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Bastille Vs. the Evil Librarians
Bastille Vs. the Evil Librarians
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fanciful and Funny Finale. Finally.
This book opens right where the previous one ended. That means Alcatraz is dressed in a tux tied to an altar of outdated encyclopedias in the Highbrary having just experienced two horrific personal losses. That’s when Bastille finally wakes up from her coma and comes rushing in to try to save the day. But with the leader of the librarians on his way to enact his evil plan half way around the world, can anyone stop him? Especially since Alcatraz doesn’t seem to have it in him to fight any more.

I am so glad this middle grade fantasy book finally came out so we could have a proper conclusion to the series. If you are new, don’t jump in here but start at the beginning so you won’t be confused, but those who are fans will be properly rewarded. We have all the same action, humor, and craziness we’ve come to expect. This book does deal with the dark ending of the previous book, and I appreciated how it did that, including the growth it gave us in Alcatraz and Bastille. The rest of the characters are entertaining. And I mentioned the action right? There were so many twists and so much danger I had a hard time putting the book down. I definitely feel like the wait to find out what happened was worth it.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Nov 27, 2022  
Love surfing? Author Kellye Abernathy stops by my blog to share three things you many not know about surfing. While you're there, check out her middle grade magical realism fantasy book THE AQUAMARINE SURFBOARD, and enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed copy.

“Age never matters; these things are about bravery and heart.”

Thirteen-year-old Condi Bloom’s dream is to learn to surf, but her laid-back beach town isn’t what it used to be. Big resort owners are taking over the cove. Worse, someone’s harassing the Beachlings, the mysterious old women living in the cliffs off Windy Hollow, a lonely tower of rock that people say is haunted. When a new surfer boy named Trustin shows up in town and invites Condi to a forbidden surfing spot, she’s swept into an extraordinary underwater adventure, where a surprising encounter with Koan, the Riddlemaster of the Sea, changes her life. Along with Trustin, his quirky twin and a mystical aquamarine surfboard, Condi learns the untold stories of the Beachlings, uncovering the timeless secrets of Windy Hollow.

Ebbing and flowing between reality and magic, times past and present, The Aquamarine Surfboard by Kellye Abernathy is a riveting beach tale about opening up to mystery, building community when and where you can — and discovering the ocean is filled with magic—the really BIG kind—the kind that changes the world.
Merci Suarez Changes Gears
Merci Suarez Changes Gears
Meg Medina | 2018 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<img src=""; width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>
#Merci Suarez #Net Galley Candle Wick Publishing Children's fiction Middle Grade
Release date September 11, 2018 368 pages

I was lucky enough to be selected to read this book before it is released. I enjoyed this book greatly. I gave it 4 stars.
This book is about a Latino family who live in Florida. The family consist of a grandma, grandpa, aunt, twin cousins, mom, dad, older brother and the main character Merci. They really aren't poor but nor are they rich. probably low middle class. Both of the older children go to a private school by way of scholarship. The dad owns his own business as a painter and to pay the children's books during the summer they painted the gym. They wear a uniform to this school. Merci isn't as smart as her older brother who loves science. She has lazy eye and has gone the process of wearing a patch and having surgery. Her eye still has some issues at times. The students are required to do community service at this school. Most students only have to do 40 hours but Merci and her brother have to do 60 hours because of their scholarship. She isn't thrilled about her community service which is being a Sunshine Buddy. She ends up being a buddy to a boy which is unusually for a girl to be buddy with a boy. All the other children tease her when she tries to make contact in school. This new boy Michael Clark is a very cute boy and all the girls talk about him.
This book is about Merci and the things she goes through not only at school but also at home. She hates have to help out with her twin cousins because now she isn't able to go to soccer try outs which she really wants to do because she has to her Grandma watch the twins. Her Grandpa whom she adores is sick and she does find out but is the last to know and gets upset with her family for not telling her sooner. She is scared and mad at the same time.
This is a great book for a middle grader to read because it will explain about the disease her grandpa has in a very understanding way. It will give them understanding on how you can work through some hard times.
It is hard to go into detail because I don't want to give anything away about this story. I read most of it in one setting.
The author did a great job.
Wish You Weren't
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

The blurb of this book really caught my eye. I don't usually read middle grade books, but this one sounded very interesting.

The title of this book is fantastic! It's really conveys what the book is about. Once you read the book, you'll know what I'm talking about.

I like the cover, but I don't feel like a child in junior high school or elementary would be drawn to the cover. For me, the cover encompasses what this book is about.

The world building, for a children's book, was believable. I feel like children will instantly be immersed in Marten's world.

The pacing starts off decent enough, but I felt like it becomes a little too fast paced. There were times I was left so confused as to what had just happened. I felt like the transitions between one scene to the next weren't very smooth. I feel that maybe if this book was a little bit longer, the pacing could have been better as things could've been explained a bit better.

I think children in middle school and older elementary children will definitely enjoy the plot. I'm sure many children with younger siblings have been so annoyed with them, that they've wished they would disappear. That's exactly what happens to Marten, but after his wish comes true, he begins to regret it and does anything and everything he can in order to make his little brother come back. Wish You Weren't conveys such a fantastic message about being a family.

I think most children will be able to easily relate to Marten. He's an 11 year old boy who is sick of his younger brother always messing with his stuff and always getting him in trouble. Marten is definitely a brave boy, and throughout the book, it's easy to see how much he really does love his brother as well as the rest of the family. I don't really have an opinion about Paul. On one hand, he just felt like a really pointless character, but I could see why the author chose to put him in the book. Paul is Marten's best friend, and I felt like he contributed to making Marten feel a bit braver. I would've like to know more about Aldrin, Marten's younger brother, so I would feel a bit more emotional towards him.

The dialogue flows really well and fits in with a middle grade level book. I think children who are interested in astronomy will really love this book as there's some scientific information regarding stars and space in this book. There's not any violence or sexual references and no swearing unless you consider "hell" a swear word which was only mentioned once.

Overall, Wish You Weren't by Sherrie Petersen is a great read for older elementary children as well as those in junior high. It touches on a topic that most children can relate to and has a sense of adventure to it. The only downside was the pacing which goes a little too fast although that doesn't take away from the book that much. However, the message this book conveys is a very good one!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 8+ who have ever wished a sibling away or for those that like a book that has a great sense of adventure within its pages.

(I received a free ebook of this title from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).
    Smarty Shortz 1st Grade

    Smarty Shortz 1st Grade

    Education and Games

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    Finally, an awesome, interactive, learning tool designed for your grade school Smarty! This...

The Girl Who Saved Christmas
The Girl Who Saved Christmas
Matt Haig, Chris Mould | 2017 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Girl Who Saved Christmas by Matt Haig is a very charming story that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. It is the story of Amelia Wishart, who is the first child ever to receive a gift from Father Christmas. She never loses hope throughout the misery she encounters in her very young life and however much she would like to stop believing in magic and goodness, she never fully does. Her hope made that first visit possible, and, just a couple of years later, her hope might just save Christmas itself. 

The story takes place in two locations that couldn't be more different: Elfhelm, where it is clean and only ever gets as cold as you want it to be, and in 1841 London, where it is dirty, cold and unfriendly place to orphans.

The characters in the story are quite fun. Amelia and Father Christmas both have strong personalities with a firm determination to get things done. Mr. Creeper is just as his name predicts, he is creepy and not a nice man at all. The guest appearances of a ruling head of state and a famous author are perfect. One passage was hilarious and it took me several minutes to sop laughing before I could continue reading. I was amused.

I recommend this book for read-a-loud's to children and for middle grade readers. 

I received this book from NetGalley via Random House Children's Knopf Books for Young Readers in exchange for an honest review.

Purrsistently (46 KP) rated The Sign of the Cat in Books

Jun 24, 2018 (Updated Jun 24, 2018)  
The Sign of the Cat
The Sign of the Cat
Lynne Jonelle | 2016 | Children
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kitten, Tigers, Eels, Oh My!
I really loved this middle grade offering. The cats are an obvious draw themselves of course but it was well constructed apart from its feline charm.

The plot kept one guessing enough to be engaged (I finished in one long sitting), there were interesting lovable characters (if not perhaps the most fleshed out- though I’d say it was easily on par with Narnia in that regard), the dialogue wasn’t anything you’d find in Austen but there were moments that drew chuckles and I was satisfied on that score for the age group it is intended to appeal to.

The narrative had its insightful moments, and the writing itself was pleasant. I’d think the vocabulary employed would be largely comfortable but stretching (in a good way) for most 4th-6th graders, though obviously that depends on the child.

The only warning I would have for very young sensitive animal loving children is that the villain might be a tad dark for them. I’m certain I would have cried and been furious at a couple points as a child and probably would have ranted to family and friends about how despicable he was. One part drew a “well, F***!” from me as it is, and a couple descriptions made me a bit squeamish but they were not graphic and I’m pretty squeamish about such things in general. I would gladly recommend it to most any kiddo I know or even an adult who really likes cats. :P
The Wild Robot Escapes
The Wild Robot Escapes
Peter Brown | 2018 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Wild Robot Escapes By: Peter Brown
Middle Grade Pages: 273

This is the second book in a series. I didn't realize it when I picked it up at the library. I read this book to my 13/14 year old. I read to him most every night for 20 minutes because he has a learning disability and this helps him with his reading.
Even though this is the second we still really enjoyed it and gave it 4 stars. The author did a great job with giving you a run down of what happened in the first book that yo able to catch on with what he telling in this book.
This book is about a robot named Roz who wants to go back home to her Island. The book starts off with Roz working at a farm well she is actually running the farm. She is very good at what she does. She becomes friends with the cows and the two children on the farm. Roz can only think about going home to her island while working on the farm. Roz also has a secret that she is hiding because she is afraid that if someone finds out she will never get back home and she thinks the family will send her back to the factory because she is dysfunctional. Does Roz make it back to her island. You will have to read the book to find out.
This book is full of adventures that your child will enjoy it.