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Fables & Fairy Tales to Cross Stitch
Fables & Fairy Tales to Cross Stitch
Véronique Enginger | 2018 | Reference
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Huge variety of patterns and ideas- (0 more)
Cross Stitch/ point de croix~with a retro feel!
There are so many patterns to choose from in this book by, Véronique Enginger. This is a newer release book and originally available in French with a different cover and at a much higher price. I adore Véronique's patterns and am a big fan of her work! This book is full of fairy tale characters, characters from fables and French nursery rhymes. My favorite is Little Red Riding Hood but Beauty & The Beast and The Little Mermaid were also in the run for my favorite. I would complete all of the patterns, I love this book, that much! I like that Véronique creates patterns that can tell a story or you can choose to stitch a smaller scene or character. Véronique's patterns of faces are incredible and look like true works of art. It is very difficult finding cross stitch patterns with such natural looking faces. I have made several of her patterns and they are easy to follow and look just like the finished samples on the pages of her books. This book has given me so much inspiration and joy and I can't wait to work on more of the patterns. The book is hardcover and has nice big pages to make it easy to work from. The patterns have a retro feel that you might find on a 1940's-50's apron, blanket or tablecloth. I highly recommend this book for cross stitch enthusiasts, like myself. This isn't a beginner's book, however and should know how to read a cross stitch graph. It's also helpful to know how to stitch on linen to give these a more professional feel and more realistic look.
Drawn and Buttered
Drawn and Buttered
Shari Randall | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Allie is Drawn into Another Murder
It’s a couple of days before Halloween, and things have slowed down some at the Lazy Mermaid Lobster Shack. The summer tourist families are long gone, but some tourists are still in the area looking at the fall colors. However, there’s still plenty of excite going on, like the discovery of a giant lobster. Quickly dubbed Lobzilla by the community, he’s almost big enough to beat the world record. However, the morning after he’s found, he’s vanished.

If that were all Allie Larkin had on her mind, it would be one thing, but other odd things are happening in town, including a local witch who is doing everything possible to get Aunt Gully to join her coven. Then, on Halloween night, Lobzilla shows up again, only he’s next to a dead body. Can Allie figure out what is going on?

While the body doesn’t show up right away, we still have plenty of plot happening, including some sub-plots and time spent setting up suspects and motives. Everything continues to be blended together well after the murder takes place. The climax is creative and everything is explained by the time we turn the final page. I thought the sub-plot involving the witch might make the book darker than I would enjoy, but I thought it was handled perfectly. It gave the book a touch more Halloween atmosphere, but the characters treated it much like I would like to think I would. The characters have gotten sharper as the series has progressed, and that was true here again. The suspects are well drawn, Allie is a great lead, but my favorite continues to be Aunt Gully. Everything came together for a book I couldn’t put down and the strongest in the series to date.

ClareR (5596 KP) rated Luckenbooth in Books

Feb 14, 2021  
Jenni Fagan | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love a book that takes me by surprise and is a bit off centre; something a bit different from books found on the bestseller lists (which is where I would hope this will end up!!), or the supermarket shelves. Luckenbooth is one of those books.
Luckenbooth piqued my interest as soon as I saw the cover photo - and then I read the synopsis. How could it possibly NOT appeal to me? I mean, the devils daughter rows to Edinburgh in a coffin to work for the Minister of Culture. I was hooked. It’s not all about her though. The book is split into three sections, each section revolving around three different characters, and we see glimpses in to their lives. There are people from all walks of life: strippers, spies, maids, a black human rights lawyer with a bone mermaid, drug addicts, poets, a medium. These are all people who live on the edge of society (within No. 10 Luckenbooth Close, anyway!), people who have little - and they live in a tenement that has been cursed by the devils daughter.
The stories seem not to be linked to one another, and their only link is the fact that they all live in the same tenement building. I really enjoyed these snapshots, any one of them could have been longer and I would have enjoyed them just as much. This fed my love of short stories though, and I really liked how reality was mixed with the more supernatural elements.
I will have to dig out my copies of Fagans books The Sunlight Pilgrims and The Panopticon, languishing in my Kindle library - this has really made me want to read her other books.
Many thanks to the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book through NetGalley.
The Little Mermaid (1989)
The Little Mermaid (1989)
1989 | Animation
There are just some things that probably shouldn't be seen again, and for me the Little Mermaid is one of them. Any Disney movie with singable song in is a win for me, and of course, throw in a singalong version and it's even better. It doesn't really change the fact that... perhaps... *hushed tones* this one isn't a particularly good film. I know. I'm sorry. But apart from the bits with the big three songs in, nothing overly exciting happens. And poor old Ursula's song really isn't that good either, and I love a good villain song.

By far the best bit about this whole event was the audience. There were 17 of us watching, including the Ariel from the lobby, three children, 1 father, with the rest exclusively women over the age of 25. But out of those it was the family of four in front of me that won the evening.

They were wonderful. Mum, dad, daughter of about three and baby. Never judge a book by it's cover, I honestly thought dad was there under duress... but no I'll get to that in a bit. Cue the trailers, and The Incredibles 2. Frozone comes on the screen and daughter goes "daddy he looks like you!" And yes, the similarity was uncanny. Daughter is laughing, mum is laughing, I'm laughing. Dad turns to her completely deadpan and says "it's not funny, we don't laugh about it." But we all did. The movie starts and daughter is humming the Disney tune as the logo comes up. It was one of the cutest things I've witnessed, until the film itself starts up. Dad is singing along with he rest of us, he's even reciting the words of the script to his daughter... with voices. People... that's family goals right there.
Hannah (Daughters of the Sea, #1)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was both mysterious and sweet, as Hannah very slowly discovers what she is and where she truly comes from. Even though I found the whole process of discovery rather drawn out, I didn't mind the slow pace because of the age of the girl and setting that she lived in, at a time in which women were never even given the opportunity to go to college and the wage of a few dollars was considered good income. How the orphans were handled, some even being "adopted" into households in the midwest, had me wondering just how common this practice was at the time and how it played into geneologies. The intricacies of how the household is run that Hannah works in is enlightening, as I had no idea there was such a heirarchy among the servant class of that time period.
Hannah is only 14 when she goes through these changes to become a mermaid, but if that had happened to me at that age, I don't think I would have had the courage to abandon what security I could find for the great unknown of the vast ocean. What I found greatly disappointing was how her budding romance with the painter was just left hanging, with no resolution or explanation of what he was and why he left the ocean. I can only assume that since this is the first of three books, that his character will be further explored in future books. I also worried for the household that Hannah had been working in and what happened to them in the impending storm, but that loose end was not resolved either. The nuances of Hannah's revelation that give me clues as to what she is are interesting, such as the changing nature of Hannah's hair, her ability with the harp, and the way she sheds salt and scales. I always love when the author gives such attention to details. I look forward to reading about Hannah's two long-lost sisters and their own revelations.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Stir of Shadows in Books

Jun 17, 2018  
Stir of Shadows
Stir of Shadows
Jaime Lee Mann | 2018 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Here it is, book six in the never-ending Legend of Rhyme series by Jaime Lee Mann. Stir of Shadows takes readers back to the magical land of Coraira, reuniting everyone with the twins Asher and Ariana, the mermaid Teagan and all of their friends. Once again, the magical land is in trouble and all the characters are impacted in some way.

As with every book in this series, there are new characters introduced into the story – perhaps too many. And, of course, each individual has their own story to be told. The narrative is constantly switching between locations, often leaving the reader hanging with unresolved issues. Thankfully, the author separates these sections with short poems that sum up the general gist of the book as it progresses.

The Legend of Rhyme series feels overdone and the storyline in Stir of Shadows seemed to be snatching at straws, trying to piece something together. There are so many characters to keep track of, some who disappear for a while only to be reintroduced as if they had never been away.

There was no sense of danger or action in this instalment. Problems arose, only to be solved moments later. Unlike previous books where readers were overwhelmed with foreboding, the scenes were over and done within no time at all. The book, however, to give it its due, is fast-paced; I read it in less than two hours.

Perhaps it is not the storyline or authorship that is the problem, it could be my age. I am 26, whereas, Legend of Rhyme is targeted at people half that. There is little for an adult reader to latch onto and enjoy before it is snatched away by an easy solution.

Nonetheless, Jaime Lee Mann is great at ending her books on a cliffhanger. Stir of Shadows may not be anything to rave over, but I certainly want to know what happens next!
A Love Song for Liars (Rivals, #1)
A Love Song for Liars (Rivals, #1)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

I picked this up free a few months ago after reading another of the authors works and enjoying it.

This one follows Annie who is playing lead in her schools musical of The Little Mermaid. She wants to prove to her rock star father that she can cut it in the music industry while he doesn't want her anywhere near it, unlike his protégé Tyler. He was her best friend for a long time, the boy from the wrong side of the tracks who she fell for, before her dad offered to send him to the same prestigious private school as her and show him how to make his music better. Then he went from her best friend to they boys she hated in the span of a few weeks. It's hard to stay hating him when he lives in your pool house and keeps coming to your rescue, though.

I found this a quick easy read. I got drawn into the angst that was Annie and Tyler's relationship really quickly. There's an element of love/hate but you quickly see the hate is hiding a hurt from several months ago when Tyler said something she was never meant to hear. They have a rather interesting back story that we learn as the story progresses and I was willing them to just go for it, despite all the things that could go wrong or spoil it for them. They just had a deep connection that I felt deserved to explored.

Unfortunately, it seems their story is spread over three books with a fourth addition as a bonus and I will be reading them at some point in the future but my reading list is almost 100 books long right now - though I have been steamrolling through them lately - so it's on my wish list on Amazon.

It also appears I should have read the Wicked series by this author first as that is Annie's dad Jax's romance but, oh well. I'll read it at a later date, too.
Lost Voices (Lost Voices, #1)
Lost Voices (Lost Voices, #1)
Sarah Porter | 2011 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not particularly sure what I think about Lost Voices. Here's the basic rundown: Beautiful writing, interesting story, and gripping plot and pacing. Here's the problem: I didn't like most of the characters.

I liked the main character, Luce. She was smart and brave but a little sullen. And I couldn't figure out if I liked the queen of the mermaids. At first I hated her because I didn't trust her, and then at times I did like her, and she seemed bi-polar. Some of the other mermaid girls made me so mad I wanted to hit them. Especially the disloyal ones (There was a section where the girls started following someone else as their queen and she wasn't a good choice). Also on the loyalty aspect: I felt like out of all the girls (there had to be at least thirty by this section of the story) there had to be at least one besides Luce who was loyal to the other queen. It didn't make any sense. Those other mermaids frustrated me beyond all reason.

Back to the great side of the book, the writing was beautiful. It was enchanting and descriptive. There were parts that felt odd or out of place, and it would have been much better if it were from Luce's perspective (it was third person) but it was good and easy to read.

The book was addicting, and I couldn't stop thinking about it. The plot was interesting, the pacing was good, and there was tension all throughout the book. But the characters were frustrating. Maybe it was a good frustration, because I read it pretty quickly.

My only other complaint is the ending: It could have had a little more closure, or a little more promise. It was sort of like "oh, okay, so now it's over. now what? what happens next?" It reminded me a little of Cassandra Clare's endings (only it wasn't as horrible of a cliff-hanger).

Content/Recommendation: Some slightly emotionally disturbing references like rape, abuse, violence etc. but nothing explicit. No language. Ages 14+
To Kill a Kingdom
To Kill a Kingdom
Alexandra Christo | 2018 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
A princess must have her prince but perhaps not in the usual happy-ever-after fairytale way. With sirens, princes, pirates, mermaids and magic, To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo is a dark fantasy novel perfect for those who grew up with Peter Pan and The Little Mermaid. But, as with most traditional fairy tales, this book is riddled with trickery and lies, making it a heart-stopping adventure.

Lira is a siren princess who is nearing her eighteenth birthday. In order to celebrate the life of their goddess Keto and get revenge for her death at the hands of the humans, each siren must kill and remove the heart of a human victim. Lira has always targeted princes and aims to steal the heart of Prince Elian of Midasan, however, her mother, the sea queen, has different ideas.

As punishment for disobeying her orders, the evil queen temporarily turns Lira into a human, stripping her of her siren power. In order to return, she must kill Prince Elian and return to the sea with his heart. However, things get complicated when Prince Elian saves Lira from drowning and takes her aboard his ship.

Elian is a prince-cum-pirate who has no wish to be the heir of the golden kingdom of Midasan. He spends his days as the captain of his ship, hunting and killing sirens. Not realising Lira is the siren he most wishes to destroy, he gradually gets used to her presence and believes she will be useful to him on his quest to find a crystal that will destroy the sea queen forever. Lira agrees to help, however, she has an ulterior motive – perhaps she can help Elian find the crystal then kill him and destroy her mother …

It takes a while for this dark, romantic young adult novel to get going; there is a lot of introduction to characters and the way their fantasy world operates. With different customs to get familiar with, particularly in the case of the sirens, it is a little monotonous for the first few chapters. However, once Lira and Elian meet, events become far more interesting.

The banter and insults hurled between Elian, Lira and the rest of the crew is a humorous addition to the storyline and makes the prince and princesses growing relationship all the more exciting. With the sea queen lurking in the shadows, the story builds up to a fateful conclusion, however, maybe Lira can steal the prince’s heart a different way.

Once the story is well underway it becomes an engrossing piece of literature that is difficult to put down. With romance, danger and a cataclysmic ending, it has everything that a young adult fantasy fan wishes for. To Kill a Kingdom is Christo’s debut and it is exciting to find out what she will write next.
Into the Drowning Deep: Rolling in the Deep Book 1
Into the Drowning Deep: Rolling in the Deep Book 1
Mira Grant | 2017 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOW. I don't typically read horror, but this was fantasy horror, and WOW. I picked up the novella precursor to this sometime last year - I never reviewed it here, probably because it was barely over 100 pages, but it was fascinating and haunting all the same. Rolling in the Deep told the story of the Atargatis, a ship sent out to the Mariana Trench to stage a mockumentary - supposedly looking for mermaids, but equipped with actors who could swim with mermaid tails. They never planned to find anything. Except they did. And they all died. One by one at first, a few people picked off, then the entire ship swarmed and eaten. The reader sees this happen, but to anyone not on the ship, the only thing they find is some footage on an abandoned ship.

Into the Drowning Deep fast forwards a few years; the production company, Imagine Network, is not doing so well, and they want to prove that the footage wasn't a hoax. So they assemble a new mission, this one with a lot more security. (Though they still picked security with an eye for what would look good on TV, rather than what would be effective, which was a poor choice.) The reader, of course, knows that the mermaids are real, and that they are dangerous, so you spend much of the first part of the book in a state of suspense waiting for them to show up. (I actually thought it took a little too long for them to finally show up, but the time was used for character-building.)

The book is very Lovecraftian, actually - from the strong, building sense of foreboding doom to the creatures that should not exist, to the kind of gibbering insanity near the end. It's probably why I liked the book so much; Lovecraft is about the only kind of horror writing I like, and I get the same feeling from Grant's writing.

So yes, the book is about mermaids. But these aren't mermaids as you've seen them before. They're not cute, they're not seductive, they don't want to live on land, and they're definitely not friendly. These mermaids are predators. Intelligent predators, but predators. And humans, apparently, are delicious.

Most of the characters in the book are scientists trying to prove mermaids exist, so there's a lot of science happening aboard the ship, and Grant doesn't shy away from it happening on the page as well. She also includes a pair of deaf scientist twins, and their interpreter sibling, which is important because the mermaids use a form of sign language as well. Most of the main characters are women, which is also great to see in such a large concentration of fictional scientists.

If you like fantasy horror, i.e. Lovecraft, you should definitely pick this up. Rolling in the Deep is also worth reading first - I think it definitely adds another layer to the sense of foreboding doom.

You can find all my reviews at