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Merissa (11731 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Council

Apr 5, 2021  
Is there any chance of getting a couple of genres added to the Book list? I've had a few in the Historical Fiction genre, as well as Military Fiction, come through recently.
Show all 4 comments.

ClareR (5589 KP) Apr 5, 2021

Yes, I agree with this. I’ve been reading a lot of historical fiction just lately 😊


Imogen SB (4507 KP) Apr 6, 2021

@Merissa Great Idea - Will pass it on see what we can do :)

War Stories: New Military Science Fiction
Jaym Gates | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As a military fiction fan and a sci fi fan this was the best of both worlds in one. I loved how most of the stories were from either a LBGT perspective or a female one. Also the various views of war from authors(and in a lot of cases) soldiers from not only different branches but different countries. There were one or two stories that were very difficult to read because their wordiness caused them to be pretentious and drag on(one in particular). Over all though I would recommend this book and would like to see some authors turn the short stories into full length books.

Sherryl Hancock-Author (1 KP) created a post

Jan 19, 2018  
Hi there everyone! I'm completely new here, so I'm still learning what to do and how to do it! I'm a writer of romance, I write both mainstream romance as well as lesbian romance. My books are published and can be found at under my name. I have three series out currently. My brand of romance is somewhat different from the classic romances, first of all there's action, I write mostly law enforcement, military or music industry related fiction. My characters deal with things like PTSD, mental health and violence against women. My female characters are ALWAYS strong women, I write them the way I want women to be perceived.
The Men Who Stare at Goats
The Men Who Stare at Goats
Jon Ronson | 2005 | History & Politics
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Truth is stranger than fiction
While a lot of readers may find this conspiratorial, it is actually bizarrely captivating and incredible to listen to. Some of the areas explored borders on bonkers, but actually much of it is true. Around 75 per cent of the time, it is absolutely hilarious, but there poses a genuine concern about what our intelligence agencies are doing outside of public knowledge.

Having read Jon Ronson's works before, it hardly comes as a surprise that he has managed to infiltrate such an eccentric part of the US military. I only wish each idea was more carefully investigated rather than feeling like Alice tumbling down a rabbit hole. Thoroughly enjoyable nevertheless.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1 in TV

Feb 16, 2018 (Updated Feb 16, 2018)  
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1
2017 | Sci-Fi
Not as we have known it
Knockabout SF action series that's strong on bonkers pulp fiction ideas - mushroom-powered star drives, evil duplicates, 'species reassignment surgery', and so on - but less impressive when it comes to narrative cohesion or actually resembling anything previously released under the Star Trek banner.

Theses could and probably have been written about the myriad ways in which Discovery cheerfully ignores or rewrites continuity from previous series and movies; a more serious problem is the generally dark tone, emphasis on military conflict, and absence of humanistic optimism. Effects are okay; Doug Jones is the best thing in it as peril-averse first officer, though pushed hard by Jason Isaacs as loose-cannon captain of the ship. Not actively bad on its own terms, I expect, but very disappointing as an actual piece of Star Trek.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Godeena in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this military, science fiction adventure, Godeena, Croatian author Stjepan Vareševac-Cobet delves into a world of modified soldiers, and alien monsters in this imaginative sci-fi fantasy adventure.

Brigadier Henry Broncon is sent to gather prisoners from a high security prison to complete a military mission that guarantees certain death to any of those who attempt it. But what’s it matter? Henry is a Cyber and modified with cybernetics. He won’t die. And what of his team? They’re dangerous prisoners who don’t even deserve to live. They’ll not be missed. Without this mission, they were never going to escape their prison sentences anyway.

I did find some sentences and point of view changes a little jarring, which took me out of the story at times, but I appreciate the author is from another country and can write in two languages, which I can’t, so kudos for that. However, it is most likely because of this I also found the sentence structures of the dialogue stilted, and at times felt that some of these dangerous, violent prisoners were talking a little bit too well-to-do sounding for my liking.

That said, the author has a fantastic imagination and managed to write a fully formed adventure surrounding a group of hand-picked, hardened criminals, with no choice than to go on a fatal mission of which there may be no way back. It’s even got a touch of romance, too.
Brothers In Arms
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brothers in Arms Anthology has a military streak running through it, to no ones' surprise! Most of them are in a contemporary setting, but one has a distinctive Science Fiction feel to it. They aren't just M/M either, there are Ménage Moments too.

All of the stories are very well written, considering the scope of a short story. I would love to see some of them expanded into full-length stories! Some of these authors were already known to me, but some were new and I will definitely be reading more.

I enjoyed all the stories, but if I had to pick a favourite, it would be either One Night With You or Would You Wait For Me? Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The German Nurse
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
62 of 220
The German Nurse
By M.J. Hollows

Her past could kill you.
Guernsey, 1940. As war storms through Europe, Churchill orders the evacuation of all military personnel from the island. Boats ferry soldiers and vulnerable young children to England, leaving their parents and loved ones behind to face the invading German army on their own.
Her love could save you.
One of the few remaining policemen on the island, Jack must protect not only his friends and family, but also the woman he loves: Johanna, a Jewish nurse from Germany, whose secret faith could prove fatal to them both.
Her fate is in your hands.
When the Nazis arrive, everything changes. Jack is forced to come to terms with the pain and loss of a world re-making itself around him. And then a list of Jews on the island is drawn up, and he must make an awful choice: write down Johanna’s name and condemn her, or resist and put his family in immediate danger…

A good read for those who love historical fiction. This was definitely a heartbreaking story.
Set during German occupation of Gernsey.
Phoenix Incident (2016)
Phoenix Incident (2016)
2016 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Today’s selection, for your consideration, is another movie from the ‘found footage’ genre. I know I know. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again … ‘The Blair Witch Project’ pretty much broke ground and played out that genre in the timespan of a single film. Hear me out though, cause the folks responsible for today’s selection tapped into the world of science fiction and ufos (and somewhat of a larger budget) to make this movie and the result is I believe a movie worthy enough to add to the selection of your Friday/Saturday night scary movie marathon. I’d even give it B-Movie/Cult Film status.


‘The Phoenix Incident’ is a documentary/sci-fi/thriller written and directed by Keith Arem and stars Yuri Lowenthal, Travis Willingham, Jamie Tisdale, Liam O’Brian, James C. Burns, Troy Baker, and Michael Adamthwaite. Based on the infamous ‘Phoenix Lights’ ufo incident which occurred on Thursday, March 13th 1997, the film merges the fictional disappearance of four local men and a military conspiracy with the factual account of thousands of people seeing what was described as a squadron or fleet of ufos seen traveling from the Nevada state line all the way to Phoenix, Arizona and later as far south as Mexico. The whole event was later attributed to a series of flares deployed as part of a trading exercise by A-10 Warthogs of U.S. National Guard (accounts vary by reports made by various media, law enforcement, and military outlets).


After overcoming a brief car accident outside of town and a brief but hostile encounter with a local religious fanatic, four of the five friends take off on their ATVs for an afternoon in the desert terrain surrounding Phoenix. As the friends are traversing the terrain and recording live video of their afternoon they suddenly spot a huge military presence consisting of warplanes, troop carriers, and attack helicopters racing into the desert at high speed. Intrigued and perhaps far too curious, the group of friends decide to try and follow the aircraft further into the desert as seen through their own camera footage. Darkness soon falls and the men become witnesses themselves to the mass UFO incident occurring over their town. Soon after though, their outing descends into absolute chaos as they become witnesses to something else. Something horrifying that will lead them into the unknown where their ultimate fate will become a mystery all its own. Included with the footage of the group are interviews with family and friends of the four missing men as well as interviews with law enforcement officials who each have different theories on what happened to the four friends. Intertwined with this footage is the account of the military exercises the men witnessed by an anonymous Air Force officer and his knowledge as to what REALLY happened to the four men that evening.


For a film made on less than a million dollars, I give this one major props. It’s definitely falls into the X-Files niche only without Mulder and Scully. I’m wondering if the filmmakers weren’t fans of ‘Unsolved Mysteries’ back in the day when Robert Stack hosted cause it has a similar bone-chilling aspect too it at some points. They didn’t CGI the hell out of the special effects either which I think is a real issue today in film and television. The acting ‘doesn’t look like acting’ either. The majority of ‘footage’ genuinely looks like a bunch of friends that start off spending the day goofing off and hanging out only to have their fun filled afternoon descend into utter hell.

I’ll give this one 3 out of 5 stars. Definitely worth the money for the digital download. Watch during sunset or at night to enhance the ‘thrill factor’ and checkout the bonus features included with the film as well. You’re liable to get caught up in it though and forget it’s fiction.


Or is it?

Christine A. (965 KP) rated Thin Air in Books

Jan 22, 2019 (Updated Jan 22, 2019)  
Thin Air
Thin Air
Richard K. Morgan | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stand-alone SciFi novel from the author of "Altered Carbon"
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

I was excited to see Richard K. Morgan was coming out with a new book. I enjoyed both the book and television series of "Altered Carbon". I had a difficult time getting into the book and, if I did not have to finish it, I probably would have stopped about 100 pages in. However, right there is where I started enjoying the book so I am glad I continued.

Hakan Veil is an ex–corporate enforcer equipped with body tech that's enables him to be a killing machine. His former employers dumped him off on Mars and he wants to return to his home planet, Earth. He is given that chance in exchange for babysitting an investigator from Earth, Madison Madekwe. His killing skills and military-grade body tech come in handy as he tries to help unravel the mystery surrounding Madison's investigation.

Veil's interaction with his internal AI is amusing and a big part of why I enjoyed the novel.

Richard K. Morgan's "Thin Air" is his first Science Fiction book published, according to Goodreads, in eight years. While it is in the same universe as "Thirteen", it is a stand-alone novel and you do not need to read it first.