Systemic Structural Constellations and Sustainability in Academia: A New Method for Sustainable Higher Education
In order to create truly sustainable universities, we require new methods of visualising and...

The Innovation Tools Handbook: Organizational and Operational Tools, Methods, and Techniques That Every Innovator Must Know: Vol.1
H. James Harrington and Frank Voehl
In today's fast-moving, high-technology environment, the focus on quality has given way to a focus...

Methods for Measuring Greenhouse Gas Balances and Evaluating Mitigation Options in Smallholder Agriculture: 2016
Mariana C. Rufino, Lini Wollenberg, Meryl Richards and Eva Wollenberg
This book provides standards and guidelines for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions and removals in...

Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated All We Ever Wanted in Books
May 29, 2018
I had no idea in detail what this story was about when I requested it from NetGalley. I like to be surprised with Emily's books, and I've never read one I didn't like. And I sure was surprised by this one! It's almost like, "If you could walk in someone's shoes" - I felt like i was dropped into this book, as if I was in on a secret, and I just sat back and watched the secrets unravel and unfold.
Something happened to Lyla. Something not good at all. It started with a bunch of elite private high school kids (and some not-so-privileged) at a party, with a lot of alcohol... and you can just imagine it from there. Something happens. Accusations fly, lies are told, people unravel, secrets come out, and trusts are broken.
This books tells the story from several angles and I found myself so attached to them all. They are so well written I honestly felt as if I was in a mother's head, a father's mind and in the thoughts of a 16 year old girl.
I sailed through this, as I do most of Emily's books because I love her writing style and how easily I can just jump into her stories. I wanted to find out more, I wanted justice, and I craved a neat and tidy resolution, but we all know these types things are never neat and tidy.
This book is important. I wish everyone would read this. Although every #metoo story is different, this casts a glimpse into how each and every incident causes so, so much pain, to so many people - and ultimately how getting these types of stories out in the world, can hopefully ease some of that pain by helping and educating others.
Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the opportunity to review this amazing book.

A searing poetic memoir and call to action from the bestselling and award-winning author of Speak,...

Integrating Program Management and Systems Engineering: Methods, Tools, and Organizational Systems for Improving Performance
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Uncertainty in Risk Assessment: The Representation and Treatment of Uncertainties by Probabilistic and Non-Probabilistic Methods
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Numerical Differential Equations: Theory and Technique, Ode Methods, Finite Differences, Finite Elements and Collocation
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Improving Population Health Using Electronic Health Records: Methods for Data Management and Epidemiological Analysis
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