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Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, Mystery
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This is not your father’s Jack Ryan; but it should’ve been.
Chris Pine stars as the famed Jack Ryan in this reboot of the character. We open the movie with Ryan

attending school in London on the day many won’t soon forget: September 11, 2001. The events

this day push Ryan into enlisting in the Marines and we join him 3 years later where we see Ryan in

a helicopter with some brothers-in-arms. It doesn’t take long for the helo to be shot down, but not

without Ryan becoming a hero. After extensive rehab from a broken spine, Mr. Ryan is approached by

Thomas Harper (Kevin Costner) to join the CIA as an analyst.


This intro to the movie was short. But what lacks in length it makes up for in the eloquence in which

it delivers the back story for Jack Ryan, thus setting up a whole new franchise and getting new viewers

ready for the ride. After this intro, we flash forward 10 years later to find Ryan working on Wall Street,

but he’s undercover and is an analyst for the CIA. He is with his one-time physical therapist, Cathy

Muller (Keira Knightley), and he discovers the details of a planned economic attack against the USA.

It isn’t long before he is whisked away to Russia to do some wet work, and he bumbles into the life

of a field agent facing off against the mastermind of the villainy in the film, Viktor Cherevin (Kenneth



Some may find that the movie lacks the quick-paced, non-stop action that we have seen from spy

movies these days (including the famous 007), but it does keep a good pace and puts an intelligent story

line on the screen and actually entices the audience to think, all the while including some action for the



Pine plays a very believable Jack Ryan. He portrays a character that is more closely linked to Tom

Clancy’s original stories and vision for the character than even Harrison Ford did in Patriot Games (which

I thought was an excellent movie). He nailed the bumbling analyst-turned-field-agent in such a way that

you’d believe it was really his personality. They explain his ability to handle himself with the military

background so expertly set up at the beginning of the movie. Adding Costner to the cast was a stroke

of genius as he plays the mentor/superior part extremely well, but he wasn’t in the film so much as

to distract from the focus of Ryan. Branagh (who also directed the film) played an excellent Russian

adversary to Ryan, who was nothing short of a genius in the way he delivered his character’s stoic

responses and reactions.


If I had to name one gripe with the movie, which believe me was no small feat, it was the Cathy

Muller character. Don’t get me wrong, the character was amazing and Knightley did an admirable job

portraying her. I just felt that she seemed to accept things that most people would question a little too

quickly, and without any reservation.


Other than that, the movie rocked. The action scenes were gripping and the actual story-line was

intelligent. The best thing is that story was plausible. It was not over the top or wildly impossible in the

real world. The scary part is just that. The plot of this movie could actually happen. I would definitely

recommend checking it out in theaters, and it most certainly made my “gotta buy it on bluray” list.
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Cherry (2021)
Cherry (2021)
2021 | Crime, Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Tom Holland and Joe and Anthony Russo have teamed up again but this time on a project which is about as far away from the Marvel universe as possible. Based on the book Nico Walker; “Cherry” is a compelling tale told in segments that depict a different style and phase of the main character’s life.

Holland stars as a young man who is trying to find a direction in his life. He meets a young girl named Emily (Ciara Bravo), and soon begins a relationship with her. This phase of the film plays out as a Young Romance film and the audience is given a good look at their world.

When Emily decides to move to Montreal to go to school and escape the issues she has’ Cherry goes into a downward spiral and enlists in the Army as a way to escape his pain and to try to find direction.

The film takes a dramatic turn at this point as Emily and Cherry reunite and marries but he is facing his pending military service which will split the couple. The film then pivots and becomes a war movie as we see Cherry go through Basic Training and then is deployed to Afghanistan as a medic. The horrors he experiences during his two years in the service traumatize him and he returns home to Emily with a severe case of PTSD which complicates their life and relationship.

The film then pivots again to show a descent into depression and drug addiction as Cherry and Emily fall deeply into the spell of drugs which causes Cherry to become more and more desperate to fund their habit which soon includes bank robbery.

While the film is deeply dark and depressing; there is a thread of hope throughout the film as despite their numerous issues; the bond between Emily and Cherry remains despite challenges well beyond what any normal relationship faces.

The honest and brutal nature of the story is amplified by the fact that this is a true story based on the life of Nico Walker. There have been films that depict the challenges facing Vets such as “The Deer Hunter” “Coming Home”, and “Born on the 4th of July”, which underscores the struggles that Vietnam Vets faced after their service. While “Cherry” looks at a modern conflict; it underscores how Vets are still struggling to get the care they need as many survivors to return broken and unable to resume their lives.

Holland and Bravo have solid chemistry with one another and the story is gripping and engaging throughout. Seeing Holland in a much more mature and darker role than we are used to seeing him in shows that he has a range of talents and is very capable of taking on a variety of parts.

Joe and Anthony Russo moved well from their recent Marvel films to a deeply personal and troubling story and the fact that they cover the multiple genres in each of the film segments shows they are very talented filmmakers with a bright future.

Do not be shocked to see “Cherry” come up at the next awards season as it is a film not to be missed and you can see it on Apple TV on March 12th. and cinemas on February 26th.

4.5 stars out of 5
Bumblebee (2018)
Bumblebee (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
I'm really torn by this film. I enjoyed it but at the same time it isn't amazing. It's got all the classic formulas in it. Charlie is still trying to make sense of her father's death. Bumblebee is trying to remember who he is. Together they help each other... it really could be one of many films.

Something I'm pleased to discover is that other people were getting Herbie vibes from this. In the notes I was jotting down for my review I put "this would make a pretty good Herbie story". And then I pondered the possibility that Herbie was a Transformer who was broken and stuck in his Beetle shape.

The opening battle on Cyberton is surprisingly natural considering it's made up of CGId robots. It makes for a great opening. But I wasn't wowed. I should have been blown away by the effects and I just wasn't.

Bumblebee as a character was a real joy. After his memory is damaged he's basically back to being a scared little boy and the animation reflects that incredibly well. Everything about him is inquisitive and childlike, and all the little touches are there to really bring him to life. He's very human in the moments before he gets his memory back.

There are so many of his scenes that were genuinely pleasing to watch. Him waving at Charlie as she chases after them. The cassette tapes. The extended toilet paper prank and house demolition scenes. Probably my favourite bit though is where he's sitting in the forest and she's trying to fix him, his fidgeting is adorable.

When it comes to the cast feels like we've got the members of a comedy working on a drama/action film. They work well with what they've got and we get some enjoyable performances but there's nothing that really sticks in the memory.

I still enjoyed Bumblebee but I can't say that I found it to be any better than previous films in the franchise, certainly not on the action and graphics side of things. The soundtrack is full of some classic tunes that are very well placed, and the overall vibe of that combined with everything else is spot on for the 80s. You do forget it's set in 1987 though, which means that little things pop up like the TV and the technology that the military have and you feel like the films has already dated.

This is the first Transformers movie to get a PG rating in the UK, previously they've all been rated 12. It's definitely family friendly... but... it reminds me more and more of Herbie every moment I think about it.

As a last thought... seriously, Charlie? You have your moments. "If we're driving down the street and we see someone you have to hide"... if you're driving down the street he's a car anyway, hiding would make it more obvious that he's not just a car. You draw more attention to Bee than he does. Blindfolding yourself with Memo's shirt (weird moment in the film by the way, creepily out of place) and then standing out the sunroof? That won't make you more noticeable to passersby.

What you should do

It's an enjoyable film and should make for a fun family outing. I don't think there's any particular rush to see it in the cinema though.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

Who wouldn't want they're own Transformer who can change into any car it wants AND can dance?!