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Soul (2020)
Soul (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
Palatable journey into metaphysical existence and the struggle to find purpose. Funny and poignant, very good family film (0 more)
Ending loses focus to a degree, could’ve ended sooner (0 more)
A Brief History Of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes
A Brief History Of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes
Stephen Hawking | 2015 | Science & Mathematics
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"In order to comprehend complicated ideas, I often need them to be broken down into bite-size pieces of information. This book helped me to grasp huge metaphysical concepts by providing manageable explanations I could wrap my head around and delve into."

A Brief History Of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes
A Brief History Of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes
Stephen Hawking | 2015 | Science & Mathematics
6.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"In order to comprehend complicated ideas, I often need them to be broken down into bite-size pieces of information. This book helped me to grasp huge metaphysical concepts by providing manageable explanations I could wrap my head around and delve into."

Quiver of Arrows: Selected Poems, 1986-2006
Quiver of Arrows: Selected Poems, 1986-2006
Carl Phillips | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Romance
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Wildness and control are recurring themes in Phillips’s brilliant poems, and they play out too in his winding, meticulous, everywhere self-interrogating syntax. He is our metaphysical poet, using the desiring, sexual body to ask poetry’s eternal questions in distinctively contemporary ways"


Merissa (12394 KP) created a post

Feb 14, 2023  
"Three game young ladies enter into dangerous liaisons that test each one’s limits and force them to confront the most heartrending issues facing society in the early twentieth century."

NBtM & #Giveaway: The Phantom Glare of Day by M. Laszlo - #Historical, #Metaphysical, #Fiction, #ComingofAge,
The Double Life of Veronique (1991)
The Double Life of Veronique (1991)
1991 | Drama, Fantasy, Music
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Some things in life are beyond explanation. Kieślowski reminds us that film is a spiritual and transcendent experience that taps into the metaphysical realms of our existence. Irène Jacob is absolutely mesmerizing in her portrayal of two women who are doppelgängers and share a mysterious and unspeakable bond. The experience of watching The Double Life of Véronique is ever-healing, like soaking in a warm bath surrounded by candles at night."


Olivier Assayas recommended The Leopard (1963) in Movies (curated)

The Leopard (1963)
The Leopard (1963)
1963 | International, Classics, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"One of the greatest films ever made by a director who, almost forty years after his death, is still an intimidating and disturbing figure in the history of cinema. Visconti’s films stand outside the borders of the medium, by their ambition, by their scope, uniting past and present, individuals and history, both deeply human and transcendent. The Leopard, his most translucent, towering achievement, embodies everything the best filmmaking can be, grand, profound, entertaining, physical and metaphysical, sharp as a blade and melodramatic. It stays with you, forever."

Сталкер [Stalker] (1979)
Сталкер [Stalker] (1979)
1979 | Fantasy, Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Andrei Tarkovsky. Again, incredibly… I mean, all these films are extremely influential to my own moviemaking, and they were the kinds of movies that just spun me around. I couldn’t compare them with anything else I’d seen at the time. And Stalker was definitely one of those. There was a sense of pace that I’d never experienced in a film before, such a wonderful sustained atmosphere, and then just this incredible metaphysical story. I think it’s still one of the great science fiction movies, and it’s so philosophical and yet so visual. The philosophical ideas are conveyed in terms of pure cinema and visuals as opposed to people talking. Quite a skill, I have to say."


Sjon recommended The Taiga Syndrome in Books (curated)

The Taiga Syndrome
The Taiga Syndrome
Cristina Rivera-Garza | 2019 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"This slim novel is one of the most intriguing works of literature I have come upon in a long while. Part mystery, part metaphysical journey, part fairy tale, part adult love story, it brought me to a state of the most welcome strangeness, similar to the one I sought out as a young reader of books that challenged how we perceive reality and reconstruct it in text. In the narrative’s mysterious, slow burn of a chase, a woman who has left her husband is tracked down in The Taiga, a territory where the laws of nature are as much out of joint as the rules of its isolated human society. In its uneasy atmosphere there are echoes from Tarkovsky's film Stalker as well as from golden age private eye novels."

Avengers vs Thanos
Avengers vs Thanos
Jim Starlin | 2013 | Comics & Graphic Novels
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dated but good
This collection of comics from the 60s is quite an epic read, in terms of volume. We see a different side to Thanos at times, as he seems to be less powerful than in more recent stories and more vulnerable or in need of help. The collection covers interaction with Iron Man, then Captain Marvel, then Adam Warlock, then the Avengers and finally Spider-man gets in on the action.
This is mostly one continuous story as Thanos' plans are foiled and he comes back time and time again.
The story has some real metaphysical mumbo-jumbo that I could have done without (including my favourite, most cringey line ever "Death by ... Time-mind Sync-warp!"), and the dialogue really has dated pretty badly, most notably in the Captain Marvel section.
A real epic read to get something of a feel for Thanos' origins, and a good lead in to the Infinity War/Gauntlet saga.

Read for free on Kindle Unlimited trial.

ClareR (5789 KP) Apr 22, 2019

Thanks for this - I’ll have to show my husband. He has all the Infinity Gauntlet/ War/ Aftermath comics (and a load more besides ?? ). I’ll have to ask him if he’s read/ got these as well!


Ross (3284 KP) Apr 22, 2019

Its quite a pricey book because it is massive (I have been chipping away at it since October!), but is free on Prime or Kindle Unlimited (and I think you can get a free 3 month trial on KU at the moment if you hunt through "today's deals" on Amazon).