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As this is the fourth book in the series, there really isn't much that I can say that wouldn't be spoiler-y. I chose to listen to this series via audiobook, so I want to specifically address that. For whatever reason, the third and fourth books were not narrated by the same person who voiced the first, second, fifth, six and final book in the series. That means that three different people narrated this series if that is something that would bother you I would recommend reading the books physically. I personally enjoyed the narrator for this book the most out of the three that voiced this series.

This story was as enjoyable as the others and is a good level for middle-grade readers or younger YA readers. Unfortunately, the author continues to overuse the word said and it is becoming more and more irksome as the series progresses. I had hoped that it would improve, but it hasn't yet. One can still hope though.

It was nice to see more character development and the Electroclan seeing more of the world. Understandably, after everything the kids have gone through they feel older than their actual years. Forced to grow up and shoulder too much responsibility too quickly. I still recommend this series and hope that the writing will improve through the last three books.
The Dark Talent (Alcatraz, #5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Librarian army has just devastated Mokia, and Alcatraz, having recently given up the throne, is looking for a way to save his friend Bastille and keep his father from unleashing Smedry talents on the entire world, thereby destroying it. He hits upon the idea of infiltrating the biggest Librarian stronghold – the Highbrary, better known to the rest of us as the Library of Congress. Can he and his family do it without their Smedry talents?

If you are confused by the above, this is the fifth in a middle grade fantasy series. It had been several years since I read the last one, and enough background is given to remind me about this world, but if you are new, I recommend you start from the beginning. As I was expecting, there are lots of laughs and some twists. What I wasn’t expecting was a rather dark climax that felt abrupt. At the very, very end of the book there is a clue that this might not be the end of the story. I hope that’s the case because otherwise, for a book that was supposed to be the final book in the series, it is very disappointing.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Phantom Outlaw at Wolf Creek
Phantom Outlaw at Wolf Creek
Sigmund Brouwer | 1990 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Danger on a Montana Ranch
Ricky Kidd is on a month long vacation with his friends Mike and Ralphy at Mike’s uncle and aunt’s ranch in Montana. When he arrives, he hears the legend of a bank robbery that happened decades ago and the phantom of the outlaw that still haunts the nearby canyon. Or is it a legend? Mike and his visiting cousin, Sarah, insist on investigating, and Ricky sees evidence with his own eyes that the legend might be true. Can Ricky uncover the truth of what is going on?

This is another wonderful book in a favorite middle grade mystery series. The characters are sharp and provide some wonderful laughs. Sometimes their antics slow down the mystery in the first half of the book, but parts of the plot are being worked in to the fun, and the second half pays off the questions wonderfully. The suspense at the end is great, and the way Ricky works everything out is perfect. These books were written for the Christian market, and they work Ricky’s faith in organically without ever once preaching. The books are a bit dated now since they were originally released in the 1990’s, but as long as you know that going in, you’ll be fine. It might take a bit to track down this mystery, but it is worth it.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I was super excited to be asked if I wanted to be part of the Emerald Ring Blog Tour by the author, Dorine White. After reading the synopsis of this book, I definitely wanted to give it a read. All in all, I definitely enjoyed it!

Sara is a 12 year old girl, who, after finding an emerald ring at her grandmother's house, realizes she can shape-shift into a cat. She's also started having some really strange dreams as well. When a bunch of burglaries start happening close to her neighborhood, she takes it upon herself to put everything together to figure out who is behind them all. Will Sara's find out what the thief wants and why she's having strange dreams? Or will the magic of the emerald ring be too much?

I do like the title of this book. It's very straight-forward which I believe is a good thing as it's a middle grade fantasy novel. You know exactly what this book is going to be about. I think the title would definitely appeal to middle schoolers as well as adults.

The cover definitely suits the book. I like how there's a picture of the ring on the cover. I also like the sarcophagus on the cover. It's a nice touch! I believe the cover will appeal to children in middle school very much.

The world building in this novel is believable especially for a child in junior high. The dreaming sequences were very well written as were the scenes at Sara's school and house. I had no problem using my imagination to set up the world in which this novel took place.

The pacing in this novel is great!! Even as an adult, I thought it flowed rather nicely. I devoured this book in no time at all. Each chapter ran smoothly into the next. It was terrific!

The characters, for the most part, are well written. Sara reminded me of a 12 year old girl with her thought process and the way she acted. I loved her curiosity about everything. Heidi, Sara's best friend, was my favorite character. She always had Sara's back and was a big help when it came to Sara's adventure. I wish she was featured a bit more in the story though. I do think she was a bit too trusting of everything Sara told her though. I don't think most 12 year olds would be that gullible. Kainu was a believable character but I kept forgetting that he was supposed to be African. He spoke very good English for someone from Africa. It is explained how he learned how to speak English, but I don't know. I still felt as if he spoke English a little too well. Plus, Kainu's story wasn't that believable being as he's only 12 years old. I won't go into more detail because I don't want to give any spoilers away. Perhaps middle schoolers won't pick up on any of the character flaws.

The dialogue was fun to read. I enjoyed Sara's internal dialogue the best. I loved reading about how she felt and what she thought. There were a few words that I think middle school children wouldn't know the meaning of. Even I struggled with a few of the words, but there aren't many so it doesn't take away from the book.

Overall, The Emerald Ring by Dorine White is a cute, fun story which will be enjoyed by all middle school children. In fact, I think it will be enjoyed by most adults as well. The plot is interesting, and the characters are fun. At the very least, it may get children interested in Ancient Egyptian history.

I'd recommend this book to everyone age 11+ because it's such a fun and cute story.

The Emerald Ring (Cleopatra's Legacy #1) by Dorine White gets a 4.5 out of 5.

(I received a copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for a fair and honest review).
Laura Ingalls Is Ruining My Life
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Laura Ingalls Is Ruining My Life by Shelley Tougas is a middle grade novel where we meet Charlotte Lake. Charlotte and her family are constantly moving to new cities for her mother’s passion of wanting to be a published author. Charlotte’s mom wants to write a book about Laura Ingalls, who was inspirational to her as a child. Charlotte is embarrassed by her mother’s obsession and frustrated with constantly having to start a new school and new life. She never feels like she fits in anywhere. She has a twin brother who has chosen to not talk since he feels his voice is not being heard in the moves, and a younger sister who is perfect. Charlotte struggles to make friends and find her niche among so many moves.

The family recently relocated to Walnut Grove, one of the places Laura Ingalls grew up. It houses a Laura Ingalls museum that hosts an essay contest each year. In a spark of brilliance, Charlotte decides to enter the contests and win the grand prize of $500. She knows this money will change her family’s life and maybe help her mother put down some roots. As the contest deadline nears, Charlotte becomes very ill with the flu and misses over a week of school, and time to create her essay. At the last moment, she furiously scribbles out the line, “Laura Ingalls is ruining my life,” and turns that in as her essay. Her clever teacher reads this and probes Charlotte to write more and dig deeper.

The family rents out the basement of a house owned by Mia and Miguel, who live upstairs with their granddaughter, Julia. Charlotte has moved so many times that she is reluctant to learn the names of her fellow classmates or draw any attention to herself. After she is out sick at the very beginning of school, she starts to notice that her brother has made a lot of friends in her absence. Charlotte, however, is still uncomfortable and even fails a reading test so that she has to spend her lunch time doing remedial work. She hopes to win an essay contest about Wilder because the $500 would be helpful to her family, but Julia wins instead. The two girls start to volunteer at the Wilder museum, and start to become friends. Charlotte’s mother is writing very little, and as the year progresses, starts to slip into a significant depression. Rose’s father remarries, and Rose is devastated that he no longer schedules any of their visits together. When there is vandalism at the museum, Charlotte is blamed, but the real perpetrator is not any of the people who are suspected.

I recommend this book for any fans of pioneer life, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and middle grade readers. I received this book as an ARC from NetGalley via Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group and Roaring Brook Press.
Serafina and the Black Cloak
Serafina and the Black Cloak
Robert Beatty | 2015 | Paranormal, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will confess that it's been quite some time since I read a middle grade/young adult book, but perusing my children's family night book fair, I came across this book. I read the back of it and noticed one thing. Biltmore. Living in North Carolina, a few hours away from the Biltmore, I thought it would be the perfect dive back into the wonderful world of innocence and fun. I wasn't wrong!

Serafina and The Black Cloak is a wonderful start to Mr. Beatty's Serafina series. I read this in two sittings and loved every minute of this read! Serafina's character is wonderful and I loved following her along the halls of the Biltmore Estate. The story is filled with just the right amount of kid-friendly mystery and is perfect for those curious minds that love to seek out clues and solve the puzzle.
Serafina's search for answers on the disappearances within the walls of the magnificently built estate, and the lovely story line, Mr. Beatty has just become my favorite author for books like this. I am already looking forward to reading book 2, Serafina and the Twisted Staff. If it's anything like this book, it will be just as captivating and filled with tremendous doses  of 5 star worthy moments! Fantastically done, Mr. Beatty. Fantastically done. <a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Cafinated Reads</a>
Shannon Messenger | 2019 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sophie’s Journey Continues – Now with Twice the Alicorn Cuteness
This book opens nine days after the previous book ends. Sophie is finally able to talk to Mr. Forkle, one of the leaders of the Black Swan. However, he is most interested in discussing the most likely target for the Neverseen’s next attack instead of answering Sophie’s questions. His theory makes sense, but can Sophie and her friends figure out a way to stop them? Meanwhile, the Council has a surprising and game changing offer for Sophie. Will she take it?

Naturally, that just scratches the surface of this book since it is almost 800 pages. But it is worth it to watch the plots and sub-plots unfold. Sophie is on quite a journey, and this is another large step forward since we get some twists and revelations in this book. Obviously, I don’t recommend starting here. There’s been a lot of world building in the previous seven books, and that’s always important in a fantasy series. Plus, because the books build on each other, there are major spoilers for events in the earlier books. The characters and their relationships continue to grow, and I loved watching that. Plus there’s plenty of humor and alicorn cuteness. The target middle grade audience will love it, as will anyone who enjoys fantasy. The pages flew by as I got lost in the story. Just be ready for that cliffhanger.
Bastille Vs. the Evil Librarians
Bastille Vs. the Evil Librarians
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fanciful and Funny Finale. Finally.
This book opens right where the previous one ended. That means Alcatraz is dressed in a tux tied to an altar of outdated encyclopedias in the Highbrary having just experienced two horrific personal losses. That’s when Bastille finally wakes up from her coma and comes rushing in to try to save the day. But with the leader of the librarians on his way to enact his evil plan half way around the world, can anyone stop him? Especially since Alcatraz doesn’t seem to have it in him to fight any more.

I am so glad this middle grade fantasy book finally came out so we could have a proper conclusion to the series. If you are new, don’t jump in here but start at the beginning so you won’t be confused, but those who are fans will be properly rewarded. We have all the same action, humor, and craziness we’ve come to expect. This book does deal with the dark ending of the previous book, and I appreciated how it did that, including the growth it gave us in Alcatraz and Bastille. The rest of the characters are entertaining. And I mentioned the action right? There were so many twists and so much danger I had a hard time putting the book down. I definitely feel like the wait to find out what happened was worth it.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Nov 27, 2022  
Love surfing? Author Kellye Abernathy stops by my blog to share three things you many not know about surfing. While you're there, check out her middle grade magical realism fantasy book THE AQUAMARINE SURFBOARD, and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy.

“Age never matters; these things are about bravery and heart.”

Thirteen-year-old Condi Bloom’s dream is to learn to surf, but her laid-back beach town isn’t what it used to be. Big resort owners are taking over the cove. Worse, someone’s harassing the Beachlings, the mysterious old women living in the cliffs off Windy Hollow, a lonely tower of rock that people say is haunted. When a new surfer boy named Trustin shows up in town and invites Condi to a forbidden surfing spot, she’s swept into an extraordinary underwater adventure, where a surprising encounter with Koan, the Riddlemaster of the Sea, changes her life. Along with Trustin, his quirky twin and a mystical aquamarine surfboard, Condi learns the untold stories of the Beachlings, uncovering the timeless secrets of Windy Hollow.

Ebbing and flowing between reality and magic, times past and present, The Aquamarine Surfboard by Kellye Abernathy is a riveting beach tale about opening up to mystery, building community when and where you can — and discovering the ocean is filled with magic—the really BIG kind—the kind that changes the world.
Merci Suarez Changes Gears
Merci Suarez Changes Gears
Meg Medina | 2018 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>
#Merci Suarez #Net Galley Candle Wick Publishing Children's fiction Middle Grade
Release date September 11, 2018 368 pages

I was lucky enough to be selected to read this book before it is released. I enjoyed this book greatly. I gave it 4 stars.
This book is about a Latino family who live in Florida. The family consist of a grandma, grandpa, aunt, twin cousins, mom, dad, older brother and the main character Merci. They really aren't poor but nor are they rich. probably low middle class. Both of the older children go to a private school by way of scholarship. The dad owns his own business as a painter and to pay the children's books during the summer they painted the gym. They wear a uniform to this school. Merci isn't as smart as her older brother who loves science. She has lazy eye and has gone the process of wearing a patch and having surgery. Her eye still has some issues at times. The students are required to do community service at this school. Most students only have to do 40 hours but Merci and her brother have to do 60 hours because of their scholarship. She isn't thrilled about her community service which is being a Sunshine Buddy. She ends up being a buddy to a boy which is unusually for a girl to be buddy with a boy. All the other children tease her when she tries to make contact in school. This new boy Michael Clark is a very cute boy and all the girls talk about him.
This book is about Merci and the things she goes through not only at school but also at home. She hates have to help out with her twin cousins because now she isn't able to go to soccer try outs which she really wants to do because she has to her Grandma watch the twins. Her Grandpa whom she adores is sick and she does find out but is the last to know and gets upset with her family for not telling her sooner. She is scared and mad at the same time.
This is a great book for a middle grader to read because it will explain about the disease her grandpa has in a very understanding way. It will give them understanding on how you can work through some hard times.
It is hard to go into detail because I don't want to give anything away about this story. I read most of it in one setting.
The author did a great job.