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Cold Vein by Cannibal Ox
Cold Vein by Cannibal Ox
2001 | Hip-hop, Rap
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Album Rating
Groundbreaking (0 more)
They didn't release a second with El p (0 more)
Before they all fell out, El P got rappers Vast Aire and Vordul Mega together, with their slow lolloping flows over beats that still sound ahead of their time now to make The Cold Vein. So groundbreaking even extreme metal magazine Terroriser had it in their albums of the year. It crossed boundaries, changed what hip hop should sound like and set a benchmark for new music. They then all fell out and never did it again. Stupid as they could be very rich.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Aggretsuko- Season 1 in TV

Jan 21, 2019 (Updated Jan 21, 2019)  
Aggretsuko- Season 1
Aggretsuko- Season 1
2018 | Animation
10.0 (1 Ratings)
I wish this show had been around when I totally worked a terrible office job, but alas, it wasn't. Retsuko vents her anger by singing metal karaoke, and raging. I totally felt her rage, and wish I would have had an outlet like that. I can't wait until there are more episodes this year.

My only complaint, which is towards Netflix, is that the dub and the subtitles did not match at times, and sometimes, the characters were having different conversations. Dude, Netflix, just match the dub and subs.

KarynKusama recommended Mandy (2018) in Movies (curated)

Mandy (2018)
Mandy (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller

"One of the most thrilling cinematic experiences I’ve had in a long while. Yes, Nic Cage is great. But it’s Andrea Riseborough’s unforgettable Mandy who holds this film together — her wisdom, her undeniable power, her freaky witch-wavelength — all of these qualities are potent in their presence and doubly so in their absence. For me, this is a film about all the hell that breaks loose when we continue to desecrate a woman. Plain and simple, it’s not pretty when we pull down The Goddess. Heavy metal feminism at its most unsparing."


Kevin Phillipson (9967 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Horzion forbidden west in Video Games

Feb 28, 2022  
Horzion forbidden west
Horzion forbidden west
2022 | Action/Adventure
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Aloy (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
Been playing all week since it came and it's already my favourite ps4 game of 2022 probably aloy is one of my favourite game characters I've played as the visuals are amazing when u see the size of the forbidden west but the other stars of the game are the metal creatures that u encounter the old ones are back from the orignal game plus tons of new ones which I haven't still encountered yet this one game I intend to finish just as I finished the first a year ago

The Marinated Meeple (1848 KP) created a poll

Mar 30, 2018  
What is the best war movie you have ever seen? Pick your top 5!

The Great Escape
Full Metal Jacket
Das Boot
Hurt Locker

0 votes

All Quiet on the Western Front
Letters from Iwo Jima

0 votes

Tora! Tora! Tora!
Enemy at the Gates
Bridge on the River Kwai
Inglorious Bastards
Black Hawk Down
Army of Shadows

0 votes

The Guns of Navarone
The Longest Day
Paths of Glory
The Thin Red Line

0 votes

12 O'Clock High
The Big Red One
Lawrence of Arabia

0 votes

Apocalypse Now
The DIrty Dozen
Hacksaw Ridge
The Deer Hunter
Saving Private Ryan
Forbidden Island
Forbidden Island
2010 | Adventure, Card Game, Fantasy
Good introduction to cooperative play (1 more)
Too simple (0 more)
Forbidden Island does a great job of introducing players to cooperative play. If you have played Pandemic before, you probably don't need to purchase this game. If you have not, I would highly recommend purchasing to give you and your friends a great introduction to the basic mechanics. It would also be a great way to ease kids into more complicated game mechanics.

Also, it comes in a metal tin, which I wish more companies would do. While more of my cardboard boxes aren't holding up well, this one still looks great.
Under the Skin (2014)
Under the Skin (2014)
2014 | Sci-Fi
Found this one on Netflix. Strange movie with Scarlett Johanson playing a woman who likes men to a place where their bodies are consumed by a strange black goo. She starts to realize there's something different about herself and goes on a trip to figure it out. Quite a bit of nudity(full frontal- metal and female) so I wouldn't say it's something for the kids. The acting was pretty decent and everything else was adequate. The story unfolds a little slowly but if you're into sci-fi it'll keep your attention. Worth a watch.

Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 23, 2018


The One (2001)
The One (2001)
2001 | Action
5.8 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Chosen One
What was this film, like honestly? It makes no sense at all. Its confusing, the action/cgi effects are hilariously bad and a waste of early 2000's metal music. Overall it is a weird but fun movie to watch. Jet Li and Jason Statham do a good job in this film. This film is a mix of like six different genres from sci-fi to action to martial arts to whatever else. By the end of the movie, i was overall confused but entertained. Thanks early 2000's for coming up with this movie.

Ariel Pink recommended Auto-Da-Fe by SPK in Music (curated)

Auto-Da-Fe by SPK
Auto-Da-Fe by SPK
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Like I said, all this industrial stuff was part of what I was listening to before the age of 20. I was buying anything that I hadn't heard yet. I don't even know where i got the money to do this, but I did it. I would just buy it. If something, like this record, looked interesting to me, I’d just get it there and then. I had like three-hundred metal albums and once I remember trading them all in in one fell swoop. I traded 300 in and got 150 random records back, and this and Dome were in there."

Use Your Illusion II by Guns N' Roses
Use Your Illusion II by Guns N' Roses
1991 | Rock
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Shotgun Blues by Guns N' Roses

(0 Ratings)


"A really good punk song. They had a really great ear for punk. They actually fused punk with metal, but it wasn't 70s Punk, it was kinda new wave punk. That's what I get from it, anyway: The Exploited, and Anti-Pasti. They probably weren't listening to it, but that's what I get. And there's obviously a bit of glam in there from the New York Dolls. "The songs are slightly ruined by the fucking production. It's a bit too much, and sometimes Axl's voice borders on the insane - it's like, 'what the fuck is that?' - but that's rock, isn't it?"
