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Before I Fall (2017)
Before I Fall (2017)
2017 | Drama
6.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It kept to the premise of book (0 more)
The mystery of character's was given away to early (0 more)
Mystery fail due to film media
Sometimes book to film adaptations work sometimes there a disaster this fell in the in-between. Whilst the film followed the story premise it wasn't that captivating and I think the reasons because it it doesn't work as well in the film medium. In the book the first accident is heightened and where all left guessing the events but are that much more involved because we know what she shouts before the accident we wonder why she shouts it int he film they cant do that because you would see what responsible. I dont think it was the film makers fault just that the suspense that made the book just doesn't transfer over. I mean as a teenager chick flick its okay but the books is deep powerful and meaningful and enraptures you in this mystery of teenage life and leaves you wondering the meaning why she yell what she does. The film doesn't
This is a book of cable patterns for knitters who are bored with other cable patterns. There are lots of patterns out there but when you’ve been knitting for any length of time, you feel like you’ve seen it all, and you’d really like to see something new. Remember when sideways-knit sweaters became a thing? I remember. But now even that’s a “same-old same-old.”

These patterns are a combination of different ways to use cables with interesting construction techniques. There are some simple, some complex. And don’t get me wrong, not all of them are “the new big thing.” But they are all really nice patterns. There’s also a good combination of lace-weight all the way up to medium weight. nothing bulky, but some really nice warm sweaters and hats.

I’d definitely recommend this book to someone familiar with cables (the book doesn’t include pages of instruction like some do, it assumes you know how to make cables if you buy an advanced cable book), but also wants something unique and interesting.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Break of Dark in Books

Aug 2, 2019  
Break of Dark
Break of Dark
Robert Westall | 1982 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I must have been 12 or 13 when I first read this, and back then part of the fun came from the sense that these actually felt like adult stories, for all the book is advertised as being basically YA fiction: quite apart from the substantial quantities of profanity and sex, many the characters aren't typical YA identification figures: middle-aged seaside policemen, earnest young vicars, suburban couples, and so on. These are still hugely readable and satisfying stories even now many decades later.

But what are they about? Well, there are two stories of ghosts (a haunted Wellington bomber during the second world war, and a rather stranger tale of an unwitting medium), two of very atypical alien visitations (a cautionary tale of a young hitch-hiker, and a blackly comic one concerning a spate of peculiar crimes in a small resort town), and one of an inner-city vicar who stumbles onto something very creepy in the crypt of his church. All of them are engagingly and skilfully written, and immaculately paced. Good reads for all ages.
Count Dracula (1977)
Count Dracula (1977)
1977 | Classics, Horror
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Surprisingly faithful BBC adaptation of the famous story has definite merits, but also perhaps shows why most people don't stick so close to the text. Young solicitor Harker goes off to Transylvania to close a deal with the engimatic Count Dracula; you can probably guess the rest.

Scores very highly for its acting - Frank Finlay is a charismatic Van Helsing and Louis Jourdan a playfully evil Dracula - and also for its atmosphere, even with BBC TV production restraints (videotaped interiors, some rather weird special effects). For an adaptation to stick quite so close to the book is very nearly exceptional, too - Savory makes Lucy and Mina sisters, combines Arthur and Quincey into one character, and cuts down the final act, but that's about it. The drawback to this, of course, is that after the first act Dracula gets relatively little screen-time and even less dialogue, and it does drag on just a tiny bit. Nevertheless, its fidelity and seriousness mean that this is certainly among the top echelon of Draculas in any medium.
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)
1975 | Drama, Horror, War

"I didn’t know there were films that represented the things represented in this film. I didn’t know you could do that. People didn’t think you could do that when this film came out. I always ask myself: how macabre can we go, how graphic can we go, how dark can we go. And the commitment of these actors to the horror that they’re subjected to in this film—you can’t fake that stuff; it’s happening. This nudity is happening, this scatological stuff . . . I don’t know how much of that stuff was happening, but it’s just pure terror and pure excess. There’s also something unwittingly seductive about the beautiful, heightened elements of the film. There aren’t many films that communicate the dangers and trespasses of fascism better than this one. The terror is not in some externalized war story, it’s something that is very domestic and very tangible. You can’t forget a film like Salò, and the shock and the horror of it make such an effective medium for its serious political themes. I think it kind of shares that with Assassination Nation."


Awix (3310 KP) rated Survivors in TV

Mar 9, 2018  
2008 | Drama, Sci-Fi
7.3 (23 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
21st century remake of the cult post-apocalyptic drama is supposedly based on the novelisation of the 70s show, not the show itself, but one gets the impression this claim is just there as a legal requirement: in the early episodes, at least, this is recognisably the same story.

That said, New Survivors is notably more suburban and less concerned with the realities of post-apocalyptic survival than with making grand statements about family and love through the medium of slightly soapy and soft-centred drama. It's a BBC genre drama from the late 2000s, so the characters are more diverse, everything is rather sentimental, and supplies of subtlety do not appear to have made it through the catastrophe. Still, it's kind of watchable, especially if you can put the original show out of your mind, and in the second series in particular one can discern an interesting subtext suggesting the programme is partly motivated by anger aimed at the culprits of the financial disaster of 2008. Second series concludes on a cliffhanger of sorts, so you can have fun making up your own ending for the story.

B (62 KP) rated Loot Time Podcast in Podcasts

Oct 19, 2018  
Loot Time Podcast
Loot Time Podcast
Games & Hobbies, TV & Film
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
I listened to Episode 11 on Spotify. This is just a side note that is separate from the content of the podcast but the audio wasn't synced up right between the speakers. I don't know if it had to do with my device or the medium but it made it very difficult to follow at first. The creators of this podcast certainly seem to know a lot and are very enthusiastic about lots of different fandoms. I know that they just go by the theme of the crate, but fandoms are so big they really could each use their own episode. I kind of skipped over the Rick and Morty part of this episode because I'm not a follower of the show but I really enjoyed listened to their commentary on early Westworld, having seen almost all the way through season 2. I also thought Robert's (I think that is his name) theory on Muggle-borns and the recessive gene was really interesting. Overall, it seems like a good podcastn especially if you're at the edge of the world of fandoms and want to dive in deeper.

Jake Lacy recommended Being There (1979) in Movies (curated)

Being There (1979)
Being There (1979)
1979 | Comedy, Drama

"Peter Sellers. I think it might be the perfect film. I saw it in college. I just was blown away. This is not a unique argument unto myself, but the key thing of that film is it’s so wonderful to sit and allow this story to unfold and wash over you. The effect it had on me then is that this final scene, I was, like, weeping when this last moment happened. It’s not even a conclusion to anything. It’s not “the hero makes it home from war” or “the orphan gets adopted.” It’s not this big conclusion to an arc. Yet it is. It is like this unbelievable moment of beauty and grace, and the fact that the film never nods to that entirely until this final moment, to have such control over your medium to do that sort of thing, is remarkable in itself, I think. To see Sellers — he is so magnificent — to see him in a role like this, instead of Clouseau or The Party or something like that, that’s wonderful. But still a very large character. It’s just wonderful."

This is a book involving the 'Witch of Lime Street', a 'medium', and notorious hoax-finding Houdini.
The spiritualist movement is an interesting one, that propelled many people to fame that had supposed psychic powers. Most of these were debunked, and Houdini was the main person doing this debunking. A notable believer in this movement was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, which I find so completely interesting.
While this book mostly focuses on the woman referenced in the title, it does touch on other female psychics and mediums. There was some weird stuff that happened, and one situation seriously haunts me - ectoplasm being discharged from the vag (EWWWWWWWWWWW). Apparently these ladies hid a lot of things up there, and that's why they tended to be checked.
What is interesting about Houdini, is the fact that he was always trying to connect to the spirit world, and basically got pissed off when these fakes popped up, getting his hopes up. His doubting nature of the psychics, etc, mostly comes from a personal vendetta of being screwed over in the past by phonies.
Anyway, if you're interested in weird history, history of the spiritualist movement, and Houdini, it's a good read.

Martin Scorsese recommended Ugetsu (1953) in Movies (curated)

Ugetsu (1953)
Ugetsu (1953)
1953 | Drama, Fantasy, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Mizoguchi is one of the greatest masters who ever worked in the medium of film; he’s right up there with Renoir and Murnau and Ford, and after the war he made three pictures—The Life of Oharu, Ugetsu, and Sansho the Bailiff—that stand at the summit of cinema. All of his artistry is channeled into the most extraordinary simplicity. You’re face-to-face with something mysterious, tragically inevitable, and then, in the end, peacefully removed. I love all three of these pictures and many other Mizoguchi films as well (including Princess Yang Kwei-fei, The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums, and Miss Oyu, to name only a few), but Ugetsu has the most powerful effect on me. There are moments in the picture, famous ones, that I’ve seen again and again and that always take my breath away: the boat slowly materializing from out of the mist and coming toward us . . . Genjuro collapsing on the grass in ecstasy and being smothered by Lady Wakasa . . . the final crane up from the son making an offering at his mother’s grave to the fields beyond. Just to think of these moments now fills me with awe and wonder."
