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Dead Ant (2017)
Dead Ant (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Horror
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Let's get the obvious out of the way first...the CGI giant ants, or course, look awful...but honestly, if one can look beyond that, Dead Ant is a genuinely funny and entertaining B-Movie blast.

It has a cast that's not to be sniffed at - Sean Astin, Tom Arnold, Jake Busey, Danny Woodburn, Twin Peaks legend Michael Horse, Sydney Sweeney, Entourage's Rhys Coiro - not too shabby for a low budget creature feature.
It's screenplay is constantly humourous, and everyone involved seems like they're having a good time.
As mentioned, the special effects are bargain bin level, but I don't know, that sort of adds to the whole experience.

I might just be a sucker for heavy metal themed comedies, but Dead Ant is a perfectly fine way to spend 90 minutes, and the song "Sideboob" from the movies fictional band Sonic Grave is now on one of my Spotify playlists 🤘
Beyond the Veil (The Veil, #1)
Beyond the Veil (The Veil, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have developed a bit of a recent obsession with Pippa DaCosta books but this one has been on my Kindle for quite a while now, longer than the other two books I've read recently. So here goes:

We meet Charlie Henderson, half demon half human who has an affinity for metal and reading its history. When assassin Stefan walks into her blacksmith shop asking her to read a weapon of his it sets in motion a little mystery for us readers as we try to figure out who's trying to kill Charlie and what Stefan wants with her.

It was all very intriguing as Charlie tried to figure out who to trust and as the story unravelled I was rather caught up in it. I was cheering Charlie on as she finally started to believe in her own strength and lets not forget the romance that began to spark between Charlie and Stefan.

After that ending, I am definitely going straight into book two.

Rob Halford recommended Paranoid by Black Sabbath in Music (curated)

Paranoid by Black Sabbath
Paranoid by Black Sabbath
1970 | Metal, Rock
9.0 (7 Ratings)
Album Favorite

""I chose this one because it has 'War Pigs'. It's quintessentially Sabbath even now. They have to play those songs because they are the ones that say everything about that band. Tony [Iommi, guitarist] has said that they were in and out in a few hours when they were making those first records, and this was a pretty quick follow-up. He's a riff master. It's just riffs. It's the essence and the purity of Sabbath that I love, and on this record they really nail it. If somebody were to ask me about Sabbath, what they represent and what they've done, I'd tell them to just go and listen to this record because it encapsulates them so well. They were a Birmingham band too and I think it just shows that a lot of bands from that Midlands region were very prolific. There was a lot of activity going on in and around the Birmingham area. I've always said that the Beatles were responsible for breaking the wall around London down, because before them there was this idea that you had to be from London to be successful. But them being from Liverpool and then later bands like Sabbath from Birmingham sent a message that it wasn't the case and I think that's great. The way that the scene was in Birmingham at that time, we had a fabulous club called Mothers where everybody played. I saw everyone play there: Cream, Sabbath, Pink Floyd. It made Birmingham a real hotbed outside of London for that style of music. We were friends with Sabbath, and I've always considered them to be the inventors of the heavy metal sound. We knew each other and for them to suddenly have this massive impact with this record and be on the radio and in the NME was thrilling. It was before the internet so it took time to get the word out but that made it more exciting to watch for me. When they went to America we were in awe of them because everyone wanted to go to America. Of course we did a few years later, but that was only because of this heavy metal sound that they were responsible for."


Micky Barnard (542 KP) rated Obsidio: Illuminae Files Book 3 in Books

Dec 13, 2018 (Updated Dec 13, 2018)  
Obsidio: Illuminae Files Book 3
Obsidio: Illuminae Files Book 3
Jay Kristoff, Amie Kaufman | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Epic endings

This is not going to be an epic review, I’m emotionally drained and I haven’t got it in me, but know this, I have epic feelings about this book, this series. It is a stand out experience in all my reading over the last few years, made all the better by buddy reading the last two with Hollis.

Obsidio introduces two new characters in Asha and Rhys but even better than this newness is that they are brought alongside Kady, Ezra, Nik, Hanna and AIDAN. The bringing together of their minds, their snark, their humour and their sharp emotions was a ride of hope and despair.

I laughed but boy did I leak from the eye area. Why did I cry? Often over a metal chip (if you’ve read this book you’ll understand). I’m all done in, I’m completely satisfied and I will return to this series to read and devour it again.
They Came from Beyond Space (1967)
They Came from Beyond Space (1967)
1967 | Adventure, Sci-Fi
No they didn't, and don't be silly. Hugely derivative British pulp SF movie is unsuccessful in hiding any of its influences and just ends up looking like a random slap-together of bits from Gerry Anderson, Quatermass, Dr Who, The Avengers (the TV show), and much more. Aliens stage a stealthy (and cheap) invasion of England via meteorite, possess the boffins sent to investigate, and cause all sorts of trouble. Imported American boffin Robert Hutton proves immune due to the metal plate in his head and fights back. Michael Gough turns up briefly to chew the scenery as the Master of the Moon.
Almost entirely absurd, but rattles along and never actually gets dull. Performances are mostly lousy with the exception of Bernard Kay, who is actually not bad. Fun can always be had spotting the influences, the props recycled from Daleks: Invasion Earth 2150 AD, and the sight of Zia Mohyeddin with an anti-mind control colander on his head. Daft, but fun, and certainly more entertaining than The Terrornauts (but then so is giving yourself a tonsilectomy).

Britt Daniel recommended Moon Pix by Cat Power in Music (curated)

Moon Pix by Cat Power
Moon Pix by Cat Power
1998 | Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"As often happens the first record you really get into by an artist, sometimes it's hard to replace that one. She's had great records since but this is the first one that I was blown away by. This record came out in the summer of '98 and my band had been dropped by Elektra. Right after that I moved into the guest room of my best friend's house. I had nowhere to go, I didn't have any money and now I certainly had nothing to do. My relationship with my girlfriend was on the rocks and this was the record I had on in this very bleak moment. Constantly on. It was a thing where it hurts to put it on. It hurts to listen to 'No Sense' and 'Metal Heart'. It's too raw almost. But again, I like being able to feel something in music. I still love it and play it and I still feel like I'm sitting in my friend's extra room in October with the window open and the rain is coming down. It still gives me that feeling."

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Gameplay (1 more)
Characters (1 more)
Twist ending
A Review By A Disappointed Long Time Fan
Before this game was released, I was certain that it was going to be my Game Of The Year for 2015, and in a lot of ways it is a worthy contender. As an open world stealth game, it is groundbreaking. The gameplay is some of the best I’ve ever seen, the controls feel tight, the underlying systems and features, (such as reflex mode and the buddy system,) are solid and the AI is responsive and fair. This is KojiPro’s first attempt at an open world game, and as far as first attempts go, this is ‘pretty good.’ The world is breathtaking as well, the graphics that the Fox engine can produce are stunning in every way, the world feels alive, with both enemies and wildlife, the textures, the particle systems, the gun models, every visual in this game has been created with an insane amount of attention to detail and all of it really pays off. I experienced little to no glitches while making my way through the single player campaign and the presentation overall is great. Motherbase is also awesome, you genuinely feel as if you are assembling an army and even though the Fulton is daft, it is a nice touch. And the amount of variety this game provides is vast, you can take 4 different buddies with you, each with unique skills, you can infiltrate in the morning or at night, you can choose your guns and customise them to suit, you can also customise your buddy’s gear, your helicopter and to a small extent Motherbase too, although that could have went deeper. Now, if that is all that you are looking for, then seriously, stop reading this review right now and go buy the game, you will love it and there is so much to do, I sank a good 75+ hours into this game and my overall completion rate is still only at 75%. If however, like me, you are looking for something more than just great gameplay, you will be left feeling as empty as I do. Like I keep reiterating, the gameplay is phenomenal, but that’s the problem, I have never played MGS for the gameplay. It wasn’t the gameplay that made me fall in love with the series growing up and if anything you would always suffer through the stiff gameplay in order to experience the deep and complex story and that was okay, because it would always be so worth it. This game throws all of that out of the window.

The way that this game is structured is awful. You play a few main missions in a row, the story is beginning to hook you, but then OCD kicks in and you realise that you have 4 or 5 side missions building up to be completed, so you go and do them, but then you come back to the main story and forget what was going on in the last mission, but who cares when you can Fulton a goat, right?

The writing in this game is possibly the laziest it’s ever been, one example of this is the ‘controversial’ character known as Quiet. This character has been masterly debated over a lot (see what I did there?) and thrown more gasoline on the fire that is the over-sexualisation of women in video games. My stance on it is somewhere in between, the reason for her lack of clothes and speech is silly, however she is running around Afghanistan and Africa, which are very hot countries, so really they could have put her in a bikini top and a pair of cargo pants and I doubt anyone would have batted an eyelid. Now, the Metal Gear series has always been known for its odd Japanese perviness, but when it is a main character that has been sexualised, it’s always been for a justified narrative reason, such as EVA in MGS3 walking about with the front of her jacket unzipped showing off her bikini clad chest, but the whole point of her mission in that game, was to seduce Snake, so it made sense within the context of the story, in this game the reason for Quiet’s over exposure is much lazier and feels tacked on as a cheap excuse.

The worst part about all of this is the fact that, this is it, Kojima’s definite last Metal Gear game, there is no going back to redeem anything, like in MGS2 when everyone hated it, but because 4 solved some of the problems that were created in 2 people are now okay with 2, that can’t happen with this game because Kojima and Konami are no more. Now I could write a whole other paper on Konami vs Kojima and my stance on it but this is the jist, Kojima was spending too much money and taking too much time with this game, Konami demanded he finish it so they can make their money and add their microtransaction’s etc Kojima told them where they can stick it and the partnership was dead. This has had an effect on the game, there is clearly content missing, Konami has confirmed that at least one mission was cut, where Snake would have went to Africa to have another battle with Eli and Sahalanthropus, which is the Metal Gear in this game, which is unacceptable really. Also, I assume there was a lot of other content that was cut that we weren’t told about. Sahalanthropus is another problem I have, how is it that this Metal Gear created in the 80’s is more advanced than REX, which was created in the early 2000’s. Also, when you fight Sahalanthropus, there is no one in the thing, it is an empty robot being controlled by Mantis, who floats beside the giant mech. That is actually a decent metaphor for the lack of villains in this game. Skull Face is hardly in the game and his eventual death, like every other significant event in this game, just kind of happens with no build up and packing little punch. The team of bosses in the original Metal Gear, headed up by Liquid and Ocelot, were probably the best team of villains in any game ever, since then the bosses have gone slowly downhill. The Sons of Big Boss were great, Dead Cell were pretty cool, The Cobras were okay, The Beauty & The Beast Corps were pretty lame and The Skulls in this game are emotionless zombies who don’t even have individual names and Skull Face is such a disappointing antagonist, he is hardly in the main game and then he shows up at the end, gives some silly speech that we have heard before in the trailers and then just dies, no boss fight or anything. Also, no customisable Metal Gear, which I feel like is a huge missed opportunity and no Sims like Motherbase customisation, interior or exterior.

David Hayter was missed in this game, Keifer was fine on the rare occasion he did speak, but the phantom Snake twist was the perfect opportunity to reintroduce Hayter’s voice and they didn’t take it. Also no Campbell or EVA, not even a reference. And it is never explained why the last time we see the real Big Boss, he is rescuing a child and a young girl and the next time we see him he has become modern day Hitler. Ultimately, this game just makes me sad, it is hard not to focus on the fallout from the Konima debacle, P.T/Silent Hills is no more, that promisingly terrifying demo we were teased with will amount to nothing and this game is all we will ever get again in terms of the Metal Gear saga. This is the end of an era, and it’s an end that doesn’t sit perfectly with me.
Dark Nights: Metal
Dark Nights: Metal
Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jonathan Glapion | 2017 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, here's how I am gonna open this review.. With a kinda-sorta-but-not-reeeaaallly Spoiler: it's got a scene with <i>frikkin' Batman</i> riding a <b>DINOSAUR</b> (a T-Rex or Allosaurus)! Look, even you are one of those self-proclaimed haters of all things METAL-related, it's <u>the @#$% BATMAN on a #$@ing DINOSAUR</u>! If that ain't enough to get you excited, well, then, go watch an episode of SAVED BY THE BELL! instead, because that's more your speed!

DARK NIGHTS: METAL (as well as the prequel pieces, THE FORGE and THE CASTING) was one hell of an entertaining ride! It was clear that Scott Snyder had a great appreciation for the events of old, offering us a leaner event than Marvel has in the last five years! Sure, there was some hiccups along the way, and that is nearly truly for anything piece of literature. However, the hiccups were not enough to take away from the love and care that Snyder and Capullo put into this decidely scary (in an EVENT HORIZON or HELLRAISER-kinda way) yet highly interesting!

This was a tale spun out of FINAL CRISIS and 52, with ties as far back as CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTH! Yet, it also showed some of the intricacies at play since Dr. Manhattan's "tinkering" (Man, I hope DOOMSDAY CLOCK gets finished before I die)! Yes, sometimes as the adventure unfolds, there may be a moment here or there where you'll be like, "Um, that's just not something that'd happen!". Well, duh, it's a comic book, silly! If you can hit [PAUSE] on the UberCriticalComicFan sub-routine in your brain, you might find that this is actually pretty damned good stuff! You can clearly see the love and attention put into this by both the writer and the artist alike!

Speaking of which..

Greg Capullo was a great choice to partner up with Snyder for this! His art is tight, yet creepy and foreboding! There were several moments throughout where I was just like, "Holy cow!". It honestly felt like a good DC movie (not like BATMAN V. SUPERMAN)!

Look, at the end of the day, here's what you've got: one hell of a good hero story, something any non-Trump supporters could use right about now! It's just Good vs. Evil, plain and simple! If that ain't the basis for a good story, then, heck, I don't know what is!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Justice League (2017) in Movies

Feb 9, 2018 (Updated Feb 9, 2018)  
Justice League (2017)
Justice League (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Surprisingly non-awful
CGI aliens invade in search of ancient mystical plot coupons, forcing Batman and Wonder Woman to recruit a bunch of other superheroes (the Flash, Aquaman, Cyborg) in an attempt to fend them off.

Now, you can scratch your head at some of the creative choices made here - Why the all-pervading atmosphere of heavy metal gloom? Why these particular characters? Where's Green Lantern? Why not use a better-known villain? And so on - but on its own terms, this is a competently assembled film, for the most part. (This may be due to the fact that credited director Zach Snyder departed the production prematurely and was replaced by Joss Whedon.)

I stress 'for the most part' as there are still bits of this movie which just plain make no sense whatsoever, and there's a 'plot twist' (in the broadest sense of the term) which feels contrived and tonally wrong on pretty much every level. But at least they seem to be trying to treat these iconic characters with respect, and while this isn't up to the same standard as Wonder Woman it could have been much, much worse.
Savannah James: Pendale High Class of ‘87
Savannah James: Pendale High Class of ‘87
Candi Fox | 2021 | Romance
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
117 of 250
Savannah James: Pendale High Class of ‘87
By Candi Fox

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

Welcome to 1987, where the high school antics include hot rock stars running beside the smoking jocks.

Savannah James wants love and finds it with Stone Blackwell when he rescues her from an embarrassing speckle with punk metal bassist Aaron Angel.

But all is not fair in love and war, and Stone makes a terrible mistake. Can their connection be saved or will the star QB Thad Harrison make his pass and win the girl?

Pendale High, Class of ’87 is not a YA novel.

I wanted to like it and please don’t be put off this is just
My opinion!
I thought I t started really well but was seriously rushed in places. I know she’s a mature 17 year old but my god she still came across a child or just all felt a little wrong to me. The ending was very predictable and a little cringy. This was a girl damaged from abuse throwing herself at and man showing her attention. I found it quite toxic!