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Wish You Weren't
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

The blurb of this book really caught my eye. I don't usually read middle grade books, but this one sounded very interesting.

The title of this book is fantastic! It's really conveys what the book is about. Once you read the book, you'll know what I'm talking about.

I like the cover, but I don't feel like a child in junior high school or elementary would be drawn to the cover. For me, the cover encompasses what this book is about.

The world building, for a children's book, was believable. I feel like children will instantly be immersed in Marten's world.

The pacing starts off decent enough, but I felt like it becomes a little too fast paced. There were times I was left so confused as to what had just happened. I felt like the transitions between one scene to the next weren't very smooth. I feel that maybe if this book was a little bit longer, the pacing could have been better as things could've been explained a bit better.

I think children in middle school and older elementary children will definitely enjoy the plot. I'm sure many children with younger siblings have been so annoyed with them, that they've wished they would disappear. That's exactly what happens to Marten, but after his wish comes true, he begins to regret it and does anything and everything he can in order to make his little brother come back. Wish You Weren't conveys such a fantastic message about being a family.

I think most children will be able to easily relate to Marten. He's an 11 year old boy who is sick of his younger brother always messing with his stuff and always getting him in trouble. Marten is definitely a brave boy, and throughout the book, it's easy to see how much he really does love his brother as well as the rest of the family. I don't really have an opinion about Paul. On one hand, he just felt like a really pointless character, but I could see why the author chose to put him in the book. Paul is Marten's best friend, and I felt like he contributed to making Marten feel a bit braver. I would've like to know more about Aldrin, Marten's younger brother, so I would feel a bit more emotional towards him.

The dialogue flows really well and fits in with a middle grade level book. I think children who are interested in astronomy will really love this book as there's some scientific information regarding stars and space in this book. There's not any violence or sexual references and no swearing unless you consider "hell" a swear word which was only mentioned once.

Overall, Wish You Weren't by Sherrie Petersen is a great read for older elementary children as well as those in junior high. It touches on a topic that most children can relate to and has a sense of adventure to it. The only downside was the pacing which goes a little too fast although that doesn't take away from the book that much. However, the message this book conveys is a very good one!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 8+ who have ever wished a sibling away or for those that like a book that has a great sense of adventure within its pages.

(I received a free ebook of this title from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).
The Girl Who Saved Christmas
The Girl Who Saved Christmas
Matt Haig, Chris Mould | 2017 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Girl Who Saved Christmas by Matt Haig is a very charming story that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. It is the story of Amelia Wishart, who is the first child ever to receive a gift from Father Christmas. She never loses hope throughout the misery she encounters in her very young life and however much she would like to stop believing in magic and goodness, she never fully does. Her hope made that first visit possible, and, just a couple of years later, her hope might just save Christmas itself. 

The story takes place in two locations that couldn't be more different: Elfhelm, where it is clean and only ever gets as cold as you want it to be, and in 1841 London, where it is dirty, cold and unfriendly place to orphans.

The characters in the story are quite fun. Amelia and Father Christmas both have strong personalities with a firm determination to get things done. Mr. Creeper is just as his name predicts, he is creepy and not a nice man at all. The guest appearances of a ruling head of state and a famous author are perfect. One passage was hilarious and it took me several minutes to sop laughing before I could continue reading. I was amused.

I recommend this book for read-a-loud's to children and for middle grade readers. 

I received this book from NetGalley via Random House Children's Knopf Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review.

Purrsistently (46 KP) rated The Sign of the Cat in Books

Jun 24, 2018 (Updated Jun 24, 2018)  
The Sign of the Cat
The Sign of the Cat
Lynne Jonelle | 2016 | Children
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kitten, Tigers, Eels, Oh My!
I really loved this middle grade offering. The cats are an obvious draw themselves of course but it was well constructed apart from its feline charm.

The plot kept one guessing enough to be engaged (I finished in one long sitting), there were interesting lovable characters (if not perhaps the most fleshed out- though I’d say it was easily on par with Narnia in that regard), the dialogue wasn’t anything you’d find in Austen but there were moments that drew chuckles and I was satisfied on that score for the age group it is intended to appeal to.

The narrative had its insightful moments, and the writing itself was pleasant. I’d think the vocabulary employed would be largely comfortable but stretching (in a good way) for most 4th-6th graders, though obviously that depends on the child.

The only warning I would have for very young sensitive animal loving children is that the villain might be a tad dark for them. I’m certain I would have cried and been furious at a couple points as a child and probably would have ranted to family and friends about how despicable he was. One part drew a “well, F***!” from me as it is, and a couple descriptions made me a bit squeamish but they were not graphic and I’m pretty squeamish about such things in general. I would gladly recommend it to most any kiddo I know or even an adult who really likes cats. :P
The Wild Robot Escapes
The Wild Robot Escapes
Peter Brown | 2018 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Wild Robot Escapes By: Peter Brown
Middle Grade Pages: 273

This is the second book in a series. I didn't realize it when I picked it up at the library. I read this book to my 13/14 year old. I read to him most every night for 20 minutes because he has a learning disability and this helps him with his reading.
Even though this is the second we still really enjoyed it and gave it 4 stars. The author did a great job with giving you a run down of what happened in the first book that yo able to catch on with what he telling in this book.
This book is about a robot named Roz who wants to go back home to her Island. The book starts off with Roz working at a farm well she is actually running the farm. She is very good at what she does. She becomes friends with the cows and the two children on the farm. Roz can only think about going home to her island while working on the farm. Roz also has a secret that she is hiding because she is afraid that if someone finds out she will never get back home and she thinks the family will send her back to the factory because she is dysfunctional. Does Roz make it back to her island. You will have to read the book to find out.
This book is full of adventures that your child will enjoy it.
Dear Brave Friend
Dear Brave Friend
Leigh Ann Gerk | 2019 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book called “Dear Brave Friend”. It was good. It is based on the fact of a dog passing away but does it through a letter from the dog to the boy. It explains the feeling of how the boy may feel after losing a pet. Any pet lover can use this for any pet, not just a dog.

The book shows the compassion of how to deal with losing a pet and it is okay. You can put your cat in where the dog is being interpreted. The book does a wonderful job of going through the feeling you or your child may go through with losing a pet.

The pictures are well done. I enjoyed them. I can see many pet lovers using this book. It helps with explaining the feeling and emotions of losing a pet. It also talks about what you can do to remember your pet. There are some blank pages in the back of the book that will let you write and draw your lost pet if you choose to do so.

I was captured by the pictures in the book. They are my favorite. They were beautifully done. I can not say that enough. The story is done well. It hit the meaning of losing a pet without getting too complicated. It was written well. I just can not believe this is a self-help book for children and middle-grade kids. It feels more than that when you read it. Any pet lover will enjoy this book.
Under Lock and Skeleton Key
Under Lock and Skeleton Key
Gigi Pandian | 2022 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Body in the Sealed Off Room
After her career as a magician in Las Vegas ended in a near fatal accident, Tempest Raj has returned home to her family. That includes time with her father’s construction business, which creates hidden rooms, secret staircases, etc., for his clients. Tempest is on hand at his newest job site when they discover a room that appears to have been sealed for decades. However, when they open it, a body falls out, and Tempest recognizes the victim. So, how did the victim get there? And who killed her?

This series is going to focus on locked-room mysteries, and it starts out with a good one. I enjoyed the dual puzzles of who did it and how the body got into the locked room. The beginning of the book was a little rough. While we don’t get a complete data dump with back story, there is a lot of material here, and the constant teasing of it was almost as bad. Still, as the book progressed, it got better, and the parts that aren’t completely resolved here will make great fodder for future books. Tempest is a great main character, and I quickly grew to love her family and friends, including a character imported from another of this author’s series. The magic and hidden room aspect gave this book a bit of a middle grade mystery vibe, which I completely loved. I will definitely be back to find out what happens to Tempest next.
Once Upon Another Time
Once Upon Another Time
James Riley | 2022 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Second Magical Remix of Fairytales
Lena is small for a giant, but she is still ready to participate in her first Ritual of the Spark ceremony. However, when she does go, things don’t go the way she thought they would, and she finds herself running to visit her friends in the Cursed City. Meanwhile, Jin, a genie in training, finds himself on a mission for his current master, the Golden King. The king is trying to capture the Last Knight, the leaders of the rebels, and his current hiding place is supposed to be the Cursed City. What will happen when both Lena and Jin get there?

I’ve been reading author James Riley since his first book came out, and when I found out he was returning to that world for a new trilogy, I was thrilled. This book stands on its own, although there are a few references to things from the earlier books. We alternate chapters from Lena and Jin’s points-of-view, so we get to know them both well. I liked them and several of the other characters here. The further into the book I read, the more I was hooked on the story as the characters faced more obstacles. With that ending, I’m glad the next is coming out this fall. The target middle grade audience will love this series, and anyone looking for a fun take on familiar characters will be glad they picked it up no matter what their age.
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
The Equalizer 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Mystery
Smart action flick with a tremendous Denzel performance
I really enjoyed the first EQUALIZER film. Based on the TV show of the same name, it followed the exploits of Denzel Washington as he "righted wrongs". I nicknamed this film "how to kill bad guys with things you find at your local Home Depot", for that is what happens. Denzel's character improvises traps and weapons to dispatch the evil-doers.

So...I was "all in" when they announced a sequel to this flick. I figured that Washington and his frequent collaborator, Director Antoine Fuqua (both Equalizer's as well as helming Denzel's Oscar winning performance in TRAINING DAY) would make things "bigger and badder" as often happens in sequels - bigger stakes, more bad guys, bigger - and trickier - improvisations - this time, perhaps at a Walmart!

But I was wrong - they didn't go bigger, they went smaller and smarter - and the movie is better for it.

In EQUALIZER 2, we get more personal with Denzel's character, Robert McCall. There still are plenty of bad guys getting the punishment they deserve, but it is the toll on McCall and the reasoning behind why he is doing what he is doing that is at center stage in this film, putting the weight of this film, rightfully so, on Denzel's more than capable shoulders. He comes through - as he always does - tremendously well. There is one scene where Denzel is trying to get a teenage boy to walk away from a gang. I was amazed that I was watching an "Academy Award" level scene in the middle of an action flick, but that is absolutely what it is.

Now...make no mistake...there is plenty of action, chases and violence in this film, but Fuqua shows great restraint, giving the violence a purpose instead of being gratuitous. Even when they have a final battle in the middle of a hurricane-level storm, Fuqua rightfully focuses on the people element of things - and not the spectacle of the elements and circumstances.

Both Fuqua and Washington make some smart choices in this film, which makes it a smart movie, well made with just enough action to please all.

Letter Grade: A-

8 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Forever (Changers #4)
Forever (Changers #4)
T. Cooper, Allison Glock-Cooper | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fun and amazing read (2 more)
Loads of representation
Easy to read
You can also find this review on my blog:

I received Forever (Changers Book 4) from LibraryThing to read and review. I have not read books 1 - 3 yet but this little novel is such a hidden gem! The beginning was basically a recap of what happened in the first three books and the authors do such an amazing job with the writing that I was able to read Forever (Changers Book 4) with no problem. So, just because this is the fourth book in the installment doesn't mean that you can't read it as a stand-alone as well.

There is LGBTQ+ representation along with ethnic representation throughout the entirety of the novel. This was seriously a jackpot of a book to get. I enjoyed every second of it and my attention was grabbed and never let go until I put the novel down. As I was reading, I couldn't and didn't want to stop reading. I ended up devouring it in a matter of a 3 day period.

I loved how this was a middle-school grade, young adult, contemporary fantasy but also had hints of sci-fi. Due to the fact that some people changed each year into new individuals. It makes me want to get books 1 - 3 and reread the entire series.

Reasons why I rated it 5 stars:
1. Amazing read!
2. Multiple of different representations.
3. My attention was maintained on the entirety of the novel.
4. Writing was well-done, no grammatical or spelling errors that I saw.
Marabel and the Book of Fate
Marabel and the Book of Fate
Tracy Barrett | 2018 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was the first Tracy Barrett novel that I have read and I have to say I'm really impressed. This book has all of the elements I love mashed into one story. On this middle grade adventure book you get to explore the kingdom of Magikos. Magikos is a magic free kingdom. The only magic that is allowed are the "Evils" (AKA magical creatures) that are kept in Zoos, and stables. If you want to experience magic you have to go to the Barrens. The Barrens are where you'll find all sorts of fantastical creatures including but not limited to faeries, ogres, dragons, and giants.

The plot was well thought out and developed and it was fun to join Marabel on her journey through the Barrens. I could go into more depth but I fear that it might contain spoilers so I will just say, that I enjoyed the girl power nature of this book.

Something else that I liked were the characters. Many times an author will make the rightful heir hated and a jerk, what I liked is that Marco was lovable. He seemed to truly care about Marabel and was a good brother. I loved it. Marabel was lovable as well and though there were times where she could have been self pitting she never once stopped with her adventure. My only issue was that the characters didn't have much depth to them. I would have loved to see more growth in all of the characters.

All in all, I enjoyed this book. I'm giving it 4 stars because I loved the fast paced nature of the book but I also wanted a little more depth.