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Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Tom Holland (2 more)
Jake Gyllenhaal
Teenage romantic subplot
Green screen and CG at times (0 more)
Spider-Man: Far From Home is another slam dunk for Tom Holland’s web-slinger. With a script that perfectly balances humour and emotion, it may be the funniest MCU film yet, this is a film with massive re-watch value with lots of nostalgia and a fabulous cast. Nevertheless, the dodgy special effects do pull you out of the illusion at times and that just stops it from achieving a perfect five stars.

Stick around for two post-credit sequences in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

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Daft by The Art of Noise
Daft by The Art of Noise
1986 | Electronic, Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Could listen to this on repeat forever and ever. It’s slightly nostalgic and melancholic but still really groovy. It doesn’t take me back to a specific memory but it does remind me of being a kid – there’s a warm fuzzy feeling that hits me when I hear this song. When I was growing up it was all about singles because that’s how my mom listened to music – she’d never buy the whole record. I guess that’s how I grew up. I’m just starting to get more into DJing and singles are pretty key to that. As of late, I’m listening to Sirius satellite radio, and there’s this channel called 1st Wave that plays rarer new wave and dance songs – not just the hits. I’ve been using that to collect songs for my sets – the stuff that gets overlooked. Stuff like this."

Zazie dans le Metro (1960)
Zazie dans le Metro (1960)
1960 | Comedy, Fantasy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I just have great fondness for that film. Zazie on the Metro is sort of interesting in that, in a way, you know there are other Louis Malle films that are probably better and/or more constructed or profound, or whatever you might say, but Zazie on the Metro‘s probably the first film I watched a lot, and may watch 20 times. I don’t know why; there’s just something very interesting about the way it was — the color of it; and the opening credits, it’s just got this train with this sort of sad, melancholic music, but the rest of the film is very anarchic. And the plot doesn’t really go anywhere particularly — it’s almost like, “And then this and then this and then this…” I don’t know. I just have a very fond feeling for it. It’s coming up on the Criterion Collection, which I’m really excited about."


Stuart Braithwaite recommended Closer by Joy Division in Music (curated)

Closer by Joy Division
Closer by Joy Division
1980 | Rock
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It closely mirrors Low by Bowie. It took the format of the really busy first side and really melancholic b-side and took it to the next level grim. Grim factor 20. But it's a wonderful record and a very unique sounding record. I remember reading some things about how it was recorded, they didn't really use any amps. They just plugged straight into the desk and replayed it through speakers and recorded it again, which is mental. I've been a massive Joy Division fan ever since I started listening to music. It was probably through my sister and all her goth friends. Was she a goth too? Oh yeah! Everyone in Scotland's a goth, Luke, do you not know that? Margaret Thatcher brought such a black cloud over Scotland that there's nothing better to do than sit about drinking cider and listening to the Sisters Of Mercy."


Kelly (279 KP) rated IO (2019) in Movies

Jan 21, 2019  
IO (2019)
IO (2019)
2019 | Drama, Sci-Fi
After reading the blurb, I was excited when I first saw this film pop up on my recommendation list. Despite this, the film fell short of my expectations.

The actors were well cast, and believable in their emotions and actions. Striving to make their way in a world deemed uninhabitable by pollution. However the plot line was slow moving and lacked depth. My interpretation of a good sci-fi, is a story that makes the unbelievable, believable and in The case of IO, I did not get this feeling- if they knew higher ground was habitable, why was more of the population not saved? Why was the colonisation of Mars not considered, rather than take the struggling remains of humanity to far reaching unknowns? In actuality the film raised more questions than it answered.

The film was slow going with periods of melancholic inactivity. I believe the film would be better as a book, although comparisons could be made with Z for Zachariah.

Overall, this did not make it to my must watch again list.