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When sorting books in the basement of the town library, Ricky Kidd stumbles on what he thinks might be a treasure map. Soon, the entire town is buzzing about it, and the race is on to find the treasure that the town miser hid before his death. Can Ricky and his friends find the treasure first? Is there even a treasure to find?

It’s been a while since I first read this series or revisited the characters, but I quickly fell back under their spell. The characters are absolutely wonderful with hints at hidden layers. The plot is strong with wonderful clues and twists before the end. And there are some great laughs and nice thoughtful moments along the way as well. The target middle grade audience will love it, and any mystery reader will enjoy it as well.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
When Dreams Come True
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Dreams Come True by Rebecca Emin is the story of the awkward phase when children transition from being children to becoming teenagers. It is a middle-grade novel, written in first person, from the point of view of a thirteen-year-old girl named Charlie. Readers follow Charlie as she struggles with the changes she and her friends; Max, Toby, and Allie are going through.

This book is a fairly simple plot with not much happening but this did not in any way make the book boring. It was a quick read with characters who were relatable. I wish the plot line was more explained and fully developed. The writing struggled a bit with not having a uniquing voice and the dialogue was a bit unrealistic.

Other than the underdeveloped plot and unrealistic dialogue, When Dreams Come True was a good read.

I give this book 3/5 stars.

I received this book from Gingersnap books via Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.
The Missing Map of Pirate’s Haven
The Missing Map of Pirate’s Haven
Sigmund Brouwer | 1991 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Will the Accidental Detectives Find the Pirate Treasure?
Ricky, his brother Joel, and their friends are off to San Diego to help Lisa’s uncle paint his new house. When they arrive, they learn a local legend about a pirate who has buried his treasure in the area. It sounds crazy until Joel finds a couple of silver coins. Meanwhile, Lisa’s uncle is acting strangely. Can Ricky figure out everything that is going on?

I’ve read this book a couple of times now, although it’s been over a decade since the last time I read it, so pieces of the plot came back to me as I was reading. Even so, I was still blown away by how well plotted the book is, with all the clues needed in very plain sight. The characters are strong as well, and they provide some wonderful laughs along the way. The Christian elements is woven in seamlessly and never overwhelms this plot driven middle grade book.
I'm 19% finished with this book and I have to put it down. My life is too short to read books that I cannot get into.

I was really excited to read this book. The advertising was spectacular and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to read a "Harry Potter with millenials." Unfortunately this book has fell so flat I'm having to DNF it. The characters seem to be extremely chiche & their descriptions were just awful. If this is supposed to be adult fiction you really don't need to have a description being "the hot" guy. I would expect more from any author.

The plot line seemed interesting enough but the writing has ruined any chance for me to enjoy it. It reads like a mix between young adult and middle grade fiction. This would be all fine and dandy if it wasn't being advertised as adult fiction.

All in all, I would not recommend this book.

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review*
The Wanderer
The Wanderer
Sharon Creech | 2000 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not A Lot Going On
This book is intended for middle grade readers, so I was expecting a simple story. It ended up being to simple. The author underestimates what the reader will follow and comprehen, and the story greatly suffers because of this. The characters were interesting, but I would have liked the writer to spend more time explaining the characters past and showing them develop new relationships. Cody and his dad particularly had a relationship that I would have liked to know more about.
I did enjoy the story style of change back and forth between Cody's and Sophie's journals. They both had unique views on the events happening around them, and Cody's point of view gave the reader some much needed insight on Sophie.
Overall this was a quick read, and it did have some strong points; however the story feels as if its missing something that keeps it from being anything special.
Deaf Child Crossing
Deaf Child Crossing
Marlee Matlin | 2002 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Awful MC
Deaf Child Crossing is a middle grade read that tells the story of two nine year old girls. Megan is deaf, and Cindy is the new girl that just moved in to her neighborhood.
I liked Cindy she was a realistic, and tried her best to be a good friend. Unfortunately Megan was the main focus of the book, and she was awful. I will say she was technically realistic just now very likeable. She treats Cindy horribly through most of the book, but it gets played off because Megan is working through stuff. I know this happens in real life but I hate seeing it in literature. It is not okay to treat people like crap just because you are going through something!
I know this book gets a lot of applause for having a deaf character, but I really feel like there has to be better books available.
The Sleepwalking Vampire (The Decoders #3
The Sleepwalking Vampire (The Decoders #3
Alba Arango | 2018 | Children, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Sleepwalking Vampire is a unique story. This book got some original to it. Though this one was more entertaining and interesting read. I am not into vampires much at all. The way this book is focused on a friend's family member and her problem. It different in a way as the child think she is a vampire.

They think she a real one or at least one of them does. This mystery seems funnier. The way this one goes makes it believable. These detectives not own need to solve one mystery but two. They find out that jewelry is going missing.

This book and whole series is a good one for middle-grade children. If you enjoy solving puzzles and riddles and trying to figure out who done it? This book and series are good for your child or children. I do recommend it and each book has its mysteries to solve. This is a good Halloween story or book.
Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky (Tristan Strong #1)
Tristan Strong Punches a Hole in the Sky (Tristan Strong #1)
Kwame Mbalia | 2019 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
the characters (2 more)
the story
Good read for anyone
This is a great middle grade book. The story is compelling and deep. Tristan is a boy who is struggling with growing up, figuring out how to deal with losing his best friend, and feeling like a disappointment to his parents and grandparents. It's a rollercoaster of feelings and a great story.
If you don't know anything or much about African American or African folktales or mythology, it's ok. I really know only two (John Henry the reason why I bought the book.) and have only a passing knowledge of some of the characters and others I didn't know at all. And that didn't distract from the story. I will be looking the stories up because I want to know more about them. That kind of curiosity is something that I feel makes a great book.
I look forward to reading the next story.
Grimworld: Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock
Grimworld: Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock
Avery Moray | 2019 | Children, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lately, I've been reading more Middle Grade books. There's just something refreshing about them. When the opportunity to read Grimworld by Avery Moray arose, I just couldn't say no. I love Middle Grade books as I've just said, and I love books that have a creepy, spooky factor. Grimworld checked both of those boxes. I will say that I enjoyed this short read for sure.

Thirteen year old Henry Bats lives in an eccentric world where all sorts of paranormal creatures lurk. Most of the time, he isn't really scared as this is just a normal thing to him. When one of these paranormal creatures scares him into helping it as well as promising him whatever he wants in return, Henry agrees. This turns out to be a deadly mistake because in return, instead of the comic book he wanted, Henry is now stuck with a pocket watch around his neck telling him when he will die. Part of Henry's life has been stolen away, and now he must figure out a way to get his life back or die in the process.

The plot for Grimworld was definitely intriguing and original. I loved all the crazy creature names and the world in which Henry lived. It sort of reminded me of the Harry Potter world in a way. There is plenty of action throughout the book, and I found myself really rooting for Henry and his friends. There's definitely some scary scenes in there, but I don't think it would be overly scary for middle graders who love horror. There are a few minor plot twists in there which aren't too predictable which is great! Although there is no real cliff hanger, Avery Moray does leave this book open for a sequel.

For the most part, Moray does a fantastic job at pitching to her target age group of around 11 - 13 years of age. She uses silly words throughout which children are sure to enjoy. However, sometimes the language may be a bit difficult for that age group due to more difficult words or as I like to call them "big words." Luckily, this doesn't happen that often. Also, there is a point in the book where Moray mentions pay phones and receivers which young kids may not know about in this day and age. Another thing I found a wee bit strange was that Henry's parents are always referred to by their actual names, Gobbert and Mildred, instead of mom and dad. While I know that some kids refer to their parents by their actual names, the majority of children do not. I felt it would have been a bit easier for children to reference Henry's parents as mom and dad instead of as Mildred and Gobbert.

The pacing is done beautifully in Grimworld. Although this is a middle grade read, this book still held my attention throughout. I was always looking forward to how the story would progress. I had to know if Henry and his friends would escape their horrible fate of the life that was stolen from them. This is also a short read, so I think children will have no problem reading Grimworld.

Character development was on point throughout Grimworld, and I really did feel as if every character acted their age. I admired Henry's determination to not only help himself but his other friends that were facing the same problem as him. I loved his quest to stop at nothing to find a solution. Lang was one of my favorite characters. I felt bad for what he had been through, and I guess that made me really bond with him. It was interesting to hear about his life. Hattie, Henry's younger sister, was also a great character. It was obvious she cared a lot about her brother all throughout the book. Persi was also a favorite of mine simply because I loved her dress sense and personality!

Trigger warnings for Grimworld include death (although it's nothing too heavy), minor violence, and paranormal creatures. However, this is a fantasy horror book so keep that in mind. I don't think it's too dark or overly scary when it comes to the age group it's written for.

Overall, Grimworld is a spooky read with fantastic characters and a great plot which will suck you right in! I would recommend Grimworld by Avery Moray to those aged 11 to 13 years of age who love a quirky spooky read. I'd also recommend it to adults as well who enjoy middle grade fantasy horror. You'll definitely be entertained by this book!
(A special thank you to Avery Moray for providing me with a paperback of Grimworld in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)
Eighth Grade (2018)
Eighth Grade (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Generational Movie
Eighth Grade left a long impact on me after viewing and I think it has a lot to do with how real it is. There were so many moments where I cringed as if I was watching this happen to someone I knew. For a lot of people, myself included, middle school sucks and it’s not getting any easier the more social media has emerged. Eighth Grade in no way romanticizes things, but instead opts to identify fully with the struggle of young Kayla (Elsie Fisher) and her quest fit in while maintaining some kind of self-identity.

Acting: 10
After watching this movie, it left no doubt in my mind that Elsie Fisher has an amazing career ahead of her in acting if she so chooses. It wouldn’t have surprised me in the slightest if she had been up for an Academy Award. She makes this movie feel very real and personal. You can feel her awkwardness and how it impacts the situations she’s in. She captures the essence of teenage angst: Having the need to fit in and impress at the same time. It makes you cringe and laugh all at once.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
While there are a number of other characters in the movie that make it great, Eighth Grade is nothing without our star Kayla. Rooting for her character is really what drives the movie overall. She reminds you of what it was like to find yourself and how it good it feels to not have to pretend to be something you’re not for the sake of the approval of others. She’s a bit strange, but in an endearing, funny kind of way.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10

Genre: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10
Never gets old or suffers from “filler” scenes like a good number of dramas tend to do. It gets right to the chase showing you exactly what it wants to you to see before moving on to the next moment. The beauty of this movie is I was always intrigued from scene to the next and I think it’s due in large part to the fact that I was always invested in Kayla’s well-being.

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10

Overall: 100
Eighth Grade snuck up on me in 2018 and I’m so glad it did. I loved it in more ways than one and I think it’s a generational movie that should be on a number of all-time lists for years to come. Beautiful, inspiring movie.

Andy K (10821 KP) May 13, 2019

Loved this movie as well.