta, the Priestess, is by all accounts still a child in her mid-teens, full of hope and naivety. She's the one I think I feel for the most. She is sent out into a world that even an experienced adult would be hard pushed to find their way through......She does what is needed but the cost is high.
    Solarys, the Knight, is a wary warrior. He's seen and done things that nobody should have to but still he does his duty to protect his people and honour his God.
    Melèbrand, the Necromancer, for all the evil he has done, has a weakness where caelesta is's almost bittersweet.

I would love an epilogue to help fully close the book so to speak......unless L. Alyssa Austin is going to treat us to a follow up?

Orestin's Own is a solid 4 out of 5 for me. The right level of detail, good characters and good continuity, no random jumps that make you wonder what's happening.